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It has been generally accepted that an adequate oxygen-carrying capacity can be achieved with a hemoglobin concentration of 7 g/dl, as far as the patient's intravascular volume is sufficient to allow tissue perfusion. To guarantee patient's safety in the operating theater, patient's oxygenation, ventilation, circulation and temperature, which enable oxygen utilization in tissues, should be monitored vigilantly and ensured strictly. This is also true when taking care of anemic patients outside the operating theater, because failure of these functions in anemic patients leads directly to tissue hypoxia. Besides the standard monitoring, measuring oxygen carrying capacity/consumption parameters and gastric/sigmoidal intramucosal pH have been shown to be helpful to estimate tissue oxygenation. Therefore, safe levels of hemoglobin concentration should be determined according to the ability of doctors and nursing staffs to evaluate and to maintain patient's systemic and tissue oxygenation as well as to the patient's pathophysiological conditions.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES AND METHODS: The aims of the present work were to assess the presence of thrombin generation in Crohn's disease and in ulcerative colitis by using the prothrombin fragment 1 + 2 and the thrombin-antithrombin III complex assays and to study the possible relationships between these markers and disease activity. RESULTS: Prothrombin fragment 1 + 2 and thrombin-antithrombin III complex were significantly raised in patients with Crohn's disease (n = 69) and with ulcerative colitis (n = 25) as compared with healthy controls (n = 50). In Crohn's disease these two markers of thrombin generation were correlated with the Van Hees index (P < 0.05 and P < 0.001, respectively); values were significantly different from controls even in the patient group displaying the lowest disease activity (P < 0.001). No correlation was found with tumour necrosis factor alpha and C-reactive protein; nevertheless patients with C-reactive protein less than or equal to 10 mg/l had significant lower values of prothrombin fragment 1 + 2 (P < 0.03). In ulcerative colitis prothrombin fragment 1 + 2 and thrombin-antithrombin III complex were significantly increased by comparison with controls, were higher in patients with pancolitis and correlated with C-reactive protein (P < 0.002 and P < 0.009, respectively). CONCLUSION: These data show that prothrombin fragment 1 + 2 and thrombin-antithrombin III complex are increased in inflammatory bowel diseases and suggest that thrombin generation might be an early event in their pathogenesis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In unstable angina, the clinical efficacy of heparin is limited in time, and recurrence of adverse events has been reported after discontinuation of the anticoagulant. METHODS: In 21 episodes of unstable angina, we used the plasma level of fibrinopeptide A (FPA) and of thrombin-antithrombin complex (TAT) to evaluate the pattern of thrombin inhibition by heparin and the effect of stopping heparin and initiating aspirin. RESULTS: At admission, the plasma level of FPA was increased: median value 3.7 ng/mL compared with 5.5 ng/mL in a control group of 20 patients with early myocardial infarction (not significant). The following findings were observed during a 4-day course of intravenous heparin infusion: (1) FPA decreased significantly 6 hours after the start of therapy; (2) FPA was lower when activated partial thromboplastic time (aPTT) was >1.5 times baseline; (3) there was a significant negative correlation between aPTT and FPA. Twenty-four hours after heparin was discontinued and aspirin initiated, a significant increase in TAT and FPA in plasma was observed. CONCLUSIONS: The results confirm ongoing fibrin formation in the active phase of unstable angina, indicate incomplete and variable inhibition of thrombin by heparin during continuous infusion, and suggest a risk of re-emergence of thrombosis (in spite of initiating aspirin) 24 hours after withdrawal of heparin. Data demonstrate a better control of thrombin activity when heparin is infused at rates that maintain aPTT at >1.5 times baseline, as currently recommended in unstable angina.  相似文献   

In an ultrasonographic screening study at 11 to 14 weeks' gestation involving 9885 singleton pregnancies, the prevalence of exomphalos was 0.11% (11 cases) and the prevalence of trisomy 18 or 13 was 0.35% (35 cases). The mean maternal age of the screened population was 35 years (range, 15 to 47 years) and a significant association was found between maternal age and both the prevalence of trisomies and the prevalence of exomphalos. Because the frequency of exomphalos in fetuses with trisomy 18 or 13 was 17% and in those with no evidence of these trisomies it was 0.05%, the risk for trisomies in fetuses with exomphalos is 340 times higher than in those without exomphalos.  相似文献   

