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李鹏华  柴毅  熊庆宇 《自动化学报》2013,39(9):1511-1522
针对Elman神经网络的学习速度和泛化性能, 提出一种具有量子门结构的新型Elman神经网络模型及其梯度扩展反向传播(Back-propagation)学习算法, 新模型由量子比特神经元和经典神经元构成. 新网络结构采用量子映射层以确保来自上下文单元的局部反馈与隐藏层输入之间的模式一致; 通过量子比特神经元输出与相关量子门参数的修正互补关系以提高网络更新动力. 新学习算法采用搜索然后收敛的策略自适应地调整学习率参数以提高网络学习速度; 通过将上下文单元的权值扩展到隐藏层的权值矩阵, 使其在与隐藏层权值同步更新过程中获取时间序列的额外信息, 从而提高网络上下文单元输出与隐藏层输入之间的匹配程度. 以峰值检波为例的数值实验结果显示, 在量子反向传播学习过程中, 量子门Elman神经网络具有较快的学习速度和良好的泛化性能.  相似文献   

为解决量子态信息获取问题,基于量子层析理论,深入分析了单量子比特和多量子比特的层析理论,设计了利用量子态层析进行量子态测量的实验方案,并通过计算机仿真技术对单量子比特层析实验进行了模拟.在理论分析和仿真实验的基础上得到如下结论:通过适当选取测量次数,量子层析技术可以较为精确地重构量子态密度矩阵,获取量子态信息,同时可以兼顾实验效率.  相似文献   

张国帅  许道云 《软件学报》2019,30(12):3579-3589
EPR态作为最基本的量子纠缠态,在量子隐形传态中起着重要作用.研究适应任意类型EPR通道的单量子比特隐形传送通用线路,并推广到任意N比特量子隐形传送通用线路.首先设计出4种EPR态,分别作为量子通道的单比特量子隐形传态,通过分析EPR量子通道与量子操作门之间的关系,设计一种单比特通用线路;然后,设计两比特的标准量子隐形传态线路,并用Mathematica进行仿真验证线路的正确性,再把它推广到N比特量子隐形传送线路;最后,将单量子比特通用线路与N比特量子隐形传送线路进行融合,最终设计出任意N比特量子隐形传送通用线路.N粒子量子比特通用线路通过信息接受者进行带参数的幺正变换,其中,参数由制备出的EPR对类型确定,解决了因EPR制备中心出错导致的信息传送失败问题.  相似文献   

应用量子隐形传态将Broadbent等人提出的通用盲量子计算(universal blind quantum computation)模型和辅助量子比特驱动型量子计算(ancilla-driven universal quantum computation)模型进行结合, 构造一个新的混合模型来进行计算。此外, 用计算寄存器对量子纠缠的操作来代替量子比特测量操作。因为后者仅限于两个量子比特, 所以代替后的计算优势十分明显。基于上述改进, 设计了实现辅助驱动型通用盲量子计算的协议。协议的实现, 能够使Anders等人的辅助驱动型量子计算增强计算能力, 并保证量子计算的正确性, 从而使得参与计算的任何一方都不能获得另一方的保密信息。  相似文献   

一种改进的量子旋转门量子遗传算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
量子遗传算法易陷入局部极值.为此,提出一种改进量子旋转门的量子遗传算法.将量子比特的概率幅值应用于染色体编码,使用量子旋转门实现染色体的更新操作,从而实现目标的优化求解.理论分析及实验结果表明,该算法以概率1收敛,强收敛于1-ε,与双链遗传算法相比,能增加算法复杂度,延长平均时间,对验证函数1收敛次数由3次增加到7次,对验证函数2收敛次数由8次增加到9次.  相似文献   

曹茂俊  李盼池  肖红 《计算机工程》2011,37(12):182-184
提出一种基于量子神经网络(QNNs)的比例积分微分(PID)参数在线调整方法.通过构造受控量子旋转门,给出一个量子神经元模型,其中包括输入量子比特相位的旋转角度和控制量2种设计参数.在此基础上提出一个量子神经网络模型,利用梯度下降法设计该模型的学习算法,并将其用于PID参数的在线调整,实验结果表明,QNNs的调整能力及...  相似文献   

通过使用闲置比特取代引入辅助比特,在闲置比特真正工作之前,它们代替辅助比特工作,可以大大提高量子比特的使用效率,减少操作时间.该方法可以进一步推广到其他量子线路.  相似文献   

