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本文介绍了氧化铝工艺流程及流程物料特点,电磁流量计工作原理结构特点,介绍了电磁流量计在氧化铝生产中的应用状况,指出应用过程中存在的问题及解决办法。 相似文献
In the signal analysis of an electromagnetic flowmeter, the weight function method (WFM) involves a numerical integration of products between the magnetic flux density vector, the weight function and the velocity profile function in two-dimensional analysis. The electromagnetic flowmeter signal can also be predicted by solving the governing flowmeter equation by the finite volume method (FVM). The present study is aimed at comparing the calculation accuracies of WFM and FVM. The test flows are fully developed laminar and turbulent flows in a straight pipe under uniformly distributed magnetic field. The calculation accuracies are also compared between different O-type grid systems. It was found that the accuracy of both methods depended strongly on the grid system. In particular, for turbulent flow whose axial velocity component changes very rapidly near the wall, the accuracy of WFM was found to depend strongly on the cell configuration near the electrodes. 相似文献
The weight vector theory for Coriolis mass flowmeters is applied to a simple theoretical meter configuration consisting of a single unsupported straight tube unattached to adjacent piping. The tube has free ends and vibrates in the fundamental mode. It is shown how the sensitivity of this meter depends in part on the interaction of the flow velocity profile with fluid vibrations occurring near the tube ends. This end effect is negative i.e. the meter reads lower than would be expected if end effects were ignored. On account of the end effect there is a predicted variation in sensitivity with Reynolds number (of the order 1% in a tube 25 diameters long) and this can be minimised by a certain choice of the sensor positions. 相似文献
The interaction between an electrically conducting fluid and an external magnetic field in an ideal cylindrical electromagnetic flowmeter is numerically investigated for both laminar and turbulent flows. Induced electric potential in the fluid, and the difference in potential at the measuring electrodes are directly obtained by including MHD effects in the CFD simulations. Fully developed laminar and turbulent flows are simulated. The computed electric potential difference on the electrodes agrees with analytical values for small Hartmann number cases, where the induced Lorentz force is small. Turbulent flow produces a more uniform electric potential distribution in the flow meter cross-section than laminar flow. These integrated MHD/CFD simulations couple the MHD effect with flow dynamics without deriving a weighting function with an assumed velocity profile, which will be necessary for electromagnetic flow meters when the Hartmann number is not small. 相似文献
A series of tests are carried out to assess the effects of flow disturbance on a small dimension ultrasonic gas flowmeter. Flow disturbances generated by cone couplings, and single and double elbows are investigated. Measurements with a 100 D straight pipe upstream with a smooth connection to the meter body are used as a reference. Our measurements show that the symmetrical disturbance produced by a cone coupling at a 12 D distance from the transducer path does not impair the performance of the flowmeter. An asymmetrical disturbance, such as a single or a double elbow at the same distance, seems generally to give an underestimation of the flow velocity, resulting in reading errors of −1% or worse. Measurements with straight pipes of 10 D, 20 D, 40 D and 80 D between the disturbance and the flowmeter have also been made showing that 10 D can cause an overestimation of flow velocity. Increasing the length of the straight pipe generally decreases the error. More than 80 D straight pipe between the disturbance and the flowmeter is required to give a result within ±1% of reference conditions. The angle between the elbow plane and the transducer plane is changed from 0 to 315° in 45° steps. The meter error is plotted as a function of inlet angle, showing a clear relationship between these values. 相似文献
