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Tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) expression was used as a marker to study the dopaminergic cells in the Cebus monkey retina. Two types of dopaminergic cells were identified by cell body size and location, level of arborization in the inner plexiform layer, and amount of immunolabeling. Type 1 cells displayed intense immunoreactivity and larger somata (12-24 microns) located in the inner nuclear layer or ganglion cell layer, whereas type 2 had smaller cell bodies (8-14 microns) found either in the inner plexiform layer or ganglion cell layer and were more faintly labeled. Interplexiform cells were characterized as type 1 dopaminergic cells. Immunoreactive axon-like processes were seen in the nerve fiber layer, and a net of fibers was visible in the foveal pit and in the extreme periphery of the retina. The population of TH+ cells was most numerous in the temporal superior quadrant and its density peaked at 1-2 mm from the fovea. Type 1 TH+ cells were more numerous than type 2 cells at any eccentricity. Along the horizontal meridian, type 1 cell density was slightly higher in temporal (29 cells/mm2) than in nasal (25 cells/mm2) retina, while type 2 cells had a homogeneous distribution (4.5 cells/mm2). Along the vertical meridian, type 1 cells reached lower peak density (average 17.7 cells/mm2) in the inferior retina (central 4 mm), compared to the superior portion (23.7 cells/mm2). Type 2 cell density varied from 4.5 cells/mm2 in the superior region to 9.4 cells/mm2 in the inferior region. The spatial density of the two cell types varied approximately inversely while the total density of TH+ cells was virtually constant across the retina. No correlation between dopaminergic cells and rod distribution was found. However, we suggest that dopaminergic cells could have a role in mesopic and/or photopic vision in this species, since TH+ fibers are present in cone-dominated regions like the foveola and extreme nasal periphery.  相似文献   

The expression of two calcium-dependent adhesion molecules of the cadherin superfamily (cadherin-6B and cadherin-7) was mapped in the embryonic neural retina and retinofugal pathways of the chicken embryo and compared with the expression of R-cadherin, N-cadherin, and B-cadherin, studied previously. Whereas B-cadherin is only found in Miller glia, the other four cadherins are each expressed by specific subpopulations of retinal neurons. For example, different (but partly overlapping) populations of bipolar cells express R-cadherin, cadherin-6B, and cadherin-7. Cadherin-6B and cadherin-7 are also expressed by subsets of amacrine cells. In the inner plexiform layer, cadherin-6B and cadherin-7 immunoreactivities are restricted to specific sublaminae associated with synapsin-I-positive nerve terminals. In addition, cadherin-6B and cadherin-7 are expressed by a subset of ganglion cells that project to several retinorecipient nuclei forming part of the accessory optic system (e.g., nucleus of the basal optic root and external pretectal nucleus). Together with their connecting fiber tracts, these nuclei also express cadherin-6B and cadherin-7 in their neurons and neuropile. The expression patterns of the two cadherins overlap but show distinct differences. Some other visual nuclei express cadherin-7 but not cadherin-6B. The expression patterns differ from those previously described for N- and R-cadherin. Together, these results demonstrate that cadherins could provide a system of adhesive cues that specify developing retinal circuits and other functional connections and subsystems in the embryonic chicken visual system.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms in cultured mammalian retina   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many retinal functions are circadian, but in most instances the location of the clock that drives the rhythm is not known. Cultured neural retinas of the golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) exhibited circadian rhythms of melatonin synthesis for at least 5 days at 27 degrees celsius. The rhythms were entrained by light cycles applied in vitro and were free-running in constant darkness. Retinas from hamsters homozygous for the circadian mutation tau, which shortens the free-running period of the circadian activity rhythm by 4 hours, showed a shortened free-running period of melatonin synthesis. The mammalian retina contains a genetically programmed circadian oscillator that regulates its synthesis of melatonin.  相似文献   

When the Japanese quail is held in constant darkness, retinal responses (ERG b-waves) increase during the animal's subjective night and decrease during its subjective day. Rod photoreceptors dominate the b-wave responses (lambdamax = 506 nm) to all stimulus intensities at night but only to those intensities below the cone threshold during the day. Above the cone threshold, cones dominate b-wave responses (lambdamax, approximately 550-600 nm) during the day regardless of the state of retinal adaptation. Apparently a circadian oscillator enables cone signals to block rod signals during the day but not at night. The ERG b-wave reflects the activity of bipolar cells that are postsynaptic to rods and cones. The ERG a-wave reflects the activity of both rods and cones. The amplitude of the isolated a-wave (PIII) changes with time of day, as does that of the b-wave, but its spectral sensitivity does not. The PIII responses are maximal at approximately 520 nm both day and night and may reflect multiple receptor mechanisms. The shift in rod-cone dominance detected with the ERG b-wave resembles the Purkinje shift of human vision but, unlike the Purkinje shift, does not require a change in ambient light intensity. The shift occurs in constant darkness, with a period of approximately 24 hr indicative of a circadian rhythm in the functional organization of the retina.  相似文献   

