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The electromagnetic particle-in-cell (EM-PIC) model using the adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) is reconsidered so that it is properly and efficiently applied to the current sheet evolution associated with magnetic reconnection. It is very important to adequately select the refinement criteria for cell splitting. It is demonstrated that fine cells have to be distributed not only in the region where the electron Debye length is small, but also in the region where the electron-scale structure is expected to be significant. While the AMR reduces the number of cells drastically, the total simulation cost is also controlled by the number of particles. In order to reduce the total number of particles in the entire system, the present code controls the local number of particles per cell by splitting or coalescing particles. It is shown that the particle splitting and coalescence are quite effective as well as the AMR to enhance the efficiency of the EM-PIC simulations. A new 3D code extended from the 2D code is also introduced. The code is checked against the tearing instability and the lower hybrid drift instability, and it is confirmed that the code has been successfully developed. It is also found that the 3D simulations can gain more efficiency by using the AMR than the 2D simulations. 相似文献
We investigate the applicability of curvilinear grids in the context of astrophysical simulations and WENO schemes. With the non-smooth mapping functions from Calhoun et al. (2008), we can tackle many astrophysical problems which were out of scope with the standard grids in numerical astrophysics. We describe the difficulties occurring when implementing curvilinear coordinates into our WENO code, and how we overcome them. We illustrate the theoretical results with numerical data. The WENO finite difference scheme works only for high Mach number flows and smooth mapping functions, whereas the finite volume scheme gives accurate results even for low Mach number flows and on non-smooth grids. 相似文献
Understanding the mechanisms that enable the conversion of the explosive release of magnetic energy into the electron energization that is experimentally observed in space and laboratory plasmas represents a long-standing question in the study of magnetic reconnection. 相似文献
In this paper, we made an attempt to establish the usefulness of Lanczos solver with preconditioning technique over the preconditioned Conjugate Gradient (CG) solvers. We have presented here a detail comparative study with respect to convergence, speed as well as CPU-time, by considering appropriate boundary value problems. 相似文献
Geometric deformable models based on the level set method have become very popular in the last decade. To overcome an inherent limitation in accuracy while maintaining computational efficiency, adaptive grid techniques using local grid refinement have been developed for use with these models. This strategy, however, requires a very complex data structure, yields large numbers of contour points, and is inconsistent with the implementation of topology-preserving geometric deformable models (TGDMs). In this paper, we investigate the use of an alternative adaptive grid technique called the moving grid method with geometric deformable models. In addition to the development of a consistent moving grid geometric deformable model framework, our main contributions include the introduction of a new grid nondegeneracy constraint, the design of a new grid adaptation criterion, and the development of novel numerical methods and an efficient implementation scheme. The overall method is simpler to implement than using grid refinement, requiring no large, complex, hierarchical data structures. It also offers an extra benefit of automatically reducing the number of contour vertices in the final results. After presenting the algorithm, we demonstrate its performance using both simulated and real images. This work was supported in part by NSF/ERC Grant CISST#9731748 and by NIH/NINDS Grant R01NS37747. 相似文献
首先针对二维三温能量方程组,系统分析了求解所得到的稀疏线性方程组时,采用多种传统预条件技术时将遇到的问题,并提出了相应的适应性改进。其次,在集成这些预条件,以及新提出的MRILUT预条件的基础上,基于Fortran语言研制了一个性能高、可读性强、可扩展性好的预条件Krylov子空间迭代法软件包PreIT2D3T。最后,对2个实际惯性约束聚变问题的全程数值模拟进行了实验,实验结果表明MRILUT优于ILUT,同时PreIT2D3T的性能也优于SPARSKIT软件包。 相似文献
首先针对二维三温能量方程组,系统分析了求解所得到的稀疏线性方程组时,采用多种传统预条件技术时将遇到的问题,并提出了相应的适应性改进。其次,在集成这些预条件,以及新提出的MRILUT预条件的基础上,基于Fortran语言研制了一个性能高、可读性强、可扩展性好的预条件Krylov子空间迭代法软件包PreIT2D3T。最后,对2个实际惯性约束聚变问题的全程数值模拟进行了实验,实验结果表明MRILUT优于ILUT,同时PreIT2D3T的性能也优于SPARSKIT软件包。 相似文献
Curvilinear guiding-centre drift and full-orbit equations of motion are presented as implemented in the VENUS-LEVIS code. A dedicated interpolation scheme based on Fourier reconstruction in the toroidal and poloidal directions and cubic spline in the radial direction of flux coordinate systems is detailed. This interpolation method exactly preserves the order of the RK4 integrating scheme which is crucial for the investigation of fast particle trajectories in 3D magnetic structures such as helical saturated tokamak plasma states, stellarator geometry and resonant magnetic perturbations (RMP). The initialisation of particles with respect to the guiding-centre is discussed. Two approaches to implement RMPs in orbit simulations are presented, one where the vacuum field is added to the 2D equilibrium, creating islands and stochastic regions, the other considering 3D nested flux-surfaces equilibrium including the RMPs. 相似文献
We present a one-step high-order cell-centered numerical scheme for solving Lagrangian hydrodynamics equations on unstructured grids. The underlying finite volume discretization is constructed through the use of the sub-cell force concept invoking conservation and thermodynamic consistency. The high-order extension is performed using a one-step discretization, wherein the fluxes are computed by means of a Taylor expansion. The time derivatives of the fluxes are obtained through the use of a node-centered solver which can be viewed as a two-dimensional extension of the Generalized Riemann Problem methodology introduced by Ben-Artzi and Falcovitz. 相似文献
This paper presents some recent advancements of the computational efficiency of a Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) solver for the Navier–Stokes (NS) and Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes (RANS) equations. The implementation and the performance of a Newton–Krylov matrix-free (MF) method is presented and compared with the matrix based (MB) counterpart. Moreover two solution strategies, developed in order to increase the solver efficiency, are discussed and experimented. Numerical results of some test cases proposed within the EU ADIGMA (Adaptive Higher-Order Variational Methods for Aerodynamic Applications in Industry) project demonstrate the capabilities of the method. 相似文献