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Lars Engebretsen 《Software》2006,36(15):1643-1654
This paper describes some of the author's experiences from a C++ implementation of a concordance program for texts in Old West Norse (also known as Old Icelandic) and Runic Swedish. Since the input to the program used a character repertoire that no standard one‐byte character encoding covers, it was natural to use Unicode to represent data both inside the program and in external files. Inside the program, each character was represented with C++ ‘wide characters’; the input and output was represented in UTF‐8. The author constructed C++ code conversion facets that convert data between those two representations during file I/O. This enabled him to successfully compile, and run, the concordance program on both Linux (Fedora Core 3 with gcc 3.4.2) and Windows XP (using Visual C++ .NET 2003). The only necessary change to the source when changing platform was isolated to the lines selecting which code conversion facet to use—all other pieces of code remained unchanged. In particular, the author could still use the standard C++ locale framework for collation and code conversion, in spite of the fact that the library‐provided code conversion facets had been replaced. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The friend mechanism is widely used in C++ software even though the potential benefits of its use are disputed and little is known about when, where and why it is employed in practice. Furthermore, there is limited empirical analysis of its impact in object-oriented software, with only one study (Counsell and Newson, 2000) reported at journal level.This paper aims to add to the empirical evidence of friendship’s impact by replicating Counsell and Newson (2000)’s original study. The study’s design is refined to improve the construct validity of the evaluation and a larger cohort of systems is used to improve the generalisability of the results. The findings suggest that classes involved in friendship are coupling hotspots and that there is no link between inheritance and friendship, contrary to the findings presented in Counsell and Newson (2000). The findings also suggest that the use of friends in a class is independent of the number of hidden members in a class.  相似文献   

This paper presents techniques for solving systems of equations arising in finite element applications using a localized, tensor-based approach. The approach is localized in that a major part of the solution responsibility is delegated to vector degree-of-freedom objects, rather than residing solely in a global solver working on a monolithic data structure. The approach is tensor-based in that the fundamental quantities used for computation are considered to be second-order tensors. The localized data structure strategy provides the benefits of an efficient sparse and symmetric storage scheme without requiring complex implementation code. The tensor-based aspect of the approach can bring substantial performance benefits by increasing the granularity at which solution algorithms deal with their data. Java and C++ implementations of interactive finite element programs are used to demonstrate performance that is competitive with other available solvers, especially in the case of problems for which interactive analysis is feasible on commonly available hardware.  相似文献   

The open-source Java software framework JStatCom is presented which supports the development of rich desktop clients for data analysis in a rather general way. The concept is to solve all recurring tasks with the help of reusable components and to enable rapid application development by adopting a standards based approach which is readily supported by existing programming tools. Furthermore, JStatCom allows to call external procedures from within Java that are written in other languages, for example Gauss, Ox or Matlab. This way it is possible to reuse an already existing code base for numerical routines written in domain-specific programming languages and to link them with the Java world. A reference application for JStatCom is the econometric software package JMulTi, which will shortly be introduced.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a data analytics and visualization framework for health-shocks prediction based on large-scale health informatics dataset. The framework is developed using cloud computing services based on Amazon web services (AWS) integrated with geographical information systems (GIS) to facilitate big data capture, storage, index and visualization of data through smart devices for different stakeholders. In order to develop a predictive model for health-shocks, we have collected a unique data from 1000 households, in rural and remotely accessible regions of Pakistan, focusing on factors like health, social, economic, environment and accessibility to healthcare facilities. We have used the collected data to generate a predictive model of health-shock using a fuzzy rule summarization technique, which can provide stakeholders with interpretable linguistic rules to explain the causal factors affecting health-shocks. The evaluation of the proposed system in terms of the interpret-ability and accuracy of the generated data models for classifying health-shock shows promising results. The prediction accuracy of the fuzzy model based on a k-fold cross-validation of the data samples shows above 89% performance in predicting health-shocks based on the given factors.  相似文献   

李树芳  安金霞  刘洋  陈良 《计算机科学》2017,44(11):191-194
近年来,越来越多的安全关键软件系统运行在国产Linux操作系统上,其中大多数采用C++开发,而C++正在扩展新版语言规范,已有的覆盖率统计插装工具不能满足要求。给出一种基于Clang/LLVM的C++源代码覆盖率统计插装方法,利用开源社区Clang/LLVM库提供的C++源代码解析和操作功能,构建面向C++源代码的语句、分支和MC/DC覆盖率统计框架,在运行时采集覆盖率信息并进行统计分析,输出覆盖率分析报告。实际案例表明,该方法简易实用,能够满足真实工程软件的覆盖率测试分析需求。  相似文献   

