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With the steady fall of prices and margins of computer hardware, back in the 1980s, many hardware manufacturers have tried to diversify their range of offerings. Bull Information Systems has chosen to change its major business direction to become a systems integrator and solution supplier. It has been a real challenge and a big success for Bull to succeed in changing its business direction from being a hardware/software mannfacturer to becoming a leading systems integration (SI) company. For a business to be successful in making such a change it needs to work more efficiently and to react faster, while preserving its stability. Although there are many ways for achieving such change, the experience highlighted in this paper describes how a process focus played a critical part in realizing such change. Creating a systems integration business process and a process-focused organization have been critical factors in achieving the change of business direction. A process focus has an impact on the organizational structure; management practices; employees' skills and training; and on measurements of business performance. This paper describes the experiences at Bull Information systems in creating a systems integration business process-focused organization and it outlines the mechanms which are in place to ensure ownership and improvement of the process. It summarizes the main lessons earnt as a result of creating systems integration business processes.  相似文献   

Service-oriented technologies and management have gained attention in the past few years, promising a way to create the basis for agility so that companies can deliver new, more flexible business processes that harness the value of the services approach from a customer’s perspective. Service-oriented approaches are used for developing software applications and software-as-a-service that can be sourced as virtual hardware resources, including on-demand and utility computing. The driving forces come from the software engineering community and the e-business community. Service-oriented architecture promotes the loose coupling of software components so that interoperability across programming languages and platforms, and dynamic choreography of business processes can be achieved. Nevertheless, one of today’s most pervasive and perplexing challenges for senior managers deals with how and when to make a commitment to the new practices. The purpose of this article is to shed light on multiple issues associated with service-oriented technologies and management by examining several interrelated questions: why is it appropriate now to study the related business problems from the point of view of services research? What new conceptual frameworks and theoretical perspectives are appropriate for studying service-oriented technologies and management? What value will a service science and business process modeling offer to the firms that adopt them? And, how can these approaches be implemented so as to address the major challenges that organizations face with technology, information and strategy? We contribute new knowledge in this area by tying the economics and information technology strategy perspectives to the semantic and design science perspectives for a broader audience. Usually the more technical perspective is offered on a standalone basis, and confined to the systems space – even when the discussion is about business processes. This article also offers insights on these issues from the multiple perspectives of industry and academic thought leaders.  相似文献   

Most organizations that depend on software are pursuing more flexible architectures and more agile life-cycle processes to increase business flexibility. What does agility look like, and how do we measure it? A truly agile project or organization should experience changes that are more straightforward and more predictable. Consequently, improvements are best measured by gauging the change trends in software baselines. A well-accepted tenet of software engineering states, "The later you are in the life cycle, the more expensive things are to fix." This iron law, an artifact of a waterfall culture, should not apply if you have transformed to agile software delivery with a well-architected system. This bold assertion is the root of the metric patterns presented in this paper.  相似文献   

Top-down and centralized approaches prevail in the design and improvement of business processes. However, centralized structures pose difficulties for organizations in adapting to a rapidly changing business environment. Here we present the Plural method which can be used to guide organizations in performing process modeling in a decentralized way. Instead of a centralized group of people understanding, modeling and improving processes, our method allows individuals to model and improve their own processes to help in fulfilling their roles in the organization. An individual model depicts a set of activities performed by a role, which together result in a cohesive service within the organization. These individual models are then integrated as necessary to show the way the organization works. We applied the Plural method in a case study of a small-size software organization. We describe the method and its underlying principles and then discuss the findings of our case study, lessons learned, and limitations. The study thus provided evidence of Plural's utility and showed how an organization might exploit its strengths.  相似文献   

Organizations have predominantly utilized reuse in Engineering Departments for the purposes of reducing the cost and improving the quality of the software they develop. While these strategies have been successful, we believe that the full potential of reuse can only be tapped when reuse is brought to the Executive Boardroom as well. We propose that organizations tap reuse not only for cutting costs, but also for strategic and wide-;ranging business initiatives such as entering new markets, increasing agility in response to a dynamic marketplace, and competitive positioning and advantage. In order to do so effectively, organizations must harness the potential of reuse by migrating reuse into the company's business and product-;line planning processes. We present a framework for analyzing and changing reuse business practices. Such practices include cost-;reduction reuse, when the organization utilizes reuse for cost savings purposes; reuse-;enabled business, when the organization uses reuse to create new business opportunities; and strategy-;driven reuse, when the organization incorporates reuse in the formulation of its business and product-;line strategy for the purposes of obtaining competitive positioning and advantage. To determine whether or not reuse is the proper software development strategy to pursue, we utilize concepts in competitive software engineering, an integrated approach to software development that is attuned to the competitive demands of the marketplace. First, a framework is established by identifying and analyzing the organization's goals, strengths, and limitations, its market and its competitive environment. Based on these analyses, possible business or product strategies are formulated and one or more are chosen that help achieve the organization's goals. Finally, a development strategy is chosen. Following this choice, each step of the decision cycle should be re-;evaluated to ensure that it is consistent with the chosen development strategy.  相似文献   

