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Software development methodologies present two major schools of thought: one is that of structured system development and the other is that of prototyping. Between these extremes, there are many mixed approaches. But any form of prototyping, though attractive, is difficult to implement for large systems because of its implied lack of structure. This paper proposes a framework for the integration of prototyping into structured system development. We first carry out structured analysis and design; these products are then used to support systematic prototyping. The resulting prototype serves to provide the user with an iterative process of understanding and improving the requirements until they are satisfactory. This methodology for structured prototyping has four elements: interface, data, process, and system prototypes. The methodology is based on a new unified approach to the analysis and design phases.  相似文献   

Morgan's refinement calculus is a successful technique for developing software in a precise and consistent way. This technique, however, can be hard to use, as developments may be long and repetitive. Many authors have pointed out that a lot can be gained by identifying commonly used development strategies, documenting them as tactics, and using them as single transformation rules. Also, it is useful to have a notation for describing derivations, so that they can be analysed and modified. In this paper, we present ArcAngel, a language for defining such refinement tactics; we present the language, its semantics, and some of its algebraic laws. Apart from Angel, a general-purpose tactic language that we are extending, no other tactic language has a denotational semantics and proof theory of its own.  相似文献   

随着云计算的快速发展, 数据用户将大量图数据外包给云以节约存储和管理成本。然而, 外包数据的安全隐私问题是云计算面临的一大挑战。由于云是半诚实的, 为保护敏感信息的隐私安全, 数据拥有者希望在将图数据外包给云服务器之前对其加密, 同时保留对加密的图数据进行查询和处理的能力。最短路径查询查找图中给定两节点之间的最短路径, 是图应用中最基础的查询类型之一。目前已有许多研究者提出一系列高效的方案, 以支持加密图上近似或精确最短距离查询、约束最短距离查询和 top-k 最近关键字查询, 但支持最短路径查询的方案较少, 且已有方案的存储与时间开销较大。本文提出一种支持在加密图上进行两节点间最短路径查询的结构化加密图方案。在本方案中, 我们基于 2-Hop 标签技术构造支持有向图上最短路径查询的标签索引并加密, 然后将加密的标签外包给云服务器。 利用改进的保序编码算法编码距离值, 实现加法运算和值的比较, 提高最短路径查询的效率。在查询阶段, 通过递归式地计算两节点间最短路径上的第一条边和最后一条边, 最终输出完整的最短路径。安全性和性能分析证明本文方案是安全有效的, 能以较小的存储和较高的查询效率实现两节点间的最短路径查询并保护图数据的隐私。  相似文献   

In this installation of architectural perspectives, we describe an extension of a menu-based natural language interface (MBNLI) to support geospatial queries. Our extension makes it easier for application analysts and even inexperienced users to phrase complex queries without knowing the relational database query language SQL, database schemas (table structures), spatial operators, or spatial indexes.  相似文献   

The feasibility of using macros to compile a linear assembly language is well established. A cross assembler has been implemented, via macros, for an assembly language, SCRAM, which embodies high-level language features such as user-controlled symbol scope and nested DO and IF/THEN/ELSE control structutes. Difficulties arose in implementation primarily from the inconvenience of managing assembly-time data  相似文献   

It is well known that prior knowledge or bias can speed up learning, at least in theory. It has proved difficult to make constructive use of prior knowledge, so that approximately correct hypotheses can be learned efficiently. In this paper, we consider a particular form of bias which consists of a set of determinations. A set of attributes is said to determine a given attribute if the latter is purely a function of the former. The bias is tree-structured if there is a tree of attributes such that the attribute at any node is determined by its children, where the leaves correspond to input attributes and the root corresponds to the target attribute for the learning problem. The set of allowed functions at each node is called the basis. The tree-structured bias restricts the target functions to those representable by a read-once formula (a Boolean formula in which each variable occurs at most once) of a given structure over the basis functions. We show that efficient learning is possible using a given tree-structured bias from random examples and membership queries, provided that the basis class itself is learnable and obeys some mild closure conditions. The algorithm uses a form of controlled experimentation in order to learn each part of the overall function, fixing the inputs to the other parts of the function at appropriate values. We present empirical results showing that when a tree-structured bias is available, our method significantly improves upon knowledge-free induction. We also show that there are hard cryptographic limitations to generalizing these positive results to structured determinations in the form of a directed acyclic graph.  相似文献   

