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消费环境的日益改善为我国罐头工业开拓本国市场提供了越来越好的外部条件。中国罐头工业协会在中国罐头工业协会成立十周年纪念活动中介绍,目前,我国罐头内销市场在行业骨干企业的带动下,已经出现较快的增长势头,肉类、鱼类、八宝粥、水果罐头等的国内销量已经超过150万t。其中,北京、上海、广东、福建和东北是目前我国罐头的消费热点地区,  相似文献   

<正>针对今年罐头食品多次被检查出含防腐剂并造成了不良影响这一情况,中国罐头工业协会积极向卫生部反映,提出建议,希望对罐头内含防腐剂的问题有科学合理的界定。  相似文献   

<正> 由中国罐头工业协会主办的2009"上海国际罐头食品及原辅材料、机械设备博览会"将于2009年11月18日在上海浦东新国际博览中心开幕,目前已进入最后的准备阶段,这是我国罐头企业继08年首次在上海集中亮相后的又一次盛会。此次展会将再次会聚罐头行业的优秀品牌,同时还有众多的罐头生产配套设备厂商加盟,现场还将有新产品、新技术发布。  相似文献   

杜巍 《中国食品》2010,(4):94-94
日前,第三届中国蘑菇节暨中国食用菌和罐头食品及原辅材料、机械设备博览会在拥有“中国罐头之都”、“中国菇都”、“中国花都”美誉的福建漳州成功举办。本届蘑菇节由中国食品土畜进出口商会、中国罐头工业协会、漳州市人民政府、福建省食用菌学会联合主办。  相似文献   

<正> 笔者近日从中国罐头工业协会获悉:我国番茄酱罐头出口量去年已达37.3万吨,出口额1.88亿美元,位居出口罐头首位(见表一)。 表中所列7个国家是我国2002年番茄酱主要出口地区,占总出口量的71.7%,其中仅意大利就占41.3%,除日本进口量较上年度减少外,其他6个国家都呈增长态势。我国番茄酱在出口量大幅增长的同时,出口价格也普遍提高。 在2002年世界番茄酱产量普遍下降  相似文献   

2001年10月13日至17日,每两年一届的国际食品展览会(Anuga)在德国科隆如期举行,这是一次全球食品界的盛会。我司一行3人,参加了中国罐头工业协会组织的,由9家罐头企业21位成员组成的中国罐头工业企业赴欧考察小组。其中上海梅林、厦门古龙、福建紫山、山东九发、山东山村果园、浙江黄岩共6家企业,代表中国罐头企业首次参展,向世界展示了我们的新形象。 中国罐头工业是襁褓中的婴儿 展览业是科隆的一大支柱产业之一,整个科隆大约有近80%的人从事展览业,可见名目繁多的展览会在这  相似文献   

3005g马蹄片罐头高温短时杀菌规程探讨王刘刘(黄山凯华饮料食品有限公司,安徽省黄山市,245000)编者按:清水马蹄罐头是我国目前蔬菜罐头的几大品种之一,正确控制和实施其杀菌条件十分重要。由中国食品发酵工业科学研究所(原轻工业部食品发酵工业科学研究...  相似文献   

2003年,我国罐头行业迎来了新的发展局面。统计数据显示,2002年中国罐头总产量为223.17万吨,同比增长25.80%,2002年全年出口139.61万吨,出口额为10.41亿美元左右,出口量同比增长为16.96%,出口额同比增长24.52%,国内外市场呈现出新的发展势头。而与此同时,根据国务院有关规定,罐头行业的“罐头出口厂代号”被列入国家取消的第—批行政审批项目之中,从此,罐头厂出口代号作为行政审批项目的历史被划上句号。但通过中国罐头协会的努力,它将成为我国罐头行业自律的工具。  相似文献   

我国罐头行业的历史和现状 我国罐头工业起步早,是新中国食品工业基础最好的行业之一。随着生活水平的提高,各种方便食品越来越受消费者的青睐,受这种消费习惯的影响,罐头需求量逐年上涨,我国是罐头生产大国,罐头外销处于世界领先水平;在国内市场和国外市场双重需求的拉动下,行业呈现良好势头,发展前景广阔。  相似文献   

由法国高美爱博展览集团和(中国)商业发展中心联合主办的第十五届中国国际食品和饮料展览会(SIAL China 2014,即“中食展”),将于2014年5月13日再次亮相上海新国际博览中心。由中国食品和包装机械工业协会主办的第十四届中国上海国际包装和食品加工技术展及由中国罐头工业协会主办的第七届上海国际罐博会也同期同地举办。  相似文献   

