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Ganglion cells with intraretinal axon collaterals have been described in monkey (Usai et al., 1991), cat (Dacey, 1985), and turtle (Gardiner & Dacey, 1988) retina. Using intracellular injection of horseradish peroxidase and Neurobiotin in in vitro whole-mount preparations of human retina, we filled over 1000 ganglion cells, 19 of which had intraretinal axon collaterals and wide-field, spiny dendritic trees stratifying in the inner half of the inner plexiform layer. The axons were smooth and thin (approximately 2 microm) and gave off thin (<1 microm), bouton-studded terminal collaterals that extended vertically to terminate in the outer half of the inner plexiform layer. Terminal collaterals were typically 3-300 microm in length, though sometimes as long as 700 microm, and were present in clusters, or as single branched or unbranched varicose processes with round or somewhat flattened lobular terminal boutons 1-2 microm in diameter. Some cells had a single axon whereas other cells had a primary axon that gave rise to 2-4 axon branches. Axons were located either in the optic fiber layer or just beneath it in the ganglion cell layer, or near the border of the ganglion cell layer and the inner plexiform layer. This study shows that in the human retina, intraretinal axon collaterals are associated with a morphologically distinct ganglion cell type. The synaptic connections and functional role of these cells are not yet known. Since distinct ganglion cell types with intraretinal axon collaterals have also been found in monkey, cat, and turtle, this cell type may be common to all vertebrate retinas.  相似文献   

Seizures evoked by kainic acid and a variety of experimental methods induce sprouting of the mossy fiber pathway in the dentate gyrus. In this study, the morphological features and spatial distribution of sprouted mossy fiber axons in the dorsal dentate gyrus of kainate-treated rats were directly shown in granule cells filled in vitro with biocytin and in vivo with the anterograde lectin tracer Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin (PHAL). Sprouted axon collaterals of biocytin-filled granule cells projected from the hilus of the dentate gyrus into the supragranular layer in both transverse and longitudinal directions in kainate-treated rats but were not observed in normal rats. The sprouted axon collaterals projected into the supragranular region for 600-700 microm along the septotemporal axis. Collaterals from granule cells in the infrapyramidal blade crossed the hilus and sprouted into the supragranular layer of the suprapyramidal blade. Sprouted axon segments in the supragranular layer had more terminal boutons per unit length than the axon segments in the hilus of both normal and kainate-treated rats but did not form giant boutons, which are characteristic of mossy fiber axons in the hilus and CA3. Mossy fiber axons in the hilus of kainate-treated rats had more small terminal boutons, fewer giant boutons, and there was a trend toward greater axon length compared with mossy fibers in the hilus of normal rats. With the additional length of supragranular sprouted collaterals, there was an overall increase in the length of mossy fiber axons in kainate-treated rats. The synaptic and axonal remodeling of the mossy fiber pathway could alter the functional properties of hippocampal circuitry by altering synaptic connectivity in local circuits within the hilus of the dentate gyrus and by increasing the divergence of the mossy fiber terminal field along the septotemporal axis.  相似文献   

