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This paper proposes an approach for ranking organic protective coatings via electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The areas under the Bode plots have been determined and used as useful parameters to evaluate and to rank six commercial paints with high, intermediate, and poor qualities. Decreasing percentages (DP) of the areas under Bode plots were determined during the immersion periods. It is found that DP of the areas under Bode plots are useful parameters for evaluating coating degradation during the immersion times. Results from this work were in good agreements with the results from electrical equivalent circuit (EEC) models.  相似文献   

In this work, corrosion of industrial galvanised coatings is monitored through potentiodynamic and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) methods and supported by real-time immersion tests. For such purpose, the corrosion behaviour is studied in different media (NaCl, NaOH and rain water), at different concentrations and varying immersion times. The results show that EIS allows to establish the interfacial reactions and the dissolution mechanisms occurring in three corrosive media, hence to foresee the protection conferred by these coatings. The impedance diagrams of the coated steel do not provide information on the slowest reactions, which only occur in natural rain water. Finally, each Zn/medium interface is characterised by a specific equivalent circuit giving a similar impedance response.  相似文献   

V Barranco  S Feliu 《Corrosion Science》2004,46(9):2203-2220
The possibilities offered by the EIS technique for studying the progress of corrosion in several types of galvanised coatings were investigated. Corrosion tests were performed in a 3 wt.% NaCl aqueous solution, at approximately neutral pH, without stirring and in contact with the air. A tendency was seen towards an electrochemical overestimation of the corrosion values of essentially pure zinc and Zn-5%Al (Galfan) coatings compared with the gravimetric reference values. In contrast, the opposite tendence was revealed with the Zn-10%Fe (Galvanneal) coating. These deviations have made it necessary to use empirical values of the constant B of the Stern-Geary equation. The approximately linear progress of the attack with immersion time suggests a slight barrier effect of the corrosion products layer.  相似文献   

In the present paper, three different coatings (epoxy, alkyd, polyurethane paints) were characterized by electrochemical impedance measurements, permeability tests, free-standing film impedance and local impedance measurements. The increase in resistance with immersion time of alkyd paint was linked to the nature of the polymeric network and not to phenomena occurring at the metal/paint interface. For polyurethane paint, local impedance was not able to detect defects in the paint, which was attributed to the fact that the defects are smaller than those observed in alkyd paint and also that they are less active and homogeneously distributed through the coating. Although electrochemical impedance methods (global and local) are excellent tools to monitor the behaviour of organic coatings, these techniques alone are not sufficient to screen different paints.  相似文献   

The corrosion resistance of anodized Al 6061 produced by two different anodizing and sealing processes was evaluated using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The scanning electron microscope (SEM) was employed to determine the surface structure and the thickness of the anodized layers. The EIS data revealed that there was very little change of the properties of the anodized layers for samples that were hard anodized in a mixed acid solution and sealed in hot water over a 365 day exposure period in a 3.5 wt% NaCl solution. The specific admittance As and the breakpoint frequency fb remained constant with exposure time confirming that the hard anodizing process used in this study was very effective in providing excellent corrosion resistance of anodized Al 6061 over extended exposure periods. Some minor degradation of the protective properties of the anodized layers was observed for samples that were hard anodized in H2SO4 and exposed to the NaCl solution for 14 days.  相似文献   

In this paper, the sorption/diffusion of water from an aqueous electrolyte into a commercial epoxy paint coating was compared using gravimetry, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and attenuated total reflection infra-red spectroscopy (ATR-IR) techniques as a function of electrolyte composition. All three techniques show an apparent two-stage diffusion process. Diffusion coefficients for water sorption obtained by ATR are consistent with those obtained using (conventional) gravimetric methods and impedance spectroscopy (EIS). We discuss the methods used to derive diffusion coefficients, and concentration of the sorbed species, from capacitance measurements. As such, we postulate that the cause of anomalous diffusion behaviour is due to the fact that the penetrant enters the polymer because of classical diffusion down the concentration gradients, which are modified a result of the time dependence of the surface concentration. Hence, an apparent two-stage sorption profile is not necessarily significant in a heterogeneous coating and Brasher’s equation remains the most appropriate for data analysis.  相似文献   

