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异构无线网络能够利用各种网络的链路迅速建立连接、实现数据的传递,在军事、水灾、火灾、地震等重大灾害上具有重要的应用价值.因此,设计一种能够提高数据发送效率和网络抗毁性的异构无线网络自适应路由策略具有重要意义.首先介绍了无线局域网、无线蜂窝网络、自组网、延迟容忍网络等各种无线网络的特点;然后对各种异构无线网络路由进行分类并阐述;最后总结现有异构无线网络路由的不足,并对未来研究工作进行了展望.  相似文献   

无线网络编码增益感知的低时延路由协议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
降低无线网络数据包传递时延对实时应用有重要的意义.该文提出了一种编码增益的计算方法和编码图的简化方法,并基于此提出了编码增益感知的路由协议CGAR(Coding Gain Aware Routing).CGAR利用网络编码增益和无线链路的期望传输次数ETX(Expected Transmission Count)计算传递一个来自新流的数据包所需要的时间,并以此为选路度量,旨在降低数据传递时延.仿真试验表明,CGAR的时延优于COPE和DCAR协议.  相似文献   

在未来的异构无线网络环境中,为满足数据业务的需求,移动用户总希望能够接入最适合的网络。针对将实际测量的指标值归一化后作为决策值中存在的问题,提出了将效用理论应用到多指标算法中,设计了指标在不同业务、终端状态、用户类型下的效用函数,并用指标效用替代归一化测量值作为决策值计算备选网络的总效用,最后根据总效用值的比较来选择最优网络。仿真表明,此算法能够更好地反映用户的需求,帮助用户选择适合的网络。  相似文献   

基于网络编码的无线网络路由协议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于机会的网络编码方法(COPE)研究网络编码在无线环境中的协议层面上具体实现的问题,但COPE被动地等待编码机会的出现.为了更大限度的提高网络编码的性能,需要将网络编码与无线路由协议相结合来在无线节点上创造出更多的编码机会以减少总的传输次数,以有效的提升网络的吞吐量.当前的编码感知路由算法主要包括基于Markovian路由度量的路由协议、编码感知机会路由协议(CORE)、分布式编码感知路由协议(DCAR)、速率匹配的编码感知多路径路由协议(RCR)、编码感知多路径路由协议(CAMP)等.无线网络内的编码感知路由领域中新型路由度量和跨层设计等问题还需要进一步研究.  相似文献   

基于混沌遗传的异构无线网络接入选择策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
为了解决异构无线网络接入选择问题,提出一种基于混沌遗传算法的解决方法.将网络接入选择转换为一个多属性优化问题,利用混沌遗传算法解决全局寻优问题.算法首先通过超混沌系统产生初始种群和混沌扰动向量,对遗传算法进行改进;然后利用混沌遗传算法对适应度函数求解得到网络选择评价指标权重.仿真结果表明,该算法能够使新到达的用户更均匀地分布在各备选网络中,有效降低网络阻塞率并减小各候选网络阻塞率差距,实现网络的负载均衡.  相似文献   

基于业务类型的异构无线网络选择算法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
下一代异构无线网络环境下,用户的业务需求将更加多样化。根据3GPP对无线网络业务类型的划分,提出了一种基于业务类型的异构无线网络选择算法。该算法在无线多模终端中引入业务分析模块,考虑网络数据速率、时延、可靠性、安全性、价格等多种因素对不同业务的影响,采用模糊层次分析法,综合评价选出最佳网络接入。仿真结果证明,该算法能够根据业务类型有效地选择最佳网络,充分发挥异构网络的优势,有利于网络资源的优化调控。  相似文献   

