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Clustering uncertain data streams has recently become one of the most challenging tasks in data management because of the strict space and time requirements of processing tuples arriving at high speed and the difficulty that arises from handling uncertain data. The prior work on clustering data streams focuses on devising complicated synopsis data structures to summarize data streams into a small number of micro-clusters so that important statistics can be computed conveniently, such as Clustering Feature (CF) (Zhang et al. in Proceedings of ACM SIGMOD, pp 103–114, 1996) for deterministic data and Error-based Clustering Feature (ECF) (Aggarwal and Yu in Proceedings of ICDE, 2008) for uncertain data. However, ECF can only handle attribute-level uncertainty, while existential uncertainty, the other kind of uncertainty, has not been addressed yet. In this paper, we propose a novel data structure, Uncertain Feature (UF), to summarize data streams with both kinds of uncertainties: UF is space-efficient, has additive and subtractive properties, and can compute complicated statistics easily. Our first attempt aims at enhancing the previous streaming approaches to handle the sliding-window model by using UF instead of old synopses, inclusive of CluStream (Aggarwal et al. in Proceedings of VLDB, 2003) and UMicro (Aggarwal and Yu in Proceedings of ICDE, 2008). We show that such methods cannot achieve high efficiency. Our second attempt aims at devising a novel algorithm, cluUS , to handle the sliding-window model by using UF structure. Detailed analysis and thorough experimental reports on synthetic and real data sets confirm the advantages of our proposed method.  相似文献   

Online fault-diagnosis is applied to various systems to enable an automatic monitoring and, if applicable, the recovery from faults to prevent the system from failing. For a sound decision on occurred faults, typically a large amount of sensor measurements and state variables has to be gathered, analyzed and evaluated in real-time. Due to the complexity and the nature of distributed systems all this data needs to be communicated among the network, which is an expensive affair in terms of communication resources and time. In this paper we present compression strategies that utilize the fact that many of these data streams are highly correlated and can be compressed simultaneously. Experimental results show that this can lead to better compression ratios compared to an individual compression of the data streams. Moreover, the algorithms support real-time constraints for time-triggered architectures and enable the data to be transmitted by means of shorter messages, leading to a reduced communication time and improved scheduling results. With an example data set we show that, depending on the parameters of the compression algorithm, more than one third of the bits (34.3%) in the data communication can be saved while only on about 0.2% of all data values a slight loss of accuracy occurs. This means 99.8% of the data values can be correctly delivered without any loss but with a significant reduction of bandwidth demands.  相似文献   

针对频繁模式增长算法无法适应数据流的无限性和流动性的特点,提出一种新颖的FP-tree的变形结构--FPS-tree,只需单遍扫描便能获取当前窗口的全部数据库信息。为了在滑动窗口时有效地删除过期窗格和插入新窗格,提出一个新颖的概念--“尾结点”,FPS-tree中每条路径上的窗格信息只保持在尾结点里。实验结果表明FPS-tree的压缩性能要优于其他单遍扫描的前缀树结构。  相似文献   

Efficient monitoring of skyline queries over distributed data streams   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Data management and data mining over distributed data streams have received considerable attention within the database community recently. This paper is the first work to address skyline queries over distributed data streams, where streams derive from multiple horizontally split data sources. Skyline query returns a set of interesting objects which are not dominated by any other objects within the base dataset. Previous work is concentrated on skyline computations over static data or centralized data streams. We present an efficient and an effective algorithm called BOCS to handle this issue under a more challenging environment of distributed streams. BOCS consists of an efficient centralized algorithm GridSky and an associated communication protocol. Based on the strategy of progressive refinement in BOCS, the skyline is incrementally computed by two phases. In the first phase, local skylines on remote sites are maintained by GridSky. At each time, only skyline increments on remote sites are sent to the coordinator. In the second phase, a global skyline is obtained by integrating remote increments with the latest global skyline. A theoretical analysis shows that BOCS is communication-optimal among all algorithms which use a share-nothing strategy. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our proposals are efficient, scalable, and stable.  相似文献   