Compositionally modulated multilayer coatings consisting alternative layers of nickel and zinc–iron alloy were electroplated using dual bath technique. The coating's surface morphology was studied using a scanning electron microscope. The effects of coatings configuration, i.e., order and the number of layers on the coatings surface roughness was investigated. It was observed that as the number of layers increases in the different Ni/Zn–Fe CMM coatings, 2 and 4-layer Zn–Fe/Ni CMM coatings the final surface roughness is decreased due to the lower grain growth of zinc–iron individual layers. The coatings corrosion protection performance was evaluated using Tafel extrapolation, anodic polarization and salt spray tests. The results of corrosion study showed that all Ni/Zn–Fe and Zn–Fe/Ni CMM coatings, except the 8-layer Zn–Fe/Ni coating, had a better corrosion protection performance compared to the single layer zinc–iron alloy coating or nickel coating.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature, applied potential and hydrogen generation on the passive behaviour of nickel were investigated in lithium bromide aqueous solution using different electrochemical techniques: open circuit potential (OCP), potentiodynamic and potentiostatic measurements, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). From the polarization curves, it is observed that localised corrosion resistance decreases with temperature, the repassivation of nickel is more difficult at 75 °C and the hydrogen evolution reaction is favoured with an increase in temperature. Impedance results showed that the most suitable corrosion mechanism of nickel in LiBr solutions includes the double layer and the passive film formed on the nickel surface. The passive film of nickel partially disappears when a low cathodic potential is applied.  相似文献   

The corrosion resistance of anodized Al 6061 produced by two different anodizing and sealing processes was evaluated for 30 days during exposure to 3.5 wt% NaCl using EIS. Thermal cycling treatments at 120, 160 and 200 °C have been applied for the two types of samples. The degradation of the properties of the anodized layers has been determined by thorough analysis of the EIS data for control samples and samples that had undergone thermal cycling. Scanning electron microscopy has been used to evaluate the damage to the anodized aluminum layers due to thermal cycling. It was found that the thermal treatment produced considerable damage of both the porous layer and the barrier layer. The EIS data suggest that some cracks extended into the bare metal. The damage of the oxide layers increased with increasing thermal cycling temperature for both types of samples. Self-sealing of the porous layer and the barrier layer occurred during immersion in NaCl.  相似文献   

Galvanized steel has been tested in a synthetic sea water solution under different cathodic overprotection conditions. The generated hydrogen flux caused the damage of the metal-zinc interface and led to a progressive coating detachment.Scanning electron microscopy, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and acoustic emission technique were used to characterize the damage chronology under different cathodic potentials.A damage mechanism was proposed and the acoustic signature related to the coating degradation was statistically identified using clustering techniques.  相似文献   

Multi-step Ni electroplatings were applied to AZ91D following the development of a homogenisation pre-treatment. The Ni coating was well adhered, as verified by thermal shock testing, and provided corrosion protection in 3.5 wt.% NaCl for 74 h at a coating thickness of ∼15 μm. Being a cathodic coating, further protection in the presence of defects was not demonstrated herein, however realisation of quality Ni coatings on Mg is technologically important. To this end, achieving microstructural homogeneity on AZ91D is critical prior to plating or coating (such as electroless plating and chemical conversion coating) multi phase Mg-alloys.  相似文献   

Carbon steel A106 with an aluminized Ni coating was tested in a 5 mol/l (M) monoethanolamine (MEA) with a carbon loading of 0.2 mol/mol MEA at 80 °C using polarization resistance, Tafel, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) techniques. Surface morphology and elemental line profile of the coating were examined before and after a 900 °C heat-treatment in atmosphere environment. X-ray diffraction (XRD) results showed that the coating surface constitutes transformed from Ni2Al3 to Al-rich NiAl after heat-treatment. The electrochemical results show that the heat-treated coating displays outstanding corrosion performance with the conditions tested.  相似文献   

In the present work low density poly ethylene (LDPE) and maleic acid grafted LDPE (LDPE-g-MAc) were pigmented with red iron oxide at three different concentrations (i.e., 20, 30 and 40 wt%). The pigmented compositions were prepared in extruder and then cryogenically grounded to bring them in powder form. These compositions were applied on grit blasted mild steel specimen by flame spray technique. Corrosion resistance of red iron oxide based compositions was studied by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The grafted LDPE containing 30 wt% red iron oxide showed maximum resistance to corrosion compared to 20 and 40 wt% red iron oxide based compositions.  相似文献   

Electroplating technique is used to coat nickel over the coated substrates like galvannealed and galvanized, and uncoated substrate of cold rolled closed annealed steel sheets as well. These coated substrates are exposed to 3.5% aqueous NaCl solution in a flat cell to carry out the corrosion tests. The effect of nickel coating on galvannealed, galvanized and cold rolled closed annealing steel sheets is studied for their anti-corrosive performance by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Electrochemical impedance data were analysed by using Bode and Nyquist plot by considering the metal-coating-electrolyte interface as an electrical equivalent circuit model. The circuit elements i.e. polarisation resistance and coating capacitance are determined to evaluate the corrosion behaviour of these multilayered coatings. The changes in the impedance characteristics of the systems are found to occur as a function of exposure time in all the three cases. These results have showed differences in the protective characteristics of the three systems, where the nickel coated galvannealed exhibited superior corrosion resistance compared to nickel coated cold rolled closed annealed and galvanised.  相似文献   