In order to investigate the characteristics of an electromagnetic flowmeter in two-phase flow, an alternating-current electromagnetic flowmeter was designed and manufactured. The signals and noise from the flowmeter under various flow conditions were obtained, and analyzed in comparison with the flow patterns observed with a high-speed charge-coupled device camera. An experiment with void simulators, in which a rod-shaped non-conducting material was used, was carried out to investigate the effect of bubble position and void fraction on the flowmeter. Two-phase flow experiments, encompassing bubbly to slug flow regimes, were conducted with a water–air mixture. The simple relation ΔUTP=ΔUSP/(1−), relating the flowmeter signal between single-phase flow and two-phase flow, was verified with measurements of the potential difference and the void fraction for a bubbly flow regime. Due to the lack of homogeneity in a real two-phase flow, the discrepancy between the relation and the present measurement increased slightly with increasing void fraction and superficial liquid velocity jf. Whereas there is no difference in the shape of the raw signal between single-phase flow and bubbly flow, the signal amplitude for bubbly flow is higher than that for single-phase flow at the same water flow rate, since the passage area of the water flow is reduced. In the case of slug flow, the phase and the amplitude of the flowmeter output show dramatically the flow characteristics around each slug bubble and the position of the slug bubble itself. Therefore, the electromagnetic flowmeter shows a good possibility of being useful for identifying the flow regimes. 相似文献
The paper describes the basic ideas of a model-based installation-effects analysis method and presents results from a collaborative research programme being conducted at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Gaithersburg, MD, USA, and at Tampere University of Technology in Finland. The analysis method is based on a combination of flow modelling and flowmeter modelling. In this paper, installation effects on electromagnetic and travel-time-difference ultrasonic flowmeters are discussed. The installation cases are single elbow and double elbow out-of-plane piping configurations. The results show that significant shifts from ‘ideal’ meter performance can occur in such disturbed flow conditions. The flowmeter modelling results also show that these significant shifts can be reduced by altering the operational arrangements and performance characteristics of the meters. It is concluded that such flowmeter modelling can be very useful in: (1) redesigning flowmeters to make them less susceptible to installation effects, (2) constructing new meters, or (3) arranging special meter configurations to deal with specific disturbed flows. 相似文献
The performance of a modified Danfoss 50 mm diameter electromagnetic flowmeter has been investigated when installed downstream from three different pipe diameters—50 mm, 55 mm and 45 mm. The effects of a 3 mm misalignment of the flowmeter, in both the vertical and horizontal planes, with respect to each of the three upstream pipe diameters has also been identified. The largest percentage errors are reported for the 45 mm upstream diameter pipe, with the flowmeter misaligned by 3 mm in the horizontal plane. The vertical and horizontal mean velocity and root-mean-square velocity profiles, measured within the flowmeter using laser Doppler anemometry, show significant variations in comparison with the ideal, fully developed profiles. 相似文献
文中介绍了插入式电磁流量计的特点以及它的设计难点,给出了设计方案和样机的初步试验结果. 相似文献
Electrical resistance tomography (ERT) can be used to obtain the conductivity distribution or the phase distribution of gas/liquid flows (e.g. slug flow). Using proper parameter models and flow regime identification models, the measurement of phase size, void fraction, and pattern recognition can be realized. Electromagnetic flowmeters have been used to measure conductive single-phase liquid flows. However, neither ERT nor electromagnetic flowmeters (EMF) can provide accurate measurement of gas/liquid two-phase flows. This paper presents an approach to fuse the information from ERT and an electromagnetic flowmeter. A model for the measurement signal from the electromagnetic flowmeter has been developed based on the flow pattern and the phase distributions, which are obtained from the reconstructed images of ERT, aiming to reduce the measurement error of the electromagnetic flowmeter and enhance the measurement accuracy. Through the simulation research of virtual current density distribution, the feasibility of fusion of electromagnetic flowmeter and ERT to measure gas/liquid two-phase vertical slug flow is verified. By theoretical analysis, the relationship between the output of electromagnetic flowmeter and flow parameters is established. The electrical potential difference of the electromagnetic flowmeter, average velocity, volume flow rate and gas void fraction between the bubble size and location are also investigated. The fusion approach can be used to measure vertical slug flows. 相似文献
