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An estimator for estimating the parameters of a Markov random field X from inaccurate observations is introduced. The author considers first a Markov (Gibbs) random field X={Xi,j} on a lattice L={(i ,j): i=1,2,. . .,n; j=1,2,. . .,m}. The marginal distributions of (Xi,j, Xi+u,j+v) (u,v=-1,0,1) are first estimated from an image. Then, random fields X* are simulated with the probability of X*i+u,j+v)=b nearly equal to the estimate of P{Xi,j=X i+u,=b}. A simulation method similar to the Gibbs sampler is used. The parameters of the Markov random field model are estimated from the X*'s with the pseudolikelihood method  相似文献   

A method is presented for the decomposition of the frequency domain of 2-D linear systems into two equivalent 1-D systems having dynamics in different directions and connected by a feedback system. It is shown that under some assumptions the decomposition problem can be reduced to finding a realizable solution to the matrix polynomial equation X(z1)P(z2 )+Q(z1)Y(z2 )=D(z1, z2). A procedure for finding a realizable solution X(z1 ), Y(z2) to the equation is given  相似文献   

Compound-Poisson software reliability model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The probability density estimation of the number of software failures in the event of clustering or clumping of the software failures is considered. A discrete compound Poisson (CP) prediction model is proposed for the random variable Xrem, which is the remaining number of software failures. The compounding distributions, which are assumed to govern the failure sizes at Poisson arrivals, are respectively taken to be geometric when failures are forgetful and logarithmic-series when failures are contagious. The expected value (μ) of Xrem is calculated as a function of the time-dependent Poisson and compounding distribution based on the failures experienced. Also, the variance/mean parameter for the remaining number of failures, qrem, is best estimated by qpast from the failures already experienced. Then, one obtains the PDF of the remaining number of failures estimated by CP(μ,q). CP is found to be superior to Poisson where clumping of failures exists. Its predictive validity is comparable to the Musa-Okumoto log-Poisson model in certain cases  相似文献   

Simultaneous summation upper bounds for the eigenvalues of the matrix product XY are presented, where X, Y ϵ Rnxn, with Y symmetric and X arbitrary. These bounds are a generalization of tr (XY) bounds; the requirements on Y are relaxed, and the bound for tr (XY) is stronger than those shown in the literature  相似文献   

Explicit expressions for two different cascade factorizations of any detectable left invertible nonminimum phase systems are given. The first one is a well known minimum phase/all-pass factorization by which all nonminimum phase zeros of a transfer function G(s) are collected into an all-pass factor V(s), and G (s) is written Gm(s)V$ where Gms is considered as a minimum phase image of G(s). The second one is a new cascade factorization by which G(s) is rewritten as GM( s)U(s) where U(s) collects all `awkward' zeros including all nonminimum phase zeros of G( s). Both Gm(s) and GM(s) retain the given infinite zero structure of G(s). Further properties of G m(s), GM(s), and U (s) are discussed. These factorizations are useful in several applications including loop transfer recovery  相似文献   

Examines the generation of parallel evaluators for attribute grammars, targeted to shared-memory MIMD computers. Evaluation-time overhead due to process scheduling and synchronization is reduced by detecting coarse-grain parallelism (as opposed to the naive one-process-per-node approach). As a means to more clearly expose inherent parallelism, it is shown how to automatically transform productions of the form XY X into list-productions of the form XY+. This transformation allows for many simplifications to be applied to the semantic rules, which can expose a significant degree of inherent parallelism, and thus further increase the evaluator's performance. Effectively, this constitutes an extension of the concept of attribute grammars to the level of abstract syntax  相似文献   

The problem of finding an internally stabilizing controller that minimizes a mixed H2/H performance measure subject to an inequality constraint on the H norm of another closed-loop transfer function is considered. This problem can be interpreted and motivated as a problem of optimal nominal performance subject to a robust stability constraint. Both the state-feedback and output-feedback problems are considered. It is shown that in the state-feedback case one can come arbitrarily close to the optimal (even over full information controllers) mixed H2/H performance measure using constant gain state feedback. Moreover, the state-feedback problem can be converted into a convex optimization problem over a bounded subset of (n×n and n ×q, where n and q are, respectively, the state and input dimensions) real matrices. Using the central H estimator, it is shown that the output feedback problem can be reduced to a state-feedback problem. In this case, the dimension of the resulting controller does not exceed the dimension of the generalized plant  相似文献   

For discrete systems, the set of all state covariances X which can be assigned to the closed-loop system via a dynamic controller is characterized explicitly. For any assignable state covariance X , the set of all controllers that assign this X to the closed-loop system is parameterized with an arbitrary orthonormal matrix U of proper dimension  相似文献   

A linear algorithm and a nonlinear algorithm for the problem of system identification in H posed by Helmicki et al. (1990) for discrete-time systems are presented. The authors derive some error bounds for the linear algorithm which indicate that it is not robustly convergent. However, the worst-case identification error is shown to grow as log(n), where n is the model order. A robustly convergent nonlinear algorithm is derived, and bounds on the worst-case identification error (in the H norm) are obtained  相似文献   

A closed-form expression has been reported in the literature for LN, the number of digital line segments of length N that correspond to lines of the form y=ax+β, O⩽α, β<1. The authors prove an asymptotic estimate for LN that might prove useful for many applications, namely, LN=N 32+O(N2 log N). An application to an image registration problem is given  相似文献   

A realization theory that is based on the Kalman system theory and motivated by the Fuhrmann realization theory is presented. In the Fuhrmann realization theory, the realization state-space is defined by a natural polynomial module KQ, which is related to a nonsingular polynomial matrix Q. The module KQ is formed of all f where Q-1f is strictly proper. In the realization theory proposed, the realization state-space is defined by a different module MQ, which is formed of properly truncated, strictly proper formal power series of Q-1f. The realization theory can be used to prove the dual-realization scheme induced by the Fuhrmann realization theory  相似文献   

