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New rate-1/3 linear trellis (convolutional) codes with 8-PSK modulation for bandlimited additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channels are reported. The simulated bit error probability performance of the trellis-coded modulation schemes with unquantised Viterbi decoding shows useful coding gains over the uncoded coherent BPSK having the same bandwidth efficiency of 1 bit/s/Hz and the schemes are suitable for use in many practical bandlimited channels.<>  相似文献   

This paper investigates the code search problem for trellis-coded multidimensional phase modulation for Rayleigh fading channels. New set partitionings for multiple phase-shift keying (M-PSK) are proposed using the effective code length (ECL) and the minimum product distance (PD) as the code design criteria. By using these set-partitionings rules, new multidimensional codes which are optimum for Rayleigh fading channels are constructed. The proposed codes compare favorably with the existing multidimensional trellis codes on fading channels in terms of bit error performance. The bit error performance is evaluated by simulation  相似文献   

The design of trellis coded modulation (TCM) schemes for QAM constellations to counteract simultaneous flat fading and additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) is considered. Motivated by the results of Divsalar and Simon (see IEEE Trans. Commun., vol.36, p.1004, 1988), and incorporating some recent ideas from Boulle and Belfiore (1992), we develop novel 2-D TCM schemes that attain diversity of order two even for a trellis structure that includes parallel paths with one symbol per edge. An algorithm is described that transforms codes designed for the AWGN channel into codes that achieve significant gains over flat fading channel, while preserving their coding gain over AWGN channel. Their performance is assessed via computer simulation for some representative TCM-QAM schemes under the assumption of uncorrelated fading and perfect channel state information (CSI). Finally, the effects of finite interleaving as well as imperfect CSI on code performance are investigated  相似文献   

Du  J. Kamio  Y. Sasaoka  H. Vucetic  B. 《Electronics letters》1993,29(20):1745-1746
The authors propose some new 32-QAM trellis codes for fading channels and examine the performance. The results show that the proposed codes achieve significant improvements relative to the known 32-QAM trellis codes.<>  相似文献   

We propose a class of codes which combine the principles of turbo coding and space-time trellis codes. It is first shown that several classes of space-time codes have an equivalent recursive realization. This fact is then exploited to design serial concatenated coding schemes with an outer code, interleaver, and an inner recursive space-time encoder. Two solutions are proposed in this paper - the use of convolutional outer codes aimed mainly to improve the power efficiency and the use of very high-rate outer codes to obtain significant improvement in power efficiency with a marginal decrease in spectral efficiency. We show that single parity check based turbo product codes are a good candidate for very high-rate outer codes. Finally, we propose an automatic repeat request scheme based on recursive realizations of space-time codes and show that the proposed scheme provides significant reduction in frame error rate.  相似文献   

基于信道容量规则和分组分割,构造自适应于AWGN和Rayleigh两种信道的多级编码系统,为移动信道编码调制系统的设计度量提供参考。提出利用信道状态信息的软判决支路度量计算公式,分析分组分割方案的自适应特性,比较软、硬判决译码对系统性能的影响,结果表明本文提出的自适应系统比未编码系统获得可观的编码增益。  相似文献   

It is known that concatenated coding can significantly enhance the performance of digital communication systems operating over fading channels when compared to uncoded or single-coded systems. The price to be paid for such an improvement, however, is a substantial increase in the required bandwidth. In this paper, we consider the use of a concatenation scheme in which the inner code is a trellis-coded modulation (TCM) system. The analysis is carried out for two different outer codes: a binary Golay code and a non-binary Reed-Solomon code. Results obtained for the Rayleigh and Rician fading channels through analytical bounds indicate that the use of this system does provide a significant reduction in the bit error probability, a fact that is also verified through computer simulation. Unlike a traditional concatenated system, the proposed method achieves the coding gain while maintaining acceptable bandwidth efficiency.  相似文献   

This correspondence presents a general approach to upper bounding coded system performance over quasistatic fading channels (QSFC). This approach has the advantage of yielding a closed-form upper bound that converge for all signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs). The proposed approach is used to upper-bound the performance of space-time trellis codes (STTC) over QSFCs. The resulting upper bounds for STTCs are better adapted to the QSFC and present an improvement over worst case pairwise error probability (PEP) analysis used so far. In its second part, this correspondence investigates several ways to reduce the complexity of computing the distance spectrum of STTCs. The combined result obtained from using the new upper bounds and the computed distance spectra are shown to be close to simulated performance for all SNRs.  相似文献   

Frame synchronization for coded systems over AWGN channels   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
For the additive white Gaussian noise channel, we consider the problem of frame synchronization for coded systems. We present an algorithm that takes advantage of soft information provided by a soft decoder to produce an enhanced estimate of the frame boundary. To reduce complexity, a companion algorithm is introduced that is a hybrid of the optimal uncoded frame synchronizer introduced by Massey and the list synchronizer introduced by Robertson. The high-complexity coded maximum-likelihood frame synchronizer used by Robertson will accordingly be replaced by our algorithm, which operates on decoder-provided soft decisions. The algorithm begins by obtaining a list of high-probability starting positions via the log-likelihood function of the optimal uncoded frame synchronizer. Then, a test /spl delta/ is used to decide if the decision of the optimal uncoded frame synchronizer is sufficient, or whether list synchronization is required. If the test chooses in favor of using the optimal uncoded synchronizer, the estimate is obtained with relative ease. Otherwise, list synchronization is performed, and statistics provided by the decoder are used to resolve the frame boundary. Monte Carlo simulations demonstrate that the frame-synchronization-error rate (the probability of the synchronizer making an error) achieves the lower bound for signal-to-noise ratio values exceeding 1 dB.  相似文献   