CMM为软件企业的过程改进提供了一种框架,但更需要提供可操作的、直观的描述方式。在CMM模型基础上,提出了一种可视化的事务流程的定义和描述方法,它结合过程管理与软件工程中使用的图符,使管理者更方便地进行过程化管理。结合实例,进一步说明了此方法在过程管理中的应用。  相似文献   

Gurbaxani  V. Wilson  J. 《Computer》1997,30(9):128-129
As we more fully enter the information age, technology is creating new competitors and new strategic options for business. Moreover, as operations become more critical in a world with shorter product cycles and lead times, the importance of integrated information systems becomes apparent. On the other hand, businesses often have many disparate systems in place for order fulfillment, shop floor management, and accounting. Businesses would like to model this information and have it accessible for coordinated analysis of processes, finances, and business goals. Not surprisingly, suppliers of integrated enterprise systems are seeing tremendous sales growth. In general, companies are struggling to answer the questions: Are investments in information technologies paying off? How do we successfully manage the implementation of these new and complex systems? If you are a supplier of information technology, whether it be software or hardware, are there people in your organization who can help answer such questions? Do you have people who know business, understand technology, and have some feel for the pitfalls that occur when the two worlds collide? To fill the perceived gap, several universities have developed programs to produce these hybrid business managers with one foot in the business world and the other in the IT world  相似文献   

This research investigates technology flexibility, which is the technology characteristic that allows or enables adjustments and other changes to the business process. We develop dimensions and determinants of this phenomenon and demonstrate a methodology for the validation and the study of flexibility. The results of a test of software system flexibility are reported. Technology flexibility has two dimensions, structural and process flexibility, encompassing both the actual technology application and the people and processes that support and use it. The flexibility of technology that supports business processes can greatly influence the organization's capacity for change. Existing technology can present opportunities for, or barriers to, business process flexibility through structural characteristics such as language, platform, and design. Technology can also indirectly affect flexibility through the relationship between the technology maintenance organization and the business process owners, change request processing, and other response characteristics. These indirect effects reflect a more organizational perspective of flexibility.  相似文献   

A key consideration during investment decision making is the overall business value potential of an information technology (IT) solution. The complexity of the contemporary IT landscape is increasing. As information systems and technologies become more advanced and interconnected, they often impact multiple business processes in the organization. This in turn increases the complexity of IT investment decisions. This paper describes a decision framework for considering investments in information technologies that impact multiple business processes in the organization. The decision framework is illustrated via a case study of a small business that invested in mobile and wireless computing. The microcosm of the small business serves to illustrate some aspects of the business value derived from information technology investments that are often challenging to isolate in more complex organizational environments. The decision framework can support managers to analyze the overall business value returns arising from the ‘ripple effect’ of an IT investment on core and ancillary business processes. In the decision framework, the business value ripple effect is analyzed via a vertical dimension that emanates from core business processes to ancillary processes, and a horizontal dimension that extends over time.
Rens ScheepersEmail:

Leading software shops (including Microsoft) are working hard to improve the way they build security into their products. Software security initiatives have proven beneficial for those organizations that have implemented them. Such initiatives involve the adoption and rollout of various types of best practices. The article describes an approach that works, with an emphasis on business process engineering that might be unfamiliar to technical practitioners. By following some commonsense steps, a software security improvement program has a greater chance of achieving its ultimate goal: software security that makes business sense.  相似文献   

Reuse is widely promoted as one of the most promising methods for increasing productivity and quality within software development. Until recently most research into strategies for systematic reuse has focused on solution of the technical issues. Now as companies (mostly IT focused) implement the strategies developed, they find there are other issues which hold back their success, somewhat unrelated to the technical solutions offered. Reuse processes are not simple technologies and methods slotted into a development, like the transition in design notation from traditional approaches to an object-;orientated method. Whereas technology changes involve retraining developers. Reuse requires the whole organisation and funding of development to be revised. If the magnitude of change involved in transitioning an IT organisation is so encompassing, where does this leave the rest of industry which is increasingly reliant on software to support their business process? This paper looks at organisational and management issues raised by the introduction of software reuse to the development process. We identify inhibitors of reuse adoption, look at causes of these and suggest possible solutions. We aim to concisely present all those non-;technical issues that should be considered when introducing a reuse program. Considered also is how these issues affect companies which have IT in only a business support capacity, making this paper relevant throughout industry.  相似文献   

Damian  D. 《Software, IEEE》2007,24(2):21-27
Due to its communication and collaboration-intensive nature, as well as inherent interaction with most other development processes, the practice of requirements engineering is becoming a key challenge in global software engineering (GSE). In distributed projects, cross-functional stakeholder groups must specify and manage requirements across cultural, time-zone, and organizational boundaries. This creates a unique set of problems, not only when an organization opens new development subsidiaries across the world but also when software development is a multiorganizational business affair. We need innovative processes and technologies to manage stakeholders' expectations and interaction in global projects. This article reports on the state of the practice, drawn from industrial empirical studies, of stakeholders' interaction in global RE. The article revisits stakeholders' needs in global RE, discusses the challenges they face in distributed interaction, and offers practical advice to alleviate these challenges, as distilled from empirical studies of GSE practice  相似文献   

