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In this paper a boundary problem is considered for which the boundary is to be determined as part of the solution. A time‐dependent problem involving linear diffusion in two spatial dimensions which results in a moving free boundary is posed. The fundamental solution is introduced and Green’s Theorem is used to yield a non‐linear system of integral equations for the unknown solution and the location of the boundary. The boundary element method is used to obtain a numerical solution to this system of integral equations which in turn is used to obtain the solution of the original problem. Graphical results for a two‐dimensional problem are presented. Published in 1999 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A new algorithm is developed to evaluate the time convolution integrals that are associated with boundary element methods (BEM) for transient diffusion. This approach, which is based upon the multi‐level multi‐integration concepts of Brandt and Lubrecht, provides a fast, accurate and memory efficient time domain method for this entire class of problems. Conventional BEM approaches result in operation counts of order O(N2) for the discrete time convolution over N time steps. Here we focus on the formulation for linear problems of transient heat diffusion and demonstrate reduced computational complexity to order O(N3/2) for three two‐dimensional model problems using the multi‐level convolution BEM. Memory requirements are also significantly reduced, while maintaining the same level of accuracy as the conventional time domain BEM approach. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper reports a fast convergent boundary element method on a Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM) (Geist et al., PVM: Parallel Virtual Machine, A Users' Guide and Tutorial for Networked Parallel Computing. MIT Press, Cambridge, 1994) cluster using the SIMD computing model (Single Instructions Multiple Data). The method uses the strategy of subdividing the domain into a number of smaller subdomains in order to reduce the size of the system matrix and to achieve overall speedup. Unlike traditional subregioning methods, where equations from all subregions are assembled into a single linear algebraic system, the present scheme is iterative and each subdomain is handled by a separate PVM node in parallel. The iterative nature of the overall solution procedure arises due to the introduction of the artificial boundaries. However, the system equations for each subdomain is now smaller and solved by direct Gaussian elimination within each iteration. Furthermore, the boundary conditions at the artificial interfaces are estimated from the result of the previous iteration by a reapplication of the boundary integral equation for internal points. This method provides a consistent mechanism for the specification of boundary conditions on artificial interfaces, both initially and during the iterative process. The method is fast convergent in comparison with other methods in the literature. The achievements of this method are therefore: (a) simplicity and consistency of methodology and implementation; (b) more flexible choice of type of boundary conditions at the artificial interfaces; (c) fast convergence; and (d) the potential to solve large problems on very affordable PVM clusters. The present parallel method is suitable where (a) one has a distributed computing environment; (b) the problem is big enough to benefit from the speedup achieved by coarse-grained parallelisation; and (c) the subregioning is such that communication overhead is only a small percentage of total computation time.  相似文献   

In this paper, a method to account for the point‐wise discretization error in the solution for boundary element method is developed. Interval methods are used to enclose the boundary integral equation and a sharp parametric solver for the interval linear system of equations is presented. The developed method does not assume any special properties besides the Laplace equation being a linear elliptic partial differential equation whose Green's function for an isotropic media is known. Numerical results are presented showing the guarantee of the bounds on the solution as well as the convergence of the discretization error. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper describes a mesh refinement technique for boundary element method in which the number of elements, the size of elements and the element end location are determined iteratively in order to obtain a user specified accuracy. The method uses L1 norm as a measure of error in the density function and a grading function that ensures that error over each element is the same. The use of grading function along with L1 norm makes the mesh refinement technique applicable to Direct and Indirect boundary element method formulation for a variety of boundary element method applications. Numerical problems in elastostatics, fracture mechanics, and bending of plate solved using Direct and Indirect method in which the density functions are approximated by Linear Lagrange, Quadratic Lagrange or Cubic Hermite polynomials validate the effectiveness of the proposed mesh refinement technique. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the present paper a fast solver for dual boundary element analysis of 3D anisotropic crack problems is formulated, implemented and tested. The fast solver is based on the use of hierarchical matrices for the representation of the collocation matrix. The admissible low rank blocks are computed by adaptive cross approximation (ACA). The performance of ACA against the accuracy of the adopted computational scheme for the evaluation of the anisotropic kernels is investigated, focusing on the balance between the kernel representation accuracy and the accuracy required for ACA. The system solution is computed by a preconditioned GMRES and the preconditioner is built exploiting the hierarchical arithmetic and taking full advantage of the hierarchical format. The effectiveness of the proposed technique for anisotropic crack problems has been numerically demonstrated, highlighting the accuracy as well as the significant reduction in memory storage and analysis time. In particular, it has been numerically shown that the computational cost grows almost linearly with the number of degrees of freedom, obtaining up to solution speedups of order 10 for systems of order 104. Moreover, the sensitivity of the performance of the numerical scheme to materials with different degrees of anisotropy has been assessed. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The discretization of the boundary in boundary element method generates integrals over elements that can be evaluated using numerical quadrature that approximate the integrands or semi-analytical schemes that approximate the integration path. In semi-analytical integration schemes, the integration path is usually created using straight-line segments. Corners formed by the straight-line segments do not affect the accuracy in the interior significantly, but as the field point approaches these corners large errors may be introduced in the integration. In this paper, the boundary is described by a cubic spline on which an integration path of straight-line segments is dynamically created when the field point approaches the boundary. The algorithm described improves the accuracy in semi-analytical integration schemes by orders of magnitude at insignificant increase in the total solution time by the boundary element method. Results from two indirect BEM and a direct BEM formulation in which the unknowns are approximated by linear and quadratic Lagrange polynomial and a cubic Hermite polynomial demonstrate the versatility of the described algorithm. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