Code-switching is very common among bilingual speakers. Spoken queries by these speakers are typically in mixed language. In this paper, we propose an unsupervised method for mixed-language query understanding, using only a monolingual corpus and a bilingual dictionary. Secondary-language words mixed in a primary-language query are translated into words in the primary language. We found that using a single disambiguation feature for translation is more effective than using multiple features, provided this feature is based on the most salient seed-word, chosen automatically by confidence scoring. We propose and compare four types of disambiguation features that are based on context seed-words. A baseline method uses the nearest neighboring seed-word as disambiguation feature. Multiple-context seed-word voting is also proposed in order to enlarge the context window. On the other hand, merely using the inverse-distance as weights on context words degrades the performance as it runs counter to the potential underlying syntactic relations between words. Our final proposal is a solution that uses multiple-context seed-words and the translation candidates of all mixed language words to select a single most salient seed-word for translation disambiguation. The translation disambiguation accuracy for this feature is at 83.7% for all words in the ATIS spontaneous speech query database, and 66.7% for content words.  相似文献   

SGPL:一种面向服务组合的结构化网格编程语言   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现有的网格编程语言与环境可以分为两大类,一类是对现有语言扩充,引入网格特征,一类是使用工作流技术,支持服务定制.论文提出了一种面向服务组合的结构化网格编程语言SGPL,并在此基础上,设计了一个可视化的网格编程环境VGPE.VGPE结合了现行网格编程环境的优点,具有结构化、可定制性和可视化等特点.论文对SGPL的主要语言要素(活动、转移和关联等)和主要结构体(顺序、条件、循环、并行和宏等)进行了定义,论述了SGPL的中间代码生成规则,给出了分支结构和宏结构的解析算法.最后论文在校园网格环境下,实现了SGPL和VGPE,并通过实验验证了SGPL可以一次性定制和组合复杂的或重复的网格服务请求,简化了服务过程,提高了工作效率.  相似文献   

语义分析和结构化语言模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李明琴  李涓子  王作英  陆大? 《软件学报》2005,16(9):1523-1533
提出了一个语义分析集成系统,并在此基础上构建了结构化的语言模型.该语义分析集成系统能够自动分析句子中各个词的词义以及词之间的语义依存关系,达到90.85%的词义标注正确率和75.84%的语义依存结构标注正确率.为了描述语言的结构信息和长距离依存关系,研究并分析了两种基于语义结构的语言模型.最后,在中文语音识别任务上测试两类语言模型的性能.与三元语言模型相比,性能最好的语义结构语言模型--中心词三元模型,使绝对字错误率下降0.8%,相对错误率下降8%.  相似文献   

刘喜平  舒晴  何佳壕  万常选  刘德喜 《软件学报》2022,33(11):4107-4136
数据库能够提供对大量数据的高效存储和访问,然而查询数据库需要掌握数据库查询语言SQL,对于普通用户而言存在一定的门槛.基于自然语言的数据库查询(即text-to-SQL)在最近几年受到了广泛的关注.对text-to-SQL问题的当前进展进行了系统的分析.首先介绍了问题背景,并对问题进行了描述;其次,重点分析了目前提出的text-to-SQL技术,包括基于流水线的方法、基于统计学习的方法,以及为多轮text-to-SQL而开发的技术,对每种方法都进行了深入的分析和总结.再次,进一步讨论了text-to-SQL所属的语义解析(semantic parsing)这一领域的研究.接着,总结了目前研究中广泛采用的数据集和评价指标,并从多个角度对主流模型进行了比较和分析.最后,总结了text-to-SQL任务面临的挑战,以及未来的研究方向.  相似文献   

