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介绍了合理设计安全化学品的几个常用途径,对化学品致毒的毒性机理进行了初步分析,提出安全化学品设计的主要原则,并列举了十余个安全化学品的设计范例。  相似文献   

根据《危险化学品安全管理条例》(国务院令第 344号 )的规定 ,现将国家安全生产监督管理局、公安部、国家环境保护总局、卫生部、国家质量监督检验检疫总局、铁道部、交通部和中国民用航空总局确定的《剧毒化学品目录》( 2 0 0 2年版 ) ,予以公布。说明一、剧毒化学品的判定界限1 .剧毒化学品的定义剧毒化学品是指具有非常剧烈毒性危害的化学品 ,包括人工合成的化学品及其混合物 (含农药 )和天然毒素。2 .剧毒化学品毒性判定界限大鼠试验 ,经口LD50 ≤ 5 0mg/kg ,经皮LD50 ≤ 2 0 0mg/kg ,吸入LC50 ≤ 5 0 0ppm(气体 )或 2 .0mg/L(蒸气 )…  相似文献   

危险化学品的安全与控制是世界各国普遍关注的重大问题。1992年联合国环境与发展大会通过的《21世纪议程》文件中强调:“对化学品危险性的广泛认识是实现化学品安全的先决条件之一。应当承认公众和工人对化学品危险性有知情权的原则”。国际化学品安全卡(ICSC)是联合国国际化学品安全规划署(IPCS)与欧盟委员会合作编写的一套权威性化学品安全信息卡片。建立国际化学品安全卡(中文版)网站,向生产和使用危险化学品的单位和公众散发、推广国际化学品安全卡是普及化学品安全知识、鼓励公众的知情和参与化学品安全管理,实现危险化学品安全生产的重要途径。本文介绍了在国际劳工组织CIS机构支持下,我国国际化学品安全卡(中文版)网络查询系统的建设,国际化学品安全卡的内容、使用方法以及在中国推广使用ICSC情况。  相似文献   

化学品安全技术说明书是一份关于化学品燃、爆、毒性和生态危害以及安全使用、泄漏应急处置、主要理化参数、法律法规等方面信息的综合性文件。作为对用户的一种服务,生产企业应随化学商品向用户提供化学品安全技术说明书,使用户明了化学品的有关危害,使用时自主进行防护,起到减少职业危害和预防化学事故的作用。  相似文献   

国际化学品安全标识是联合国国际化学品安全规划署和欧洲共同体委员会合作组织编制的,扼要介绍了2000多种中的理化性质、毒性危害、急救/消防措施、包装储存、泄漏鼾以及环境数据等信息。数据具有权威性、科学性和可靠性。对我国化学品安全生产、环境管理、医疗卫生和劳动保护等都具有重要价值。  相似文献   

国家安全监管总局根据<危险化学品建设项目安全许可实施办法>(安全监管总局令第8号)有关规定,经过反复讨论和研究,编制了<危险化学品建设项目安全许可申请书>、<危险化学品建设项目安全审查书>、<危险化学品建设项目安全许可申请文件资料补正告知书>、<危险化学品建设项目安全许可申请受理通知书>、<危险化学品建设项目试生产(使用)方案备案告知书>、<危险化学品建设项目安全许可意见书>等6种文书的格式和内容要求,并决定自2007年4月1日起试行,试行期1年;  相似文献   

20 0 3年 1 1月 2 6日  危险化学品和烟花爆竹安全监管是全国安全生产工作的重要组成部分 ,特别是《危险化学品安全管理条例》(以下简称《条例》)实施以来 ,各级安全生产监督管理部门做了大量卓有成效的工作 ,对稳定危险化学品安全生产形势起到了重要的作用。下面 ,就危险化学品和烟花爆竹安全监管的有关情况作一通报。一、危险化学品安全管理工作基本情况(一 ) 2 0 0 3年发生重特大事故情况2 0 0 3年危险化学品、烟花爆竹共发生 4起一次死亡 1 0人以上的重特大事故 ,分别是 :1月 1 8日 ,湖南省常德市临澧县合口凯丽花炮厂因违规操作 ,发…  相似文献   

陈朝华 《中国涂料》2004,19(2):15-16
钛白粉生产中使用或产生的危险化学品较多 ,存在潜在的不安全因素 ,本文对危险化学品作了评价分析。  相似文献   

简述了日本精细化学品的发展近况 ,医药化学品在工业中占有特定的地位 ;农用化学品依赖食品生产的发展 ;涂料发展趋势是水基涂料和环境友好涂料增加 ,而溶剂基涂料缩减 ;2 0 0 3年日本催化剂的产量及供应量都创历史新高。  相似文献   

随着经济社会的发展和以人为本、安全发展理念的不断深入,安全对于我们每一位社会公众变得越发的重要,“十二五”以来,国务院将“安全发展”上升到国家战略的高度之后,国家相继制定、修订颁布实施了一系列法规和标准规范,以进一步严格危险化学品安全管理。液氯作为一种重要的化工原料,《危险化学品名录》将其列为2.3类,是毒性气体,无色、具强烈刺激性气味,被列入首批《重点监管的危险化学品目录》,是《危险化学品重大危险源辨识》(GB18218~2009)中可构成重大危险源的危险化学品,广泛用于化学肥料、化工生产用的原料及食品加工业的制冷剂等。  相似文献   

The NATO Munitions Safety Information Analysis Center (MSIAC) is a multinational collaboration that collects, stores, and analyses technical information related to Munitions Safety (MS) and Insensitive Munitions (IM). MSIAC supports its member nations through a variety of products and services. In addition to a core responsibility of addressing technical questions related to Munitions Safety posed by members, MSIAC has a diverse programme of work aimed at developing and sharing the related underpinning scientific knowledge. This is applied to support munition safety policy development and implementation. This article provides an overview of some of the current and future areas of work which MSIAC is involved in, with a focus on IM and energetic materials.  相似文献   

