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Nitrogen removal involving nitrification and denitrification was investigated in a fluidized bed bioreactor by using mixed culture sludge under oxygen-limited conditions. Methane was used as a sole carbon source for denitrification. In this study, optimal nitrification and denitrification rates were examined by varying methane and oxygen gas dissolution flow rates, 90 ml/min, 400 ml/min and 650 ml/min, in each. Simultaneously nitrification and denitrification was achieved. The total nitrogen removal rate was 15-mg N/g VSS. d, 21-mg N/g VSS. d and 26.4-mg N/g VSS. d at gas dissolution flow rate 90 ml/min, 400 ml/min and 650 ml/min, respectively. No significant accumulation of nitrite was found in this experiment. Nitrogen removal rates depend on gas dissolution flow rates. DO concentration was at 0.5-2 mg/L.  相似文献   

Recovery of phosphate as struvite (MgNH4PO4.6H2O), before it forms and accumulates on wastewater treatment equipment, solves wastewater treatment problems and also provides environmentally sustainable, renewable nutrient source for the agriculture sector. A pilot-scale fluidized bed reactor was used to recover phosphate through crystallization of struvite, from anaerobic digester centrate at the Lulu Island Wastewater Treatment Plant, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada. The desired degree of phosphate removal was achieved by maintaining operating pH (8.0-8.2), and recycle ratio 5-9, to control the supersaturation conditions inside the reactor. The performance of the system was found to be optimal when in-reactor supersaturation ratio was 2-6. Among several other operating parameters, apparent upflow velocity and magnesium to phosphate molar ratio were also found important to maintain system performance, both in terms of efficiency of phosphate removal and recovery as struvite pellets. A narrow window of upflow velocity (400-410 cm/min) was found to be effective in removing 75-85% phosphate. TOC level inside the rector was found to affect the performance to some extent. The precipitation potential of struvite could be successfully predicted using a thermodynamic solubility product value of 10(-13.36) and its temperature dependence in PHREEQC.  相似文献   

The influence of the organic loading rate (OLR), the fluidization level (FL) and the particle diameter of natural zeolite used as support (D(p)), was evaluated at a laboratory scale anaerobic fluidized bed reactor (AFBR), treating tropical fruit wine effluent (vinasse). The experiment was carried out at an OLR from 2-5 kg COD/m3 d, FL of 20 and 40% and D(p) from 0.25 to 0.80 mm. It was demonstrated that OLR and FL had a slight influence on chemical oxygen demand removal and strong influence on the methane production rate. The COD removal was slightly higher for the higher particle diameter used. Additionally using the scanning electron microscope (SEM), it was observed that natural zeolites have excellent physical characteristics as a support medium in AFBR.  相似文献   

To show that an adsorbing biofilm carrier (GAC) can be advantageous for atrazine bioremediation over a non-adsorbing carrier, fluidized bed (FB) reactors were operated under atrazine limiting concentrations using Pseudomonas sp. strain ADP as the atrazine degrading bacteria. The following interrelated subjects were investigated: 1) atrazine adsorption to GAC under conditions of atrazine partial penetration in the biofilm, 2) differences in atrazine degradation rates and 3) stability of atrazine biodegradation under non-sterile anoxic conditions in the GAC reactor versus a reactor with a non-adsorbing biofilm carrier. Results from batch adsorption tests together with modeling best described the biofilm as patchy in nature with covered and non-biofilm covered areas. Under conditions of atrazine partial penetration in the biofilm, atrazine adsorption occurs in the non-covered areas and is consequently desorbed at the base of the biofilm substantially increasing the active biofilm surface area. The double flux of atrazine to the biofilm in the GAC reactor results in lower effluent atrazine concentrations as compared to a FB reactor with a non-adsorbing carrier. Moreover, under non-sterile denitrification conditions, atrazine degradation stability was found to be much higher (several months) using GAC as a biofilm carrier while non-adsorbing carrier reactors showed sharp deterioration within 30 days due to contamination of non-atrazine degrading bacteria.  相似文献   

燃烧优化调整对循环流化床锅炉运行具有重要的指导意义。结合河南联孚电厂实际运行情况,经过长期的试验,对影响锅炉燃烧的各个运行参数进行了优化,得到了合适的运行参数,对燃烧调整优化方案的实施有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