极化码是基于信道极化(Channel Polarization)现象,首次以构造性的方法逼近信道容量的码。极化码的构造可以归结为子信道的选择问题,它直接决定了连续删除译码算法的性能和极化码的渐进性,Arikan给出了在BEC信道下极化码的详细构造方法,然而在高斯信道下这种方法的复杂度会随着码长的增加而指数增加,文中分别详细给出了扎起高斯信道下利用蒙特卡罗方法、密度进化、高斯近似进行极化码构造的步骤和计算方法,并从极化效果、帧错误率和复杂度上分析和比较了这三种方法在性能以及复杂度上的区别,仿真结果表明基于高斯近似的构造方法具有低复杂度和低错误概率的性能。  相似文献   

空时编码是应用于无线通信中的一种新的编码和信号处理技术,它将信道编码技术与多天线阵技术相结合。采用这种技术以后,可以大幅度地提高无线通信系统的信息容量和传输速率,并能有效地提高抗噪声和抗干扰的能力。匙孔信道的研究目前还处于初级阶段,现介绍了匙孔信道的空时格形码的编译码技术,就其性能特点做简略的分析介绍,并给出了一些结论。  相似文献   

Turbo codes are sensitive to both (timing) synchronization errors and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) mismatch. Since turbo codes are intended to work in environments with very low SNR, conventional synchronization methods often fail. This paper investigates blind symbol-timing synchronization and SNR estimation based on oversampled data frames. The technique is particularly suitable for low-rate turbo codes operating in additive white Gaussian noise at low SNR and modest data-transfer rates, as in deep space, satellite, fixed wireless, or wireline communications. In accordance with the turbo principle, intermediate decoding results are fed back to the estimator, thereby facilitating decision-directed estimation. The analytical and simulated results show that with three or more samples per symbol and raised cosine-rolloff pulse shaping, performance approaches that of systems with perfect timing and SNR knowledge at the receiver.  相似文献   

It is shown that under certain conditions, when convolutional codes with precoding are used in conjunction with a partial response channel, the number of decoder states in a maximum-likelihood decoder matched to both the code and channel is 1/2 of that predicted by J.K. Wolf and G. Ungerboeck (ibid., vol.COM-34, no.7, p.751-72, 1986)  相似文献   

The performance of trellis codes is examined for a class of intersymbol interference (ISI) channels that occur in high-frequency radio systems. The channels considered are characterized by in-band spectral nulls and by a rapid time variation. The baseline modulation technique is 4QAM (four-point quadrature amplitude modulation). When spectral nulls are absent, performance of fractionally spaced linear equalizers and trellis decoders is found to be near ideal and to be better than using symbol-spacing in the equalizer. However, error propagation in the feedback path, resulting from equalizer-based decisions, ruins the performance of the combination of decision-feedback equalizers and trellis decoders when spectral nulls are present. Their performance can be improved by using fractionally spaced feedforward equalizer sections and by designing the decoder to compensate for ISI. Rate 2/3 codes are found to outperform rate 1/2 codes in error performance  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the performance of space-time trellis codes (STTCs) with receive antenna selection over fast fading channels. Specifically, we derive upper bounds on the pairwise-error probability (PEP) with antenna selection. In performing the selection, we adopt a criterion that is based on using L out of the available M receive antennas that result in maximizing the instantaneous signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at the receiver, where L les M. We show that the diversity order resulting from antenna selection deteriorates significantly and is actually dictated by the number of selected antennas. The implication of this result is that adding more receive antennas, while maintaining the same number of selected ones, will have no impact on the diversity order, but it does, however, provide some additional coding gain. This is unlike the case for quasi-static fading channels in which the diversity order is always preserved with antenna selection when the underlying STTC is full-rank. We present numerical examples that support our analysis  相似文献   

We propose the building of high rate space-time codes for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) block fading multipath additive white Gaussian noise channels by layering small compound space-time trellis codes. To recover part of the spatial diversity between the different layers, we also study their concatenation with an outer code. Naturally, our space-time coding architecture puts the burden on the receiver complexity. As a main contribution of this paper, a near-optimal soft-input soft-output reduced-complexity trellis search algorithm is suggested for joint MIMO detection and inner decoding.  相似文献   

New geometrically uniform trellis codes over multidimensional unbalanced 4-, 8-, and 16-PSK constellations, obtained with the group code approach, are presented. They improve by up to 1.25 dB the asymptotic performance of the best known trellis codes over multidimensional balanced PSK. To check their “optimality”, an upper bound on the free distance of group trellis codes is derived. Some of the new codes achieve the largest obtainable free distance, and several others are close to the bound. Exploiting the symmetry properties of the codes, curves of tight upper bounds to the error probability are also presented  相似文献   

Permutation trellis codes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We introduce the new concept of permutation trellis codes and present a generalized construction procedure, applying our technique of distance-preserving mappings. Minimum-distance decoding follows naturally, using the Viterbi algorithm. We furthermore investigate the performance of these codes when combined with multitone frequency-shift keying modulation and noncoherent detection in a diversity scheme, to make transmissions robust against narrowband, broadband, and background noise disturbances, such as those encountered in power-line communications.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of joint source-channel coding of two correlated binary information sequences. Instead of compressing the information using source coding, both sequences are independently channel encoded and transmitted over two independent additive white Gaussian noise channels. No information about the correlation between the sources is required in the encoding process. The correlation between both sequences is exploited at the receiver, allowing reliable communications at signal-to-noise ratios very close to the theoretical limits established by the combination of Shannon and Slepian-Wolf theorems. This occurs even when the correlation between sources is not known at the decoder, since it can be estimated jointly with the iterative decoding process.  相似文献   

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