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Six different enrichment media and five selective plating media were compared for their suitability for the recovery of Listeria monocytogenes from dairy products. These included media used to test milk products by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC), and media developed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) for testing meat and poultry products. Test samples included naturally contaminated goat's milk, cultured milk products and ice cream manufactured with L. monocytogenes, and unpasteurized milk inoculated with heat- and freeze-injured cells of L. monocytogenes. Generally, the media and two-stage enrichment protocol developed by the USDA, with plating of samples after two consecutive 24-h incubation periods, yielded better recoveries than all other enrichment media incubated for 24 h. A modified USDA procedure, incorporating nonselective pre-enrichment of samples by omitting acriflavine and nalidixic acid from the primary USDA enrichment broth, and transfer of a larger volume of the initial culture broth to the secondary enrichment media, significantly increased recoveries of low numbers of sublethally stressed L. monocytogenes. Prolonged incubation of samples in the FDA enrichment broth, for 7 days, did not consistently improve recoveries over the initial 24-h incubation time of the medium. The selective plating medium developed by the USDA, lithium chloride-phenylethanol-moxalactam agar, was the most effective plating agar for isolation of L. monocytogenes following enrichment of samples in any broth culture, and increased recoveries of L. monocytogenes by 19-40% compared with other selective agar media tested.  相似文献   

Despite numerous papers being published on the use of hurdle technology to control food-borne pathogens or spoilage organisms, there is no commonly accepted methodology to quantify the level of synergistic activity. This paper describes a method to quantify in vitro the synergistic activity of antibacterial agents against bacteria. Initially, a microtiter plate growth assay was used to determine the inhibitory concentrations of four "natural" antimicrobials (nisin, lauricidin, totarol, and the lactoperoxidase system (LPS)) against a panel of eight bacteria. Using the same microtiter system, the impact of various combinations of antimicrobials was assessed. The degree of synergy was based on the analysis of three criteria: (1) increase in lag phase, (2) reduction in culture density after 24 h, (3) and residual viability at 24 h. Only the lactoperoxidase system was active against all the Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria tested. Nisin, lauricidin, and totarol were only effective against the Gram-positive bacteria. The method successfully identified three combinations (nisin-lauricidin, LPS-nisin, and LPS-lauricidin) previously reported to have synergistic activity and highlighted the synergistic activity of two novel combinations (nisin-totarol and LPS-totarol). The development of a quick and reliable method to identify and quantify synergistic activity is a useful screening tool to establish preservative techniques that could have potential antimicrobial synergy in food-based systems.  相似文献   

Chemical sanitizers are commonly used to inactivate Listeria monocytogenes and other Listeria species that persist in food-processing environments after cleaning. In this study, Listeria innocua cultures were exposed to acid, heat, cold, and starvation stress and then assessed for sensitivity to the quaternary ammonium compound cetrimide. Unstressed and stressed cultures were exposed to cetrimide for 3 min, neutralized, and plated on tryptic soy agar with yeast extract to determine the percentage of survivors. Relative to controls, L. innocua exposed to acid and starvation conditions was less sensitive to cetrimide, whereas heat and cold stress increased cetrimide sensitivity (P < 0.05). The diminished sensitivity of acid- and starvation-stressed L. innocua to cetrimide suggests that these stressors might increase the persistence of this organism within food-manufacturing facilities. In contrast, enhanced L. innocua sensitivity to cetrimide following heat and cold stress suggests that these interventions might increase sanitation efficacy.  相似文献   