A fluidized bed photoreactor with titanium dioxide-immobilized spherical activated carbon particles was examined. The light intensity profile was modeled using the Lambert-Beer rule for the modeling of the radial distribution of liquid-phase phenol concentration in the fluidized bed photoreactor, when considering the reactor composed of numerous differential annular drums and no mass transfer between drums. The model could be well matched with the experimental data which indicated the liquid flow rate of 13.8 L/min was the optimum in the balance of flow rate-related light penetration and photocatalyst concentration. By integration of liquid-phase phenol concentration along the radius, photocatalytic oxidation performance of the photoreactor was evaluated in comparison with the experimental data and model prediction. The results showed that the errors were less than 30% for most of the predictions. It is suggested that mass transfer and flow rate difference along the radial direction should be considered to obtain more precise prediction.  相似文献   

In this study, a microbial consortium isolated from an activated sludge tank of a conventional wastewater treatment plant was immobilized using sodium alginate (SA) as a support material for contaminant biodegradation in wastewater. A volume of 500 mL of activated sludge was immobilized in the SA beads (with a mass concentration of 25 g/L). The resulting SA beads were characterized, introduced into a fluidized bed reactor, fed with 1000 mL of the sample, and characterized again after the treatment process. The SA-immobilized microorganisms were tested first for degradation of organic matter (expressed as chemical oxygen demand) and total phosphorous in domestic wastewater, achieving removal efficiencies of 71% and 93%, respectively, after 12 h. Subsequently, the SA-immobilized microorganisms were tested for degradation of a basic blue 9 (BB9) textile dye in a condition that simulated textile wastewater. The efficiency of the BB9 degradation was found to be as high as 99.5% after 2 h. According to these results, SA-immobilized microorganisms were found to be an environmentally friendly and cost-effective alternative for treatment of municipal and industrial wastewater effluents.  相似文献   

The evaluation of simultaneous removal of carbon and nitrogen in an anaerobic inverse fluidized bed reactor is described. Continuous and batch experiments were used, with synthetic wastewater and glucose as the carbon source with two different nitrate concentrations of 100 and 250 mg N-NO3/L. The evolution of substrates and the concentrations of intermediary products in the gas phase were followed. Results indicate that the use of the biofilm in the inverse fluidized bed reactor allows the expression of denitrification and methanization activities simultaneously without physical or time separation. The removal of nitrogen with both the feeding of 100 and 250 mgN-NO3/L was higher than 90%, while the removal of carbon was 65% on average for the feeding with 100 mgN-NO3/L and 70% on average for the feeding with 250 mg N-NO3/L. This carbon degradation is equivalent to that obtained during the operation of the reactor in the period previous to the nitrate feeding. It was found that by using high values of the COD/N ratio, the dissimilative reduction of nitrates is favoured. Denitrification and anaerobic digestion occurs simultaneously under low values of COD/N.  相似文献   

A typical steady state bulk pH of about 5 was established in a nitrifying fluidized bed with chalk as the only buffer agent. In spite of the low pH, high rate nitrification was observed with the nitrification kinetic parameters in the chalk reactor similar to those of biological reactors operating at pH>7. Various methods were used to determine the reasons for high rate nitrification at such low pH including (i) determination of bacterial species, (ii) microsensor measurements in the biofilm, and (iii) comparison of nitrification performance at low pH with a non-chalk fluidized bed reactor. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) using existing 16S rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes showed common nitrifying bacteria in the low pH chalk reactor. The prevalent nitrifying bacteria were identified in the Nitrosomonas oligotropha, Nitrosomonas europeae/eutropha, Nitrosospira and Nitrospira related groups, all well known nitrifiers. Microelectrode measurements showed that the pH in the biofilm was low and similar to that of the bulk pH. Finally, reactor performance using a non-chalk biofilm carrier (sintered glass) with the same bacterial inoculum also showed high rate nitrification below pH 5. The results suggest that inhibition of nitrification at low pH is highly overestimated.  相似文献   

Linear alkylbenzene sulphonates (LAS) and nonylphenolethoxylates (NPE) may be detrimental to the environment if spread in inappropriately large concentrations. Mineralisation of LAS and NPE in mesophilic digested sludge was observed during a 9-month monitoring programme where three separate treatment methods were investigated. Sludge was treated in a sludge reed bed under aerobic conditions, by storage in a container under anaerobic conditions, and by storage in a sludge pile turned over mechanically at intervals to improve the oxygen influx. Treatment in a sludge reed bed was shown to be effective. Mineralisation of 98% of LAS and 93% of NPE was observed. Only limited mineralisation occurred on the surface of the sludge stored in a container. A reduction of LAS and NPE of 90% and 43%, respectively, was observed in the sludge which was stored in a pile and frequently turned.  相似文献   