Automatic garbage collection relieves programmers from the burden of managing memory themselves and several techniques have been developed that make garbage collection feasible in many situations, including real time applications or within traditional programming languages. However, optimal performance cannot always be achieved by a uniform general purpose solution. Sometimes an algorithm exhibits a predictable pattern of memory usage that could be better handled specifically, delaying as much as possible the intervention of the general purpose collector. This leads to the requirement for algorithm specific customisation of the collector strategies. We present a dynamic memory management framework which can be customised to the needs of an algorithm, while preserving the convenience of automatic collection in the normal case. The Customisable Memory Manager (CMM) organises memory in multiple heaps. Each heap is an instance of C++ class which abstracts and encapsulates a particular storage discipline. The default heap for collectable objects uses the technique of mostly copying garbage collection, providing good performance and memory compaction. Customisation of the collector is achieved exploiting object orientation by defining specialised versions of the collector methods for each heap class. The object-oriented interface to the collector enables coexistence and coordination among the various collectors as well as integration with traditional code unaware of garbage collection. The CMM is implemented in C++ without any special support in the language or the compiler. The techniques used in the CMM are general enough to be applicable also to other languages. The performance of the CMM is analysed and compared to other conservative collectors for C/C++ in various configurations. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An object-oriented framework for finite element pavement analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this study, we developed an object-oriented (OO) framework with interactive graphics to assist pavement studies using finite element analysis (FEA). FEA has been proven to be effective in studying various pavement failure problems; however, it is time consuming and error prone to manually generate the load sequences where non-regular tire footprints, non-uniform tire-pavement contact stresses, and transverse wheel wander distributions are used. After FEA, extracting the deformations for failure analysis is necessary but tedious. The OO framework developed in this study handles the preprocessing and postprocessing tasks for the FEA of pavements. It has a graphical user interface and is platform independent. It was successfully used in developing a new criterion for characterizing pavement failures that involved approximately four hundred different FEA simulations.  相似文献   

Geoffrey Phipps 《Software》1999,29(4):345-358
An experiment was conducted to compare programmer productivity and defect rates for Java and C++. A modified version of the Personal Software Process (PSP) was used to gather defect rate, bug rate, and productivity data on C++ and Java during two real world development projects. A bug is defined to be a problem detected during testing or deployment. A defect is either a bug, or an error detected during compile time. A typical C++ program had two to three times as many bugs per line of code as a typical Java program. C++ also generated between 15 per cent and 50 per cent more defects per line, and perhaps took six times as long to debug. Java was between 30 per cent and 200 per cent more productive, in terms of lines of code per minute. When defects were measured against development time, Java and C++ showed no difference, but C++ had two to three times as many bugs per hour. Statistics were generated using Student's t‐test at a 95 per cent confidence level. Some discussion of why the differences occurred is included, but the reasons offered have not been tested experimentally. The study is limited to one programmer over two projects, so it is not a definitive experimental result. The programmer was experienced in C++, but only learning Java, so the results would probably favour Java more strongly for equally‐experienced programmers. The experiment shows that it is possible to experimentally measure the fitness of a programming language. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In many biomedical research laboratories, data analysis and visualization algorithms are typical prototypes using an interpreted programming language. If performance becomes an issue, they are ported to C and integrated with interpreted systems, not fully utilizing object‐oriented software development. This paper presents an overview of Scopira, an open source C++ framework suitable for biomedical data analysis and visualization. Scopira provides high‐performance end‐to‐end application development features, in the form of an extensible C++ library. This library provides general programming utilities, numerical matrices and algorithms, parallelization facilities, and graphical user interface elements. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Generic programming has been defined as ‘programming with concepts’ where a concept refers to a family of abstractions. The criteria for generic programming include independence of collections from data types, independence of algorithms that operate on the collection, and the adaptability of the collections. This paper examines and evaluates the support for generic programming in the Java Development Kit (JDK) in comparison to C++'s Standard Template Library (STL). The evaluation will consider both the ‘qualitative’ factors as well as certain ‘quantitative’ factors (i.e. factors that can be measured). The qualitative factors that are considered include: 1. a comparison of the structure and APIs; 2. homogeneity versus heterogeneity; and 3. ease of use (including ease of converting to collection classes, ease of changing collection type, and ease of error handling). The quantitative factors include: 1. compiled size; 2. runtime memory usage; and 3. performance. The results of our evaluative comparisons based on the above factors and certain other criteria are presented at the end. Based on the results, we conclude that the support provided for generic programming in C++'s STL is superior to that provided by JDK. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

基于PCI-2300多功能数据采集卡,在C++Builder开发环境下,运用多线程技术,给出了合金铸造过程中温度、线收缩、热裂等参数的采集系统的设计。该系统具有对合金铸造过程中的温度变化、线收缩率等参数进行实时采集、保存、图像显示、输出MS Office报告等功能。  相似文献   

