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Gas-solid two-phase turbulent flows,mass transfer,heat transfer and catalytic cracking reactions areknown to exert interrelated influences in commercial fluid catalytic cracking(FCC)riser reactors.In the presentpaper,a three-dimensional turbulent gas-solid two-phase flow-reaction model for FCC riser reactors was devel-oped.The model took into account the gas-solid two-phase turbulent flows,inter-phase heat transfer,masstransfer,catalytic cracking reactions and their interrelated influence.The k-V-k_P two-phase turbulence modelwas employed and modified for the two-phase turbulent flow patterns with relatively high particle concentration.Boundary conditions for the flow-reaction model were given.Related numerical algorithm was formed and a nu-merical code was drawn up.Numerical modeling for commercial FCC riser reactors could be carried out with thepresented model.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional solid-liquid flow is mathematically formulated by means of the "two-fluid" approach and the two-phase k-ε-Ap turbulence model. The turbulent fluctuation correlations appearing in the Reynolds time averaged governing equations are fully incorporated. The solid-liquid flow field and solid concentration distribution in baffled stirred tanks with a standard Rushton impeller are numerically simulated using an improved "inner-outer" iterative procedure. The flow pattern is identified via the velocity vector plots and a recirculation loop with higher solid concentration is observed in the central vicinity beneath the impeller. Comparison of  相似文献   

The critical impeller speed, NJS, for complete suspension of solid particles in the agitated solid-liquid two-phase system in baffled stirred tanks with a standard Rushton impeller is predicted using the computational procedure proposed in Part I. Three different numerical criteria are tested for determining the critical solid suspension. The predicted NJS is compared with those obtained from several empirical correlations. It is suggested the most reasonable criterion for determining the complete suspension of solid particles is the positive sign of simulated axial velocity of solid phase at the location where the solid particles are most difficult to be suspended.  相似文献   

In this companion paper, flow patterns in the upstream and downstream tubes of a sudden-expansion cross-section (SECS) in a vertical straight pipe were presented. The effect of SECS on flow patterns upstream and downstream was analyzed by comparing with flow patterns in uniform cross-section vertical tubes. It is found the effect is great. There exist great instabilities of two-phase flow in the neighboring areas of the SECS both downstream and upstream.  相似文献   

A mathematical modei of two-dimensional turbulent gas-particle twophase flow based on the modified diffusion flux modei (DFM) and a numerical simulation method to analyze the gas-particle flow structures are developed. The modified diffusion flux modei, in which the acceleration due to various forces is taken into account for the calculation of the diffusion velocity of particles, is applicable to the analysis of multi-dimensional gas-particle two-phase turbulent flow. In order to verify its accuracy and efficiency, the numerical simulation by DFM is compared with experimental studies and the prediction by k-ε-kp two-fluid modei, which shows a reasonable agreement. It is confirmed that the modified diffusion flux modei is suitable for simulating the multi-dimensional gas-particle two-phase flow.  相似文献   

Aerosol particle removal and re-entrainment in turbulent channel flows are studied. The instantaneous fluid velocity field is generated by the direct numerical simulation (DNS) of the Navier – Stokes equation via a pseudospectral method. Particle removal mechanisms in turbulent channel flows are examined and the effects of hydrodynamic forces, torques and the near-wall coherent vorticity are discussed. The particle resuspension rates are evaluated, and the results are compared with the model of Reeks. The particle equation of motion used includes the hydrodynamic, the Brownian, the shearinduced lift and the gravitational forces. An ensemble of 8192 particles is used for particle resuspension and the subsequent trajectory analyses. It is found that large-size particles move away roughly perpendicular to the wall due to the action of the lift force. Small particles, however, follow the upward flows formed by the near-wall eddies in the low-speed streak regions. Thus, turbulent near-wall vortical structures play an important role in small particle resuspension, while the lift is an important factor for reentrainment of large particles. The simulation results suggests that small particles (with τ p + ≤ 0.023) primarily move away from the wall in the low-speed streaks, while larger particles (with τ p + ≥ 780) are mostly removed in the high-speed streaks.  相似文献   