Wild type rabbit tryptophan hydroxylase (TRH) and two truncated mutant proteins have been expressed in Escherichia coli. The wild type protein was only expressed at low levels, whereas the mutant protein lacking the 101 amino-terminal regulatory domain was predominantly found in inclusion bodies. The protein that also lacked the carboxyl-terminal 28 amino acids, TRH102-416, was expressed as 30% of total cell protein. Analytical ultracentrifugation showed that TRH102-416 was predominantly a monomer in solution. The enzyme exhibited an absolute requirement for iron (ferrous or ferric) for activity and did not turn over in the presence of cobalt or copper. With either phenylalanine or tryptophan as substrate, stoichiometric formation of the 4a-hydroxypterin was found. Steady state kinetic parameters were determined with both of these amino acids using both tetrahydrobiopterin and 6-methyltetrahydropterin.  相似文献   

Radioactive in situ hybridization was used to map the cellular localization of dopamine (DA) transporter mRNA-containing cells in the adult rat central nervous system. The distribution of DA transporter mRNA-containing cells was compared to adjacent sections processed to visualize tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) mRNA, a marker of catecholamine containing neurones. TH mRNA-containing cells, visualized using an alkaline phosphatase labelled probe, were detected in the hypothalamus, midbrain and pons; the strongest hybridization signals being detected in the substantia nigra, ventral tegmental area and locus coeruleus. The distribution of DA transporter mRNA-containing cells was more restricted; a strong signal being detected in the substantia nigra pars compacta and ventral tegmental area only. No hybridization signal was detected in the locus coeruleus. By simultaneously hybridizing mesencephalic tissue with both the alkaline phosphatase-labelled TH probe and the 35S-labelled DA transporter probe we were able to demonstrate that both DA transporter and TH mRNAs are expressed by the same cells in the substantia nigra and ventral tegmental area. The restricted anatomical localization of DA transporter mRNA-containing cells and the lack of expression in the locus coeruleus and other adrenergic and noradrenergic cell groups confirms the DA transporter as a presynaptic marker of DA containing nerve cells in the rat brain.  相似文献   

Administration of high doses of methamphetamine (METH) produces both short- and long-term enzymatic deficits in central monoaminergic systems. To determine whether a correlative relationship exists between these acute and long-term consequences of METH treatment, in the present study we examined the regional effects of METH on tryptophan hydroxylase (TPH) and tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) activities in various regions of the caudate nucleus, nucleus accumbens, and globus pallidus. A single METH administration decreased TPH activity 1 h after treatment in the globus pallidus, in the nucleus accumbens, and throughout the caudate; in the anterior caudate, the ventral-medial was more affected than the dorsal-lateral region. In contrast, TH activity was not decreased in either the caudate or the globus pallidus after a single METH administration; however, it was altered in the nucleus accumbens. Seven days after multiple METH administrations, TH and TPH activities were decreased in most caudate regions but not in the nucleus accumbens or globus pallidus. These data demonstrate that (1) the effects of METH on TPH and TH vary regionally; and (2) the short-term and long-term regional responses of TPH to METH in the caudate and globus pallidus correlated. In contrast, METH-induced acute TH responses did not predict the long-term changes in TH activity.  相似文献   

The catalytic subunit of protein kinase A increases brain tryptophan hydroxylase activity. The activation is manifested as an increase in Vmax without alterations in the Km for either tetrahydrobiopterin or tryptophan. The activation of tryptophan hydroxylase by protein kinase A is dependent on ATP and an intact kinase and is inhibited specifically by protein kinase A inhibitors. Protein kinase A also catalyzes the phosphorylation of tryptophan hydroxylase. The extent to which tryptophan hydroxylase is phosphorylated by protein kinase A is dependent on the amount of kinase used and is closely related to the degree to which the hydroxylase is activated. These results suggest that a direct relationship exists between phosphorylation and activation of tryptophan hydroxylase by protein kinase A.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To examine by indirect immunofluorescence the distribution of an endogenous 16-kd S-lac lectin (soluble lactose binding lectin) during development of the chicken retina. METHODS: Cryosections of retinal tissue at different developmental stages and cultured retinal cells (either not permeabilized or permeabilized with acetone) were incubated with a rabbit antiserum that specifically reacts with the retinal 16-kd S-lac lectin. After incubation with a fluorescent-labeled secondary antibody, tissue sections and cultured cells were analyzed by fluorescence microscopy. RESULTS: Retina was weakly stained with the antiserum on early embryonic day 7, whereas on embryonic days 13 and 18 it showed a restricted "granular" staining in the outer retina. At embryonic day 18, in addition, there was widespread staining in all retinal layers. This pattern was maintained by postnatal day 5 and in the adult retina, although the intensity of the staining of the outer retina was weaker. In retinal cell cultures, glial-like flat cells and monopolar, bipolar, and multipolar neurons were stained with the antiserum, but only if they had been previously permeabilized with acetone. CONCLUSION: The results suggest that the distribution of a 16-kd S-lac lectin changes during retinal development. Cell culture experiments indicate that most often the lectin is localized intracellularly in the different retinal cell types.  相似文献   