This paper presents a new boundary element formulation in which the eigenvalue appears outside the integral operator, which distinguishes it from the Helmholtz integral equation. Thus, the formation of global matrices need only be assembled once. Since the kernel of the operator used in the new formulation is real‐valued, all calculations can be carried out in a much simpler way in the real domain. The complex acoustic pressure amplitude is considered herein to deivate by a certain amount from a harmonic function. It is an important contribution that an exact relation between the deviator and the complex acoustic pressure amplitude is constructed locally and thus no more approximations are introduced except conventional boundary discretizations. Several examples are given to illustrate the feasibility of an accurate, effective prediction of resonance.  相似文献   

A high‐order time‐domain approach for wave propagation in bounded and unbounded domains is proposed. It is based on the scaled boundary FEM, which excels in modelling unbounded domains and singularities. The dynamic stiffness matrices of bounded and unbounded domains are expressed as continued‐fraction expansions, which leads to accurate results with only about three terms per wavelength. An improved continued‐fraction approach for bounded domains is proposed, which yields numerically more robust time‐domain formulations. The coefficient matrices of the corresponding continued‐fraction expansion are determined recursively. The resulting solution is suitable for systems with many DOFs as it converges over the whole frequency range, even for high orders of expansion. A scheme for coupling the proposed improved high‐order time‐domain formulation for bounded domains with a high‐order transmitting boundary suggested previously is also proposed. In the time‐domain, the coupled model corresponds to equations of motion with symmetric, banded and frequency‐independent coefficient matrices, which can be solved efficiently using standard time‐integration schemes. Numerical examples for modal and time‐domain analysis are presented to demonstrate the increased robustness, efficiency and accuracy of the proposed method. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study develops a frequency-domain method for modelling general transient linear-elastic dynamic problems using the semi-analytical scaled boundary finite element method (SBFEM). This approach first uses the newly-developed analytical Frobenius solution to the governing equilibrium equation system in the frequency domain to calculate complex frequency-response functions (CFRFs). This is followed by a fast Fourier transform (FFT) of the transient load and a subsequent inverse FFT of the CFRFs to obtain time histories of structural responses. A set of wave propagation and structural dynamics problems, subjected to various load forms such as Heaviside step load, triangular blast load and ramped wind load, are modelled using the new approach. Due to the semi-analytical nature of the SBFEM, each problem is successfully modelled using a very small number of degrees of freedom. The numerical results agree very well with the analytical solutions and the results from detailed finite element analyses.  相似文献   

A collocation boundary element formulation is presented which is based on a mixed approximation formulation similar to the Galerkin boundary element method presented by Steinbach (SIAM J Numer Anal 38:401–413, 2000) for the solution of Laplace’s equation. The method is also applicable to vector problems such as elasticity. Moreover, dynamic problems of acoustics and elastodynamics are included. The resulting system matrices have an ordered structure and small condition numbers in comparison to the standard collocation approach. Moreover, the employment of Robin boundary conditions is easily included in this formulation. Details on the numerical integration of the occurring regular and singular integrals and on the solution of the arising systems of equations are given. Numerical experiments have been carried out for different reference problems. In these experiments, the presented approach is compared to the common nodal collocation method with respect to accuracy, condition numbers, and stability in the dynamic case.  相似文献   