Based on the fractal geometry, a new way for selecting material burden ratio and size distribution, named physical design of burden, which is different from stoichiometric weight of carbon burden, would play a more important role in the operation of submerged arc furnace process. Cold simulation investigation was carried out to find how the fraction and size of metal balls affects the specific conductivity of charge mixture, by applying the percolation structure theory. A parameter equation, s/s=A(F-Fc)v, was suggested to calculate the specific conductivity of the charge mixture.  相似文献   

In this article, the frequency effect on the applicability of Beer–Lambert's law for thawing frozen wood using the microwave energy was analyzed. To this end, we use Maxwell's equations to determine the absorbed power and characterize the critical slab thickness L crit of three Canadian eastern wood species: trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx), yellow birch (Betula alleghaniensis), and sugar maple (Acer saccharum). The critical thickness L crit above which the Beer–Lambert law is valid is estimated as a hyperbolic function in the frequency domain: L crit = m/f n (f is the frequency of microwave radiation; m and n are adjustment constants). The nonlinear heat conduction problem involving phase changes such as wood freezing is solved by a three-dimensional volumetric specific enthalpy-based finite element method. The dielectric and thermophysical properties are functions of temperature and moisture content. The specific volumetric enthalpy approach is validated by experimental testing. For instance, we studied the frequency effect on the thawing of frozen trembling aspen wood.  相似文献   

《Electrochimica acta》1986,31(2):227-230
The hole conductivity of CuI is affected by the presence of Cu(II) ions arising from the synthesis process. By treating these ions as aliovalent impurities, the value of the hole migration energy is obtained.  相似文献   

In view of the complex gas–solid flow characteristics in a fluidized-bed roaster, the discrete phase model (DPM) provided by ANSYS software was used to numerically analyze the model using a coupled algorithm. The asymmetric flow phenomenon in the transition section at the top of the furnace was found to be unfavourable to the gas–solid flow, and an inverted U-shaped furnace structure was proposed to optimize the transition section at the top of the furnace. A large cold experimental setup was built to verify the model. The results showed that the air velocity is mainly in the axial upward direction; under the action of the gas, the solid particles and the air velocity are basically in the same direction. The main furnace and subfurnace connection section changes the movement of the gas–solid mixture, and its unreasonable structure leads to the asymmetric flow phenomenon of the gas–solid fluid at the top of the furnace. Compared with the previous furnace structure, the uniformity of gas–solid flow in the optimized ‘inverted U-shaped’ structure has been significantly improved. The cold experimental results are in good agreement with the numerical simulation results, which verifies the accuracy of the proposed model.  相似文献   

钒电池是一种高效储能装置,钒电池电解液直接影响电池性能。本文以V2O3、V2O5和H2SO4为原料,化学合成了用于钒电池的V(Ⅲ)-V(Ⅳ)电解液,研究了无水乙醇与焦磷酸钠作为添加剂对电解液稳定性和电化学活性的影响。实验结果表明,当V2O3/V2O5质量比为7.2∶1时,可以得到V(Ⅲ)/V(Ⅳ)离子浓度比为1.0的电解液;添加剂的加入能提高电解液的稳定性和电化学反应活性。  相似文献   

Zeolite P was synthesized through hydrothermal method based on a kind of Class C fly ash(FA). X-ray diffraction(XRD), scanning electron microscopy(SEM), and Brunauer–Emmett–Teller(BET) were used to analyze and characterize the synthetic sample. The kinetics and thermodynamics of copper and nickel ions removed by the zeolite samples were experimentally explored in detail. The results of kinetic treatment showed the second-order exchange second-order saturation model(SESSM) can well describe the removal process of copper ions, while the first-order empirical kinetic model(FEKM) is the best kinetic model for nickel ions. Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms were used to fit the equilibrium concentration of Cu(Ⅱ) or Ni(Ⅱ) under certain conditions. Whether for copper or nickel ion, the Langmuir model is in good agreement with the experimental equilibrium concentration.The apparent theoretical removal capacities for Cu(Ⅱ) and Ni(Ⅱ) can reach to 138.1 mg·g~(-1) and 77.0 mg·g~(-1),respectively.  相似文献   

