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葡萄单芽塑料营养袋快速育苗技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国,葡萄繁殖方法很多,如田间扦插育苗、嫁接和压蔓繁殖。这些方法都需较多的插条,管理费工。近些年来,生产上都在研究寻找繁殖系数高、苗期短、省工、省地、成本低、效益高的育苗方法。1979~1983年我们在山西果树研究所采用“温室单芽直插塑料营养袋快速育苗法”,此法当年育苗当年定植,每亩出苗20万株,大大节省土地与劳力,繁殖系数提高了2~3倍。1983年秋,在山西省科委主持下“葡萄塑料营养袋快速育苗技术研究”通过了省级成果鉴定。此项成果为发展葡萄生产开辟了一条集约化,多、快、好、省地育苗新途径。1…  相似文献   

涿鹿县葡萄生产在不断引进、试验、示范、推广葡萄新品种的过程中,重点抓好苗木培育工作,通过日光温室培育葡萄绿苗,平均每年培育葡萄绿苗200万株。1 育苗技术1.1 育苗周期 育苗开始时间一般在早春2月下旬,出苗时间在5月下旬,育苗周期3个月左右。1.2 种条的准备1.2.1 种条选择 种条要选生长健壮,芽体饱满,粗度在0.8~1.5cm的优质种条,要求成熟度高、髓小、节间短。1.2.2 种条剪截 种条剪成单芽或双芽,上剪口平剪,下剪口斜剪,上剪口以芽上2cm为宜,下剪口以芽下3~5cm为宜,剪后种条长度10cm左右。1.3 种条浸水处理将剪好的种条放…  相似文献   

为推动酿酒葡萄的发展,加快优质苗木的繁植,克服大田育苗周期长,成活率低,结果晚的不足,我们采用日光温室容器育苗,取得良好效果。河西走廊一般在3月上旬扦插,五月底成苗,育苗期仅3个月,每平方米可育500株,一个50~70米长的日光温室可育苗10~15万...  相似文献   

贺兰山东麓地区酿酒葡萄园采用营养袋苗建园十分普遍。早期有玉泉营农场、广夏公司酿酒葡萄基地、贺东葡萄庄园,御马公司等葡萄基地。近2年,张裕公司黄羊滩农场酿酒葡萄基地、科冕实业红寺堡葡萄基地、永宁县、青铜峡市等酿酒葡萄园也全部或部分采用再生塑料杯苗、塑料薄膜营养袋苗建园。从育苗中暴露出的一些问题和栽植后苗木成活及生长情况看,酿酒葡萄采用营养袋苗建园应注意以下几个问题。  相似文献   

葡萄营养袋单芽杆插育苗技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近几年,葡萄生产采用电热线温床催根、催芽,结合营养袋在设施内进行单芽扦插育苗是最经济、最快捷、栽植成活率最高的育苗方法。  相似文献   

<正>8月15~17日,2014国家葡萄酒评委年会在"中国葡萄酒城"甘肃武威举行。在开幕式上,甘肃省副省长火荣贵介绍了甘肃省葡萄及葡萄酒业的发展情况。他说,截至2013年,河西走廊酿酒葡萄种植面积已超过27万亩,主要集中在武威市的凉州区和民勤县,包括威龙、莫高、  相似文献   

不同育苗方式对烤烟红花大金元生长和质量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对营养袋苗、无基质假植漂浮苗、一段式漂浮苗进行了田间对比试验。结果表明,栽后前40d,营养袋苗长势、叶片数、叶面积、株高、茎围等农艺性状均好于其他2种育苗方式,但抗病性较弱。3种育苗方式下的烟株长势差异相当明显,一段式漂浮苗稍好于无基质假植漂浮苗,移栽45 d后,3种烟苗农艺性状差异逐渐缩小;营养袋苗的大田生育期比无基质假植漂浮苗和一段式漂浮苗缩短10d,主要经济性状表现是营养袋苗﹥一段式漂浮苗﹥无基质假植漂浮苗。仅从烤烟长势和经济效益考虑,营养袋育苗好于其他2种育苗方式,无基质假植漂浮育苗最差。  相似文献   