在分布式数据流中,数据流之间相关性分析可以揭示被监测对象之间存在的内在联系。提出了一个基于基窗口的相关系数的计算方法,该方法先将计算相关系数的公式变形为由适合基窗口聚集的因子组成,然后用基于基窗口的方法聚集每个因子。基于基窗口的聚集方法是将窗口中的数据项划分成一系列基窗口并分别对基窗口进行计算。当窗口随机滑动后,新窗口中数据项的聚集可以部分地利用上一次窗口聚集的结果。模拟实验表明,与每次对窗口中所有数据进行聚集相比,基于基窗口的方法可以有效地降低数据流相关系数的计算时间。  相似文献   

差分隐私作为现在的一种隐私保护机制得到了广泛的应用.目前虽然存在着很多种静态数据集上的直方图发布方法,但是对于数据流环境下的基于滑动窗口直方图发布方法较少,并且面临着直方图的发布误差较高的问题.对于此问题,提出了一种适用于滑动窗口模型的数据流差分隐私直方图发布算法(histogram pub-lishing algorithm for sliding window model,HPA-SW).该算法首先基于数据分块的思想来把一个滑动窗口划分为k个子块,并通过该参数来控制和调节数据直方图的统计误差;随后,该算法通过比较相邻两个直方图数据分布的差异来优化当前窗口的隐私预算分配,从而快速计算出局部最优直方图.为了验证算法的有效性,首先通过严格的理论推导证实了所设计的算法符合差分隐私要求,并且其近似误差不超过W/2k.其次,通过在真实数据集合上的实验对比,显示了该算法的发布误差较低,比SSHP算法降低了50%.  相似文献   

Given a set of k-dimensional objects, the skyline query finds the objects that are not dominated by others. In practice, different users may be interested in different dimensions of the data, and issue queries on any subset of k dimensions in stream environments. This paper focuses on supporting concurrent and unpredictable subspace skyline queries over data streams. Simply to compute and store the skyline objects of every subspace in stream environments will incur expensive update cost. To balance the query cost and update cost, we only maintain the full space skyline in this paper. We first propose an efficient maintenance algorithm and several novel pruning techniques. Then, an efficient and scalable two-phase algorithm is proposed to process the skyline queries in different subspaces based on the full space skyline. Furthermore, we present the theoretical analyses and extensive experiments that demonstrate our method is both efficient and effective.  相似文献   

Anomaly detection is considered an important data mining task, aiming at the discovery of elements (known as outliers) that show significant diversion from the expected case. More specifically, given a set of objects the problem is to return the suspicious objects that deviate significantly from the typical behavior. As in the case of clustering, the application of different criteria leads to different definitions for an outlier. In this work, we focus on distance-based outliers: an object x is an outlier if there are less than k objects lying at distance at most R from x. The problem offers significant challenges when a stream-based environment is considered, where data arrive continuously and outliers must be detected on-the-fly. There are a few research works studying the problem of continuous outlier detection. However, none of these proposals meets the requirements of modern stream-based applications for the following reasons: (i) they demand a significant storage overhead, (ii) their efficiency is limited and (iii) they lack flexibility in the sense that they assume a single configuration of the k and R parameters. In this work, we propose new algorithms for continuous outlier monitoring in data streams, based on sliding windows. Our techniques are able to reduce the required storage overhead, are more efficient than previously proposed techniques and offer significant flexibility with regard to the input parameters. Experiments performed on real-life and synthetic data sets verify our theoretical study.  相似文献   

In an online data stream, the composition and distribution of the data may change over time, which is a phenomenon known as concept drift. The occurrence of concept drift can affect considerably the performance of a data stream mining method, especially in relation to mining accuracy. In this paper, we study the problem of mining frequent patterns from transactional data streams in the presence of concept drift, considering the important issue of mining accuracy preservation. In terms of frequent-pattern mining, we give the definitions of concept and concept drift with respect to streaming data; moreover, we present a categorization for concept drift. The concept of streaming data is considered the relationships of frequency between different patterns. Accordingly, we devise approaches to describe the concept concretely and to learn the concept through frequency relationship modeling. Based on concept learning, we propose a method of support approximation for discovering data stream frequent patterns. Our analyses and experimental results have shown that in several studied cases of concept drift, the proposed method not only performs efficiently in terms of time and memory but also preserves mining accuracy well on concept-drifting data streams.  相似文献   