Tryptophan is a large neutral amino acid which is utilized in the biosynthesis of neuroactive substances such as serotonin and melatonin. However, it has been unclear where pools of tryptophan might be localized. Using a specific antiserum against tryptophan, we demonstrate that in the chicken retina tryptophan is present in radial glial cells and photoreceptors, but not in other neuronal elements. These data suggest that serotonergic neurones are probably dependent upon the transfer of tryptophan from the glial cells in order to manufacture serotonin and other tryptophan derivatives in the brain. If glia do supply tryptophan to neurones then this process will have significant practical implications for our basic understanding of and pharmacological manipulation of serotonergic systems.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study was designed to test the hypothesis that serotonin-system-related genes may be correlated with suicide risk. METHOD: Fifty-one unrelated Caucasian inpatients with major depression, with or without a history of suicidal acts, were genotyped for a biallelic polymorphism at the tryptophan hydroxylase locus. RESULTS: The less common tryptophan hydroxylase U allele occurred with greater frequency in the patients who had attempted suicide. A logistic regression analysis confirmed an association between tryptophan hydroxylase genotype and lifetime history of suicide attempts. CONCLUSIONS: Serotonergic-system-related genes may influence the risk of suicide in persons with major depression.  相似文献   

Circadian orchestration of gene expression in cyanobacteria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We wanted to identify genes that are controlled by the circadian clock in the prokaryotic cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. strain PCC 7942. To use luciferase as a reporter to monitor gene expression, bacterial luciferase genes (luxAB) were inserted randomly into the Synechococcus genome by conjugation with Escherichia coli and subsequent homologous recombination. The resulting transformed clones were then screened for bioluminescence using a new developed cooled-CCD camera system. We screened approximately 30,000 transformed Synechococcus colonies and recovered approximately 800 clones whose bioluminescence was bright enough to be easily monitored by the screening apparatus. Unexpectedly, the bioluminescence expression patterns of almost all of these 800 colonies clearly manifested circadian rhythmicity. These rhythms exhibited a range of waveforms and amplitudes, and they also showed a variety of phase relationships. We also found bioluminescence rhythms expressed by cyanobacterial colonies in which the luciferase gene set was coupled to the promoters of several known genes. Together, these results indicate that control of gene expression by circadian clocks may be more widespread than expected thus far. Moreover, our results show that screening organisms in which promoterless luciferase genes have been inserted randomly throughout the genome by homologous recombination provides an extremely sensitive method to explore differential gene expression.  相似文献   

Hypotensive haemorrhage induces nuclear Fos expression and upregulates tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) mRNA in catecholamine-containing cell groups of the rat medulla oblongata. To shed light on the significance of the coexistence of neuropeptide Y (NPY) in aminergic neurons, the impact of graded levels of haemorrhage on temporal changes in the expression of TH and NPY mRNAs was compared; concurrent staining for Fos permitted comparisons between cells that ostensibly were and were not targeted by the stimulus. A 15% haemorrhage provoked increased NPY expression in all medullary catecholamine cell groups except the A2; these changes were detected predominantly in Fos-immunoreactive neurons (Fos-ir) at later (2-4 h) time points. Upregulation of TH and NPY mRNAs in Fos-ir neurons followed distinct time courses, with NPY responses peaking more rapidly, particularly in the C1 and C2 cell groups. Adrenergic cell groups displayed greater maximal increases in NPY expression than the A1 noradrenergic cell group while the converse was true of TH mRNA response. Increasing the severity of haemorrhage resulted in more pronounced increases in both mRNA responses in each aminergic region. These findings indicate that haemorrhage differentially affects TH and NPY expression in medullary catecholamine cell groups that participate in the maintenance of cardiovascular homeostasis. The differential nature of these responses suggests them not to be a simple consequence of metabolic alterations pursuant to increased synaptic activity. The prompt and robust NPY mRNA responses in adrenergic neurons suggests a mechanism by which peptide content of these cell groups' terminal projections is defended.  相似文献   

