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The results of diagnostics and treatment of the closed liver's injuries in 180 injured with combined trauma are analyzed. Was established, that the complexity of the diagnostics of the liver trauma and the heavy accompanying injuries, accomplishment of the diagnostic researches on the shock background, consciousness frustration, hemodynamics, breath, hypovolemia requires intensification of ultrasonic researches, computer tomography and laparoscopy, which reliability has made 91-95%. The injured with combined trauma and liver's injuries should be rendered the urgent specialized help. The volume of the operation on liver should be the most minimum, but reliable to stop hemorrhage. The surgical correction of other injuries of the abdominal and peritoneal cavities should be carried out. The operation is finished by cranial decompression trepanation and stabilization bone breaks of pelvis and extremities (under indications) as a preventive measure of shock, loss of blood and embolic complications.  相似文献   

The appearances of knee injuries on MR imaging are less well documented in children than adults. Some patterns of injury are shared by both groups of patients, e. g. meniscal damage. The frequency of specific injuries may differ, e. g. anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tear. Congenital abnormality, coexistent pathology and previous treatment of the knee appear to be associated with meniscal problems. Discoid menisci are seen most frequently in children and have unique features on MR scans. Cruciate ligament tears are difficult to diagnose in the smallest children. The ACL may not be identified due to its small size. Normal bone marrow signal may be confused with marrow infiltration or bone microfracture. Radiographically occult fractures around the knee appear to be strongly associated with ligamentous injury as in adult patients. Osteochondral fractures, osteochondral lesions and articular cartilage damage are revealed on MR scans, but their long-term effects are uncertain. It is possible to diagnose a range of knee injuries on MR scans in children. The biggest diagnostic challenge is in pre-school children.  相似文献   

The timing of operation can be especially difficult when frontobasal fractures are combined with other head injuries and midfacial injuries. In these cases, the head injury represents a considerable hazard to the patient and therefore it is mandatory to avoid any additional strain that might be caused by treating the midfacial injury first. On the other hand, because of poorer results with the secondary treatment, the surgical therapy for midfacial injuries should be achieved as early as possible. This report describes the results obtained in 68 patients managed over a period of 5 years and discusses their definite primary treatment. It emphasizes the need for close cooperation between the various surgical specialties involved.  相似文献   

Diagnosis and management may present difficult problems in patients with colovesical fistulas. Symptoms in the urinary tract are most common, and cystoscopy, and cystography are the most valuable diagnostic procedures. It may not always be possible to demonstrate the fistula by diagnostic tests, and a high index of suspicion should be maintained in patients with inflammatory or neoplastic disease of the rectosigmoid area or bladder with recurrent cystitis. Definitive treatment should include resection of the fistula and diseased segment of the intestine. Both one stage and multistage procedures have their place in the treatment of this condition. There are specific criteria for success for a one stage procedure.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The literature on diagnostic peritoneal lavage in the assessment of blunt abdominal trauma reflects an ongoing controversy. Therefore we conducted a prospective evaluation of the diagnostic management of blunt abdominal trauma used at our clinic, in which this procedure plays a substantial role. During the years 1993 and 1994 a total of 75 patients could be included in the study. The study population consisted of all patients with a diagnosis of blunt abdominal trauma. In addition, all trauma patients who were unresponsive on admission to the emergency receiving unit underwent the same program of diagnostic work-up. This group included polytraumatized patients, patients with craniocerebral injuries and all those who had been intubated prior to admission. Patients with stable vital signs were evaluated first by sonography of the abdomen, whereas those showing signs of hypovolemic shock received a diagnostic peritoneal lavage as the first evaluation of abdominal trauma. In order to assess the relative value of the two diagnostic methods, all patients who had had ultrasound as their first examination subsequently also underwent peritoneal lavage. RESULTS: 37 patients (49%) had lavage evidence of intraperitoneal bleeding. Of these 22 (29% of the total) subsequently underwent emergency laparotomy with lesions requiring surgical treatment found in 21 (95%). Only in one patient (1.3% of the study population) laparotomy failed to reveal a lesion requiring surgical correction. The accuracy of peritoneal lavage findings as an indication for laparotomy was 99%, compared to 82% for ultrasonography used as a initial diagnostic procedure. Diagnostic peritoneal lavage is quick, safe and almost independent of the experience of the investigating physician. It can be performed during other diagnostic procedures and can be repeated at will. If beyond macroscopical evaluation the lavage fluid is assessed chemically, even duodenal and pancreatic lesions as well as injuries to other hollow viscera can be suspected. With a sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 98%, diagnostic peritoneal lavage is an extremely reliable diagnostic tool. It should be used as the initial diagnostic procedure in all hypovolemic and/or unresponsive patients suspected of having suffered blunt abdominal trauma. In conscious patients with stable vital signs, ultrasonography can be used for initial diagnosis. It should, however, be complemented by subsequent peritoneal lavage whenever the clinical course gives rise to suspicion.  相似文献   