The effect of acute plasma volume change in humans on serum erythropoietin [EPO]s, plasma active renin [REN] and plasma aldosterone [ALDO] concentrations was examined. Plasma volume (PV) expansion was induced by intravenous infusion of 150 ml (30g) of plasma albumin and 500 ml of physiological saline. The [EPO]s decreased by 14.3% (corrected values for PV expansion) and remained decreased for 5 h. The [REN] was decreased by more than 25% during the day of the experiment and [ALDO] by more than 60%. Only a weak positive correlation was found between [EPO]s and [REN] (r = 0.35; P < 0.05) but a lack of correlation between changes in PV and [EPO]s as well as between [EPO]s and [ALDO] was seen. We postulated that in healthy men an acute PV expansion by 10% to 17.5% would not appear to promote stimulation of EPO synthesis for at least 11 h. Since a weak positive correlation was observed between [EPO]s and [REN] and a lack of correlation between [EPO]s and [ALDO], it would seem that there is no direct link between [REN] and [ALDO] and erythropoietin synthesis in healthy subjects.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: No marker that reflects and predicts brain injury due to subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) and cerebral vasospasm has been reported. We hypothesized that membrane-bound tissue factor (mTF) and thrombin-antithrombin III complex (TAT) in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of patients with SAH become markers indicating brain injury. To evaluate the hypothesis, we correlated levels of mTF and TAT in the CSF of patients with SAH with clinical severity, the degree of SAH, and outcome. METHODS: We assayed CSF mTF, TAT and myelin basic protein (MBP) in patients with SAH at intervals that included days 0 to 4 and days 5 to 9 after ictus. Classification of clinical severity of disease on admission was based on Hunt and Hess grade, degree of SAH on CT on Fisher's grading, and outcome 3 months after SAH on the Glasgow Outcome Scale. RESULTS: In the interval from days 0 to 4, mTF and TAT correlated with Hunt and Hess and Fisher grades, and occurrence of cerebral infarction due to vasospasm. Only mTF correlated significantly in this period with outcome. TAT, mTF, and MBP all correlated significantly with each other. From days 5 to 9, only mTF correlated with cerebral infarction, infarction volume, MBP levels, and outcome. CONCLUSIONS: Both mTF and TAT reflected brain injury from SAH and predicted vasospasm, though mTF was more sensitive and a better predictor of outcome. Unlike mTF, TAT did not correlate with vasospasm during the interval when it most commonly occurs, which raised doubt about thrombin activation as a cause.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Uncoupling of cerebral blood flow (CBF) and oxidative metabolism is observed after severe head injury in comatose patients; however, the mechanism(s) involved remain undefined. Adenosine can produce cerebral vasodilation and reduce neuronal activity and is a possible mediator of uncoupling. We hypothesized that cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) adenosine concentrations would be increased during uncoupling of CBF and oxidative metabolism, defined as a narrow arterio-jugular venous oxygen difference [D(a-v)O2 4 vol%] after head injury. METHODS: Adenosine concentrations were measured using fluorescent-based high-pressure liquid chromatography in 67 CSF samples obtained from 13 comatose (Glasgow Coma Scale score 7) adult patients who sustained a severe closed head injury. At the time each sample was obtained, CBF was measured by the xenon-133 method, and blood samples were obtained for determination of D(a-v)O2. RESULTS: CSF adenosine concentration was negatively associated with D(a-v)O2 (P < 0.05, generalized multivariate linear regression model). In addition, CSF adenosine concentration was increased when D(a-v)O2 was 4 versus > 4 vol% (38.5 [3.2-306.3] versus 14.0 [2.7-795.5] nmol/L, respectively, median [range]; P < 0.025) and in patients who died versus survivors (40.1 [6.9-306.3] versus 12.9 [2.7-795.5] nmol/L, respectively, median [range]; P < 0.001). CONCLUSION: The association between increased CSF adenosine concentration and a reduction in global cross-brain extraction of oxygen supports a regulatory role for adenosine in the complex balance between CBF and oxidative and nonoxidative metabolism severe head injury in humans.  相似文献   