The overgrowth of Listeria innocua in enrichment broths designed for the isolation of Listeria monocytogenes is believed to result from two factors: a selective growth advantage of L. innocua, and/or an inhibitory interspecies interaction. The generation times of 13 isolates of L. innocua and L. monocytogenes were determined in Brain Heart Infusion (BHI) and a variety of enrichment media. No significant differences were found in growth characteristics between either species in the various media, suggesting that the growth advantage of L. innocua in enrichment media was not as significant as previously described. Kinetic analysis of mixed cultures of L. monocytogenes and isolates of L. innocua producing a variety of inhibitory activities demonstrated the possibility of an inhibitory interaction between these two species resulting in the overgrowth of the enrichment culture with L. innocua. Modelling the evolution of the ratio between two populations in an enrichment process was used to analyze the impact of a selective growth advantage in L. innocua in an enrichment process for growth of L. monocytogenes. These findings support the widely held view that an overgrowth of L. innocua in the enrichment process can result from both a selective growth advantage as well as the production of inhibitory compounds. From a practical perspective, these interactions can result in an increase in false negatives.  相似文献   

The sucrose content of soybean seeds affects the final flavor of soy-derived products. The aim of this work was to develop a simple, low-cost, spectrophotometric method for sucrose quantification in soybean seeds. To achieve this goal, we combined the action of invertase, an enzyme that hydrolyses sucrose into fructose and glucose, with glucose oxidase, an enzyme widely used for glucose quantification. This system was adapted to ELISA plates, making large-scale analyses possible at low cost, with potential application in routine analyses. To validate this method, sucrose content was determined in seeds of 14 soybean cultivars by this new method, as well as by HPLC and the enzymatic method of Stitt. The correlation coefficients were high and significant between the results obtained with the new method and the HPLC method (r = 0.9766) and the Stiff method (0.9461).  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to set up a method to quantify the loss or modification of muscle fibre structure (destructuration). Thanks to histology and image analysis, we managed to set up a reliable method with an uncertainty of 3.2%. To express the results, a new indicator called MDI (Meat Destructuration Indicator), was calibrated according to mechanically recovered meat market practices. The MDI indicator was strongly correlated (0.95) with the sensory assessment of a European panel (126 professionals). The threshold between raw materials that could be labelled as “meat” in processed products and mechanically separated meat (MSM) has been set at 58.1%, according to the panellist’s judgements. Thus MDI system can be used to characterise meat raw materials from mechanical recovery system according to Regulation (EC) No. 853/2004. It can also be used to study relationships between manufacturing parameters and destructuration or between destructuration of raw materials and processed products characteristics.  相似文献   

A laboratory scale system, partially reproducing dairy plant conditions, was developed to quantify the effectiveness of chlorine and alternative sanitizers in reducing the number of viable bacteria attached to stainless steel surfaces. Stainless steel tubes fouled in a continuous flow reactor were exposed to a standard clean-in-place regime (water rinse, 1% sodium hydroxide at 70 degrees C for 10 min, water rinse, 0.8% nitric acid at 70 degrees C for 10 min, water rinse) followed by exposure to either chlorine (200 ppm) or combinations of nisin (500 ppm), lauricidin (100 ppm), and the lactoperoxidase system (LPS) (200 ppm) for 10 min or 2, 4, 8, 18, or 24 h. There was significant variation in the effectiveness of the alkaline-acid wash steps in reducing cell numbers (log reduction between 0 and 2). Following a 10-min treatment, none of the sanitizers significantly reduced the number of attached cells. Two hours of exposure to chlorine, nisin + the LPS, or lauricidin + the LPS achieved 2.8, 2.2, and 1.6 log reductions, respectively. Exposure times > 2 h did not further decrease the number of viable bacteria attached to the stainless steel. The effectiveness of combinations of nisin, lauricidin, and the LPS was similar to that of chlorine (P > 0.05), and these sanitizers could be used to decontaminate the surfaces of small-volume or critical hard-to-clean milk processing equipment.  相似文献   

《Food microbiology》2001,18(5):539-545
The z -value concept, commonly used in thermal death kinetics of bacteria, is generalized for growth and for the situation when the modelled growth parameter is a non-linear function of several environmental variables. The (harmonic) mean of the generalized z -value in the region of interest is applied to quantify the ‘average’ effect of an environmental variable. This mean is used to compare the effect of temperature and atmospheric carbon dioxide on the growth of Listeria monocytogenes.  相似文献   

