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The traditional search engines return a large number of relative web pages rather than accurate answers. However, in a question answering system, users could use sentences in daily life to raise questions. The question answering system will analyze and comprehend these questions and return answers to users directly. Aiming at the problems in current network environment, such as low precision of question answering, imperfect expression of domain knowledge, low reuse rate and lack of reasonable theory reference models, we put forward the information integration method of semantic web based on pervasive agent ontology (SWPAO) method, which will integrate, analyze and process enormous web information and extract answers on the basis of semantics. With SWPAO method as the clue, we mainly study the method of concept extraction based on uniform semantic term mining, pervasive agent ontology construction method on account of multi-points and the answer extraction in view of semantic inference. Meanwhile, we present the structural model of the question answering system applying ontology, which adopts OWL language to describe domain knowledge base from where it infers and extracts answers by Jena inference engine, thus the precision of question answering in QA system could be improved. In the system testing, the precision has reached 86%, and recalling rate is 93%. The experiment indicates that this method is feasible and it has the significance of reference and value of further study for the question answering systems.  相似文献   

基CORBA/Web技术的企业级信息系统集成   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以制造企业产品远程协同设计制造为背景,基于分布式对象CORBA集成平台,在分布式异构网络环境下,研究基于Web的企业信息系统分布式应用互操作层次体系结构、异构信息数据资源及应用系统与Internet/In-tranet的无缝接入方法。针对异地信息资源的远程访问与应用互操作的实现模型、实现方法与支撑机制进行论述,提出了企业级信息系统集成的分布式应用互操作体系结构模型与实现模型。  相似文献   

基于CORBA/Web技术的企业级信息系统集成   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以制造企业产品远程协同设计制造为背景,基于分布式对象CORBA集成平台,在分布式异构网络环境下,研究基于Web的企业信息系统分布式应用互操作层次体系结构、异构信息数据资源及应用系统与Internet/Intranet的无缝接入方法。针对异地信息资源的远程访问与应用互操作的实现模型、实现方法与支撑机制进行论述,提出了企业级信息系统集成的分布式应用互操作体系结构模型与实现模型。  相似文献   

Innovation and agility should be provided to businesses by efficient collaboration (i.e., communication and sharing) between them. However, semantic heterogeneity between business processes is a serious problem for automatically supporting cooperation processes (e.g., knowledge sharing and querying-based interactions) between businesses. In order to overcome this problem, we propose a novel framework based on aligning business ontologies for integrating heterogeneous business processes. We can consider two types of alignment processes; (i) manual alignment for building a whole business process ontology in a business process management (BPM) system and (ii) automated alignment between business processes of different BPM systems. Thereby, the optimal integration between two business processes has to be discovered to maximize the summation of a set of partial similarities between semantic components consisting of the business processes. In particular, the semantic component are extracted from semantic annotations of business processes. For evaluating the proposed system, we have conducted experimentations by using 22 business process management systems, which are organized as six business alliances. We have assumed that business processes in a same BPM system should be built with a common ontologies. The proposed alignment method has shown about 71.3% of precision (65.4% of recall). In addition, we found out that alignment results are dependent on some characteristics of ontologies (e.g., depth and number of classes).  相似文献   

樊皓  黄映辉 《计算机工程与设计》2012,33(12):4711-4715,4730
为了实现精确本体无法完成的信息的隐含语义挖掘,检索到满足用户请求的信息,引入粗糙本体实现对信息语义检索的支持。剖析了基于精确本体的信息语义检索的过程及其不足,引入了粗糙本体以扩展精确本体,阐述了粗糙本体支持的信息语义检索的理论模型、设计了语义相似度算法,给出了模型实现方法。实验结果表明,该检索方法较之精确本体支持的语义检索和基于关键词的语法检索具有更好的检索效果。  相似文献   