简要介绍目前我国异构无线网络研究和应用的现状,分析其中的关键技术和推进方案,探讨对现有网络规划理念的影响,并对需要解决的问题给出策略建议。  相似文献   

针对异构网络环境下网络选择算法中决策值归一化或模糊化中存在的问题,提出了基于混合决策值的异构无线网络接入选择算法。该算法根据用户需求建立垂直切换算法评价指标体系,在此基础上建立混合型决策矩阵和计算一级指标、二级指标的权重,TOPSIS算法选择最优的网络。仿真分析表明,该算法在网络选择的过程中能够综合备选网络的各项指标,选择最优的网络接入,同时也能够满足具有特殊需求的移动台,提高网络吞吐量或减少传输延迟时间。  相似文献   

AdHoc无线网络是一种无通信基础设施的临时网络 ,首先详细阐述AdHoc无线网络结构和特点 ,然后提出设计AdHoc无线网络协议时必须要满足的条件 ,并分析目前已有的路由协议 ,最后指出下一步研究方向。  相似文献   

网络编码为无线网络带来了更高的可靠性,二者的结合已经引起了很多研究学者的关注,无线网络中基于网络编码的路由算法更是值得探讨和研究的问题,本文在网络编码的基础上分别对网络编码的多路径路由算法和编码感知的路由算法进行了分析和研究,以期实现提高无线传输效率的目标。  相似文献   

基于认知的无线传感器网络抗干扰路由算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘斌新  蒋挺 《数字通信》2010,37(1):66-70
针对无线传感器网络受Wi—Fi等异构系统干扰日益严重的问题,在引入基于簇的动态多信道组网策略的基础上,综合考虑频谱受干扰程度、信道切换代价、节点剩余能量等因素,提出了一种认知频谱干扰的能量有效的路由(CSIEE)算法。仿真结果表明,该路由与EEPA,AODV,AODV—EA路由相比,有效地节约了传感器节点能量,延长了网络生命周期。  相似文献   

The past few years have witnessed a surge of wireless mesh networks (WMNs)‐based applications and heterogeneous WMNs are taking advantage of multiple radio interfaces to improve network performance. Although many routing protocols have been proposed for heterogeneous WMNs, most of them mainly relied on hierarchical or cluster techniques, which result in high routing overhead and performance degradation due to low utilization of wireless links. This is because only gateway nodes are aware of all the network resources. In contrast, a unified routing protocol (e.g., optimal link state routing (OLSR)), which treats the nodes and links equally, can avoid the performance bottleneck incurred by gateway nodes. However, OLSR has to pay the price for unification, that is, OLSR introduces a great amount of routing overhead for broadcasting routing message on every interface. In this paper, we propose unified routing protocol (URP), which is based on passive bandwidth measurement for heterogeneous WMNs. Firstly, we use the available bandwidth as a metric of the unification and propose a low‐cost passive available bandwidth estimation method to calculate expected transmission time that can capture the dynamics of wireless link more accurately. Secondly, based on the estimated available bandwidth, we propose a multipoint relays selection algorithm to achieve higher transmission ability and to help accelerate the routing message diffusion. Finally, instead of broadcasting routing message on all channels, nodes running URP transmit routing message on a set of selected high bandwidth channels. Results from extensive simulations show that URP helps improve the network throughput and to reduce the routing overhead compared with OLSR and hierarchical routing. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Common Radio Resource Management techniques have shown great promise in both enhancing network operation and user satisfication. Such gains are achieved through the joint management of the individual access technologies in a Heterogeneous Wireless Network. The objective of this work is to expand on the existing body of work to accommodate heterogeneity not just at the traditional access‐network level but to other connectivity modes such as dynamic spectrum access. Such modes affect operator profitability in both the long and short terms. Specifically, we explore the design of a cost‐management model that adapts to the short‐term variability in connectivity costs. We also display the operational aspects and effectiveness of this functionality through both simulation and an analytical model. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