葡萄营养袋单芽扦插育苗技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近几年,葡萄生产采用电热线温床催根、催芽,结合营养袋在设施内进行单芽扦插育苗是最经济、最快捷、栽植成活率最高的育苗方法.  相似文献   

当前,在果树发展规划中葡萄列为主要发展树种之一,葡萄苗木特别是优良品种的苗木需求非常迫切。山西果树研究所曾报导,该所在具有暖气设备的温室中利用塑料营养袋进行快速育苗。我院在连续三年应用电加温线催根育苗的基础上,今年我们利用电加温线为热源在小范围内增温进行快速育苗试验,获得成功,取得了简易、节能、有效的葡萄快速繁殖技术经验,为生产中推广应用提供依据。  相似文献   

本试验从1978年开始。81年1月在我所召开快速育苗现场会,向全省推广。1982—1983年进入较大规模的生产性试验。在上级领导与有关单位大力支持与协助下,试验取得了一定的结果。两年来在所内与我所负责指导的清徐葡萄产区,培育了良种苗木59万株,建立了葡萄生产基地2,000多亩。并总结了一套较完整的集约化育苗技术、对影响扦插生根发芽的某些因子作了较细致的研究,取得了一些有意义的资料。  相似文献   



To analyse trends in smoking prevalence in Ukraine from three surveys conducted in 2001–5, and to explore correlates of observed changes, in order to estimate the stage of tobacco epidemic in Ukraine.


Repeated national interview surveys in Ukraine in 2001, 2002 and 2005.

Main outcome measure

Prevalence of current smoking among the population aged ⩾15 years.


The age‐standardised prevalence of current smoking in Ukrainian men was 54.8% in 2001 and 66.8% in 2005. Among Ukrainian women, prevalence increased from 11.5% in 2001 to 20.0% in 2005. ORs for yearly increase in prevalence were estimated as 1.164 (95% CI 1.111 to 1.220) for men and 1.187 (1.124 to 1.253) for women, which implies that, on average, 3–4% of men and 1.5–2% of women living in Ukraine join the smoking population each year.


In Ukraine, smoking prevalence is increasing in most population groups. Among men, the medium deprivation group with secondary education has the highest smoking prevalence. Among women, while the most educated, young and those living in larger cities are the leading group for tobacco use, other groups are also increasing their tobacco use. Tobacco promotion efforts appear to have been significantly more effective in Ukraine than smoking control efforts. The decrease in real cigarette prices in Ukraine in 2001–5 could be the main factor explaining the recent growth in smoking prevalence.Ukraine is a large eastern European country with high smoking prevalence. Tobacco products are widely available at very low prices, and the transnational tobacco industry is extremely successful in promoting its products and lobbying for its interests in the legislative field. Advocacy of tobacco control has only recently achieved some success in the legislative field, with the first tobacco control law being adopted in late 2005. Ukraine ratified the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control in 2006, but there is still much cause for concern regarding the enforcement and effectiveness of the adopted legislative measures. Unfortunately, the government is not yet involved in nationwide surveillance of the tobacco problem, and the available data have mostly been gathered with funding from foreign donors. Several attempts have been made to measure the extent of the tobacco epidemic in the countries of the former Soviet Union (FSU).1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Most of these studies have shown rather high smoking prevalence among men (50–70%) and comparatively low prevalence among women (5–20%). Most countries in the FSU have similar smoking rates, while certain trends are shown to be related to the differences in how the transnational tobacco industry succeeds in every national tobacco market.6 Unfortunately, few studies have been published showing trends in smoking prevalence in the FSU.7 In Ukraine, two studies3,4 provided point estimates of smoking prevalence.The aim of this study was to analyse trends in smoking prevalence in Ukraine, on the basis of three surveys conducted in 2001–5, and to explore correlates of observed changes in order to estimate the stage of the tobacco epidemic in Ukraine.  相似文献   

