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The p53 gene encodes for a protein, p53, which plays a critical role in controlling the cell cycle, in DNA repair and in programmed cell death (apoptosis). p53 is one of the most frequently mutated genes in human neoplasms and a variety of techniques have been developed to detect these mutations. These range from advanced molecular-genetic analyses to immunohistochemical staining for the p53 protein. This review will summarize our current understanding of the function of p53 as well as current methods to detect dysfunctional p53 and the clinical value of such analyses.  相似文献   

The tumour suppressor p53 plays a crucial role in the cellular response to DNA damage. The p53 protein is able both to detect sites of DNA damage and to interact with DNA in a sequence-specific manner and function in the regulation of target gene expression. These two properties map to discrete functional domains of the protein, the C-terminus and the central core domain respectively. They are essential for integration of a normal cellular response to DNA damage, with initiation of either G1 cell cycle arrest or apoptosis. This review considers the domain structure of p53 in relation to the protein's various functions, together with the importance of tertiary structure and conformational flexibility. The precise regulation of p53 function remains to be established, although the protein is known to be phosphorylated/de-phosphorylated by a number of specific protein kinases/phosphatases. A recent discovery indicates that p53 may be activated by autoproteolysis and that proteolytic cleavage is induced by direct interaction with sites of DNA damage. This process is reminiscent of the bacterial Lex A system and would provide one mechanism for activation of p53 in response to cellular DNA damage.  相似文献   

A method for non-invasive, quantitative 31P NMR spectroscopic investigation of mitochondrial function in human skeletal muscle in situ is described. High time resolution 31P NMR measurements of phosphocreatine, inorganic phosphate and ATP resonances were conducted on human forearm flexor muscle during involuntary twitch contraction at eight different frequencies. Mitochondrial and glyco(geno)lytic ATP synthesis fluxes, and the cytosolic free energy of ATP hydrolysis (delta GP), were calculated at incremental steady-states of energy balance. The covariation of mitochondrial ATP synthesis flux, JPMOP, and delta GP was quasi-linear over the physiological range of free energy values. Curve-fit analysis of the covariation yielded a maximal sustainable JPMOP of 0.24 +/- 0.06 mmol ATP l-1.s-1 and a midpoint potential, (delta GP)0.5, of 58.1 +/- 1.2 kJ/mole in the muscle cells.  相似文献   

Burkitt's lymphoma (BL) cell lines carry a translocated c-myc gene and, in 60-80% of cases, exhibit mutations in the p53 tumor suppressor gene. We examined the potential role of the p53 gene in BL tumorigenicity using an in vitro assay that measures p53-dependent cell cycle arrest in the G1 phase of the cell cycle and an in vivo athymic murine model that detects differences in the tumorigenicity of BL cell lines. A highly significant inverse correlation was found between the ability of BL cells to arrest in G1 after irradiation and their tumorigenicity in athymic mice, consistent with the notion that loss of p53 function is associated with increased tumorigenicity. Inactivation of wild-type (wt) p53 function by expression of the human papillomavirus E6 protein in the AG876V BL cell line, which carries both wt and mutant p53 proteins, rendered the cell line significantly more tumorigenic in athymic mice. Transfection of the wt p53 gene into the p53 mutant and highly tumorigenic BL-41 cell line caused it to acquire wt p53 function and rendered it less tumorigenic in mice. In addition to confirming a role for the loss of p53 function in tumor progression, the data demonstrate that wt p53 protein can reduce BL tumorigenicity in vivo.  相似文献   

Heterotrimeric G proteins transduce multiple growth-factor-receptor-initiated and intracellular signals that may lead to activation of the mitogen-activated or stress-activated protein kinases. Herein we report on the identification of a novel p53 target gene (A28-RGS14) that is induced in response to genotoxic stress and encodes a novel member of a family of regulators of G protein signaling (RGS) proteins with proposed GTPase-activating protein activity. Overexpression of A28-RGS14p protein inhibits both Gi- and Gq-coupled growth-factor-receptor-mediated activation of the mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling pathway in mammalian cells. Thus, through the induction of A28-RGS14, p53 may regulate cellular sensitivity to growth and/or survival factors acting through G protein-coupled receptor pathways.  相似文献   