The interest in analytical methods that accurately measure or predict the elemental profile of dairy foods has been steadily rising. The purpose of this study was to assess the robustness of the energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence (ED-XRF) technique for the prediction of mineral elements in milk and cheese, avoiding any sample preparation steps. Results highlighted relatively low accuracy of the ED-XRF technique for the quantification of milk mineral elements, with coefficients of determination in validation ( R v 2 ) from 0.03 (magnesium) to 0.39 (phosphorus). Greater accuracies were obtained for the quantification of cheese minerals, with R v 2 from 0.26 (sodium) to 0.69 (calcium).  相似文献   

The isolation of Listeria monocytogenes from food is carried out using a double enrichment. It is believed that the double enrichment can allow the overgrowth of Listeria innocua in samples where both species are present. In this study, we have evaluated the impact of overgrowth between Listeria species and strains during each step of the enrichment process. The effect of factors minimizing interactions between strains or phage inhibitory effects has also been estimated. In an artificially contaminated food undergoing enrichment, overgrowth could result from competitive interactions between Listeria spp. resulting from the production of bacteriocins and bacteriophage at high initial contamination levels (>10(4) cfu/g), but not at lower levels (50-100 cfu/g) as generally found in contaminated foods. At high levels of inoculation, the competitive effect could be reduced by solidification of the selective broths, to limit the diffusion of the inhibitors. Overgrowth resulting from differences in growth rate occurred independent of the initial contamination level. However, in naturally contaminated foods undergoing enrichment, there were no absolute correlations between growth rates or inhibitory profiles in terms of strain evolution during enrichment. In fact, Listeria strains which were predominant in the original sample in most cases remained the dominant strains at the end of the enrichment, although the relative proportion of any given strain could change significantly over the enrichment process. Additional factors which have yet to be identified impact on the evolution of Listeria in the two-step enrichment process. Analysis of strain evolution in eight naturally contaminated foods has indicated that the second enrichment step in Fraser broth can be reduced from 48 to 24 h without impacting on the recovery of L. monocytogenes. Our limited survey of naturally contaminated foods also demonstrated that maximum recovery of L. monocytogenes and other Listeria strains was found following 24 h incubation in 1/2 Fraser Broth. This finding suggests that it may be possible to shorten the current two-step isolation method further without reducing method sensitivity.  相似文献   

目的比较不同选择性增菌液对单增李斯特菌增菌效果及对干扰菌的抗干扰性。方法参考国标GB/T 4789.30-2016和国际ISO 11290-1-2017,将2种来源的单增李斯特菌(标准菌株、分离菌株)和2种干扰菌(大肠埃希氏菌、金黄色葡萄球菌)分别接种到4种不同增菌液中,观察增菌后菌液的生长情况。结果研究发现低浓度菌液(102数量级), Fraser肉汤对单增李斯特菌的增菌效果及抗干扰性优于LB肉汤。选择性添加剂浓度过高会抑制李斯特菌的生长,通过选择合适的选择性添加剂及改变添加剂的浓度可以提高检出率。结论在实验室日常检验过程中,需考虑样品类别,选择合适的培养基。提高检测的准确率。  相似文献   

Patulin is a mycotoxin produced by different Penicillium and Aspergillus strains isolated from food products. To improve food safety, the presence of patulin-producing molds in foods should be quantified. In the present work, two real-time (RTi) PCR protocols based on SYBR Green and TaqMan were developed. Thirty four patulin producers and 28 non-producers strains belonging to different species usually reported in food products were used. The patulin production was tested by mycellar electrokinetic capillary electrophoresis (MECE) and high-pressure liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS). A primer pair F-idhtrb/R-idhtrb and the probe IDHprobe were designed from the isoepoxydon dehydrogenase (idh) gene, involved in patulin biosynthesis. The functionality of the developed method was demonstrated by the high linear relationship of the standard curves constructed with the idh gene copy number and Ct values for the different patulin producers tested. The ability to quantify patulin producers of the developed SYBR Green and TaqMan assays in artificially inoculated food samples was successful, with a minimum threshold of 10 conidia g−1 per reaction. The developed methods quantified with high efficiency fungal load in foods. These RTi-PCR protocols, are proposed to be used to quantify patulin-producing molds in food products and to prevent patulin from entering the food chain.  相似文献   