The results of the creating canned ground goods of a new kind are described in this article. The main character references of food value of hake and the canned ground foods based on it. It has been established that the new products of safety. Clinical tests have been showed the efficiency of including these canned goods in the menu of fat patients, also with heavy obesity. Dietetic canned ground foods on the base of oceanic fishes with plant additives.  相似文献   

为了解北京市居民对转基因食品的知识、态度和行为的现状及影响因素。抽取北京市居民中901人,调查转基因食品生物技术的知信行水平。转基因食品是生物技术的知晓率为72.7%,深入了解的49.3%,随化程度增高呈上升趋势。对转基因食品持乐观态度的占63.1%,持悲观态度(有害或害大于利)的占6.1%,乐观随化程度增高呈上升趋势,随年龄增高呈下降趋势;61.9%的调查认为转基因食品将走向大众(积极),30岁以下及乐观的人群态度更为积极。持乐观、积极态度购买转基因食品的比率较高,为41.8%,而持悲观态度的为18.7%,差异有显性;购买转基因食品人群比例随年龄升高呈下降趋势,与化程度、性别没有关系;调整的价格对促进转基因食品购买有一定影响。北京市居民对转基因食品的知信行水平较高,态度影响购买行为,转基因食品的价格对购买有一定影响。  相似文献   

The tin and iron content of 14 different types of canned foods and of 5 different types of bottled foods were determined. No tin was detected in most bottled foods, but tin was detected in all canned foods. Storage of foods on the shelf for 4 months or in open cans in the refrigerator for 1 wk resulted in increased amounts of tin and iron in some of the canned foods. Those foods which were packed in totally lacquered cans accumulated little tin or iron during storage; those foods which were packed in unlacquered or partially lacquered cans generally accumulated significant amounts of iron and tin during storage. The tin content of the canned foods was not statistically correlated to the pH of the foods.  相似文献   

Bisphenol A (BPA) concentrations were surveyed in 100 domestic and 60 imported canned foods purchased from the Japanese market in 2011–12. BPA was extracted from the canned foods, derivatised by ethylation and analysed using GC-MS. In the domestic canned foods, the maximum and average BPA concentrations were 30 and 3.4 ng g?1, respectively, while in the imported canned foods they were 390 and 57 ng g?1, respectively. The BPA level in the domestic canned foods was significantly lower than that in the imported canned foods. Based on these results, the intakes of BPA from the domestic and imported canned foods in Japan were estimated as 644 ng person?1 day?1. The Japanese BPA intake was the second lowest following New Zealand, although imported canned foods increased. It was sufficiently lower than the tolerable daily intake of EFSA and the USEPA. The drastic reduction of BPA in the domestic canned foods should be due to the ‘BPA reduced cans’ that Japanese can manufacturers had developed in the late 1990s and became widely used in Japan.  相似文献   

Survey of bisphenol A and bisphenol F in canned foods.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bisphenol A (BPA) and bisphenol F (BPF) have been determined in a range of canned foods. Sixty-two different canned foods were purchased from retail outlets in the UK from January to November 2000 and the contents extracted and analysed by GC-MS for BPA and BPF isomers. The following canned products were analysed: fish in aqueous media, 10 samples; vegetables, 10; beverages, 11; soup, 10; desserts, five; fruit, two; infant formula, four; pasta, five; and meat products, five. BPF isomers were not detected in any of the canned foods with detection limits of 0.005 mg kg(-1) for the 2,2' and 2,4' isomers and 0.01 mg kg(-1) for the 4,4' isomer. BPA was detected in 38 samples with a detection limit of 0.002 mg kg(-1). Of these, BPA was quantified in 37 canned foods at levels from 0.007 mg kg(-1), with one sample of meat containing a mean level of 0.38 mg kg(-1). All other samples contained <0.07 mg kg(-1) BPA.  相似文献   

必须采用正确的杀菌方式,杀灭软罐头中的微生物,保证产品的贮藏安全和产品质量.探讨了软罐头食品中的微生物及其对微生物的控制、杀菌工艺条件的确定方法等问题.  相似文献   