Consider a set A={A1,A2 ,. . ., An} of records, where each record is identified by a unique key. The records are accessed based on a set of access probabilities S=[s1,s2 ,. . ., sN] and are to be arranged lexicographically using a binary search tree (BST). If S is known a priori, it is well known that an optimal BST may be constructed using A and S. The case when S is not known a priori is considered. A new restructuring heuristic is introduced that requires three extra integer memory locations per record. In this scheme, the restructuring is performed only if it decreases the weighted path length (WPL) of the overall resultant tree. An optimized version of the latter method, which requires only one extra integer field per record has, is presented. Initial simulation results comparing this algorithm with various other static and dynamic schemes indicates that this scheme asymptotically produces trees which are an order of magnitude closer to the optimal one than those produced by many of the other BST schemes reported in the literature  相似文献   

The initial state of an unforced linear system is output admissible with respect to a constraint set Y if the resulting output function satisfies the pointwise-in-time condition y(t)∈Y, t⩾0. The set of all possible such initial conditions is the maximal output admissible set O. The properties of O and its characterization are investigated. In the discrete-time case, it is generally possible to represent O or a close approximation of it, by a finite number of functional inequalities. Practical algorithms for generating the functions are described. In the continuous-time case simple representations of the maximal output admissible set are not available, however, it is shown that the discrete-time results may be used to obtain approximate representations  相似文献   

Let φ(s,a)=φ0(s,a)+ a1φ1(s)+a2 φ2(s)+ . . .+akφ k(s)=φ0(s)-q(s, a) be a family of real polynomials in s, with coefficients that depend linearly on parameters ai which are confined in a k-dimensional hypercube Ωa . Let φ0(s) be stable of degree n and the φi(s) polynomials (i⩾1) of degree less than n. A Nyquist argument shows that the family φ(s) is stable if and only if the complex number φ0(jω) lies outside the set of complex points -q(jω,Ωa) for every real ω. In a previous paper (Automat. Contr. Conf., Atlanta, GA, 1988) the authors have shown that -q(jω,Ωa ), the so-called `-q locus', is a 2k convex parpolygon. The regularity of this figure simplifies the stability test. In the present paper they again exploit this shape and show that to test for stability only a finite number of frequency checks need to be done; this number is polynomial in k, 0(k3), and these critical frequencies correspond to the real nonnegative roots of some polynomials  相似文献   

Attention is given to linear systems described by y=A &thetas;+e where the measurement error vector e is unknown but bounded. Two algorithms for sequential parameter identification are introduced. Their convergence properties are illustrated and compared with those of existing algorithms. A simulation study is carried out using simulated data to investigate the possible practical use of the algorithms. Their performances are compared with those of other offline algorithms as well as with those of the widely used least-squares estimates  相似文献   

Let a family of polynomials be P(s)=t 0sn+t1s n±1 + . . . + tn where 0<ajtjb j. V.L. Kharitonov (1978) derived a necessary and sufficient condition for the above equation to have only zeros in the open left-half plane. The present authors derive some similar results for the equation to be strictly aperiodic (distinct real roots)  相似文献   

Let a family of polynomials be P(s)=t 0Sn+t1s n-1 . . .+tn where Ojtj⩽β. Recently, C.B. Soh and C.S. Berger have shown that a necessary and sufficient condition for this equation to have a damping ratio of φ is that the 2n+1 polynomials in it which have tkk or tkk have a damping ratio of φ. The authors derive a more powerful result requiring only eight polynomials to be Hurwitz for the equation to have a damping ratio of φ using Kharitonov's theorem for complex polynomials  相似文献   

The authors report on a flexible system that provides visual feedback to VLSI designers with a novel display method. The basic problem is to display simultaneously two or more functions f 1, f2, . . ., each of which depends on the two spatial variables x and y. The method is based on results from visual perception experiments, which indicated that the human visual system can view simultaneously two or more images that are separated in depth, even if they are combined (superimposed) over a common spatial domain. Two display modes have been implemented: a gray-level mode and a contour mode in which only the edges separating adjacent regions are displayed in an effort to make things easier for the user. This depth-separation technique allows the viewer to register spatially the x,y distribution of multiple variables in an animation sequence. The technique can be applied to many other situations in which a single-plane episode involves several variables  相似文献   

Considers the polynomial P(s)=t0 Sn+t1 Sn-1 +···+tn where 0<a jtjbj. Recently, V.L. Kharitonov (1978) derived a necessary and sufficient condition for this polynomial to have only zeros in the open left-half plane. Two lemmas are derived to investigate the existence of theorems similar to the theorem of Kharitonov. Using these lemmas, the theorem of Kharitonov is generalized for P(s) to have only zeros within a sector in the complex plane. The aperiodic case is also considered  相似文献   

The problem of distributed detection with consulting sensors in the presence of communication cost associated with any exchange of information (consultation) between sensors is considered. The system considered has two sensors, S1 and S2; S1 is the primary sensor responsible for the final decision u0 , and S2 is a consulting sensor capable of relaying its decision u2 to S1 when requested by S 1. The final decision u0 is either based on the raw data available to S1 only, or, under certain request conditions, also takes into account the decision u2 of sensor S2. Random and nonrandom request schemes are analyzed and numerical results are presented and compared for Gaussian and slow-fading Rayleigh channels. For each decision-making scheme, an associated optimization problem is formulated whose solution is shown to satisfy certain set design criteria that the authors consider essential for sensor fusion  相似文献   

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