A cold enrichment and the modified FDA selective enrichment method were compared for their ability to detect Listeria monocytogenes and other Listeria species from various ready-to-eat foods on sale in the UK. Of 57 food samples examined using cold enrichment, five yielded L. monocytogenes, and two L. innocua. The FDA enrichment method yielded three samples positive for L. monocytogenes only. Foods examined included soft cheeses, fermented meat sausages, pates and salads.  相似文献   

Cho  Joon Il  Lee  Soon Ho  Lim  Ji Su  Kwak  Hyo Sun  Hwang  In Gyun 《Food science and biotechnology》2011,20(5):1347-1350
This study is to develop mathematical models to predict the growth of Listeria monocytogenes in kimbab as a function of storage temperature. Kimbab which was inoculated with L. monocytogenes were incubated at 4, 10, 15, and 30°C. The primary model showed a good fit (R2=0.9845 to 0.9967) to a Gompertz equation to obtain specific growth rates (SGR) and lag time (LT) at each temperature. The SGR of L. monocytogenes in the kimbab increased and LT decreased by increasing temperature. Secondary polynomial model was developed using PRISM general nonlinear analysis software for SGR and LT. The secondary models were 0.1479−(0.02457×Temp)+(0.001296 ×Temp2) for SGR and 312.8−(30.21×Temp)+(0.6654 ×Temp2) for LT. This secondary polynomial model was judged as appropriate based on the coefficient of determination (R2 of the SGR and LT model=0.9995, 0.9556), the bias factor (B f of the SGR and LT model=0.97, 0.94), and the accuracy factor (A f of the SGR and LT model=1.10, 1.68). Reliable predictions of L. monocytogenes SGR and LT in kimbab were based on temperature.  相似文献   

Detection of Listeria in food products is often limited by performance of enrichment media used to support growth of Listeria to detectable levels. In this study, growth curves were generated using healthy and heat-injured Listeria monocytogenes strain F5069 in three nonselective and five selective enrichment broths. Nonselective enrichment media included the current Food and Drug Administration Bacteriological Analytical Manual Listeria enrichment broth base (BAM), Listeria repair broth (LRB), and Trypticase soy broth. Selective enrichment media included BAM with selective agents and LRB with selective agents, BCM L. monocytogenes preenrichment broth, Fraser broth, and UVM-modified Listeria enrichment broth. The Gompertz equation was used to model the growth of L. monocytogenes. Gompertz parameters were used to calculate exponential growth rate, lag-phase duration (LPD), generation time, maximum population density (MPD), and time required for repair of injured cells. Statistical differences (P < 0.05) in broth performance were noted for LPD and MPD when healthy and injured cells were inoculated into the broths. With the exception of Fraser broth, there were no significant differences in the time required for the repair of injured cells. Results indicate that the distinction between selective and nonselective broths in their ability to grow healthy Listeria and to repair sublethally injured cells is not solely an elementary issue of presence or absence of selective agents.  相似文献   

Listeria Selective Isolation Agar (LSI) and Modified Acriflavin Ceftazidime Esculin Agar (MACE) were compared to McBride Listeria Agar minus Blood (MLA-B) for ability to recover Listeria monocytogenes Scott A cells inoculated into commercial yogurt, pH 4.1, Yogurt was stored at 5 degrees C and sampled periodically over a 12 day period. LSI, MACE and MLA-B inhibited the growth of the two yogurt organisms but LSI and MACE gave better inhibition of other separately tested Gram-positive bacteria likely to be present in other fermented foods. Acid-stressed Listeria monocytogenes Scott A cells were optimally recovered by enrichment at 5 degrees C for 5-18 days in 0.1 M phosphate buffer, pH 7.2, followed by transfer to tryptic soy broth +0.5% yeast extract at 30 degrees C for 2 days. At low inoculum levels (10(2) cells/g yogurt), they were not detectable by direct plating or enrichment of yogurt after day 0. At high inoculum levels (10(7) cells/g yogurt), they were detectable up to day 6 but not at day 9 by direct plating on MLA-B, LSI or MACE with log counts per gram of yogurt being about 10 fold higher on LSI than on MACE or MLA-B. The above enrichment procedure permitted recovery on MLA-B, LSI, or MACE of viable Listeria cells from the day 9 samples found negative by direct plating.  相似文献   