一种量子神经网络模型学习算法及应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
提出一种量子神经网络模型及学习算法. 首先基于生物神经元信息处理机制和量子计算原理构造出一种量子神经元, 该神经元由加权、聚合、活化、激励四部分组成. 然后由量子神经元构造出三层量子神经网络模型, 其输入和输出为实值向量, 权值和活性值为量子比特. 基于梯度下降法构造了该模型的超线性收敛学习算法. 通过模式识别和函数逼近两种仿真结果表明该模型及算法是有效的.  相似文献   

基于比特承诺的计算安全量子密码协议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
比特承诺是重要的密码学元素,在复杂密码协议设计(如:零知识证明)中扮演着重要角色.Mayers,Lo和Chau分别独立证明了所有无条件安全的量子比特承诺方案都是不安全的,即著名的Mayers-Lo-Chau不可行定理.但这并不排除存在计算安全的量子比特承诺.2000年,Dumais等人给出了一个基于计算假设的量子单向置换可以用于构造计算安全的比特承诺方案.利用纠错码的方法,把量子比特承诺扩展成量子多比特承诺方案,并证明了所给方案的隐蔽性质和约束性质.以比特承诺方案为基础,给出了量子数字签名和量子加密认证方案的设计方法,并给出了协议的安全性证明.  相似文献   

芦殿军  李志慧  闫晨红  刘璐 《软件学报》2022,33(12):4804-4815
基于四量子比特Cluster态,提出一种可验证多方量子密钥协商方案.方案允许每次由两个参与者利用自己的子密钥分别在每个四量子比特Cluster态的两个粒子上执行X运算,并对转换后的Cluster态执行延迟测量,这保证了每个参与者对协商密钥的贡献相等.提出的方案使用相互无偏基粒子作为诱饵粒子,并且利用对称二元多项式的一对函数值对这些诱饵粒子执行酉运算,不仅可以进行窃听检验,而且还能进行参与者之间的身份验证.本方案适用于任意大于2的参与者人数.安全性分析表明,提出的方案能够抵抗外部攻击及参与者攻击.与现有的多方密钥协商方案相比,该方案不仅在诱饵粒子的使用上有优势,同时具有较高的量子比特效率.  相似文献   

Controlling Spin Qubits in Quantum Dots   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We review progress on the spintronics proposal for quantum computing where the quantum bits (qubits) are implemented with electron spins. We calculate the exchange interaction of coupled quantum dots and present experiments, where the exchange coupling is measured via transport. Then, experiments on single spins on dots are described, where long spin relaxation times, on the order of a millisecond, are observed. We consider spin-orbit interaction as sources of spin decoherence and find theoretically that also long decoherence times are expected. Further, we describe the concept of spin filtering using quantum dots and show data of successful experiments. We also show an implementation of a read out scheme for spin qubits and define how qubits can be measured with high precision. Then, we propose new experiments, where the spin decoherence time and the Rabi oscillations of single electrons can be measured via charge transport through quantum dots. Finally, all these achievements have promising applications both in conventional and quantum information processing. PACS: 03.67.Lx, 03.67.Mn, 73.23.Hk, 85.35.Be  相似文献   

Scattering of a ballistic electron by the quantum-dot spin qubits fixed in a graphene nanoribbon is investigated theoretically. Two simple cases are investigated in details: scattering from a static quantum dot and scattering from two static quantum dots located at a fixed distance from each other. For the first case, it is shown that the Klein tunneling in a graphene sheet leads to a final entangled state for the reflected and/or transmitted electrons. The amount of the generated entanglement through the scattering process is a function of the incident angle for the ballistic electrons. For the second case, it is shown that the created correlation between the quantum dots is a periodic function of their distance. For frontal incident electrons in both cases, there is not any reflection and the Klein tunneling effect leads to a final well-correlated state for the scattering system.  相似文献   

We propose a scheme to read out qubits defined in single nuclear spins—addressing one of the main obstacles on the way to a solid state NMR quantum computer. It is based on a “spin valve” between bulk nuclear spin systems that is highly sensitive to the state of the qubit spin. We suggest a concrete realization of that detector in a Si lattice and show that it can be operated over a broad range of experimental parameters. Transport of spin through the proposed spin valve is analogous to that of charge through an electronic nanostructure, but exhibits distinctive new features.   相似文献   