The primary visual cortex (V1) of primates is unique in that it is both the recipient of visual signals, arriving via parallel pathways (magnocellular [M], parvocellular [P], and koniocellular [K]) from the thalamus, and the source of several output streams to higher order visual areas. Within this scheme, output compartments of V1, such as the cytochrome oxidase (CO) rich blobs in cortical layer III, synthesize new output pathways appropriate for the next steps in visual analysis. Our chief aim in this study was to examine and compare the synaptic arrangements and neurochemistry of elements involving direct lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) input from the K pathway with those involving indirect LGN input from the M and P pathways arriving from cortical layer IV. Geniculocortical K axons were labeled via iontophoretic injections of wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase into the LGN and intracortical layer IV axons (indirect P and M pathways to the CO-blobs) were labeled by iontophoretic injections of Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin into layer IV. The neurochemical content of both pre- and postsynaptic profiles was identified by postembedding immunocytochemistry for gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA) and glutamate. Sizes of pre- and postsynaptic elements were quantified by using an image analysis system, BioQuant IV. Our chief finding is that K LGN axons and layer IV axons (indirect input from M and P pathways) exhibit different synaptic relationships to CO blob cells. Specifically, our results show that within the CO blobs: 1) all K cell axons contain glutamate, and the vast majority of layer IV axons contain glutamate with only 5% containing GABA; 2) K axons terminate mainly on dendritic spines of glutamatergic cells, while layer IV axons terminate mainly on dendritic shafts of glutamatergic cells; 3) K axons have larger boutons and contact larger postsynaptic dendrites, which suggests that they synapse closer to the cell body within the CO blobs than do layer IV axons. Taken together, these results suggest that each input pathway to the CO blobs uses a different strategy to contribute to the processing of visual information within these compartments.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In addition to its horizontal layers, primate striate cortex has a vertical modular organization. Among the vertical modules are histochemically defined areas of high and low cytochrome oxidase labeling in the supragranular layers, referred to, respectively, as blobs and interblobs. Cytochrome c oxidase (CO) blobs and interblobs differ in their inputs from the magnocellular and parvocellular visual pathways, their physiological properties, and many aspects of their neurochemistry. The present study investigated whether aging differentially affects neuron numbers or sizes in the supragranular blobs or interblobs. METHODS: The right hemisphere from three young adult (5.2-12.4 years) and four old (24.0-26.7 years) rhesus monkeys was used. Tangential sections through the central visual-field representation were stained for CO and counterstained with cresyl violet. Montages were constructed through cortical layers 2 and 3, and neuron counts and size measurements were made in blob and interblob regions using stereological procedures that yield unbiased estimates. Blob density also was calculated. RESULTS: CO blob density was 3.76/mm2 in young adults and 3.95/mm2 in old animals, a difference that was not statistically significant. Neuron soma sizes also did not differ significantly between young adult and old animals or between blob and interblob regions. In addition, neuron density was not significantly different between young adult and old animals. However, independent of age, neuron density was significantly higher in the center of interblobs (394,058 cells/mm3) than in the center of blobs (333,638/mm3). CONCLUSIONS: Our results and those of previous studies (Vincent et al. 1989. Anat. Rec. 223:329-341; Peters and Sethares. 1993. Anat. Rec. 236:721-729) suggest that aging has little or no effect on the densities or sizes of the different functional or morphological types of neurons that exist in the different cortical layers or in the different vertical modules marked by CO blobs and interblobs. These findings are consistent with the results of our previous anatomical and physiological studies of the rhesus monkey retina and lateral geniculate nucleus. These results suggest that the retinogenic-ulostriate pathways are relatively unaffected by aging in the rhesus monkey.  相似文献   

To assess the position of interneurons in the hippocampal network, fast spiking cells were recorded intracellularly in vitro and filled with biocytin. Sixteen non-principal cells were selected on the basis of 1) cell bodies located in the pyramidal layer and in the middle of the slice, 2) extensive labeling of their axons, and 3) a branching pattern of the axon indicating that they were not axo-axonic cells. Examination of their efferent synapses (n = 400) demonstrated that the cells made synapses on cell bodies, dendritic shafts, spines, and axon initial segments (AIS). Statistical analysis of the distribution of different postsynaptic elements, together with published data (n = 288) for 12 similar cells, showed that the interneurons were heterogeneous with regard to the frequency of synapses given to different parts of pyramidal cells. When the cells were grouped according to whether they had less or more than 40% somatic synaptic targets, each population appeared homogeneous. The population (n = 19) innervating a high proportion of somata (53 +/- 10%, SD) corresponds to basket cells. They also form synapses with proximal dendrites (44 +/- 12%) and rarely with AISs and spines. One well-filled basket cell had 8,859 boutons within the slice, covering an area of 0.331 mm2 of pyramidal layer tangentially and containing 7,150 pyramidal cells, 933 (13%) of which were calculated to be innervated, assuming that each pyramidal cell received nine to ten synapses. It was extrapolated that the intact axon probably had about 10,800 boutons innervating 1,140 pyramids. The proportion of innervated pyramidal cells decreased from 28% in the middle to 4% at the edge of the axonal field. The other group of neurons, the bistratified cells (n = 9), showed a preference for dendritic shafts (79 +/- 8%) and spines (17 +/- 8%) as synaptic targets, rarely terminating on somata (4 +/- 8%). Their axonal field was significantly larger (1,250 +/- 180 microns) in the medio-lateral direction than that of basket cells (760 +/- 130 microns). The axon terminals of bistratified cells were smaller than those of basket cells. Furthermore, in constrast to bistratified cells, basket cells had a significant proportion of dendrites in stratum lacunosum-moleculare suggesting a direct entorhinal input. The results define two distinct types of GABAergic neuron innervating pyramidal cells in a spatially segregated manner and predict different functions for the two inputs. The perisomatic termination of basket cells is suited for the synchronization of a subset of pyramidal cells that they select from the population within their axonal field, whereas the termination of bistratified cells in conjunction with Schaffer collateral/commissural terminals may govern the timing of CA3 input and/or voltage-dependent conductances in the dendrites.  相似文献   