介绍了天然橡胶用低烟低毒半聚脲阻燃涂料的原材料、基本配方、制备工艺和施工方法,其特点是涂料具有和基材相近的弹性和良好的附着力,所研制的涂料附着力1级,防腐蚀性能优异,氧指数大于30,烟密度小于200,烟毒性小于0.035,涂层可涂覆天然橡胶器件,不影响器件的减隔振效果同时起到一定的阻燃效果,在轨道交通等领域具有较好的应用前景  相似文献   

This work presents a safety study of a supercritical extraction plant. In order to define process equipment and operation conditions, a supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) plant to produce 336 kg/d (60t/season1)) sweet pepper oleoresin is presented. The plant was designed to operate at 40MPa extraction pressure, 40 °C extraction temperature, and 6MPa separation pressure using 10000Kg/h CO2 as solvent. A formal analysis was carried out in order to identify the most important hazards. It is obvious that the dangers arising from this plant have much to do with the nature of the substances being processed, the way they are treated in the plant, and their tendency to take part in chemical reactions under these conditions. The basic procedure involved was first to identify the main types and sources of hazards (possibility of releases, fires, explosions, and operation of high‐pressure systems) and quantify the causes and effects. Standardized test methods were used for this. The work included representative tests such as Dow index and a detailed PROBIT analysis.  相似文献   

球罐安全评定方法的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周嘉炜  江楠 《化工机械》2009,36(5):521-524
利用CVDA-1984《压力容器缺陷评定规范》及《在用舍缺陷压力容器安全评定》对含缺陷的球罐进行断裂与塑性失效安全评定,并分析比较所运用的评价方法。结果表明,《在用含缺陷压力容器安全评定》标准更具有优越性。  相似文献   

压力管道安全技术现状及对提高压力管道安全性的建议   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
黄振仁 《化工机械》1997,24(6):359-363
根据国家劳动部在《压力管道安全管理与监察规定》中对压力管道限定的范围,结合实例,从设计、制造、安装和运行等安全技术因素,分析了压力管道安全的现状。并就提高压力管道安全性提出了若干建议。  相似文献   

Chitosan-based edible coatings represent an eco-friendly and biologically safe preservative tool to reduce qualitative decay of fresh and ready-to-eat fruits during post-harvest life due to their lack of toxicity, biodegradability, film-forming properties, and antimicrobial actions. Chitosan-based coatings modulate or control oxidative stress maintaining in different manner the appropriate balance of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in fruit cells, by the interplay of pathways and enzymes involved in ROS production and the scavenging mechanisms which essentially constitute the basic ROS cycle. This review is carried out with the aim to provide comprehensive and updated over-view of the state of the art related to the effects of chitosan-based edible coatings on anti-oxidant systems, enzymatic and non-enzymatic, evaluating the induced oxidative damages during storage in whole and ready-to-eat fruits. All these aspects are broadly reviewed in this review, with particular emphasis on the literature published during the last five years.  相似文献   

The weak oxidation resistance has severely hindered graphite from various high temperature applications, therefore in this paper a molten salt technique was proposed to prepare titanium aluminium carbide based coatings on graphite flakes to overcome this problem. The resultant TiC-Ti3AlC coated graphite showed higher peak oxidation temperature (~?900?°C) than the uncoated one (700?°C), suggesting that the coatings will afford graphite with superior oxidation resistance. Such improvements can be largely ascribed to not only the homogenous and crack-free TiC-Ti3AlC coatings and their resultant relicts of TiO2 and Al2O3, but also the molten salt technique for preparing the coatings. Especially the molten salts offer fast dissolution/melting/dispersion of Ti/Al powders, rapid reaction with graphite in the salt melts, and homogenous growth of the carbide coatings on the surface of graphite flakes at as low temperatures as 950–1150?°C.  相似文献   

脉冲参数对Ni-SiC纳米复合镀层的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
采用脉冲电镀法制备了Ni-SiC(纳米)复合镀层,研究了脉冲参数对镀层中纳米微粒含量和镀层硬度的影响,并利用扫描电子显微镜分析了镀层的显微组织.结果表明:脉冲电镀能够细化复合镀层的晶粒,缩短脉冲导通时间,适当延长脉冲关断时间.采用双脉冲波形,能够改善电极表面沉积金属离子浓度,提高复合镀层中SiC(纳米)含量,改善其表面质量.  相似文献   

In this study, monolayer polypyrrole (PPY), polyaniline (PANI), and bilayer PPY/PANI, PANI/PPY coatings were deposited onto steel electrodes by electropolymerization in 0.1 M monomer and 0.3 M oxalic acid solution. Such corrosion parameters of these electrodes, as corrosion potentials, anodic Tafel constants and corrosion current densities were determined by means of current–potential curves as a function of time in 1 M H2SO4 solution. These findings were compared to the corrosion parameters of a bare steel electrode in the same acid solution. The monolayer and bilayer polymer coatings were characterized by the Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and SEM. Bilayer coatings displayed better corrosion inhibition efficiencies than monolayer coatings. Furthermore, the PPY/PANI coatings offered superior corrosion protection than the PANI/PPY coatings.  相似文献   

Safety management is a key element in industrial safety. Its importance has become clear from the analysis of past accidents. Consequently, the Seveso II directive requires the quality of safety management to be assessed. Such an assessment implies judging parameters which are not readily measurable and hence subjectivity. Formalized and standardized approaches allow the impact of subjective elements on the assessment to be reduced. Three of these approaches are presented.  相似文献   

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