Continuously monitoring through time the correlation/distance of multiple data streams is of interest in a variety of applications, including financial analysis, video surveillance, and mining of biological data. However, distance measures commonly adopted for comparing time series, such as Euclidean and Dynamic Time Warping (DTW), either are known to be inaccurate or are too time-consuming to be applied in a streaming environment. In this paper we propose a novel DTW-like distance measure, called Stream-DTW (SDTW), which unlike DTW can be efficiently updated at each time step. We formally and experimentally demonstrate that SDTW speeds up the monitoring process by a factor that grows linearly with the size of the window sliding over the streams. For instance, with a sliding window of 512 samples, SDTW is about 600 times faster than DTW. We also show that SDTW is a tight approximation of DTW, errors never exceeding 10%, and that it consistently outperforms approximations developed for the case of static time series.  相似文献   

The streaming evaluation is a popular way of evaluating queries on XML documents. Besides its many advantages, it is also the only option for a number of important XML applications. Unfortunately, existing algorithms focus almost exclusively on tree-pattern queries (TPQs). Requirements for flexible querying of XML data have motivated recently the introduction of query languages that are more general and flexible than TPQs. These languages are not supported by existing algorithms. In this paper, we consider a partial tree-pattern query (PTPQ) language which generalizes and strictly contains TPQs. PTPQs can express a fragment of XPath which comprises reverse axes and the node identity equality (is) operator, in addition to forward axes, wildcards and predicates. They constitute an important subclass of XPath, which is very useful in practice. Unfortunately, previous streaming algorithms for TPQs cannot be applied to PTPQs. PTPQs can be represented as dags enhanced with constraints. We explore this representation to design an original polynomial time streaming algorithm for PTPQs. Our algorithm aggressively filters incoming data that is irrelevant to the query and wisely avoids processing redundant query matches (i.e., matches of the query dag that do not contribute to new solutions). Our algorithm is the first one to support the streaming evaluation of such a broad fragment of XPath. We provide an analysis of it, and conduct an extensive experimental evaluation of its performance and scalability. Compared to the only known streaming algorithm that supports TPQs extended with reverse axes, our algorithm performs better by orders of magnitude while consuming a much smaller fraction of memory space. Current streaming applications have stringent requirements on query response time and memory consumption because of the large (possibly unbounded) size of data they handle. In order to keep memory usage and CPU consumption low for the PTPQ streaming evaluation, we design another streaming algorithm called Eager PSX for PTPQs. Its key feature is that it applies an eager evaluation strategy to quickly determine when node matches should be returned as solutions to the user and also to proactively detect redundant matches. We theoretically analyze Eager PSX, and experimentally test its time and space performance and scalability. We compare it with PSX. Our results show that Eager PSX not only achieves better space performance without compromising time performance, but it also greatly improves query response time for both simple and complex queries, in many cases, by orders of magnitude.  相似文献   

Data stream mining is an emerging research topic in the data mining field. Finding frequent itemsets is one of the most important tasks in data stream mining with wide applications like online e-business and web click-stream analysis. However, two main problems existed in relevant studies: (1) The utilities (e.g., importance or profits) of items are not considered. Actual utilities of patterns cannot be reflected in frequent itemsets. (2) Existing utility mining methods produce too many patterns and this makes it difficult for the users to filter useful patterns among the huge set of patterns. In view of this, in this paper we propose a novel framework, named GUIDE (Generation of maximal high Utility Itemsets from Data strEams), to find maximal high utility itemsets from data streams with different models, i.e., landmark, sliding window and time fading models. The proposed structure, named MUI-Tree (Maximal high Utility Itemset Tree), maintains essential information for the mining processes and the proposed strategies further facilitates the performance of GUIDE. Main contributions of this paper are as follows: (1) To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work on mining the compact form of high utility patterns from data streams; (2) GUIDE is an effective one-pass framework which meets the requirements of data stream mining; (3) GUIDE generates novel patterns which are not only high utility but also maximal, which provide compact and insightful hidden information in the data streams. Experimental results show that our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art algorithms under various conditions in data stream environments on different models.  相似文献   