Lugaro cells are fusiform neurons located just beneath the Purkinje cell layer. Their axon projects profusely in the molecular layer and emits some collaterals in the granular layer. We have analysed the molecular layer postsynaptic targets of a Golgi-impregnated Lugaro cell, using the electronmicroscopic gold-toning procedure and post-embedding anti-GABA immunocytochemistry. All the gold-labeled neuritic and somatic profiles were GABA-positive, thus confirming that the Lugaro cell is an inhibitory interneuron. The axonal varicosities of this cell form multiple symmetrical synaptic junctions with basket and stellate cell somata and proximal dendrites, and, perhaps, with the molecular layer dendrites of Golgi interneurons. Lugaro cells thus seem to exert a feed-back inhibitory control on Purkinje cells.  相似文献   

The distribution of synapses formed by corticostriatal neurons was measured to determine the average connectivity and degree of convergence of these neurons and to search for spatial inhomogeneities. Two kinds of axonal fields, focal and extended, and two striatal tissue compartments, the patch (striosome) and matrix, were analyzed separately. Electron microscopic examination revealed that both kinds of corticostriatal axons made synapses at varicosities that could be identified in the light microscope, and each varicosity made a single synapse. Thus, the distribution of varicosities was a good estimate of the spatial distribution of synapses. The distance between axonal varicosities was measured to determine the density of synaptic connections formed by one axon within the volume occupied by a striatal neuron. Intersynaptic distances were distributed exponentially, except that synapses were rarely located <4 microm apart. The mean distance between synapses was approximately 10 microm, so axons made a maximum of 40 synapses within the dendritic volume of a spiny neuron. There are approximately 2840 spiny neurons located within the volume of the dendrites of one spiny cell (Oorschot, 1996), so each axon must contact 相似文献   

A subpopulation of neurons in the globus pallidus projects to the neostriatum, which is the major recipient of afferent information to the basal ganglia. Given the moderate nature of this projection, we hypothesized that the pallidostriatal projection might exert indirect but powerful control over principal neuron activity by targeting interneurons, which comprise only a small percentage of neostriatal neurons. This was tested by the juxtacellular labeling and recording of pallidal neurons in combination with immunolabeling of postsynaptic neurons. In addition to innervating the subthalamic nucleus and output nuclei, 6 of 23 labeled pallidal neurons projected to the neostriatum. Both the firing characteristics and the extent of the axonal arborization in the neostriatum were variable. However, light and electron microscopic analysis of five pallidostriatal neurons revealed that each neuron selectively innervated neostriatal interneurons. A large proportion of the boutons of an individual axon (19-66%) made contact with parvalbumin-immunoreactive interneurons. An individual parvalbumin-immunoreactive neuron (n = 27) was apposed on average by 6.7 boutons (SD = 6.1) from a single pallidal axon (n = 2). Individual pallidostriatal boutons typically possessed more than one symmetrical synaptic specialization. In addition, 3-32% of boutons of axons from four of five pallidal neurons contacted nitric oxide synthase-immunoreactive neurons. Descending collaterals of pallidostriatal neurons were also found to make synaptic contact with dopaminergic and GABAergic neurons of the substantia nigra. These data imply that during periods of cortical activation, individual pallidal neurons may influence the activity of GABAergic interneurons of the neostriatum (which are involved in feed-forward inhibition and synchronization of principle neuron activity) while simultaneously patterning neuronal activity in basal ganglia downstream of the neostriatum.  相似文献   