Sports injuries result from frequently repeated similar movements performed with submaximal force. In practice the term is also used, incorrectly, for many other injuries sustained during, or even outside, the practising of sports. Running may lead to injuries of muscles (rupture, chronic compartment syndrome), of tendons (peritendinitis, tendinosis, partial rupture, insertion tendinitis), of bone (stress fracture) and of cartilage (athrosis). Jumping mostly puts the ankle at risk, especially of development of an anterior or posterior impingement syndrome. Throwing puts much strain on the shoulder muscles; possible problems are microruptures in the rotator cuff, avulsion of the glenoid rim, chronic tendinitis of the biceps tendon and entrapment of the suprascapular nerve. The main element of the treatment is rest. If symptoms persist, surgery may be considered. Previous diagnostic imaging may then be of value.  相似文献   

During the last few years, eye injuries caused by fragments of shattered windscreen have increased enormously in the Federal Republic of Germany and in West Berlin. About 1000 people per year suffer severe eye- and eyelid injuries due to traffic accidents. Microsurgery of ocular injuries allows particular attention to be paid to each part of the eye and restoration of its functions. Although the prognosis of such injuries has been improved by a more developed surgery technique using microscopes, the eye specialist as well as legislation should make every possible effort to diminish eye injuries and their serious consequences for the patients.  相似文献   

3 different types of complex spinal trauma are defined: Type I means a multilevel contiguous or non contiguous unstable injury, type II is described as a spinal injury with concomitant thoracic or abdominal lesion, type III stands for the coincidence of spinal injury and polytrauma. Overlapping of different types occurs. Type I: The incidence amounts according a german multicenter study to about 2.5%. Multilevel injuries need to be stabilized for a long distance from posterior. With a thorough analysis the segments to be fused are determined. Type II: The leading thoracic injury is a lung contusion which occurs in up to 50% of the cases. A CT scan of the thorax during the first diagnostic screening is recommended. Early reduction and stabilization from posterior should be aimed at. During the first two weeks anterior procedures are contraindicated. Abdominal injuries are to be found in 3-4% of all spinal injuries. All organs could be affected. A typical constallation is the "seat-belt syndrome" with lesions of the upper abdominal organs and a flexiondistraction injury of the upper lumbar spine. The main problem is to make the diagnosis of both components initially. Most of the patients may be treated in one operation by first taking care of the abdominal injury and than stabilizing the spine. The prognosis of this combination is favorable. Type III: In 17-18% of all polytraumatized patients lesions of the spine are to be diagnosed. From these only one third need surgical care. From 680 patients with operatively treated fractures of the thoracolumbar junction 6.2% were polytraumatized according to the multicenter study mentioned above. The risk of missing a spinal injury in polytrauma totals approximately 20%. Surgical stabilization should be performed in the primary phase (day-1-surgery). Additional injuries, potentially time consuming operations with a high blood loss sometimes necessitate a different approach. Non stabilized spinal injuries apparently do not have the same negative effect on the whole organism as long bone fractures. In the early phase of treatment on the C-spine only anterior procedures and on the thoracolumbar spine only posterior techniques should be applied.  相似文献   

Back pain is a wide-spread complaint in modern society and in part an adverse effect resulting from present-day lifestyles. To date, too little attention has been drawn to efficient prevention. The treatment of patients affected with back pain today calls for an in-depth pathophysiological knowledge about the mechanism occurring on the spine. Diagnostic methods and non-operative treatment have been complemented specifically by chirotherapeutic methods. A systematic classification of the vertebragenous pain syndromes and the related treatment strategies have proven to be successful. Irrespectively of that, the individuality of diagnosis and the complaint's progress in each patient should be taken into account at all events. Cost-intensive diagnostic imaging should only be undertaken with a clear indication. Today, the overwhelming majority of back pain patients undergo a non-operative treatment. In case the conservative applications prove inefficient, it is possible to successfully operate on patients a with disc prolaps, degenerative instabilities as well as osseous spinal foraminal stenoses. A precondition is a precise causal diagnosis and a clear indication for operative intervention.  相似文献   

