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We report on photon-assisted tunneling (PAT) experiments in a carbon nanotube quantum dot using microwave frequencies between 20 and 60 GHz. In addition to the basic PAT effect, revealed by the appearance of two extra resonances in the current through the dot, we use PAT for spectroscopy of excited states. The experimental data are in good agreement with simulations.  相似文献   

A top-gated single-wall carbon nanotube is used to define three coupled quantum dots in series between two electrodes. The additional electron number on each quantum dot is controlled by top-gate voltages allowing for current measurements of single, double, and triple quantum dot stability diagrams. Simulations using a capacitor model including tunnel coupling between neighboring dots captures the observed behavior with good agreement. Furthermore, anticrossings between indirectly coupled levels and higher order cotunneling are discussed.  相似文献   

Ren Q  Lu J  Tan HH  Wu S  Sun L  Zhou W  Xie W  Sun Z  Zhu Y  Jagadish C  Shen SC  Chen Z 《Nano letters》2012,12(7):3455-3459
We demonstrate the spin selective coupling of the exciton state with cavity mode in a single quantum dot (QD)-micropillar cavity system. By tuning an external magnetic field, each spin polarized exciton state can be selectively coupled with the cavity mode due to the Zeeman effect. A significant enhancement of spontaneous emission rate of each spin state is achieved, giving rise to a tunable circular polarization degree from -90% to 93%. A four-level rate equation model is developed, and it agrees well with our experimental data. In addition, the coupling between photon mode and each exciton spin state is also achieved by varying temperature, demonstrating the full manipulation over the spin states in the QD-cavity system. Our results pave the way for the realization of future quantum light sources and the quantum information processing applications.  相似文献   

We investigate theoretically field effect transistors based on single-walled carbon nanotubes (CNTFET) and explore two device geometries with suspended multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWNT) functioning as gate electrodes. In the two geometries, a doubly or singly clamped MWNT is electrostatically deflected toward the transistor channel, allowing for a variable gate coupling and leading to, for instance, a superior subthreshold slope. We suggest that the proposed designs can be used as nanoelectromechanical switches and as detectors of mechanical motion on the nanoscale.  相似文献   

We report on low-temperature measurements in a fully tunable carbon nanotube double quantum dot. A new fabrication technique has been used for the top-gates in order to avoid covering the whole nanotube with an oxide layer as in previous experiments. The top-gates allow us to form single dots and control the coupling between them, and we observe 4-fold shell filling. We perform inelastic transport spectroscopy via the excited states in the double quantum dot, a necessary step toward the implementation of new microwave-based experiments.  相似文献   

Suspended single-walled carbon nanotube devices comprised of high-quality electrical contacts and two electrostatic gates per device have been prepared. Compared to nanotubes pinned on substrates, the suspended devices exhibit little hysteresis related to environmental factors and act as cleaner Fabry-Perot interferometers or single-electron transistors. The high-field saturation currents in the suspended nanotubes related to optical phonon or zone-boundary phonon scattering are significantly lower due to the lack of efficient heat sinking. The multiple-gate design may also facilitate future investigations into the electromechanical properties of nanotube quantum systems.  相似文献   

Images of a single-electron quantum dot were obtained in the Coulomb blockade regime at liquid He temperatures using a cooled scanning probe microscope (SPM). The charged SPM tip shifts the lowest energy level in the dot and creates a ring in the image corresponding to a peak in the Coulomb-blockade conductance. Fits to the line shape of the ring determine the tip-induced shift of the energy of the electron state in the dot. SPM manipulation of electrons in quantum dots promises to be useful in understanding, building, and manipulating circuits for quantum information processing.  相似文献   

We observed an interaction of single-walled carbon nanotube films with obliquely incident nanosecond laser radiation in visible and infrared regions generating unipolar voltage pulses replicating the shape of the laser pulses. The photoelectric signal significantly depends on the laser polarization and has maximum value at the laser beam incidence angle of ±65° and at the film thickness of 350 nm. The results are explained in the framework of the photon-drag effect.  相似文献   

Hong SK  Nam SW  Yeon KH 《Nanotechnology》2008,19(15):155402
We demonstrate excitonic quantum interference in a closely spaced quantum dot chain with nanorings. In the resonant dipole-dipole interaction model with direct diagonalization method, we have found a peculiar feature that the excitation of specified quantum dots in the chain is completely inhibited, depending on the orientational configuration of the transition dipole moments and specified initial preparation of the excitation. In practice, these excited states facilitating quantum interference can provide a conceptual basis for quantum interference devices of excitonic hopping.  相似文献   

Recently, an ensemble of nuclear spins in a quantum dot have been proposed as a long-lived quantum memory. A quantum state of an electron spin in the dot can be faithfully transfered into nuclear spins through controlled hyperfine coupling. Here we study the decoherence of this memory due to nuclear spin dipolar coupling and inhomogeneous hyperfine interaction during the storage period. We calculated the maximum fidelity of writing, storing, and reading operations. Our results show that nuclear spin dynamics can severely limit the performance of the proposed device for quantum information processing and storage based on nuclear spins.  相似文献   