Multi-tier storage systems are becoming more and more widespread in the industry. They have more tunable parameters and built-in policies than traditional storage systems, and an adequate configuration of these parameters and policies is crucial for achieving high performance. A very important performance indicator for such systems is the response time of the file I/O requests. The response time can be minimized if the most frequently accessed (“hot”) files are located in the fastest storage tiers. Unfortunately, it is impossible to know a priori which files are going to be hot, especially because the file access patterns change over time. This paper presents a policy-based framework for dynamically deciding which files need to be upgraded and which files need to be downgraded based on their recent access pattern and on the system’s current state. The paper also presents a reinforcement learning (RL) algorithm for automatically tuning the file migration policies in order to minimize the average request response time. A multi-tier storage system simulator was used to evaluate the migration policies tuned by RL, and such policies were shown to achieve a significant performance improvement over the best hand-crafted policies found for this domain.
David VengerovEmail:

Construction work typically means producing on shifting locations. Moving materials, equipment and men efficiently from place to place, in and in between projects, depends on good coordination and requires specialized information systems. The key to such information systems are appropriate approaches to collect de-centralized sensor readings and to process, and distribute them to multiple end users at different locations both during the construction process and after the project is finished. This paper introduces a framework for the support of such distributed data collection and management to foster real-time data collection and processing along with the provision of opportunities to retain highly precise data for post-process analyses. In particular, the framework suggests a scheme to benefit from exploiting readings from the same sensors in varying levels of detail for informing different levels of decision making: operational, tactical, and strategic. The sensor readings collected in this way are not only potentially useful to track, assess, and analyse construction operations, but can also serve as reference during the maintenance stage. To this extent, the framework contributes to the existing body of knowledge of construction informatics. The operationality of the framework is demonstrated by developing and applying two on site information systems to track asphalt paving operations.  相似文献   

This article discusses an efficient implementation of tensors of arbitrary rank by using some of the idioms introduced by the recently published C++ ISO Standard (C++11). With the aims at providing a basic building block for high-performance computing, a single Array class template is carefully crafted, from which vectors, matrices, and even higher-order tensors can be created. An expression template facility is also built around the array class template to provide convenient mathematical syntax. As a result, by using templates, an extra high-level layer is added to the C++ language when dealing with algebraic objects and their operations, without compromising performance. The implementation is tested running on both CPU and GPU.  相似文献   

Sammon’s mapping is a powerful non-linear technique that allow us to visualize high dimensional object relationships. It has been applied to a broad range of practical problems and particularly to the visualization of the semantic relations among terms in textual databases. The word maps generated by the Sammon mapping suffer from a low discriminant power due to the well known “curse of dimensionality” and to the unsupervised nature of the algorithm. Fortunately the textual databases provide frequently a manually created classification for a subset of documents that may help to overcome this problem. In this paper we first introduce a modification of the Sammon mapping (SSammon) that enhances the local topology reducing the sensibility to the ’curse of dimensionality’. Next a semi-supervised version is proposed that takes advantage of the a priori categorization of a subset of documents to improve the discriminant power of the word maps generated. The new algorithm has been applied to the challenging problem of word map generation. The experimental results suggest that the new model improves significantly well known unsupervised alternatives.
Manuel Martín-MerinoEmail:

It is an established trend that CPU development takes advantage of Moore's Law to improve in parallelism much more than in scalar execution speed. This results in higher hardware thread counts (MIMD) and improved vector units (SIMD), of which the MIMD developments have received the focus of library research and development in recent years. To make use of the latest hardware improvements, SIMD must receive a stronger focus of API research and development because the computational power can no longer be neglected and often auto‐vectorizing compilers cannot generate the necessary SIMD code, as will be shown in this paper. Nowadays, the SIMD capabilities are sufficiently significant to warrant vectorization of algorithms requiring more conditional execution than was originally expected for Streaming SIMD Extension to handle. The Vc library ( http://compeng.uni‐frankfurt.de/?vc ) was designed to support developers in the creation of portable vectorized code. Its capabilities and performance have been thoroughly tested. Vc provides portability of the source code, allowing full utilization of the hardware's SIMD capabilities, without introducing any overhead. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

在慎思/反应混合控制架构下开展定性推理与定量计算相结合的分层规划是机器人任务规划研究的一条可行途径。针对分层任务规划中存在的软件工具实现方面的问题,提出C++与人工智能语言Prolog相结合的解决方案。围绕服务机器人作业研究中的一个典型案例,开发了C++与Prolog双向加载的接口程序,开展了Prolog加载C++程序以及C++加载Prolog程序的实验研究,分别取得了单向数据传输和双向数据传输的实验结果,实现了机器人分层任务规划的完整流程。研究方法具有一般性,可在不同工程应用、不同Prolog开发环境中扩展应用,特别适用于将C++作为平台、Prolog作为知识库与推理机子系统的软件系统中。  相似文献   

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