Circadian functions of the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) are influenced by cyclic AMP (cAMP). Adenylyl cyclase type II (AC-II) is a cAMP-generating enzyme which, in the context of activation by Gsalpha, is further stimulated by protein kinase C or G protein betagamma subunits. Using in situ hybridization we have found a biphasic variation in AC-II mRNA within the rat SCN during the light-dark cycle (peaks at Zeitgeber time 6 and 18) and also in constant darkness (peaks at circadian time 2 and 14). The cingulate cortex showed no such variation. These findings suggest that circadian changes in AC-II expression may be pertinent to the rhythmic functions of the SCN.  相似文献   

Tryptophan hydroxylase (TPH) is the first enzyme in both serotonin and melatonin biosynthesis in neuroendocrine cells of the pineal gland. The lack of immortalized neuroendocrine pineal cell lines has been a major obstacle to the study of the tissue-specific and circadian regulation of TPH gene expression in the pineal gland. Previously, we demonstrated that a 6.1 kb 5' upstream region of the mouse TPH gene directs the restricted expression of a lacZ reporter gene to the pineal gland and the raphe nuclei of transgenic mice. Therefore, to develop TPH-expressing pineal cell lines we first established transgenic mice carrying a construct consisting of 6.1 kb of 5' flanking region fused to the SV40 T-antigen. These animals developed highly invasive pineal tumors and died at 12-15 weeks of age. The pineal tumors obtained from the transgenic mice were utilized to establish the immortalized pinealocyte-derived cell lines. These cells express two marker enzymes, TPH and serotonin N-acetyltransferase (NAT). In pineal gland TPH and NAT expressions have been known to be regulated during circadian cycle. The two established cell lines therefore promise to be a valuable in vitro model system for the study of the rhythmic nature of the pineal function at molecular level in mammal.  相似文献   

Tachykinin (TK) peptides influence neuronal activity in the inner retina of mammals. The aim of this investigation was to determine the cellular localization of the neurokinin 1 receptor (NK1), whose preferred ligand is the TK peptide substance P (SP), in the rat retina. These studies used a polyclonal antiserum directed to the C-terminus of rat NK1. The majority of NK1-immunoreactive (IR) cells were located in the proximal inner nuclear layer (INL), and very rarely they were found in the distal INL. Some small and large NK1-IR somata were present in the ganglion cell layer. NK1-IR processes were densely distributed across the inner plexiform layer (IPL) with a maximum density over lamina 2 of the IPL. Immunoreactive processes also crossed the INL and ramified in the outer plexiform layer where they formed a sparse meshwork. NK1-IR processes were rarely observed in the optic nerve fiber layer. Double-label immunofluorescence studies with different histochemical markers for bipolar cells indicated that NK1 immunoreactivity was not present in bipolar cells. Together, these observations indicate that NK1 immunoreactivity is predominantly expressed by amacrine, displaced amacrine, interplexiform, and some ganglion cells. Double-label immunofluorescence experiments were also performed to characterize NK1-containing amacrine cells. Sixty-one percent of the gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-IR cells, 71% of the large tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)-IR cells, and 100% of the small TH-IR cells contained NK1 immunoreactivity. In addition, most (91%) of the NK1-IR cells had GABA immunoreactivity. In contrast, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide-, TK-, choline acetyltransferase-, and parvalbumin-IR amacrine tells did not express NK1 immunoreactivity. Overall, the present findings suggest that SP acts directly upon several cell populations, including GABA-containing amacrine cells and ganglion cells, to influence visual information processing in the inner retina.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study was conducted to evaluate the cosmetic use of botulinum toxin type A (Botox), which blocks the release of acetylcholine at the presynaptic neuromuscular junction leading to an irreversible, but temporary chemical denervation muscular paralysis and weakness. This produces a significant cosmetic improvement of wrinkling in the upper face due to hyperfunctional animation. METHOD: A prospective clinical study representing our experience with this new technique is presented. Patient selection and evaluation, classification of animation lines, techniques, results and complications are discussed. In a 15-month period, 23 patients with seven anatomic sites were injected. Twenty-three patients had the lateral aspect and the inferior aspect of their squint lines injected, and 26 patients had their glabellar frownlines injected. RESULTS: Significant improvement occurred to the average depth and length of the glabellar frownlines. The subjective improvement by the patients was also significant. Regarding the crow's feet, the lateral canthal lines showed more improvement than the inferior lateral canthal lines because the latter has a greater component of zygomaticus major and minor muscle, which contributes to the inferior lateral squint line. CONCLUSION: Botox is a safe, easy-to-use, effective modality for the temporary elimination of hyperfunctioning upper-facial muscles.  相似文献   