Molecular approaches were applied to identify and enumerate denitrifying bacteria subsisting in a fluidized bed reactor (FBR). The FBR was continuously operated as a unit for the removal of nitrogen from the effluents of domestic sewage treatment plant, with an additional supply of methanol as a carbon source. By denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and sequence analysis of 16S ribosomal RNA genes, Thauera group was found to be dominant among the denitrifying bacteria in the FBR sludge. Oligonucleotide probe THA155 for fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) was newly designed for specifically targeting the Thauera group. However, the THA155 signal obtained from the sludge was only 0.9-5.7% of the DAPI-stained total cells. The real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) targeting the sequences of nitrite reductase (NIR) gene, a key enzyme of denitrification processes, was performed to quantify the cells of denitrifying bacteria cells including the Thauera group in FBR sludge. An excellent correlation was obtained between the numbers of nirS genes and the activity of denitrifiers in the FBR sludge.  相似文献   

The potential of a fluidized bed reactor for the UV-A photocatalytic reduction of Cr(VI), a priority water pollutant, by utilizing a TiO(2)/quartz sand composite, was explored. The effects of oxalic acid (OA) as a sacrificial agent in the heterogeneous system was also investigated and compared with the homogeneous photoreduction by the same dicarboxylic acid under both oxygenated or anoxic conditions of the reacting media. The performance of the 'preconditioned' photocatalyst, either by pretreating it with the OA solution (at dark or under UV-A illumination) or by letting the catalyst stand wet with the OA solution, during designated time intervals (1-5 weeks) prior to its reuse, was assessed. Then, up to 95% reduction of Cr(VI) to Cr(III) was achieved in less than 100 min.  相似文献   

Polyacrylonitrile (PAN) is one of the major synthetic fibers commonly used in the mass production of clothing. The chemical synthesis of PAN is carried out by polymerization of the acrylonitrile (AN) monomers with co-monomers such as vinyl acetate, methyl acrylate and cyclohexyl acrylate. Using water quality analysis of the PAN wastewater, high concentration of organic nitrogen was found and the TKN/COD ratios achieved were 0.15-0.26, indicating the complicated biodegradation characteristics for the PAN wastewater. In order to enhance biodegradation of nitrogenous compounds in PAN wastewater, a combined three-stage process of thermophilic anaerobic/anoxic denitrification/aerobic nitrification fluidized bed reactors was employed. The results indicated that the concentration of effluent in the three-stage process of OD and organic nitrogen was 175 mg/L and 13 mg/L, respectively. Furthermore, molecular biotechnology was applied to study the microbial population in the thermophilic anaerobic fluidized bed reactor. From the results of denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis, the diversity of PAN-degrading bacteria would change in different volumetric loading. Furthermore, the bacteria communities in the thermophilic anaerobic fluidized bed reactor were also studied by fluorescence in situ hybridization and confocal laser scanning microscopy. Alpha and delta-Proteobacteria were dominant in the bacteria population, and some high G+C content bacteria and Clostridium could be characterized in this system.  相似文献   

The current status of circulating fluidized bed (CFB) technology employed at foreign TPPs is briefly analyzed.. It is demonstrated that CFB technology is entirely suitable for the building of 225- and 330-MW units with enhanced steam parameters, and also for replacement of boilers at TPP with cross links. Placement of prospective standards into effect for harmful effluents, and diversification of fuel supply are important advantages of this technology. It is shown that CFB boilers based on unified subassemblies could be built at least for groupings of fuels. Results of mathematical modeling of processes in furnaces of CFB boilers, which are in satisfactory agreement with data obtained from simplified engineering methods, are presented. Further improvement of the mathematical model, and a series of analyses of the furnace circuit in the nonsteady statement with a supercomputer are being traced.  相似文献   

该文应用基于离散相模型的拉格朗日粒子跟踪多相流方法,对某种工业流化床内复杂物料气力筛分过程进行了数值仿真分析。采用等效椭球粒子模拟复杂物料,通过Rosin-Rammler粒径分布函数和圆球变形系数的重构来引入物料组分的物理属性差异,通过与实验数据对比获得特殊边界上多孔介质模型参数,数值计算了设定气动参数范围内的物料运动和筛分现象,分析了气动参数和结构参数对物料流动现象的影响,并对流化床结构进行优化,获得了复杂物料良好气力筛分的仿真预报。  相似文献   