Using multiple regression analysis, six MR parameters were correlated with three histological grades among 43 proven adult supratentorial astrocytic gliomas to ascertain important MR parameters and their optimal contributions. Analysis revealed that two parameters, border definition and tumor hemorrhage, were unreliable. Using the remaining four parameters an equation was derived: Tumor grade = 0.32 (ring enhancement) +0.29 (degree of contrast enhancement) +0.13 (heterogeneity) +0.12 (edema) +0.41. Ring enhancement was the most reliable predictor of tumor grade, followed by degree of contrast enhancement. The maximum accuracies of the "semi-automatic" approach using this equation for predicting low-grade astrocytomas, anaplastic astrocytomas, and glioblastoma multiforme were 91%, 83%, and 88%, respectively. Although "semi-automatic" grading provided relatively high accuracy, possible sampling errors and some atypical cases reduced such accuracy.  相似文献   

Potential transfusion reactions include hemolysis, disease transmission (particularly hepatitis), allergic and febrile reactions, and symptoms of circulatory overload. Limiting the number of transfusions given to patients for whom the procedure will achieve some clearly defined clinical goal is one way of reducing the number of adverse reactions. When transfusion is to be carried out, great care should be taken in correctly identifying both patient and blood to avoid ABO mix-ups, and thorough pretransfusion laboratory testing should be done. During and after transfusion the patient should be closely observed for complications.  相似文献   

The stability of cisplatin and its monohydrated complex has been studied in blood, plasma and plasma ultrafiltrate at 37 degrees C (pH 7.4). Intact cisplatin and the monohydrated complex were determined by liquid chromatography with post-column derivatization. The half lives for cisplatin and the monohydrated complex were 1.43 +/- 0.03 h (SEM) and 0.36 +/- 0.03 h (SEM), respectively, in blood and 0.88 +/- 0.05 h (SEM) and 0.26 +/- 0.02 h (SEM), respectively, in plasma. The compounds were unstable at -25 degrees C (t1/2 for cisplatin was 52 +/- 5 h (SEM) and for the monohydrated compound 26 +/- 2 h (SEM)), but at -70 degrees C both compounds were stable for at least 3 weeks. The monohydrated complex was found to be formed to a small extent when cisplatin was added to plasma (37 degrees C, pH 7.4). A sampling procedure using centripetal ultrafiltration of whole blood was evaluated and found applicable if the samples were stored at 0 degree C and ultracentrifuged within 1 h.  相似文献   

A poor response to L-DOPA in addition to parkinsonian, cerebellar, and autonomic signs is commonly regarded as indicative of clinical multiple system atrophy (MSA). We compared the motor response to a single oral administration of 250 mg L-DOPA/25 mg carbidopa in eight MSA patients and eight Parkinson's disease (PD) patients with the "on-off" phenomenon, evaluating L-DOPA peripheral pharmacokinetics. Motor response was consistently good in all PD patients, but only four MSA patients had a (moderate) response. Pharmacokinetic parameters did not differ between the groups. The varying extent of putaminal damage could be responsible for the differing motor response to L-DOPA in MSA patients.  相似文献   

Renal allograft survival is prolonged after pretransplantation blood transfusion. The aim of this study was to test retrospectively the development and persistence of microchimaerism after pretransplantation blood transfusion and to assess whether the type of blood transfusion (partially matched [= sharing of at least one HLA-B and one HLA-DR antigen between blood donor and recipient] versus mismatched) influences the (continued) presence of donor-type cells. A sensitive nested PCR technique based on HLA-DRB1 allele-specific amplification using sequence-specific primers (detection level: one donor cell among 10(5) recipient cells) for detection of donor cells was implemented in our laboratory. We studied 21 patients for microchimaerism in the peripheral blood compartment, following blood transfusion. Our preliminary data show that microchimaerism was detectable up to 8 weeks after blood transfusion. In all patients receiving a partially matched blood transfusion, donor-type cells were detected in the first week after transfusion, in 7/8 patients 2-4 weeks after transfusion, and in some patients up to 8 weeks after transfusion. After mismatched transfusion a tendency to shorter duration of microchimaerism was observed.  相似文献   