Gene expression in the stretched chicken patagialis (Pat) muscle has not been extensively examined. This study's purpose was to determine the Pat muscle's expression pattern of serum response factor (SRF), skeletal alpha-actin, and MyoD mRNAs after 3 days (onset of stretch), 6 days (end of first week of rapid growth), and 14 days (slowed rate of stretch-induced growth) of stretch. SRF mRNA demonstrated two species (B1 and B2), with B2 being more prevalent in the predominantly fast-twitch Pat muscle, compared with the slow-tonic muscle. Stretch overload increased B1 and B2 SRF mRNA concentrations, and the increase in B1 SRF mRNA concentration was greater at day 6 compared with days 3 or 14. MyoD mRNA concentration was greater in 3-day-stretched Pat muscles, compared with days 6 or 14. Skeletal alpha-actin mRNA concentration was not changed during the study. Gel mobility shift assays demonstrated that SRF binding with serum response element 1 of the skeletal alpha-actin promoter had no altered binding patterns from 6-day-stretched Pat nuclear extracts. It appears that SRF and MyoD mRNAs are induced in the stretch-overloaded Pat muscle but at different time points.  相似文献   

In mammalian species, ovulation occurs following a massive release of hypothalamic gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH). Several chemicals, including norepinephrine (NE) and neuropeptide Y (NPY), are responsible for the initiation and/or magnitude and duration of this pre-ovulatory GnRH surge. In the central nervous system, NE neural cell bodies are located in the brainstem; some are co-localized with NPY neurons and/or co-express the NE transporter (NET) gene which dictates NET protein production. The activity of NET at NE terminals is critical for synaptic NE function. In the rabbit, coitus induces a hypothalamic NE release which precedes the GnRH surge. We hypothesize that the coital stimulus is transmitted to the brainstem and transformed and integrated into GnRH-stimulating signals via NE, NET and/or NPY. However, very little is known about the distribution of cells expressing NET, NPY and tyrosine hydroxylase (TH, the rate-limiting enzyme of NE synthesis) in this species. Therefore, we utilized the sensitive in situ hybridization technique to identify the presence of these messages in conjunction with the location of NE cells, the latter being marked by dopamine beta-hydroxylase (DBH), the specific enzyme for NE synthesis. Three non-mated New Zealand White does were perfused with 4% paraformaldehyde and their brainstems were sectioned at 20-micron thick between 2 mm caudal to the obex and the rostral pons. Serial sections were immunohistochemically stained for DBH and hybridized with rabbit-specific TH and NET cRNAs and a human NPY probe. The data suggest that several DBH-positive areas in the medulla expressed one or more messages, i.e. the lateral tegmentum (A1) and the nucleus of the solitary tract (A2) expressed all three mRNAs, the area postrema (AP) contained NET and TH mRNAs but not NPY cells. In the pons, the locus coeruleus (LC), subnucleus of coeruleus (LCs) and lateral tegmental nuclei (A5) expressed NET and TH mRNAs but contained little or no NPY message. The distribution patterns of TH and NET appeared to be similar in the LC, LCs, A2 and AP.  相似文献   

Retinal neurons that express the immediate early gene c-fos after light exposure were characterized by neurotransmitter content using histochemical and immunocytochemical staining. In Northern blots the amount of c-fos mRNA peaked at 30 min, but remained detectable 60 min following light stimulation. Fos proteins were seen in the inner nuclear and ganglion cell layers, and the staining was most intense two and three hours after beginning the light exposure. In the ganglion cell layer 30-40% of Fos-immunoreactive cells were cholinergic displaced amacrine cells and 3-5% were ganglion cells. In the inner nuclear layer 24% of Fos-immunoreactive cells were Type I and 7% Type II NADPH-diaphorase-reactive (nitric oxide synthase) amacrine cells, 11% were tyrosine hydroxylase-containing cells, and 10-15% cholinergic amacrine cells. No Fos immunoreactivity was seen in serotoninergic, somatostatin- or VIP-immunoreactive cells, bipolar, horizontal or photoreceptor cells. Nicotine, kainic acid, NMDA and SCH 38393, a dopamine D1 receptor agonist, induced Fos immunostaining in the inner nuclear and ganglion cell layers, but administration of the corresponding receptor blockers mecamylamine, kynuretic acid, MK-801, haloperidol and SCH 23990 did not prevent light-induced Fos expression.  相似文献   

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