This is a study of the combustion of Baltic oil (bituminous) shales with different heats of combustion in a boiler with fluidized bed combustion (CFB). The minimum heat of combustion was varied over 8.5 – 11.5 MJ/kg in the experiments. The behavior of the mineral part of the shales during combustion was taken into account in determining the boiler efficiency, CO2 emissions, and amount of ash production.  相似文献   

The volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in four standing cultures of axenic benthic cyanobacteria (Calothrix and Plectonema) were studied by GC/MS analysis. To verify the biogenic origin of the VOCs, 13C-labelling experiments were performed, and the differences in labelling were used to differentiate between biogenic and non-biogenic sources. Strongly labelled biogenic compounds were derived from the shikimate (cresol, skatole), isoprenoid (beta-cyclocitral, beta-ionone, geosmin) and fatty acid pathways (5Z-heptadecene, 3-octanone, 1-hexanol). New odour compounds derived from microorgansims were beta-cyclogeraniol, dihydro-beta-ionone and 2-hydroxy-2,6,6-trimethylcyclohexanone. The latter compound had already been found in lake water, but could not be assigned to a particular organism. Straight chain aldehydes (octanal, nonanal, decanal), cyclohexanone, cyclohexanol and limonene were unlabelled beyond their natural isotope ratio. Therefore, the biogenic origin of these compounds is doubtful despite their occurrence in axenic cultures. The observation that limonene was a racemate supports this view. The precursors and reactions that lead to the formation of these non-biogenic compounds are unknown and it may be that they are formed by the analytical procedures rather than then being present in the culture medium.  相似文献   

The influences of trace metals in the wastewater and shear stress by aeration were particularly examined to clarify the formation mechanism of nitrifying granules in an aerobic upflow fluidized bed (AUFB) reactor. It was found that Fe added as a trace element to the inorganic wastewater accumulated at the central part of the nitrifying granules. Another result obtained was that suitable shear stress by moderate aeration (0.07-0.20 L/min/L-bed) promoted granulation. Furthermore, it was successfully demonstrated that pre-aggregation of seed sludge using hematite promoted core formation, leading to rapid production of nitrifying granules. From these results, a nitrifying granulation mechanism is proposed: 1) as a first step, nitrifying bacteria aggregate along with Fe precipitation, and then the cores of granules are formed; 2) as a second step, the aggregates grow to be spherical or elliptical in form due to multiplication of the nitrifying bacteria and moderate shear stress in the reactor, and then mature nitrifying granules are produced. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis successfully visualized the change in the spatial distribution of nitrifying bacteria in the granules, which supports the proposed granulation mechanism.  相似文献   

The studied organic chemical wastewater had a high COD, 20-45g/L, and low TSS, less than 200 mg/L, making anaerobic bio-filtration a suitable treatment method. The organic matter consisted of alcohols, amines, ketones and aromatic compounds, such as toluene and phenol. Granulated activated carbon (GAC) and a porous stone called tezontle, widely available in Mexico, were used as a bio-film support. Once inoculated, the mesophilic reactors with granulated activated carbon (GAC-BFs) reached stability with 80% COD removal in 40 days, while the reactors with tezontle material (tezontle-BF) required 145 days. Biodegradation of more than 95% was obtained with both support media: at organic loads less than 1.7 kg m(-3) d (-1) in tezontle-BF and with loads of up to 13.3 kg m(-3) d(-1) in GAC-BFs. The bio-filters with GAC allowed COD removal efficiency of 80% at a load as high as 26.3 kg m (-3) d(-1), while the same efficiency with tezontle was obtained at loads up to 4.45 kgm (-3d) (-1). The use of GAC as support material allows greater biodegradation rates than tezontle and it makes the bio-filters more resistant to organic increases, inhibition effects and toxicity. Methanogenic activity was inhibited at loads higher than 1.7 kg m(-3) d(-1) in bio-filters with tezontle and 22.8 kg m(-3) d(-1 ) in bio-filters with GAC. At loads lower than the previously mentioned, high methane production yield was obtained, 0.32-0.35 m(3) CH4/kg COD removed. The biomass growth rates were low in the bio-filters with both kinds of material; however, a sufficiently high biomass holdup was obtained.  相似文献   

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