<正> 山雨欲来风满楼。这是记者近日采访中国罐头工业协会梁仲康理事长之后,对目前我国罐头工业发展态势的感受。 尽管是创汇大户,但一个缺少龙头企业,基本上没有品牌,只靠定向加工卖原料的行业,如何面对21世纪经济全球化的国际、国内两个市场?外企进入国内罐头市场是大势所趋,中国罐头难道不正面临着“既走不出国门,又丢失国内市场”的危机?靠别人吃饭,不行。靠别人吃饭,还自得其乐,更是糊涂观念。百分之二十的年增长速度确实娇人,但这  相似文献   

A total of 154 food composite samples from the 2008 total diet study in Quebec City were analysed for bisphenol A (BPA), and BPA was detected in less than half (36%, or 55 samples) of the samples tested. High concentrations of BPA were found mostly in the composite samples containing canned foods, with the highest BPA level being observed in canned fish (106 ng g(-1)), followed by canned corn (83.7 ng g(-1)), canned soups (22.2-44.4 ng g(-1)), canned baked beans (23.5 ng g(-1)), canned peas (16.8 ng g(-1)), canned evaporated milk (15.3 ng g(-1)), and canned luncheon meats (10.5 ng g(-1)). BPA levels in baby food composite samples were low, with 2.75 ng g(-1) in canned liquid infant formula, and 0.84-2.46 ng g(-1) in jarred baby foods. BPA was also detected in some foods that are not canned or in jars, such as yeast (8.52 ng g(-1)), baking powder (0.64 ng g(-1)), some cheeses (0.68-2.24 ng g(-1)), breads and some cereals (0.40-1.73 ng g(-1)), and fast foods (1.1-10.9 ng g(-1)). Dietary intakes of BPA were low for all age-sex groups, with 0.17-0.33 μg kg(-1) body weight day(-1) for infants, 0.082-0.23 μg kg(-1) body weight day(-1) for children aged from 1 to 19 years, and 0.052-0.081 μg kg(-1) body weight day(-1) for adults, well below the established regulatory limits. BPA intakes from 19 of the 55 samples account for more than 95% of the total dietary intakes, and most of the 19 samples were either canned or in jars. Intakes of BPA from non-canned foods are low.  相似文献   

<正> P.A.3679是国际上通用的低酸性食品罐头标准菌。关于P.A.3679菌的生理生化和种族特性,该菌芽孢在0.025M磷酸盐缓冲液、芦笋罐头汤汁以及我国民族产品——马蹄罐头汤汁中的耐热性数据见《食品与发酵工业》1986年第1期。 如上文所述,作者用TDT试管法测得P.A.3679菌芽孢在芦笋罐头汤汁中的TDT=5.52,D_r=0.88,Z=12.5℃。为验证上述实验结果,并在实际生产中求得保证杀灭肉毒杆  相似文献   

A study was undertaken by European industry to estimate the consumption of canned beverages and foodstuffs. European can production data were used with adjustments for imports into and out of the EU. It was further assumed that can production, with adjustments, equalled consumption. Owing to the lack of actual consumption country-by-country or household-by-household data throughout Europe, only per capita estimates of consumption were possible. Data were compiled country-by-country for seven major can-producing EU Member States and for eight different types of canned food and two types of canned beverage (beer and soft drinks). The per capita consumption of canned foods was 1.1 cans/person/week, and consumption of canned fish was estimated as 2.2 kg/person/year. The estimate of per capita consumption of canned food was 62 g/person/day or 22.6 kg/person/year. Canned beverages account for about 60% of the consumption of canned foodstuffs. The usefulness of per capita consumption of beverages is questionable because consumption habits may vary more widely than those for canned foods. However, as the migration into beverages is insignificant, these data were added for completeness. Per capita consumption of canned beverages is 67 cans/person/year or 61 g/person/day. From the average can sizes, the surface area of the cans consumed was estimated. The per capita surface area exposure was 0.55 dm(2)/person/day for canned foods and 0.55 dm(2)/person/day for canned beverages, giving 1.1 dm(2)/person/day. Migration of a substance at 0.02 mg dm(2) gives an exposure of 0.01 mg/person/day assuming a per capita consumption, using a surface area model. Migration at 0.12 mg kg(-1) in food gives an exposure of 0.007 mg/person/day using a weight model. Both models assumed migration into all food types at the same level, which is highly unrealistic. Exposure to BADGE from canned foods has been used as a case study. The best estimate for a worst case per capita exposure to BADGE and relevant derivatives was between 6 and 10 micro g/person/day, depending upon the approach and assumptions used.  相似文献   

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