Because an increase in biliary deoxycholate levels seems to be a risk factor for cholesterol gallstone formation, we determined the relationship between deoxycholate levels and levels of the pronucleating protein, immunoglobulin G (Ig) in human gallbladder bile. Patients with cholesterol gallstones had a higher concentration of biliary IgG compared with a pigmented stone group and control patients. This was associated with the simultaneous presence of two conditions in the cholesterol stone group, supersaturated bile and a high deoxycholate/cholate ratio. The other patient groups met only one of the two conditions. Next, animal studies were performed to determine if model biles mimicking the two conditions could affect IgG secretion by the gallbladder. Gallbladders were exposed in vivo and then in an Ussing chamber to model biles. The voltage clamp technique was used to monitor functional integrity of the preparation. Three different model biles were tested: (1) taurodeoxycholate (TDC), 80%; taurocholate (TC), 20%; and cholesterol saturation index (CSI), 1.2; (2) TDC, 20%; TC, 80%; and CSI, 1.2; and (3) TDC, 80%; TC, 20%; and CSI, 0.6. IgG concentrations became significantly higher in group 1 than in the other two groups. The concentration of mucous glycoprotein was also significantly greater in group 1 when compared with group 2. Plasma cells were increased in number in mucosal and submucosal layers in group 1. We conclude that cholesterol supersaturated model bile with high content of TDC induces gallbladder epithelial alterations, which increase the luminal concentration of IgG and mucous glycoprotein.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Collections and transfusions of blood in the United States in 1994 were measured and compared with those in 1992. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: Completed survey questionnaires were returned by all 147 regional blood centers, 1340 American Association of Blood Banks (AABB) member hospitals, and 523 non-AABB hospitals. Statistical tests verified the representativeness of the sample. RESULTS: The United States domestic blood supply in 1994 (13,340,000 units) was 3.3 percent less than in 1992. It included allogeneic blood (11,773,000 units), autologous blood (1,013,000 units), and directed donations (334,000 units). Of these, 432,000 units were rejected on testing, 11,107,000 units were transfused to 3,398,000 patients, and 1,801,000 units were discarded or unaccounted for. Platelet transfusions amounted to 7,866,000 units. Compared with the totals for 1992, transfusions of single-donor platelets (714,000 packs or 4,284,000 units) increased by 17.6 percent, while transfusions of platelet concentrates (3,582,000 units) fell by 23.6 percent. Fresh-frozen plasma transfusions (2,621,000 units) increased by 16.2 percent over the number for 1992. CONCLUSIONS: The US blood collection rate in 1994 was 74.6 units per 1000 population of donor age, the lowest recorded level since 1971. The US RBC transfusion rate in 1994 was 42.8 units per 1000 population, about the same as 1979. Transfusions of single-donor platelets, 16.5 units per 1000 population, exceeded transfusions of platelet concentrate (13.8/1000) for the first time. Plasma transfusions were 10.1 units per 1000 population. The US blood supply in 1994 was adequate to meet patient demands.  相似文献   