Post-operative therapeutic rehabilitation in ligamentous-capsular injuries has a great importance and for the final result it is as the very operation. We begin it from making the patient realize that the good final result can be obtained only with patient, persistence and discipline. Early therapeutic rehabilitation after surgical treatment of ligamentous-capsular injuries is possible only when the ligament was reconstructed in a motor stable way. Painless, dosed, passive motion exercises with a limited range of movements did on a mechanical splint TELOS have a great importance for the final results.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A high-pressure stream from mechanical equipment may inject gas or liquids deep into the orbit with few initial clinical signs. Aggressive surgical debridement as used in the extremities for the treatment of injection injuries is not possible in the orbit. METHODS: Four patients with orbital injection injuries from farm or industrial equipment are presented. Previously reported cases of high-pressure injection injury are reviewed. RESULTS: Two patients suffered localized anterior orbital inflammation partially responsive to steroidal and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents. Late debridement was required in one patient for a persistent lipogranuloma. Two patients suffered more dramatic and diffuse injections of hydrocarbon mixtures, requiring emergent early surgical debridement and decompression for compressive orbital signs. All patients attained an adequate functional outcome, with one patient's vision limited by a coexisting ocular injury. CONCLUSIONS: High-pressure orbital injection injuries manifest a spectrum of signs ranging from acute inflammation with tissue necrosis and compressive visual loss to late chronic inflammation with a pseudotumor-like course. The authors recommend the initial treatment of orbital injection injuries with systemic antibiotics followed by prompt neuroradiologic imaging. Systemic corticosteroids should be added for confirmed injection injuries with surgical debridement of discrete masses and orbital decompression when indicated. Continued therapy with anti-inflammatory medication may be required to suppress chronic inflammation with selective late surgical debridement of lipogranulomas.  相似文献   

Bullet wounds are a rare occurrence during times of peace. Recently, however, there has been a general increase in the number and severity of this type of trauma in our case load. First, the possible firearms and the individual types of ammunition will be discussed. Based on this background, the possible types of wounds are presented. Principally, one distinguishes ricocheting shots from grazing ones, and those leaving bullets lodged in the body from those with perforating wounds. The extent of tissue damage depends on internal lacerations, on the compression of the tissue and on the temporary cavitation along the projectile path. In contrast to other types of injuries, which are caused by a blow or impact to the face or skull, gunshot traumas are characterized by an irregular path, as well as, by localized destruction of bones with associated effects. In this connection, the severity of the bullet wound also depends upon the extent of involvement of the viscerocranium. As causes of gunshot wounds during times of peace, suicidal intent, the negligent handling of firearms and especially brutal crimes are those which come into consideration first and foremost. The diagnostic aspect of firearm wounds, beside anamnesis, comprises comprehensive X-ray diagnostics for a complete picture. From the therapeutic side, tetanus serum and antibiotics as a prophylactic are recommended initially. The operative treatment should take place depending on the injury with the removal of a possible projectile. Bullet wounds always require an interdisciplinary approach to treatment.  相似文献   

Authors study retrospectively 81 cases of isolated recent (less than three months) knee traumas. These include clinical aspects, NMR, arthroscopy. Clinical examinations have been graded: 1. possible lesion; 2. likely lesions; 3. confirmed lesions. Clinical examinations and NMR results are compared to arthroscopy considered as reference. Clinical examination of acute traumatic knee is essential. Nevertheless, its value for detecting precise lesions is poor, except for knee locking well correlated with meniscal tears. Results show that NMR provide better results than clinical examination. NMR is reliable for detecting tears of posterior cruciate ligament, tears of posterior horn of menisci (sensibility: 93%; specificity: 80%). Its results are less effective for appreciation of lesion of anterior cruciate ligament (sensibility: 88%; specificity: 78%) because of partial tears and functional but not morphologic damage. It is the only method able to evidence osteochondral injuries and soft-tissues associated lesions in traumatic knees. Emergency NMR scans show results no differences in results compared with routine examinations. However, one should keep in mind that negative NMR cannot exclude small cartilaginous lesions and partial tears of anterior cruciate ligament. According to these results and the known qualities of NMR (non invasive), we propose that this type of investigation should be more largely included in diagnostic attitude for acute injured knee. Emergency diagnostic arthroscopy could be efficiently replaced by NMR knee examination.  相似文献   

The clinical laser experience of military dermatologists mirrors that of their civilian counterparts; however, there are applications for lasers in dermatology in which there is special military relevance. These range from treatment of common diseases such as pseudofolliculitis barbae to noninvasive identification of shrapnel injuries on the battlefield using novel laser-based diagnostic techniques. Although some applications in this report are experimental, emerging technologies should allow for their clinical or field implementation in the near future.  相似文献   

This study focuses on female patients of working age, hospitalized due to moderate, mostly orthopaedic injuries. The aim was to highlight the medical and non-medical factors affecting outcome. Two groups of women, those who 12 months after the injury reported disability within at least three out of five possible areas (work, family, household, social life and leisure-time; n = 34), were compared with women reporting disability within two areas or less (n = 59). Four factors were predictive of outcome according to the multivariate analysis: injury severity as measured by the Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS), self-perceived injury-related mental and physical health measured by the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) during hospitalization and a history of three or more previous injuries requiring medical care. Sociodemographic background factors did not affect the outcome. By integrating information from AIS and VAS with the number of previous injuries, three quarters of the women were correctly classified; i.e., it was possible to detect a majority of those reporting a poorer outcome one year after the injury already during hospitalization. Simple screening instruments like these seem to be useful in the early detection of vulnerable patients. This study further suggests that more attention should be paid to non-medical factors, the importance of which may have been underestimated regarding a poorer outcome among female patients hospitalized due to injuries. Thus, psychosocial support should not only be offered to patients with major trauma or an obvious psychiatric disorder, but to all injured patients and should be considered as an integral part of medical care.  相似文献   