Mutations of the p53 tumor suppressor gene occur frequently in a variety of adult-onset tumors, including colon, breast, lung, and brain, yet are infrequently identified in pediatric malignancies. Wilms' tumor, a common solid tumor of childhood, can be associated with mutations of the WT1 gene. Alterations of the p53 gene have been shown to modulate the ability of WT1 to transactivate its targets. Although positive p53 immunostaining has been demonstrated in Wilms' tumors, the correlation to p53 gene mutations is not clear. We examined Wilms' tumor samples for p53 mutations utilizing polymerase chain reaction-single-strand conformation polymorphism analysis and single-strand DNA sequencing. Mutations in the coding region of the p53 gene were demonstrated in 2 of 21 (9.5%) Wilms' tumors. Each mutation yielded a substitution of amino acid residues. One mutation was located in exon 6 and the other in exon 7. Both mutations were found in tumors from patients with advanced stage disease. Focal anaplasia was demonstrated in one of these tumors. Our data suggest that although p53 mutations occur infrequently in Wilms' tumor, they may be associated with advanced disease.  相似文献   

We have used circular permutation assays to determine the extent and location of the DNA bend induced by the DNA binding domain of human wild type p53 (p53DBD) upon binding to several naturally occurring DNA response elements. We have found that p53DBD binding induces axial bending in all of the response elements investigated. In particular, response elements having a d(CATG) sequence at the junction of two consensus pentamers in each half-site favor highly bent complexes (bending angle is approximately 50 degrees ), whereas response elements having d(CTTG) bases at this position are less bent (bending angles from approximately 37 to approximately 25 degrees ). Quantitative electrophoretic mobility shift assays of different complexes show a direct correlation between the DNA bending angle and the binding affinity of the p53DBD with the response elements, i.e. the greater the stability of the complex, the more the DNA is bent by p53DBD binding. The study provides evidence that the energetics of DNA bending, as determined by the presence or absence of flexible sites in the response elements, may contribute significantly to the overall binding affinity of the p53DBD for different sequences. The results therefore suggest that both the structure and the stability of the p53-DNA complex may vary with different response elements. This variability may be correlated with variability in p53 function.  相似文献   

Allogenic, preserved cartilage is often used for reconstruction of face. This study was undertaken to analyze the effects of cartilage transplantation. In analyzed group of 437 patients after cartilage transplantation, 42.2% were operated because of posttraumatical changes, 29.0% because of congenital malformations. In 16.7% nonspecific inflammations were the cause of reconstructive operations. Malformations were mainly localised in nose 59%, ear concha 16.5% and mandible 10.9%. Human costal cartilage, preserved in 0.9% NaCl and radiation-sterilized was used for reconstruction. 24-190 months after surgery (in several clinical units) patients were examined and results were collected in special questionnaire by the team who performed surgery. The results of treatment were compared with age, diagnosis and localisation of changes. It was found that very good result of treatment was achieved in 33.5% of patients, in 41.8% result was satisfactory. In 19.9% of operated patients result of treatment was unsatisfactory. Correlation of some clinical and biological characteristics with the result of treatment is discussed.  相似文献   

Mimosine (MIM) and aphidicolin (APH) are two agents frequently used in tissue culture-based experiments to achieve cell synchronization at late G1 and S phases. Following MIM or APH treatment of human cancer cell lines, a reversible growth arrest in late G1 and S phases of the cell cycle was correlated with moderate increases in p53 and p21 protein levels. Both p53-dependent and -independent increases in p21 were observed following treatment with either agent. However, a striking increase in p21 protein levels and a continuous elevation in both p53 and p21 protein levels were observed over 48 h after cells re-entered the cell cycle following the chemically-induced synchronization. In addition, the increase in p21 protein levels typically seen following treatment of cells with DNA damaging agents, was enhanced when cells were treated with genotoxic agents following MIM or APH synchronization. These findings suggest that caution should be exercised when interpreting results from experiments using cell synchronization agents, in particular, studies designed to investigate p53- and p21-regulatory pathways.  相似文献   

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