Objective: A sustainable, evidence-based intervention to motivate current blood donors to recruit new donors was evaluated using a quasi-experimental, in-service trial at three donation centers. Design: Participating blood donors in three conditions (N = 734), received (1) an evidence-based leaflet designed to enhance recruitment motivation and five postcards facilitating recruitment and donor registration, (2) five postcards alone, or (3) no materials. Main Outcome Measures: Self-reported donor recruitment by donors was measured at 1-week and 6-week follow-up. Results: At 1-week and at 6-week follow-up, donors in both intervention conditions reported talking to more people about donation and asking more people to donate than control participants. Intervention participants also reported persuading more people to register as a donor than control participants. Results indicated that postcards plus leaflet was somewhat more effective than the postcards alone. Donors' intentions to recruit at 1-week follow-up mediated the behavioral effects at 6-week follow-up. Conclusion: Motivating and facilitating recruitment of new blood donors through existing donors has the potential to continually replenish the donor population. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Based on previous research on the effects of emotional arousal on eating behavior, it was predicted that clinical depression would not result invariably in appetite suppression and weight loss. Normally restrained eaters were expected to show weight gain as a consequence of emotional distress, whereas normally unrestrained eaters were expected to show the traditionally predicted weight loss. Nine female and 3 male 21-44 yr old clinically depressed patients were designated as restrained or unrestrained eaters, and it was found that the former tended to gain weight (as indicated in self-reports) in conjunction with their depression while the latter tended to lose weight. It is concluded that weight changes bear a complex but systematic relation to emotional distress and well-being. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A possible relationship between change in dietary cholesterol absorption and plasma lipoprotein responsiveness was examined in 18 normal subjects fed low fat low cholesterol, high fat low cholesterol, and high fat high cholesterol diets. For the group, neither dietary cholesterol nor dietary fat affected the percentage dietary cholesterol absorption, whereas dietary cholesterol intake raised total and LDL-C and dietary fat raised total, LDL, and HDL-C. On a fixed diet there was approximately a 2-fold variation among subjects in percentage dietary cholesterol absorption. Subjects also varied in response to dietary cholesterol and fat with regard to dietary cholesterol absorption and plasma lipoprotein responsiveness. There was a U-shaped parabolic relationship between dietary cholesterol-induced percent change in LDL-C and the change in percentage dietary cholesterol absorption (R2 = 0.62, P = 0.005). A similar but weaker relationship characterized the responsiveness of HDL-C (R2 = 0.38, P = 0.05). For the group, increased cholesterol intake raised dietary cholesterol mass absorption from 1.6 to 4.6 mg/kg per day, but the range of increase was from 1 to 4.7 mg/kg per day. Increased fat intake also affected dietary cholesterol mass absorption with most subjects displaying a strong inverse relationship between fat intake and mass absorption (r = -0.77, P < 0.003). In summary: i) the percentage change in dietary cholesterol absorption in response to dietary cholesterol does appear to regulate diet responsiveness of LDL and HDL-C, and ii) the large variability in percent absorption and changes in percentage and mass absorption in response to dietary cholesterol suggest the presence of genetically determined differences among individuals in the regulation of dietary cholesterol absorption.  相似文献   

Abdominal adipose tissue leptin production was determined in vivo by arteriovenous balance in 14 lean and obese men (mean BMI 27.0 +/- 1.9, range 21.4-45.2). Blood samples were taken simultaneously from an abdominal vein that drains subcutaneous adipose tissue and from a radial artery. Adipose tissue blood flow was measured by xenon washout. Abdominal vein leptin concentrations (mean 8.9 +/- 2.4 ng/ml, range 2.1-36.5 ng/ml) were consistently greater than arterial values (mean 6.6 +/- 1.9 ng/ml, range 1.7-28.2 ng/ml) (P < 0.001). The net rate of abdominal adipose tissue leptin production (mean 3.2 +/- 0.5 ng x 100 g(-1) x min(-1)) correlated directly with percentage body fat (rs = 0.59, P = 0.016). Estimated whole-body leptin production rate (797 +/- 283 ng x person(-1) x min(-1)) correlated directly with percent body fat (rs = 0.93, P < 0.0001) and with regional leptin production (rs = 0.81, P < 0.001). In contrast, the rate of leptin clearance from plasma (mean 1.50 +/- 0.23 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1)) and plasma leptin half-life (mean 24.9 +/- 4.4 min) was unrelated to adiposity (rs = 0.06, P = 0.30; rs = 0.16, P = 0.30, respectively). These results provide direct evidence that leptin is produced by adipose tissue in humans and that the rate of production is directly related to adiposity. A combination of greater leptin production per unit of body fat and increased production from expanded total body fat mass, rather than alterations in leptin clearance, account for the increase in plasma leptin concentrations observed in obese humans.  相似文献   

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