结构化和半结构化数据的统一集成和访问是目前Web数据访问中急需解决的问题。文章提出了一种半结构化数据表示模型———层次数据图(HDG),给出了结构化数据向HDG的转换方法,并就不同结构HDG的统一集成问题进行了探究。  相似文献   

Algorithm animation would seem to be a useful tool for teaching algorithms. However, previous empirical studies of using algorithm animation have produced mixed results. This paper presents an empirical study in which the subjects programmed the algorithm which they had seen animated. The results of the experiment indicate that combining the animation with the implementation of the algorithm was an effective way to teach the animation, and also produced transfer effects for general recursion problems.  相似文献   

We present what we believe is a more manageable approach to enhancing a mechatronics-based mechanical engineering program-a stepwise method to restructure a traditional mechanical engineering curriculum with a mechatronics theme. The result can be a curriculum with contemporary emphasis, enhanced content, and improved sequencing and coupling of traditional topics including modeling and analysis, computing, electrical circuits and machines, measurements and instrumentation, control theory, and design. Mechatronics provides a natural focus for this restructuring and creates an opportunity to better connect and utilize interesting exercises and design experiences throughout the curriculum. The proposed restructuring method consists of four evolutionary steps that allow manageable incremental changes that can be reasonably coordinated with faculty and laboratory development  相似文献   

Integrating advanced reasoning into a SAT solver   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
1 Introduction The SAT (Satisfiability) problem is one of the basic NP problems that have been widely researched. Many problems in EDA (Electronics Design Automation) domain such as ATPG (Automatic Test Pattern Generation), Logic Synthesis, Equivalence Checking[1] and Model Checking[2] can be reduced to the SAT problem. Typical algorithms for SAT can be classified into two categories: incomplete and complete ones. The former, including GSAT[3] and WalkSAT[4], are based on local…  相似文献   

The Loops knowledge programming system integrates function-oriented, system object-oriented, rule-oriented, and—something notfound in most other systems—access-oriented programming.  相似文献   

把Web数据并入数据仓库的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
因特网对大多数组织机构而言,都是最大的外部数据库。如何把Web数据集成并入组织机构的数据仓库为之所用,是一个有实际意义的新课题。介绍了Web集成(WebIntegration,WI)这种系统化的方法,使用它可把Web数据并入数据仓库从而改善组织机构的决策制定过程,并提出了WI面临的问题,展望了WI的未来。  相似文献   

In this paper, we present some recent cognitive robotics studies on language and cognition integration to demonstrate how the language acquired by robotic agents can be directly grounded in action representations. These studies are characterized by the hypothesis that symbols are directly grounded into the agents' own categorical representations, while at the same time having logical (e.g. syntactic) relationships with other symbols. The two robotics studies are based on the combination of cognitive robotics with neural modeling methodologies, such as connectionist models and modeling field theory. Simulations demonstrate the efficacy of the mechanisms of action grounding of language and the symbol grounding transfer in agents that acquire lexicon via imitation and linguistic instructions. The paper also discusses the scientific and technological implications of such an approach.  相似文献   

The Journal of Supercomputing - The integration of a Supercomputer in the educational process improves student’s technological skills. The aim of the paper is to study the interaction between...  相似文献   

This research aims to fully integrate logic programming into the programming language Scheme. We use a minimalist approach, based on the observation that the fundamental aspects of logic programming, nondeterminism and unification, are separable both in concept and in implementation. We have found that only two new primitive functions and one new special form need to be added to Scheme to achieve this integration. Using these primitives, we can write programs in the style of Scheme, Icon, Prolog, or any mixture thereof. We have found that a style of programming that uses both logical and functional techniques can be more powerful than the use of either technique alone. Because Scheme has side effects and continuations, this research addresses different problems and choices than previous research [2, 16, 19] on merging functional and logical languages.An earlier version of this paper was published in theProceedings of the 4th ACM Conference on Functional Programming Languages and Computer Architecture, as Non-determinism and Unification in LogScheme, pp. 327–339.Supported in part by an AT&T Bell Laboratories Ph.D. Scholarship.Supported by Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency contract # N00014-87-K-0828.  相似文献   

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