Neurons with axons that extend to the contralateral side of the spinal cord--commissural interneurons (CINs)--coordinate left/right alternation during locomotion. Little is known about the organization of CINs in the mammalian spinal cord. To determine the numbers, distribution, dendritic morphologies, axonal trajectories, and termination patterns of CINs located in the lumbar spinal cord of the neonatal rat, several different retrograde and anterograde axonal tracing paradigms were performed with fluorescent dextran amines and the lipophilic tracer 1,1'-dioctadecyl-3,3,3',3'-tetramethylindocarbocyanine perchlorate (DiI). CINs with ascending (aCINs) and descending (dCINs) axons were labeled independently. The aCINs and dCINs occupied different but overlapping domains within the transverse plane. The aCINs were clustered into four recognizable groups, and the dCINs were clustered into two recognizable groups. All dCINs and most aCINs were located within the gray matter, with somata ranging from 10-30 microm in diameter and with large, multipolar dendritic trees. One group of aCINs was located outside the gray matter along the dorsal and dorsolateral margin and had dendrites that were nearly confined to the dorsolateral surface. All CIN axons traversed the ventral commissure at right angles to the midline. CIN axons coursed up to six or seven segments rostrally and/or caudally in the ventral and ventrolateral white matter and gave off collaterals over a shorter range, predominantly to the ventral gray matter. These findings show that the lumbar spinal cord of the neonatal rat contains substantial numbers of CINs with axon projections and collateral ranges spanning several segments and that CINs projecting rostrally vs. caudally have different distributions in the transverse plane. The study provides an anatomical framework for future electrophysiological studies of the spinal neuronal circuits underlying locomotion in mammals.  相似文献   

The work describes the system of efferent terminals that interconnect inner hair cells through a chain of direct somatic synapses organized in repetitive patterns. The efferent boutons were discovered in the apical turns of 12-day-old (hearing) mice. Clusters or short rows of vesiculated boutons are located between adjoining hair cells at the lower half of the receptors, close to their modiolar side. The individual endings, about 1.2 microns in diameter, adjoin inner hair cells and form one synapse per hair cell. On the hair cell side, the synaptic contact is apposed by a classical postsynaptic cisterna. Within a cluster of endings, some synapse simultaneously with either or both neighbouring inner hair cells. The efferent boutons also connect synaptically with each other and with other--different in type--vesiculated and nonvesiculated endings. These endings seem to derive from the climbing collaterals of the inner spiral bundle, and we believe them to be GABAergic.  相似文献   