Semantic oriented ontology cohesion metrics for ontology-based systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ontologies play a core role to provide shared knowledge models to semantic-driven applications targeted by Semantic Web. Ontology metrics become an important area because they can help ontology engineers to assess ontology and better control project management and development of ontology based systems, and therefore reduce the risk of project failures. In this paper, we propose a set of ontology cohesion metrics which focuses on measuring (possibly inconsistent) ontologies in the context of dynamic and changing Web. They are: Number of Ontology Partitions (NOP), Number of Minimally Inconsistent Subsets (NMIS) and Average Value of Axiom Inconsistencies (AVAI). These ontology metrics are used to measure ontological semantics rather than ontological structure. They are theoretically validated for ensuring their theoretical soundness, and further empirically validated by a standard test set of debugging ontologies. The related algorithms to compute these ontology metrics also are discussed. These metrics proposed in this paper can be used as a very useful complementarity of existing ontology cohesion metrics.  相似文献   

在当前产品制造企业的信息集成过程中,往往采用以产品为中心的概念实施产品生命周期管理(Product Lifecycle Management,PLM)。以企业内部纵向的产品设计系统和销售目录系统为例,基于语义模型驱动架构(Model Driven Model,MDA)建立了两者之间的信息集成方法,并重点讨论了框架中概念层模型的构建方式。最后用实例说明了概念集成模型的内容和作用,并提出了下一步的研究工作。  相似文献   

An underpinning to the notion of computer-integrated enterprises is information integration; that is, the integration of information resources and decision logic across the enterprise to achiete functional synergies. This concept requires certain basic extensions to two previously separate paradigms: information modeling and metadata management. In particular, both paradigms mus consider not only data resources but also contextual knowledge in a unified way; furthermore, they have to converge as a single, integrated method rather than belonging to two distinct stages of a life cycle. Toward this end, a modeling system is developed based on the two-stage entity relationship (TSER) approach [3, 4, 5, 7] and the metadatabase method [5, 6, 8].This paper presents the metadatabase goals and the metadata modeling system, focusing on its basic concepts, design, and current implementation. In addition, the prototype environmental of the metadatabase that this system creates is illustrated through some examples taken from a computer-integrated manufacturing case.A preliminary and shorter version of this paper is presented in:Proceedings 1st International Conference on Systems Integration, IEEE Computer Scociety Press, 1990, pp. 616–624.  相似文献   

基于本体的信息集成技术研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
吴昊  邢桂芬 《计算机应用》2005,25(2):456-458
随着语义网技术的飞速发展,本体起了越来越重要的作用。在信息集成的过程中,本体作为一种工具解决了分布式异构信息源的语义异构问题,实现了信息源语义上的互操作。该文介绍了一种基于混合本体的信息集成方法,通过全局本体和局部本体之间的映射,向用户提供获取数据的统一接口,使用户获得语义上相关的数据。  相似文献   

Information sharing among distributed obsolescence management systems is a challenge because of the heterogeneity of data (data with different forms and representations). Indeed, this is the main hurdle that exists for current tools managing product obsolescence. This paper presents a hybrid ontology approach for the integration of obsolescence information that combines a global ontology that provides a shared vocabulary for the specification of the semantics of obsolescence domain knowledge, along with local ontologies that describe structures of multiple data sources distributed in various obsolescence management tools. A procedure is provided for mapping local ontologies to the global ontology by quantifying relationships between classes and identifying groups of classes with a clustering method. Ontologies and rules of identifying relationships are realized with OWL (Web Ontology Language) and SWRL (Semantic Web Rule Language). With the application of the hybrid ontology approach, a unified view of data is provided to support decision making for efficient obsolescence management and a structure where new sources of information can be easily added with little modification in the future.  相似文献   

传统联机分析处理(OLAP)系统存在着形式化业务知识参与不足的状况,对深度推理分析造成了制约和局限。为了克服上述缺点,提出一种领域本体驱动的OLAP系统构建方法。首先,通过分析现有本体构建方法的局限性,依托实体类多特征加权相似度判断算法,提出先全局设计后局部抽取的半自动本体构建模式,实现矿山生产领域知识形式化;接着在此基础上,以矿山生产能力关键指标为度量,完成负载业务概念多维本体(MDO)建模;最后,在实际矿山决策系统项目建设中,进行了方法检验。实验结果表明,该方法充分发挥领域本体形式化表达与推理优势,有效整合多源异构信息和明晰多维分析过程,实现内隐知识与关联规则深度挖掘;同时借助高频通用概念视图定义,避免重复维度建模,改进了传统OLAP效能。  相似文献   