无线mesh网中一种基于博弈论的公平性路由协议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出一种基于博弈论的以树为拓扑结构的公平性路由协议.新的协议综合了先验式路由和按需路由,并且将路由计算和信道资源分配控制分布到树中的每个枝节点上,降低了根节点的负担,使其更适合于无线 mesh网的通信需求.仿真结果表明,新的路由协议改进了AODV、HWMP路由协议的端到端平均延迟和网络吞吐量,并且网络中各个无线节点占有的信道资源基本相近,满足公平性原则.  相似文献   

Considering severe resources constraints and security threat hierarchical routing protocol algorithm. The proposed routing of wireless sensor networks (WSN), the article proposed a novel protocol algorithm can adopt suitable routing technology for the nodes according to the distance of nodes to the base station, density of nodes distribution, and residual energy of nodes. Comparing the proposed routing protocol algorithm with simple direction diffusion routing technology, cluster-based routing mechanisms, and simple hierarchical routing protocol algorithm through comprehensive analysis and simulation in terms of the energy usage, packet latency, and security in the presence of node protocol algorithm is more efficient for wireless sensor networks. compromise attacks, the results show that the proposed routing  相似文献   

能量节省是无线Ad Hoc网络中的一个研究重点.功率感知路由协议不但可以解决无线Ad Hoc网络的节能问题,同时还能够提高网络的性能.文章对目前提出的功率感知路由协议进行了分类,并分别进行了描述,最后指出了功率感知路由协议的未来研究方向.  相似文献   

Network coding,which exploits the broadcast nature of wireless medium,is an effective way to improve network performance in wireless multi-hop networks,but the first practical wireless network coding system COPE cannot actively detect a route with more coding opportunities and limit the coding structure within two-hop regions.An on-demand coding-aware routing scheme(OCAR)for wireless Mesh networks is proposed to overcome the limitations specified above by actively detecting a route with more coding opportunities along the entire route rather than within two-hop regions.Utilizing more coding opportunities tends to route multiple flows 'close to each other' while avoiding interference requires routing multiple flows 'away from each other'.OCAR achieves a tradeoff by adopting RCAIA as routing metric in route discovery,which is not only coding-aware but also considers both inter and intra flow interference.Simulation results show that,compared with Ad-hoc on-demand distance vecfor routing(AODV)and AODV+COPE,OCAR can find more coding opportunities,thus effectively increase network throughput,reduce end to end delay and alleviate network congestion.  相似文献   

As the applications of wireless sensor networks proliferate, the efficiency in supporting large sensor networks and offering security guarantees becomes an important requirement in the design of the relevant networking protocols. Geographical routing has been proven to efficiently cope with large network dimensions while trust management schemes have been shown to assist in defending against routing attacks. Once trust information is available for all network nodes, the routing decisions can take it into account, i.e. routing can be based on both location and trust attributes. In this paper, we investigate different ways to incorporate trust in location‐based routing schemes and we propose a novel way of balancing trust and location information. Computer simulations show that the proposed routing rule exhibits excellent performance in terms of delivery ratio, latency time and path optimality. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

结合信道借用和流量转移技术提出了一种混合动态流量均衡算法。使用该算法热点小区可以向紧凑模式中的同类型轻负载小区借用信道,同时还可以按一定条件将呼叫转移到与热点小区重叠覆盖的异构轻负载小区中,每个流量周期借用的信道数和转移的呼叫数将根据热点小区的剩余可用信道数和新呼叫到达率来计算。仿真结果表明,该流量均衡算法能够显著降低热点小区系统和整个异构系统的新呼叫阻塞概率、切换呼叫掉线率,而且整个异构系统的利用率也得到了相应提高。  相似文献   

在无线传感器网络中,分簇型路由在路由协议中占据重要的地位,该协议方便拓扑结构管理,能源利用率高,数据融合简单。文章从簇头生成、簇形成和簇路由3个角度对典型的分簇路由算法LEACH,HEED,EEUC,PEGASIS进行了系统描述,从网络生命周期和节点存活数量等方面,对比了其优缺点,结合该领域的研究现状,指出了未来研究的方向。  相似文献   

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