Maintaining sliding window skylines on data streams   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
The skyline of a multidimensional data set contains the "best" tuples according to any preference function that is monotonic on each dimension. Although skyline computation has received considerable attention in conventional databases, the existing algorithms are inapplicable to stream applications because 1) they assume static data that are stored in the disk (rather than continuously arriving/expiring), 2) they focus on "one-time" execution that returns a single skyline (in contrast to constantly tracking skyline changes), and 3) they aim at reducing the I/O overhead (as opposed to minimizing the CPU-cost and main-memory consumption). This paper studies skyline computation in stream environments, where query processing takes into account only a "sliding window" covering the most recent tuples. We propose algorithms that continuously monitor the incoming data and maintain the skyline incrementally. Our techniques utilize several interesting properties of stream skylines to improve space/time efficiency by expunging data from the system as early as possible (i.e., before their expiration). Furthermore, we analyze the asymptotical performance of the proposed solutions, and evaluate their efficiency with extensive experiments.  相似文献   

高效的求解TSP问题的近似算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
提出了一种基于矩阵变换的方法,将n阶TSP问题近似转化为n-1阶TSP问题,然后用递归运算得出最后解。此算法的时间复杂度为O(n3)。而后又对此算法做了进一步的改进,近似度有很大提高但时间复杂度增加为O(n4)。经过实验表明,此类算法求解的近似度很高,尤其是在满足三角不等式的问题中,误差更低。利用TSPLIB数据库中的数据进行测试,得到的结果误差最多不超过10%。  相似文献   

It is widely recognized that the integration of information retrieval (IR) and database (DB) techniques provides users with a broad range of high quality services. Along this direction, IR-styled m-keyword query processing over a relational database in an rdbms framework has been well studied. It finds all hidden interconnected tuple structures, for example connected trees that contain keywords and are interconnected by sequences of primary/foreign key relationships among tuples. A new challenging issue is how to monitor events that are implicitly interrelated over an open-ended relational data stream for a user-given m-keyword query. Such a relational data stream is a sequence of tuple insertion/deletion operations. The difficulty of the problem is related to the number of costly joins to be processed over time when tuples are inserted and/or deleted. Such cost is mainly affected by three parameters, namely, the number of keywords, the maximum size of interconnected tuple structures, and the complexity of the database schema when it is viewed as a schema graph. In this paper, we propose new approaches. First, we propose a novel algorithm to efficiently determine all the joins that need to be processed for answering an m-keyword query. Second, we propose a new demand-driven approach to process such a query over a high speed relational data stream. We show that we can achieve high efficiency by significantly reducing the number of intermediate results when processing joins over a relational data stream. The proposed new techniques allow us to achieve high scalability in terms of both query plan generation and query plan execution. We conducted extensive experimental studies using synthetic data and real data to simulate a relational data stream. Our approach significantly outperforms existing algorithms.  相似文献   

We present a method for the classification of multi-labeled text documents explicitly designed for data stream applications that require to process a virtually infinite sequence of data using constant memory and constant processing time.Our method is composed of an online procedure used to efficiently map text into a low-dimensional feature space and a partition of this space into a set of regions for which the system extracts and keeps statistics used to predict multi-label text annotations. Documents are fed into the system as a sequence of words, mapped to a region of the partition, and annotated using the statistics computed from the labeled instances colliding in the same region. This approach is referred to as clashing.We illustrate the method in real-world text data, comparing the results with those obtained using other text classifiers. In addition, we provide an analysis about the effect of the representation space dimensionality on the predictive performance of the system. Our results show that the online embedding indeed approximates the geometry of the full corpus-wise TF and TF-IDF space. The model obtains competitive F measures with respect to the most accurate methods, using significantly fewer computational resources. In addition, the method achieves a higher macro-averaged F measure than methods with similar running time. Furthermore, the system is able to learn faster than the other methods from partially labeled streams.  相似文献   

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