A study of the morphology and laminar distribution of nonpyramidal neurons in Golgi-Nissl preparations of electrophysiologically verified auditory cortex was carried out in the adult rabbit. Nonpyramidal neurons were located primarily within laminae I-IV and were only infrequently seen in lamina V and VI. In lamina I, four nonpyramidal cell types were observed: (1) small, spine-free horizontal neurons, (2) small, sparsely spined multipolar neurons with radiate dendrites, (3) large, multipolar neurons with fusiform somata and vertically aligned, sparsely spined dendrites, and (4) small, spine-free neurogliform neurons. The horizontal and small multipolar neurons had tangentially running axons confined to lamina I. The large, fusiform cells had descending axons which arborized in lamina II and occasionally reached lamina III. In lamina II and the upper part of lamina III, seven nonpyramidal cell types were observed: (1) spine-free bipolar neurons with vertically aligned dendrites and axonal arbors; (2) large, (3) medium, and (4) small, spine-free and sparsely spined multipolar neurons, all with locally ramifying axons; (5) pear-shaped cells with highly oriented dendrites which branched toward the pial surface and vertically arborizing axons; (6) multipolar cells with tangentially and vertically oriented dendrites and ascending axons which entered lamina I, and (7) tufted cells with local axons. Three types of nonpyramidal cells were observed in lamina IV and the lower part of lamina III: (1) large, multipolar cells with radiate, spine-free dendrites and stout axons which arborized locally, (2) spiny multipolar cells with vertically aligned dendrites and ascending axons which arborized in lamina II and III via long horizontal collaterals, and (3) spine-free bipolar cells with vertical dendrites and axons which arborized in a narrow vertical column adjacent to the dendrites. Nonpyramidal neurons in lamina V and VI were primarily multipolar cells with sparsely spined and spine-free dendrites. A comparison of these data with those of other species indicates that the neuronal organization of the rabbit auditory cortex is similar to that of the sensory cortex of the rodent but is strikingly different from that of carnivores and primates.  相似文献   

We compared the morphological characteristics of layer III pyramidal neurones in different visual areas of the occipitotemporal cortical 'stream', which processes information related to object recognition in the visual field (including shape, colour and texture). Pyramidal cells were intracellularly injected with Lucifer Yellow in cortical slices cut tangential to the cortical layers, allowing quantitative comparisons of dendritic field morphology, spine density and cell body size between the blobs and interblobs of the primary visual area (V1), the interstripe compartments of the second visual area (V2), the fourth visual area (V4) and cytoarchitectonic area TEO. We found that the tangential dimension of basal dendritic fields of layer III pyramidal neurones increases from caudal to rostral visual areas in the occipitotemporal pathway, such that TEO cells have, on average, dendritic fields spanning an area 5-6 times larger than V1 cells. In addition, the data indicate that V1 cells located within blobs have significantly larger dendritic fields than those of interblob cells. Sholl analysis of dendritic fields demonstrated that pyramidal cells in V4 and TEO are more complex (i.e. exhibit a larger number of branches at comparable distances from the cell body) than cells in V1 or V2. Moreover, this analysis demonstrated that the dendrites of many cells in V1 cluster along specific axes, while this tendency is less marked in extrastriate areas. Most notably, there is a relatively large proportion of neurones with 'morphologically orientation-biased' dendritic fields (i.e. branches tend to cluster along two diametrically opposed directions from the cell body) in the interblobs in V1, as compared with the blobs in V1 and extrastriate areas. Finally, counts of dendritic spines along the length of basal dendrites revealed similar peak spine densities in the blobs and the interblobs of V1 and in the V2 interstripes, but markedly higher spine densities in V4 and TEO. Estimates of the number of dendritic spines on the basal dendritic fields of layer III pyramidal cells indicate that cells in V2 have on average twice as many spines as V1 cells, that V4 cells have 3.8 times as many spines as V1 cells, and that TEO cells have 7.5 times as many spines as V1 cells. These findings suggest the possibility that the complex response properties of neurones in rostral stations in the occipitotemporal pathway may, in part, be attributed to their larger and more complex basal dendritic fields, and to the increase in both number and density of spines on their basal dendrites.  相似文献   

Locus coeruleus axons project to cerebellar cortex in coeruleocerebellar cultures, where they make functional contacts, and also appear as fine fibers in the outgrowth zones. The predominant catecholamine of locus coeruleus neurons in culture is dopamine. When coeruleocerebellar cultures are exposed to cytosine arabinoside to destroy cerebellar granule cells and functionally compromise glia, there is a resultant increase of Purkinje cell survival and a sprouting of Purkinje cell recurrent axon collaterals, plus an increase of catecholaminergic axons accompanied by a doubling of tissue dopamine content. If such reorganized cultures are transplanted with granule cells and glia, a second round of plastic changes ensues in which the Purkinje cell population and the recurrent axon collaterals are reduced to control levels, but catecholaminergic axons and dopamine content remain increased. The maintenance of catecholaminergic axons does not appear to depend on the persistence of target neurons.  相似文献   

