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正授权公告号:CN 105348655B授权公告日:2017年11月21日专利权人:中国工程物理研究院核物理与化学研究所发明人:宋宏涛、傅依备、安友等本发明公开了一种三元乙丙橡胶(EPDM)基微孔化泡沫材料及其制备方法。其特点是将EPDM、功能剂、辐射敏化剂和成孔剂加入双辊开炼机中,混炼成型后压制成为片材或块材;将成型后的片材或块材浸泡于水浴中,取出后鼓风干 相似文献
EPDM烧蚀材料中需加入芳纶浆粕,将国外与国内芳纶浆粕进行电镜对比,观察其微观结构,国产芳纶纤维符合要求,但国外芳纶纤维性能更好。 相似文献
三元乙丙橡胶/蒙脱土纳米复合材料的制备与性能研究 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
采用熔融插层的方法制备了三元乙丙橡胶(EPDM)/蒙脱土纳米复合材料。X-射线衍射和透射电镜的研究结果表明,该材料的结构为插层型纳米分散结构。研究了蒙脱土用量对该复合材料的力学性能、光学性能和热性能的影响。实验结果表明,该纳米复合材料具有优良的力学性能。当蒙脱土的用量为15份时,该材料的拉伸强度和拉断伸长率分别为19.8MPa和540%。由过氧化物硫化剂2,5-二甲基-2,5-二叔丁基过氧己烷制备的EPDM/蒙脱土纳米复合材料是半透明的,蒙脱土用量对材料的透光率影响较小,蒙脱土用量几乎不影响材料的硫化性能。此外,材料的玻璃化转变温度和热分解温度也由于蒙脱土在基体中的纳米分散和基体与填料相互作用的增强而明显升高。 相似文献
少烟三元乙丙橡胶材料研制 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
以三元乙丙橡胶(EPDM)为基体材料,三氧化二锑、十溴苯醚为阻燃剂制备了材料配方,试验了三氧化二锑(Sb22O3)、十溴苯醚(DBDPO))配比对材料烟雾和力学性能的影响,测试了材料的氧指数,可见光的透过率,自熄性等。结果表明,DBDPO与EPDM的相容性比较好,Sb2O3的相容性则相对比较差,两者都可以提高材料的阻燃性能。以4045EPDM橡胶为基体材料,当EPDM100g,白炭黑10g,二硫化四甲基秋兰姆(TMTD)2g,ZnO5g,促进剂M1g,硬脂酸2g,硫磺3g,Sb2O3和DBDPO质量比为20.0/40.0,可以获得具有较好力学性能的少烟EPDM橡胶材料。 相似文献
介绍了三元乙丙橡胶的用途、生产工艺路线及国内生产能力和技术状况,并对国内的乙丙橡胶工艺技术发展提出了建议意见。 相似文献
过氧化物硫化EPDM发泡材料的研制 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
探讨了采用过氧化物硫化的EPDM发泡材料的配方设计和工艺。EPDM发泡材料的优化配方为 :EPDM [或EPDM/甲基乙烯基硅橡胶 (并用比 90 /10 )并用体系 ] 10 0 ;2 #气相法白炭黑 5 0 ;30 #机油 10 ;乙二醇 3;硫化剂DCP 2~ 3;氧化锌 8;发泡剂AC 8;调节剂A 1;调节剂B 0 5。EPDM的塑炼辊温为( 2 3± 5 )℃ ,胶料的混炼辊温为 60~ 70℃。混炼后压出的胶片密实 ,无气泡和杂质 ,表面光滑平整。装模用的胶片完整且厚度均匀一致。胶料的硫化条件为 :一段 170℃× ( 9~ 10 )min ;二段 170℃× 10min。优化配方的发泡材料物理性能较好 相似文献
Ethylene–propylene–diene terpolymer foam was prepared by two different processing routes. The microstructure and mechanical properties of the foams with wide relative density ranging from 0.11 to 0.62 have been studied via scanning electron microscopy and mechanical testing, respectively. Scanning electron microscopy shows that the foam with lower relative density has a unique bimodal cell size structure, which the larger cells inlay among the smaller cells, while the foam articles with higher relative density have thicker cell walls with few small cells. The compressive stress–strain curves show that the foam articles with lower relative density have three regimes: linear elastic, a wide slightly rising plateau, and densification, while the foam articles with higher relative density have only two regimes: the longer linear elastic and densification. The relative modulus increases with the increase in the relative density. The contribution of the gas trapped in the cell to the modulus could be neglected. The energy absorbed per unit volume is relationship with the permitted stress and the relative density. The efficiency and the ideality parameter were evaluated from the compressive stress–strain plots. The parameters were plotted against stress to obtain maximum efficiency and the maximum ideality region, which can be used for optimizing the choice for practical applications in cushioning and packaging. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 2007 相似文献
研究国产乙丙橡胶EPDM4045电缆料的配方,确定了填充剂、硫化剂、增塑剂等各组分的配比。简要阐述了胶料的加工工艺。电缆料各项性能指标满足欧盟VDE0282标准要求。 相似文献
为了提高聚氨酯胶粘剂粘接三元乙丙非极性橡胶材料的粘接强度,在三元乙丙橡胶配方中添加石油树脂和聚丁烯作增粘剂。测试了新配方产品的力学性能和与聚氨酯胶粘剂的粘接强度。结果表明,聚丁烯和石油树脂都可以提高PU胶对EPDM的粘接性能,但是聚丁烯对EPDM的力学性能有一定的影响。当在每百份EPDM中添加15份石油树脂,可使之保持良好的力学性能,其与PU胶粘剂的粘接性能亦获得了改善。 相似文献
EPDM foam was prepared by dynamically vulcanizing EPDM compound in a HAAKE rheometer firstly, then mixing the partially precured EPDM compound with a blowing agent and a sulfur vulcanizing system on a two roll mill. The compound was extruded through a cold feed extruder, and the extrudate was foamed in a circulating hot air oven. EPDM compound was vulcanized partly in the HAAKE rheometer, the final torque increases with increasing sulfur content. Rheological measurement shows the dynamic storage modulus, the loss modulus, and the complex viscosity of precured EPDM compound increase with increasing sulfur content. Then the partially precured EPDM compound was compounded with a blowing agent and a sulfur vulcanizing systems, Rheometric measurement shows that the rate of vulcanization of partially precured EPDM compound is not affected by the precure. The blowing results show that the foam processibility could be improved and the expansion ratio increases in the same processing condition for optimum partially precured EPDM compound, which indicates the optimum crosslink density for EPDM could enhance the efficiency of blowing agent AC. SEM shows that the foam articles have a closed‐cell structure with few open cells, and the large cells inlay among the small cells. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 101: 3387–3394, 2006 相似文献
介绍了耐热内骨架EPDM密封圈的研制。胶料配方确定为 :EPDM 10 0 ;氧化锌 5 ;硬脂酸 1;炭黑 70 ;滑石粉 10 ;聚酯类增塑剂 12 ;硫黄 0 5 ;促进剂CED 3 3;防老剂APN 3;增粘树脂A/RS 1 5。模具设计为水平三开结构 ,采用 7°中心锥面配合定位。唇部胶料加工成长方形胶条后卷成圈装入模具 ,其余胶料加工成薄胶片缠绕在骨架钢圈上装入模具。密封圈硫化条件为 15 1℃× 45min。产品性能达到企业标准Q0 4/ATJ 0 15— 2 0 0 0要求 相似文献