The antimicrobial activity of 8 Bacillus spp. and 2 Lysinibacillus spp. representing the predominant aerobic sporeformers during traditional maari fermentations, a traditional fermented baobab seeds product from Burkina Faso, was investigated. The antimicrobial activity was assessed against a total of 31 indicator organisms representing various Gram-negative and positive pathogens. The screening showed that 3 Bacillus subtilis strains (B3, B122 and B222) in particular had antimicrobial activity against some Gram-positive organisms and were selected for further studies. It was found that the antimicrobial substances produced were heat stable, in-sensitive to catalase, sensitive to protease and trypsin but resistant to the proteolytic action of papain and proteinase K and equally active at pH values ranging from 3 to 11. Bacteriocin secretion started in late exponential growth phase and maximum activity was detected during the stationary growth phase. The production of bacteriocin by B. subtilis B3, B122 and B222 was dependent on the aeration conditions. Maximum production of bacteriocin was observed under reduced aeration. Specific primers were used to screen isolates B3, B122 and B222 for genes involved in the synthesis of the bacteriocins subtilosin A, subtilin, sublancin and ericin. Amplicons of the expected sizes were detected for iywB, sboA, sboX, albA and spaS involved in the biosynthesis of subtilosin and subtilin, respectively. The translated nucleotide sequences had 100% identity to the YiwB, SboX and SboA amino acid sequences of the subtilosin A producing B. subtilis subsp. subtilis strain 168. Interestingly there was a 3 amino acid deletion at the N-terminal part of AlbA in B3, B122 and B222 that probably alters the activity of this enzyme. Analysis of the spaS gene sequences of B3, B122 and B222, encoding a subtilin precursor peptide, showed that the translated nucleotide sequence had 98% identity with the corresponding SpaS amino acid sequence of subtilin producing B. subtilis subsp. spizizenii strain ATCC6633.  相似文献   

In the present study, an in-vitro mouth model to quantify salt release from food structures has been developed. In this instance biopolymer gels were used as model food systems. The model aimed to reproduce key phenomena occurring during oral processing, such as diffusion through the sample and compression. Salt release profiles from different gels (gelatin, gellan and alginate), under quiescent conditions and compression, were determined at temperatures of 25 and 37 °C. In-vitro results indicated that salt release is affected both by the type of gelling agent and by temperature. When melting took place, release occurred within seconds. However, when diffusion through the biopolymer matrix was the controlling parameter, the time scale was in the order of hours. It has been shown that compression of the gel only affects release when fractures occur. This is believed to be a consequence of increased surface area. Finally, a mathematical model has been compiled to predict release profiles when diffusion is the controlling mechanism.  相似文献   

A method was developed to quantify the microstructure of wheat dough proteins assessed by a confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM) in combination with an image processing and analyzing tool. A variation of the water addition especially showed high significant (p<0.01) linear correlations with the branching index (r=-0.92). This branching index exhibited high significant correlation coefficients with the rheological measures complex shear modulus (r=0.88), creep compliance (r=-0.71) and relative elastic part (r=0.82). In summary the results submit a novel view on the microstructure of dough. The obtained visual structure of the dough via CLSM in combination with image processing and analyzing has proven to be a reliable and powerful tool for the acquisition and validation of dough protein microstructure. The high dependency of rheology from structural elements could be verified.  相似文献   

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