了解河南省部分食品中重金属污染的现状。方法 在河南省18个省辖市采集8大类3 657份食品样品,按照国家标准检测食品中铅、镉和汞的含量,检测结果按照GB 2762—2012《食品安全国家标准食品中污染物限量》进行评价。结果 河南省部分食品中铅含量的平均值为0.34 mg/kg,总体超标率为8.8%(320/3 656),其中粮食、肉类和蔬菜中超标率较高,分别为17.2%(95/552)、14.5%(85/587)和10.7%(57/534);部分食品中镉含量的平均值为0.054 mg/kg,总体超标率为3.9%(143/3 657),其中食用菌和蛋类中超标率较高,分别为9.6%(49/508)和8.1%(42/518);部分食品中汞含量的平均值为0.077 mg/kg,总体超标率为8.3%(303/3 657),其中蔬菜和粮食中超标率较高,分别为25.3%(135/534)和12.3%(68/551)。结论 河南省部分食品中铅、汞污染情况较为严重,其中粮食、蔬菜和肉类食品中污染情况尤为突出,需要加强监管。  相似文献   

Various traditional containers have been used in India for storage of sorghum grains. Sorghum is susceptible to fungal infestation and toxin elaboration. The present study relates to the mould and mycotoxin contamination (aflatoxin B1 and T-2 toxin) in stored sorghum in different storage containers viz. “Kotlu” (Storage rooms), earthenware pots, gunny bags and reed baskets. Aspergillus sp. and Fusarium sp. were the prominent genera and the “Kotlu” form of storage was most susceptible to fungal attack. Storage treatment had little effect on fungal contamination, but despite the fungal infestation, the mycotoxin contamination was found to be very low.  相似文献   

细菌是白酒酿造3大类微生物之一,其在白酒生产中有着重要的作用,如:芽孢杆菌、乳酸菌、放线菌和梭菌等,它们能产生酯类、有机酸、吡嗪、萜烯等微量成分,从而影响白酒的风味与品质。基于细菌在白酒中的重要功能以及微生物分离培养技术和分析检测技术的进步,近年来相关研究越来越深入。该文综述了近年来白酒功能细菌的研究进展,介绍了酿酒各个环节中主要功能细菌及其在白酒中的作用,旨在为白酒功能细菌的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

目的 了解山西省食源性致病菌的污染现状.方法 按照2010年度《全国食源性致病菌监测工作手册》进行.结果 1 576份样品中共检出阳性菌株149株,检出率为9.45%,其中单核细胞增生李斯特氏菌、副溶血性弧菌污染比较严重,总检出率为9.50%和8.22%,金黄色葡萄球菌、阪崎肠杆菌和沙门氏菌的总检出率分别为3.02%、1.11%和0.87%.不同类别食品中致病菌的检出率差异较大,生肉中致病菌的检出率高居榜首为49.33%,主要污染菌为沙门氏菌、单核细胞增生李斯特氏菌;沙拉中致病菌的检出率为17.39%,主要污染菌为单核细胞增生李斯特氏菌、金黄色葡萄球菌;生食水产品中致病菌的检出率为16.94%,主要污染菌为单核细胞增生李斯特氏菌、副溶血性孤菌;熟肉制品中致病菌的检出率为9.84%,主要污染菌为单核细胞增生李斯特氏菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、沙门氏菌;中式凉拌菜中致病菌的检出率为8.89%,主要污染菌为金黄色葡萄球菌;鲜榨果汁中致病菌的检出率为6.67%,主要污染菌为金黄色葡萄球菌;鲜冻水产品中致病菌的检出率为5.00%,主要污染菌为副溶血性弧菌;婴幼儿配方粉/米粉/谷粉/豆奶粉中阪崎杆菌的检出率为1.11%.结论 山西省多种食品均存在食源性致病菌不同程度的污染,应加大对散装食品、即食食品和生食水产品的监管.  相似文献   

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