Knowledge-based or top-down influences on primary visual cortex (area V1) are believed to originate from information conveyed by extrastriate feedback axon connections. Understanding how this information is communicated to area V1 neurons relies in part on elucidating the quantitative as well as the qualitative nature of extrastriate pathway connectivity. A quantitative analysis of the connectivity based on anatomical data regarding the feedback pathway from extrastriate area V2 to area V1 in macaque monkey suggests (i) a total of around ten million or more area V2 axons project to area V1; (ii) the mean number of synaptic inputs from area V2 per upper-layer pyramidal cell in area V1 is less than 6% of all excitatory inputs; and (iii) the mean degree of convergence of area V2 afferents may be high, perhaps more than 100 afferent axons per cell. These results are consistent with empirical observations of the density of radial myelinated axons present in the upper layers in macaque area V1 and the proportion of excitatory extrastriate feedback synaptic inputs onto upper-layer neurons in rat visual cortex. Thus, in primate area V1, extrastriate feedback synapses onto upper-layer cells may, like geniculocortical afferent synapses onto layer IVC neurons, form only a small percentage of the total excitatory synaptic input.  相似文献   

1. The laminar distribution of synaptic activity in the primary motor cortex, elicited by stimulation of intracortical, horizontal afferents, was studied in young (12-17 days old) and adult rats using the in vitro brain slice preparation. Connectivity patterns were deduced from current-source density (CSD) analyses of field potential depth profiles and were confirmed by anatomic data of retrograde cell labeling after focal injections of a fluorescent tracer. 2. According to the CSD distributions, horizontal axons in layer II/III provide strong monosynaptic input to dendrites of layer II and III pyramidal cells in a distant column, and weaker monosynaptic input to layer V and VI cells by synapsing on dendritic fields at the border of layer III and V and in deep layer V. When these pathways are activated, layer II/III cells may relay excitatory activity to upper and deep layer V, as well as to other cells in layer II/III of the same column. Axons arising from layer V provide monosynaptic input to pyramidal cells in all layers of neighboring columns, by synapsing in two dendritic fields: one in the superficial layers and the other in middle layer V. Activation of these pathways may generate a disynaptic intracolumnar input from layer II/III cells to middle layer V, as well as to other cells in layer II/III. Similar patterns of synaptic activity were elicited by stimulation from 0.45 to 2 mm distal to the recorded column. There were no apparent differences between young and adult rats in the connectivity patterns revealed by the CSD analyses. 3. Tracer injections in layer III resulted in retrograde labeling of cells in layers II/III and V, at distances > 2 mm from the injection site, whereas injections in layer V resulted in retrograde labeling of cells at long distances in layer V and to a lesser extent in layer II/III. These findings indicate that neurons in layer V project, via horizontal axon collaterals, for long distances within layers III and V, whereas the horizontal axon collaterals of layer III cells are restricted, for the most part, to the superficial layers. 4. Suppression of inhibitory activity by bath application of the gamma-aminobutyric acid-A (GABAA) receptor antagonist bicuculline methiodide (BMI) did not alter the pattern of the CSD distributions. All synaptic currents present in the control medium were enhanced by application of BMI, although the effect was more pronounced on the polysynaptic components.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

We performed experiments to determine whether axonal sprouting occurs in neurons of chronic neocortical epileptogenic lesions. Partially isolated somatosensory cortical islands with intact pial blood supply were prepared in mature rats. Neocortical slices from these lesions, studied 6-39 d later, generated spontaneous and/or evoked epileptiform field potentials (Prince and Tseng, 1993) during which neurons displayed prolonged polyphasic excitatory and inhibitory synaptic potentials/currents. Single electrophysiologically characterized layer V pyramidal neurons in control and epileptogenic slices were filled with biocytin using sharp and patch-electrode techniques, their axonal arbors reconstructed and compared quantitatively. Neurons in injured cortex had a 56% increase in total axonal length, a 64% increase in the number of axonal collaterals and more than a doubling (115% increase) of the number of axonal swellings. The presumed boutons were smaller and more closely spaced than those of control cells. In some neurons the main descending axon had hypertrophic segments from which branches arose. These highly significant changes were most marked in the perisomatic region of layer V. The axonal sprouting was associated with a decrease in somatic area but no significant change in dendritic arbors. Results suggest that a significant degree of axonal reorganization takes place in the chronically injured cortex where it might be an adaptive mechanism for recovery of function after injury, or might be maladaptive and play an important role in the generation of epileptiform events by increasing the numbers and density of synaptic contacts between neurons.  相似文献   