A new approach to steady-state rolling, with and without force transmission, based on the boundary element method is presented. The proposed formulation solves the problem in a more general way than semi-analytical methods, with which it shares some approximations. The robustness and accuracy of the proposed method is reflected in the comparative analysis of the results obtained for three different types of rolling problems involving identical, dissimilar and tyred cylinders, respectively.  相似文献   

At first, a hybrid boundary element method used for three-dimensional linear elastic fracture analysis is established by introducing the relative displacement fundamental function into the first and the second kind of boundary integral equations. Then the numerical approaches are presented in detail. Finally, several numerical examples are given out to check the proposed method. The numerical results show that the hybrid boundary element method has a very high accuracy for analysis of a three-dimensional stress intensity factor.  相似文献   

In this paper, the dual boundary element method in time domain is developed for three‐dimensional dynamic crack problems. The boundary integral equations for displacement and traction in time domain are presented. By using the displacement equation and traction equation on crack surfaces, the discontinuity displacement on the crack can be determined. The integral equations are solved numerically by a time‐stepping technique with quadratic boundary elements. The dynamic stress intensity factors are calculated from the crack opening displacement. Several examples are presented to demonstrate the accuracy of this method. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd  相似文献   

The strategy in the boundary element method for the analysis of symmetric domains that does not require the modelling of contours corresponding to the axes of symmetry is investigated for a number of advanced applications. These applications include: treatment of domain loadings, two-dimensional time domain transient elastodynamics, and the analysis of probabilistic problems in elastostatics with a random geometric configuration. Both symmetric as well as arbitrary loadings acting on the symmetric objects are considered. A number of case studies are presented to provide comparisons of computer memory and CPU time requirements for the analyses of the entire object versus the analyses of only the symmetric portion of the object. The numerical data presented clearly demonstrates the advantages of developing efficient symmetric formulations for advanced applications.  相似文献   

An adaptive boundary element scheme is developed using the concept of local reanalysis and h-hierarchical functions for the construction of near-optimal computational models. The use of local reanalysis in the error estimation guarantees the reliability of the modelling process while the use of quadratic and quartic h-hieararchical elements guarantees the efficiency of the adaptive algorithm. The technique is developed for the elastic analysis of two-dimensional models. Numerical examples show the rapid convergence of the results with a few refinement steps.  相似文献   

A set of hypersingular integral equations of a three-dimensional finite elastic solid with an embedded planar crack subjected to arbitrary loads is derived. Then a new numerical method for these equations is proposed by using the boundary element method combined with the finite-part integral method. According to the analytical theory of the hypersingular integral equations of planar crack problems, the square root models of the displacement discontinuities in elements near the crack front are applied, and thus the stress intensity factors can be directly calculated from these. Finally, the stress intensity factor solutions to several typical planar crack problems in a finite body are evaluated. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A Boundary Element Method (BEM)-based inverse algorithm utilizing the iterative regularization method, i.e. the conjugate gradient method (CGM), is used to solve the Inverse Heat Conduction Problem (IHCP) of estimating the unknown transient boundary temperatures in a multi-dimensional domain with arbitrary geometry. The results obtained by the CGM are compared with that obtained by the standard Regularization Method (RM). The error estimation based on the statistical analysis is derived from the formulation of the RM. A 99 per cent confidence bound is thus obtained. Finally, the effects of the measurement errors to the inverse solutions are discussed. Results show that the advantages of applying the CGM in the inverse calculations lie in that (i) the major difficulties in choosing a suitable quadratic norm, determining a proper regularization order and determining the optimal smoothing (or regularization) coefficient in the RM are avoided and (ii) it is less sensitive to the measurement errors, i.e. more accurate solutions are obtained. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, the boundary element method (BEM) for solving quasi‐static uncoupled thermoelasticity problems in materials with temperature dependent properties is presented. The domain integral term, in the integral representation of the governing equation, is transformed to an equivalent boundary integral by means of the dual reciprocity method (DRM). The required particular solutions are derived and outlined. The method ensures numerically efficient analysis of thermoelastic deformations in an arbitrary geometry and loading conditions. The validity and the high accuracy of the formulation is demonstrated considering a series of examples. In all numerical tests, calculation results are compared with analytical and/or finite element method (FEM) solutions. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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