由于缺乏足够的语义信息,不同模式的XML数据之间很难进行互操作。针对油气井工程中的XML数据集成需求,借助领域全局本体,提出一种模式无关的XML语义集成方法。该方法首先在XML Path路径与领域本体之间进行语义映射,屏蔽其模式差异;然后,按照模型映射方法将XML存储为关系数据;最后通过查询重写将SPARQL转换为SQL语句,实现语义查询。该方法对XML模式进行语义标注,利用关系数据库存储与查询XML数据,能有效处理领域XML数据的语义集成。  相似文献   

Information integration systems provide facilities that support access to heterogeneous information sources in a way that isolates users from differences in the formats, locations and facilities of those sources. A number of systems have been proposed that exploit knowledge based techniques to assist with information integration, but it is not always obvious how proposals differ from each other in their scope, in the quality of integration afforded, or in the cost of exploitation. This paper presents a framework for the comparison of proposals for information integration systems, and applies the framework to a range of representative proposals. It is shown that proposals differ greatly in all of the criteria stated and that the selection of an approach is thus highly dependent on the requirements of specific applications.  相似文献   

领域本体指导的Web商品信息抽取   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
信息在网络上传播具有高时效,低成本等特性,因而越来越多的企业和个人都选择在网上发布商品信息,例如汽车、房产等信息.这些内容多数是以有一定的结构的信息呈现,如表格,但是不同网站的表现形式却大相径庭.提出了以领域本体知识为指导,抽取表格信息表达为主的商品信息,以房产为例,自动集成不同网站的同类服务或产品的信息,用以实现专业检索的功能.  相似文献   

针对如何确保电力企业中各应用系统的安全无缝集成,以及新开发的应用系统快速、安全、灵活地融入,提出了基于Web services的电力企业安全集成解决方案;从信息的安全访问和传输角度出发,分析了现有安全通信解决方案的不足,并通过对国际最新信息技术和信息安全技术规范的研究,设计了基于XML、SOAP、SAML、WS-security的集成安全系统模型.重点对其中的身份认证和安全通信机制问题进行了研究,解决了用户与系统之间、系统与系统之间的安全通信问题,从应用层级别确保了信息的有效性、完整性、机密性和不可否认性.  相似文献   

为了从海量数据空间中快速、准确获取用户所需Web信息,设计并实现了一个基于分类本体的Web信息集成系统.设计了Web信息自动归类算法,研究了基于分类本体的异构分类体系集成方法,实现了异构分类体系的合并,形成逻辑统一的、基于分类的Web集成视图.通过Web数据抽取机制以及Web信息分类技术实现了检索结果的分类和层次化展示,方便用户浏览、快速定位所需信息.  相似文献   

传输完整的CAD模型语义信息是协同设计有效进行的关键,提出了一种异构CAD系统语义信息交换方法,该方法通过构建语义转换器实现了常规文件、压缩文件和中性文件三种模型文件的数据转换和翻译,并给出了判定特征相似性的方法,实现了源CAD系统和目标CAD系统的语义互操作,保证了语义传输的完整性和高效性。构建了一个协同资源共享平台,在该平台下实现了Pro/E系统和UG系统之间的语义数据交换,协同传输效率提高了近30%。  相似文献   

基于字典技术的本体整合系统   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
针对本体整合中缺少语义理解的问题,使用字典技术对同义词进行识别,并使用启发式规则计算本体中实体间的相似度。以此为基础,开发了一个半自动化的本体整合系统。该系统为用户整合本体提供帮助,减轻了手工整合本体的工作量,同时提高了本体整合的准确性。  相似文献   

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