The decision for nonoperative treatment of abdominal stab wounds is usually based on clinical examination findings. It is important, however, to identify patients who may suffer occult injuries and, therefore, be benefited from further diagnostic evaluation. Isolated penetrating gallbladder injuries may produce minimal symptoms initially. A high index of suspicion and appropriate selection of imaging studies may lead to early identification. Hepato-iminodiacetic acid scan can be used as the definitive diagnostic imaging test in such occasions.  相似文献   

M Merle 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1994,178(4):681-94; discussion 694-9
Every year in France there are 500,000 hand injuries; the number of injuries has remained constant over the last ten years and constitutes one-third of all work-related accidents. At the emergency department for hand surgery from Nancy University Hospital the treatment of hand injuries is the third part of the global activity. There have been significant advancements in the field of hand surgery in the last twenty years due to development of microsurgical techniques which make it possible to revascularize tissue that otherwise would die. Surgeons who treat hand injuries usually have been trained in the fields of orthopedics, traumatology, plastic surgery, and microsurgery. The improved results--attributable to new techniques and early treatment--pointed to the need for organizing emergency services for hand injuries that would operate on a 24-hour basis. In 1979, a group of French surgeons founded the Federation of Emergency Treatment of Hand Injuries that today represents 27 centers in France and 19 others in countries of the European Community. These emergency wards work in conjunction with other centers dealing with emergency service, e.g., the Fire Department, Ambulance service, Industrial Medicine, etc... Over a period of 15 years, the benefits reaped from treating these injuries as true emergencies (less than 6 hours ischemia) based on the principle of Immediate Repair with Early Mobilization (IREM) are both functional and social in nature: in 90% of cases, the patient resumes professional and economic activity and the rate of partial disability is 30% lower than that observed in cases treated in non-specialized centers. Given these results that are acknowledged by all who work in emergency service in general, we think that emergency wards for hand injuries should be an integral part of the overall plan coordinating emergency services in France.  相似文献   

Eye injuries caused by sharp instruments range from superficial scratches of the corneal epithelium to serious lacerations of the globe of the eye. Scratches, conjunctival lacerations, and some eyelid lacerations can be dealth with by the primary physician in the office, but damage to the globe requires immediate referral to an ophthalmologist. Among possible results of blunt trauma to the area of the eye are ecchymosis, hyphema, blow-out fracture, subluxation or dislocation of the lens, or retinal detachment. Most of thes require thoroguh ophthalmologic examination and specialized treatment. The primary physician may be the first to examine a patient with serious head injury. For future reference the status of each eye should be carefully documented as soon as possible after injury.  相似文献   

Forty-three patients with aortic rupture secondardy to blunt trauma have been treated at the University of Micigan within the past 10 years with an overall salvage rate of 70%. The diagnosis should be suspected in anyone who has sustained a high speed decelerating injury, if the chest roentgenogram shows media-stinal widening, whether or not there is hypertension of the upper extremities; systolic murmur, or external evidence of chest injury. Aortography should be employed to confirm the diagnosis and to determine the site or sites of rupture. Repair of the lesion should be undertaken as soon as possible and takes priority in most instances over associated injuries. Repair in almost all cases can be accomplished safely and quickly using a bypass shunt without the aid of extracorporeal circulation.  相似文献   

With successive wars in the twentieth century, there has been a relative increase in injuries to the eye compared to injuries of other parts of the body. The main causes of eye injury have changed with advances in techniques and weaponry of warfare, with blast fragmentation injuries accounting for 50-80% of cases. Penetrating and perforating injuries are most common, and injuries associated with intraocular foreign bodies pose special diagnostic and management problems. Injuries are bilateral in 15-25% of cases. Injuries associated with chemical, nuclear, and laser weapons have distinct characteristics and epidemiology. Enucleation was commonly performed at the turn of the century, but incidence has declined with better understanding of the pathophysiology of ocular trauma, improved surgical techniques and sepsis control with antibiotics. Sympathetic ophthalmia appears to be uncommon and earlier fears of this complication seem to have been exaggerated. Timely evacuation to a surgical facility is important for a good visual prognosis and preservation of the globe. However, prevention of injuries with eye armor is ultimately the best management, and the need for a comprehensive eye protection program in the military cannot be overemphasized, especially since eye injuries pose important socioeconomic, as well as medical, problems.  相似文献   

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