本文对低功耗电磁流量计的测量电路进行了研究,给出了测量电路的基本组成。根据被测信号的特点,即微弱信号在强干扰下的测量,阐述了测量电路的工作原理。本测量电路主要用于电池供电的电磁流量计中,可以实现便携式低功耗的工作要求。 相似文献
This paper describes the design and implementation of a two-phase flow meter which can be used in solids-in-water two phase pipe flows to measure the in-situ volume fraction distributions of both phases, the velocity profiles of both phases and the volumetric flow rates for both phases. The system contains an Impedance Cross Correlation (ICC) device which is used in conjunction with an Electromagnetic Velocity Profiler (EVP). Experimental results were obtained for the water and solids velocity and volume fraction profiles in upward inclined flow at 30° to the vertical, in which highly non-uniform velocity and volume fraction profiles occur. 相似文献
Coriolis flowmeters operate with high accuracy when the medium metered is a single-phase incompressible fluid. Multi-phase fluids lead to measurement errors because of center-of-mass motion. In this paper we review the “bubble theory” which describes errors due to phase decoupling of two-phase fluids. Examples are provided with combined phase decoupling and compressibility errors. 相似文献
设计高频方波励磁方案,提出浆液信号处理方法,以DSP芯片TMS320F2812为核心研制浆液型电磁流量计,以解决浆液测量问题.励磁控制部分采用线性电源搭建恒流源并以高压供电,实现高频方波励磁,并保证信号零点的稳定.信号调理部分采用差分放大、偏置调整以克服共模干扰和极化漂移.信号处理部分采用基于统计分析与信号重构的浆液信号处理方法去除浆液干扰,获得稳定的流量输出.水流量标定和纸浆浆液测量实验结果表明,该浆液型电磁流量计水流量测量精度优于0.5%,浆液测量的稳态波动率小于4%,动态跟随响应时间小于4s,满足实际应用对浆液测量的要求. 相似文献
This paper describes an electromagnetic flow meter for velocity profile measurement in single phase and multiphase flows with non-uniform axial velocity profiles. A Helmholtz coil is used to produce a near-uniform magnetic field orthogonal to both the flow direction and the plane of an electrode array mounted on the internal surface of a non-conducting pipe wall. Induced voltages acquired from the electrode array are related to the flow velocity distribution via variables known as ‘weight values’ which are calculated using finite element software. Matrix inversion is used to calculate the velocity distribution in the flow cross section from the induced voltages measured at the electrode array. This paper presents simulations and experimental results including, firstly the effects of the velocity profile on the electrical potential distribution, secondly the induced voltage distribution at the electrode pair locations, and thirdly the reconstructed velocity profile calculated using the weight values and the matrix inversion method mentioned above. The flow pipe cross-section is divided into a number of pixels and, in the simulations, the mean flow velocity in each of the pixels in single phase flow is calculated from the measured induced voltages. Reference velocity profiles that have been investigated in the simulations include a uniform velocity profile and a linear velocity profile. The results show good agreement between the reconstructed and reference velocity profiles. Experimental results are also presented for the reconstructed velocity profile of the continuous water phase in an inclined solids-in-water multiphase flow for which the axial water velocity distribution is highly non-uniform. The results presented in this paper are most relevant to flows in which variations in the axial flow velocity occur principally in a single direction. 相似文献
A structurally simple annular gap-type laminar flowmeter of high linearity is investigated experimentally using air. The effects of the relative gap length t/ s (where t = gap (cylinder) length, s = gap width), presence of cylinder struts, and installation disturbances on the linearity of the flowmeter are examined. The linearity between the pressure drop and the flow rate tends to be improved when the relative gap length is larger. The flowmeter is shown to be stable to the installation disturbances. From a practical standpoint, a flowmeter with cylinder mounted on struts and for t/ s>70 seems to be in a good operational range. 相似文献
本文详细介绍电磁辐射数字化测量系统 ,给出了电路原理图 ,离散化数据高速采样方法及FFT计算方法。 相似文献
针对用户对高端电磁流量计的需求,提出了基于ARM9微处理器的电磁流量计硬件设计方案.ARM9微处理器可以实现多种励磁方式、数据的USB存储、以太网络通信、TFT彩屏显示等一系列的功能.文中对电磁流量计的测量装置,基于ARM9核心板的模块化电路设计作了详细的介绍. 相似文献
信噪比低与干扰类型复杂一直是阻碍电容式电磁流量计产品化的关键因素.针对交变励磁磁场对流量信号产生微分干扰与同相干扰的问题,建立了矩形波励磁系统的等效电路并分析了励磁电流的动态特性,结合分析结果与常见励磁电路在电路结构与功耗方面的优劣特点,提出通过缩短励磁电流过渡过程提高流量信号信噪比的方法.为了实现该方法,研制了基于电流模式PWM全桥逆变器的励磁系统,并结合流量计标定装置与流量信号检测系统进行实验验证,实验结果表明该励磁系统可为传感器的磁路提供更高的励磁参数,能在增大流量感应电压信号的同时有效抑制微分干扰与流动噪声.另外,该励磁系统为电容式电磁流量计的传感器与转换器中流量信号检出部分的研究奠定了基础. 相似文献