Explicit controlled-NOT gate sequences between two qubits of different types are presented in view of applications for large-scale quantum computation. Here, the building blocks for such composite systems are qubits based on the electrostatically confined electronic spin in semiconductor quantum dots. For each system the effective Hamiltonian models expressed by only exchange interactions between pair of electrons are exploited in two different geometrical configurations. A numerical genetic algorithm that takes into account the realistic physical parameters involved is adopted. Gate operations are addressed by modulating the tunneling barriers and the energy offsets between different couple of quantum dots. Gate infidelities are calculated considering limitations due to unideal control of gate sequence pulses, hyperfine interaction and charge noise.  相似文献   

Recent experimental progress in controlling neutral group-II atoms for optical clocks, and in the production of degenerate gases with group-II atoms has given rise to novel opportunities to address challenges in quantum computing and quantum simulation. In these systems, it is possible to encode qubits in nuclear spin states, which are decoupled from the electronic state in the 1S0 ground state and the long-lived 3P0 metastable state on the clock transition. This leads to quantum computing scenarios where qubits are stored in long lived nuclear spin states, while electronic states can be accessed independently, for cooling of the atoms, as well as manipulation and readout of the qubits. The high nuclear spin in some fermionic isotopes also offers opportunities for the encoding of multiple qubits on a single atom, as well as providing an opportunity for studying many-body physics in systems with a high spin symmetry. Here we review recent experimental and theoretical progress in these areas, and summarise the advantages and challenges for quantum computing and quantum simulation with group-II atoms.  相似文献   

Fast and high fidelity quantum control is the key technology of quantum computing. The hybrid system composed of the nitrogen-vacancy center and nearby Carbon-13 nuclear spin is expected to solve this problem. The nitrogen-vacancy center electron spin enables fast operations for its strong coupling to the control field, whereas the nuclear spins preserve the coherence for their weak coupling to the environment. In this paper, we describe a strategy to achieve time-optimal control of the Carbon-13 nuclear spin qubit by alternating controlling the nitrogen-vacancy center electron spin as an actuator. We transform the qubit gate operation into a switched system. By using the maximum principle, we study the minimum time control of the switched system and obtain the time-optimal control of the qubit gate operation. We show that the $X$ gate and $Y$ gate operations are within 10 $\mu$s while the fidelity reaches 0.995.  相似文献   

利用核磁共振(NMR)实验技术来实现量子计算,是当前各种验证量子算法最为有效的方法之一,但这个方法首先必须把量子算法编译成在现代超导核磁共振谱仪上能够直接执行的NMR脉冲序列,亦即NMR量子计算程序,在NMR技术中,通常只要施加合适的射频脉冲,便可以达到使核自旋翻转以实现某种逻辑功能的目的,本文讨论如何设计多量子位核磁共振(NMR)脉冲序列来实现量子傅立叶变换算法,并在量子仿真器(QCE)上进行实验验证。  相似文献   

利用核磁共振(NMR)实验技术来实现量子计算,是当前各种验证量子算法最为有效的方法之一,但这个方法首先必须把量子算法编译成在现代超导核磁共振谱仪上能够直接执行的NMR脉冲序列,即NMR量子计算程序。在NMR技术中通常只要施加合适的射频脉冲,便可以达到使核自旋翻转以实现某种逻辑功能的目的,该文讨论了如何设计多量子位核磁共振(NMR)脉冲序列来实现Grower量子搜索算法,并在量子仿真器(QCE)上进行了实验验证。  相似文献   

We investigate the dynamic creation of quantum correlation and entropic uncertainty relation (EUR) in a system of two non-interacting qubits, which are initially prepared in a classically correlated state and subject to the independent radiation in an isotropic or anisotropic photonic bandgap (PBG) crystal environment. It is shown that the detuning condition and environmental structure play a crucial role in controlling the emergence of geometric quantum discord (GQD) and one-norm GQD. In addition, the remarkable similarities and differences for quantum correlation in two PBG environments are also analyzed in detail. Finally, we explore the time evolution of EUR in our model under the influence of PBG environment and present some interesting results.  相似文献   

Circuit quantum electrodynamics system composed of many qubits and resonators may provide an excellent way to realize large-scale quantum information processing (QIP). Because of key role for large-scale QIP and quantum computation, multi-qubit gates have drawn intensive attention recently. Here, we present a one-step method to achieve a multi-target-qubit controlled phase gate in a multi-resonator system, which possesses a common control qubit and multiple different target qubits distributed in their respective resonators. Noteworthily, the implementation of this multi-qubit phase gate does not require classical pulses, and the gate operation time is independent of the number of qubits. Besides, the proposed scheme can in principle be adapted to a general type of qubits like natural atoms, quantum dots, and solid-state qubits (e.g., superconducting qubits and NV centers).  相似文献   

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