The dimeric structure of the N-terminal 12 residues drives the interaction of α-synuclein protein with membranes. Moreover, experimental studies indicated that the aggregation of α-synuclein is faster at low pH than neutral pH. Nevertheless, the effects of different pH on the structural characteristics of the α-syn12 dimer remain poorly understood. We performed 500 ns temperature replica exchange molecular dynamics (T-REMD) simulations of two α-syn12 peptides in explicit solvent. The free energy surfaces contain ten highly populated regions at physiological pH, while there are only three highly populated regions contained at acidic pH. The anti-parallel β-sheet conformations were found as the lowest free energy state. Additionally, these states are nearly flat with a very small barrier which indicates that these states can easily transit between themselves. The dimer undergoes a disorder to order transition from physiological pH to acidic pH and the α-syn12 dimer at acidic pH involves a faster dimerization process. Further, the Lys6–Asp2 contact may prevent the dimerization.  相似文献   

Differences in chemical behavior between non-fluorinated and fluorinated methylimines in the tandem Mannich–Michael-type reaction are described based on NMR and computational studies.  相似文献   

<正> (Continued page 13,issue 10)Dyestuff sectorBy 2012,the dyestuff sector should apply thehydrogenation reduction cleaner productiontechnology of dyestuff and pigment intermediatesinto 60% of its capacity,complete thetechnological renovation of 250 000 t/a dyestuffand pigment intermediate capacity withcleaner production technologies like the hydrogenationreduction technology and the sulfurtrioxide sulfonation technology to reduce  相似文献   

Composite materials based on refractory silicides, in particular their solid solutions, are widely used in many areas of engineering for parts of heating elements and heat resistance protective coatings. This paper presents the findings obtained in the study of peculiarities of solid-phase interaction during synthesis of Cr0.9Ta0.1Si2 and Cr0.5Ti0.5Si2 solid solutions depending on the synthesis conditions. The effect of the powder dispersity on compaction of targets from Cr0.9Ta0.1Si2 and Cr0.5Ti0.5Si2 powders has been studied, and it has been established that the use of nanosized powders complicates the process of pressing. Also, sintering of targets from nanosized Cr0.9Ta0.1Si2 and Cr0.5Ti0.5Si2 powders was studied. The sintered targets were established to have a small grain size and uniform porosity all over the volume. Thanks to small closed porosity, the targets exhibit high heat resistance under thermal shock.  相似文献   

China Petroleum and Chemical IndustryAssociation(CPCIA)and the Associationof International Manufacturers Ltd.(AICM)further introduce the China Re-sponsible Care Conference-Sharing BestPractices from Around the World 2005,which held on June 14-16,2005 in Beijing.Responsible Care is the global chemi-cal industry's commitment to the con-tinuous improvement in ourenvironmental,health,and safety(EHS)performance.The guiding principles of  相似文献   

The partitioning of three coalescents of different polarity in different phases of multiphase acrylic particles was studied to provide a rationale for obtaining the desired performance of binders for wood coatings in terms of the ideal balance between hardness development, blocking resistance, and blushing resistance. Minimum film formation temperature- and aqueous differential scanning calorimetry-measurements on the hard phase polymer by itself showed the different extents to which both hydroplasticization and plasticization by the coalescent occur. Dynamic mechanical thermal analysis was subsequently used to visualize wet-T g effects of three different coalescents in the hard and soft polymer phase of these multiphase acrylic particles. The results have important consequences for the formulation of such binders in applications for exterior wood coatings and coatings in general.  相似文献   

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