A modified equivalent electric circuit is proposed to establish correspondence between impedance and noise measurements in waterborne coatings in saline media (NaCl). The polarization resistance (Rp) given by the impedance modulus when frequency approaches to zero can not directly be compared with noise measurements since this latter accounts only for the pore resistance of the paint of low barrier protective coatings while Rp parameter represents the sum of all the resistances at the system. The results have shown that the pore resistance data can be attributed to noise resistance when (i) the coating exhibit porosity presenting diffusion mechanism as rate-determining step, and (ii) when the sampling frequency of recorded data gives a Nyquist frequency of 1 Hz.  相似文献   

Impedance spectroscopy as a non-destructive evaluation technique was employed to study the microstructural evolution of thermal barrier coatings exposed to Na2SO4 at 950 °C. The results showed that the resistance and capacitance of yttria-stabilized zirconia top coat increased with corrosion time. The resistance of thermally growth oxide (TGO) from 20 to 60 h decreased slowly, which indicates there is little change in the composition of TGO. The fast decrease in the resistance of TGO from 60 to 100 h may correspond to the compositional change of TGO from a-Al2O3 to more conductive NiO and Ni(Cr, Al)2O4 with corrosion time.  相似文献   

The corrosion behavior of milled Mg prepared by high-energy ball milling for 10 h has been investigated in alkaline solutions by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and compared with that of unmilled Mg. X-ray powder diffraction indicates a crystallite size of 34 nm for the milled Mg compared to >100 nm for the unmilled powder. Chemical analyses show no significant iron contamination in milled Mg powder, indicating the absence of tools erosion during the milling procedure. In contrast, significant MgO enrichment in the milled powder is observed (6.5 wt.% after 10 h milling compared to 1.0 wt.% before milling). The oxygen contamination is mainly attributed to the powder oxidation occurring during milling. From XPS analyses, no MgO enrichment is detected on milled Mg electrode surface, confirming that MgO is dispersed homogeneously in the bulk of the material rather than to segregate on its surface. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy demonstrates clearly the better corrosion resistance of milled Mg compared to unmilled Mg in passive conditions (KOH solution, pH=14) and in more active corrosion conditions (borate solution, pH=8.4). This is illustrated by a nobler corrosion potential and by a significant increase of the interfacial resistance related to the film and charge-transfer reaction. Moreover, the variation of the different electrochemical parameters (corrosion potential, interfacial resistance and capacitance) with immersion time is less accentuated and tends more rapidly to a steady state with milled Mg, suggesting an enhancement of the Mg(OH)2 formation kinetic. The origin of the distinctive passivation behavior of ball-milled Mg is discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to obtain deeper insight into the mechanism of the protective action of three imidazole-based corrosion inhibitors. Investigations were performed on copper in 3% NaCl, by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance measurements. The kinetic changes in the corrosion processes were monitored over time. In spite of similar molecular structure, differences in the inhibiting mechanism of three imidazole compounds were observed. The two inhibitors with a tolyl substituent decreased the copper corrosion rate due to the formation of a thin adsorbate layer; however, slow formation of a thick layer was observed for 4-methyl-1-phenyl imidazole. From electrochemical impedance spectroscopy studies, it was observed that all three inhibitors protected the copper efficiently, and in some cases, the degree of the protection increased with time.  相似文献   

The electrochemical and transport properties and adhesion of epoxy coatings electrodeposited on aluminum pretreated by vinyltriethoxysilane (VTES) were investigated during exposure to 3% NaCl. The VTES films were deposited on aluminum surface from 2% and 5% vinyltriethoxysilane solution. The electrochemical results showed that the pretreatment based on VTES film deposited from 5% solution provides enhanced barrier properties and excellent corrosion protection. The values of diffusion coefficient of water through epoxy coating on this substrate and water content inside the epoxy coating were the smallest, indicating the low porosity of the coating. In addition, the good adhesion was maintained throughout the whole investigated time period.  相似文献   

Electrodeposition of galvanized coatings from electrolyte containing 4,5-dichloro-2-n-octyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one (DCOIT) can increase microbial corrosion resistance. Coatings were found to inhibit the growth and metabolism of sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB). Open circuit potentials and corrosion rates of coupons revealed DCOIT effectively influences the coating property. Energy diffraction spectrum and infrared absorption spectra were used to detect DCOIT on the coating surface. Scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction revealed morphological and structural modifications. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and polarization techniques determined the corrosion behaviour of coatings in SRB. Results showed coatings formed from electrolytes with DCOIT have improved microbial corrosion resistance and bactericidal action.  相似文献   

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