We used isolated IgG antibodies selective for P2X3 receptors to study the ultrastructural distribution of these receptors in rat sensory neurons. In trigeminal ganglia, P2X3 receptor immunoreactivity occurred in small and large nerve cell bodies and their processes. Endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus were heavily stained; cytoplasmic matrix was faintly to moderately stained. In synaptic glomeruli in lamina II of cervical dorsal horn, P2X3 receptor-immunoreactive core terminals were postsynaptic to unlabelled vesicle-containing dendrites and axons. In the nucleus of the solitary tract, receptor-positive boutons synapsed on dendrites and cell bodies and had complex synaptic relationships with other axon terminals and vesiculated dendrites. These observations identify sites from which ATP could be released to influence sensory signalling within the central nervous system.  相似文献   

Second-order vestibular neurons form the central links of the vestibulo-oculomotor three-neuron arcs that mediate compensatory eye movements. Most of the axons that provide for vertical vestibulo-ocular reflexes ascend in the medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF) toward target neurons in the oculomotor and trochlear nuclei. We have now determined the morphology of individual excitatory second-order neurons of the anterior semicircular canal system that course outside the MLF to the oculomotor nucleus. The data were obtained by the intracellular horseradish peroxidase method. Cell somata of the extra-MLF anterior canal neurons were located in the superior vestibular nucleus. The main axon ascended through the deep reticular formation beneath the brachium conjunctivum to the rostral extent of the nucleus reticularis tegmenti pontis, where it crossed the midline. The main axon continued its trajectory to the caudal edge of the red nucleus from where it coursed back toward the oculomotor nucleus. Within the oculomotor nucleus, collaterals reached superior rectus and inferior oblique motoneurons. Some axon branches recrossed the midline within the oculomotor nucleus and reached the superior rectus motoneuron subdivision on that side. Since these neurons did not give off a collateral toward the spinal cord, they were classified as being of the vestibulo-oculomotor type and are thought to be involved exclusively in eye movement control. The signal content and spatial tuning characteristics of this anterior canal vestibulo-oculomotor neuron class remain to be determined.  相似文献   

We have examined the morphology and longitudinal axon projections of a population of spinal commissural interneurons in young Xenopus tadpoles. We aimed to define how the distribution of axons of the whole population constrains the longitudinal distribution of the inhibition they mediate. Forty-three neurons at different positions were filled intracellularly with biocytin and processed with avidin-conjugated horseradish peroxidase. Soma size did not vary longitudinally and only one ipsilateral axon was found. Contralateral axons ascended, descended, or usually branched to do both. Total axon length and the extent of dendritic arborisation decreased caudally. The distributions of ascending and descending axon lengths were different; there were more long ascending (mean 737 +/- standard deviation 365 microm) than long descending (447 +/- 431 microm) axons. We used the axon length distribution data with existing data on the distribution of commissural interneuron somata to calculate the overall longitudinal density of these inhibitory axons. Axon numbers showed a clear rostrocaudal gradient. Axon length distributions were then incorporated into a simple spatiotemporal model of the forms of inhibition during swimming and struggling motor patterns. The model predicts that the peak of inhibition on each cycle will decrease from head to tail in both motor patterns, a feature already confirmed physiologically for swimming. It also supports a previous proposal that ascending inhibition during struggling shortens cycle period by shortening rostral motor bursts, whereas descending inhibition could delay subsequent burst onset.  相似文献   

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