The size-effect tunability of colloidal quantum dots enables facile engineering of the bandgap at the time of nanoparticle synthesis. The dependence of effective bandgap on nanoparticle size also presents a challenge if the size dispersion, hence bandgap variability, is not well-controlled within a given quantum dot solid. The impact of this polydispersity is well-studied in luminescent devices as well as in unipolar electronic transport; however, the requirements on monodispersity have yet to be quantified in photovoltaics. Here we carry out a series of combined experimental and model-based studies aimed at clarifying, and quantifying, the importance of quantum dot monodispersity in photovoltaics. We successfully predict, using a simple model, the dependence of both open-circuit voltage and photoluminescence behavior on the density of small-bandgap (large-diameter) quantum dot inclusions. The model requires inclusion of trap states to explain the experimental data quantitatively. We then explore using this same experimentally tested model the implications of a broadened quantum dot population on device performance. We report that present-day colloidal quantum dot photovoltaic devices with typical inhomogeneous linewidths of 100-150 meV are dominated by surface traps, and it is for this reason that they see marginal benefit from reduction in polydispersity. Upon eliminating surface traps, achieving inhomogeneous broadening of 50 meV or less will lead to device performance that sees very little deleterious impact from polydispersity.  相似文献   

Three-terminal devices with conduction channels formed by quasi-metallic carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are shown to operate as nanotube-based field-effect transistors under strong magnetic fields. The off-state conductance of the devices varies exponentially with the magnetic flux intensity. We extract the quasi-metallic CNT chirality as well as the characteristics of the Schottky barriers formed at the metal-nanotube contacts from the temperature-dependent magnetoconductance measurements.  相似文献   

We report a method to controllably alter the diameter of an individual carbon nanotube. The combination of defect formation via electron irradiation and simultaneous resistive heating and electromigration in vacuum causes the nanotube to continuously transform into a high-quality nanotube of successively smaller diameter, as observed by transmission electron microscopy. The process can be halted at any diameter. Electronic transport measurements performed in situ reveal a striking dependence of conductance on nanotube geometry. As the diameter of the nanotube is reduced to near zero into the carbon chain regime, we observe negative differential resistance.  相似文献   

High photocurrent quantum efficiency (QE) of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) is important to their photovoltaic applications. The ability of photocurrent generation of CNTs depends on their band structure and surface state. For given CNTs, it is possible to improve the QE of photocurrent by chemical modification. Here, we study the effects of simple chemical treatment on the QE of CNTs by measuring the photocurrent of macroscopic CNT bundles. The QE of the H2O2-treated CNT bundle reaches 5.28% at 0.1 V bias voltage at a laser (λ = 473 nm) illumination, which is 85% higher than that of the pristine sample. But the QE of the CNTs treated in concentrated HNO3 is lower than that of the pristine sample. It shows that moderate chemical treatment can enhance the photocurrent QE and excessive chemical treatment will decrease the QE because of introducing lots of structural defects.  相似文献   

We fabricated an radio frequency (RF) carbon nanotube field effect transistor (CNTFET) whose electrode shapes were standard RF designed ground-signal-ground (GSG)-type pads. The S-parameters measured from our RF CNTFET in the frequency range up to 6 GHz were fitted with an RF equivalent circuit, and the extracted gate capacitance was shown to be the capacitance value of the series combination of the electrostatic capacitance and the quantum capacitance. The effect of the channel resistance and the kinetic inductance was also discussed.  相似文献   

The photoluminescence lifetimes of Si quantum wires and dots have been previously calculated within a continuum model that takes into account the anisotropy of silicon band structure. Here, we present our calculations on the optical transitions in Si quantum wires modulated by a quantum dot. The geometrical parameters of the buldged wire are appropriate for porous Si and the ground state is localized. The photoluminescence lifetimes are calculated and compared with those of straight wires and dots. The magnitude of the lifetime is sensitive to the structural parameters of the nanostructures. Lifetimes varying from nanoseconds to milliseconds have been obtained. The results of the calculations provide insight to the optical properties of Si nanostructures.  相似文献   

The photoluminescence lifetimes of Si quantum wires and dots have been previously calculated within a continuum model that takes into account the anisotropy of silicon band structure. Here, we present our calculations on the optical transitions in Si quantum wires modulated by a quantum dot. The geometrical parameters of the buldged wire are appropriate for porous Si and the ground state is localized. The photoluminescence lifetimes are calculated and compared with those of straight wires and dots. The magnitude of the lifetime is sensitive to the structural parameters of the nanostructures. Lifetimes varying from nanoseconds to milliseconds have been obtained. The results of the calculations provide insight to the optical properties of Si nanostructures.  相似文献   

Carbon nanotube (CNT) reinforced polymeric composites provide a promising future in structural engineering. To understand the bridging effect of CNT in the events of the fracture of CNT reinforced composites, the finite element method was applied to simulate a single CNT pullout from a polymeric matrix using cohesive zone modelling. The numerical results indicate that the debonding force during the CNT pullout increases almost linearly with the interfacial crack initiation shear stress. Specific pullout energy increases with the CNT embedded length, while it is independent of the CNT radius. In addition, a saturated debonding force exists corresponding to a critical CNT embedded length. A parametric study shows that a higher saturated debonding force can be achieved if the CNT has a larger radius or if the CNT/matrix has a stronger interfacial bonding. The critical CNT embedded length decreases with the increase of the interfacial crack initiation shear stress.  相似文献   

We investigate a quantum dot (QD) in a carbon nanotube (CNT) in the regime where the QD is nearly isolated from the leads. An aluminum single electron transistor (SET) serves as a charge detector for the QD. We precisely measure and tune the tunnel rates into the QD in the range between 1 kHz and 1 Hz, using both pulse spectroscopy and real-time charge detection, and measure the excitation spectrum of the isolated QD.  相似文献   

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