随着Internet技术的不断发展,电子商务中的B2B应用也逐渐成为企业之间进行业务活动的主要依托技术,企业定义了自己的业务流程,双方业务流程的一致性在业务伙伴间的协作中扮演着非常重要的角色。目前,已经有诸如BPEL4WS和ebXML这样的电子商务技术能够使得企业在业务流程级进行协作,但这些技术均是基于XML技术,所提供的功能主要是语法上的,很少涉及他们的业务流程的一致性评价。为此,扩展了ebXML框架以支持业务流程的一致性评价,设计了一个一致性评价代理来执行客户企业的需要,并搜寻ebXML注册中心的潜在伙伴的业务信息,基于良好定义的一致性标准测试他们与客户企业业务流程间的一致性,最后提交一个评价结果给客户企业。通过这样的过程,客户企业能够找到合适的业务伙伴。而且,采用了语义网的方法,使得评价的结果更加准确。  相似文献   

制造执行系统柔性应用框架研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对制造执行系统应用开发的复杂性,提出了一个制造执行系统的柔性应用框架。在多层服务体系结构的基础上,该应用框架通过运用面向过程的对象分析技术、基于规则的事件服务机制和业务工程分析技术,提供可重构的组织结构、可伸缩的业务流程和可定制的业务规则,使得系统开发和实施的柔性得以提高。同时,运用该柔性框架,对一个实例进行分析和实现。  相似文献   

A major objective in business interactions consists in enhancing the business perspective over service provision by developing strategies and tools to provide support in the selection of services according to the value they have for businesses. This means providing a way to determine the value of services according to specific business criteria, and conceive technologies that support the sharing of knowledge involved in service provision. In this paper we present an approach based on semantic repositories. The repository enables a business perspective over service provision, based on the association between services and business processes, and is related to the problem of supporting businesses in the value-driven service selection. This perspective is addressed in the paper by exploiting expressive semantic representations and reasoning. An ontology for representing relevant semantic properties of services and processes is provided, and an algorithm for value-based service selection is presented. Two real life case studies show the effectiveness of the approach.  相似文献   

The concept of Business Objects (BOs) has been recently promoted as a new way of exploiting object‐orientation for achieving large‐grain reuse. In this paper, we address the issue of how to effectively re‐engineer business software applications using BOs as a reuse technique. To this end, we first identify the reuse features of business objects and then compare them with other reuse techniques. In addition, we show that software re‐engineering can be more economical when business objects are used. Our work also provides guidance on how to develop and use a Business Object Architecture (BOA), which is shared by a group of interrelated and interdependent software applications. We argue that such architecture allows for more efficient reuse and better maintainability and it is illustrated by means of a case study in a realistic manufacturing environment.  相似文献   

Many organizations have adopted methods, models, and standards to improve their software processes. However, despite these efforts, they can still find it difficult to deploy processes throughout the organization because most of them focus more on the technical rather than human aspects. This paper proposes a taxonomy of critical success factors for software process deployment. A method to create this taxonomy was developed and applied based on a systematic review of existing literature and is complemented with industry experiences where software processes have been deployed or implemented. Finally, the categories, subcategories, and items of this taxonomy are presented.  相似文献   

What is the interplay between business process management (BPM) and service-oriented architecture (SOA) in achieving high business process quality? In this paper, we empirically investigate the impact of both SOA and BPM on business process quality in terms of straight-through processing, business-to-business integration, quality control, as well as standardization and consolidation of business processes. For the empirical evaluation of our model, we use the data of 157 German service firms. The results show that the SOA paradigm has still received rather low adoption rates in the industry. However, SOA, BPM, and related information technologies have a direct positive impact on business process quality and the analysis provides evidence for the complementarities of BPM and SOA since interaction effects between them have an additional significant impact on business process quality. Consequently, firms having adopted SOA can more effectively apply BPM.  相似文献   

One of the major investments of information technologies in large companies in the past decade has been the enterprise system. Although the enterprise system has the advantages of managing and integrating almost all of the business processes in the whole company, there have been strong criticisms that the enterprise system often imposes its own logic or business process on a company and lacks flexibility and adaptability in today's dynamic business environment. The goal of this paper is to outline a new approach in enterprise system development. We analyse the factors that affect the adoption of enterprise systems. Market and business changes, and advances in information technologies call for a more flexible, open, and scalable enterprise architecture. We describe the process that Dell Computer Corporation took in adopting its component-based enterprise system architecture. The Dell example has demonstrated the importance of fit between business information systems and fundamental organizational dimensions of the company including strategy, business environment, and organizational structure. We also discuss the design methodologies for component-based enterprise system design. We take a coordination perspective, both at the software level and the organizational level, in addressing the design methodologies for component-based enterprise system development.  相似文献   

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