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蔡博 《建设监理》2006,(3):15-16
引言:本文介绍一起因监理工程师不顾合同约定,擅自要求建设单位购买指定生产厂商的建筑材料而引发的纠纷事件。  相似文献   

从生态中求生存--德国盖尔森基辛日光村的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈干辉 《华中建筑》2005,23(5):80-81
德国的北威州通过“北威州的50个日光村”计划,致力于太阳能利用和低能源消耗的建筑这项激进的革新。作为首批的盖而森基兴——俾斯麦日光村不但表现出能源革新的理念,而且出色地把经济的、社会的、生态的和城市的理念结合在一起。  相似文献   

在现代设计中.有逐渐朝向西方工业发展之势,更有一些带有东方诗意的作品不断涌现,本期三位设计师,他们便从不同人文角度出发,让居家者感受这种意蕴东方的生活体验。  相似文献   

以烯烃装置产生的污泥为原料、采用水蒸气活化法制备活性炭,考察了增碳剂、活化温度、活化时间、水蒸气用量等因素对活性炭性能的影响.结果表明,当增碳剂(秸秆)的添加量为25%(质量分数)、活化温度为900 ℃、活化时间为1 h、水蒸气用量为1.5 mL/g时,制备的活性炭得率为45.4%、碘吸附值为702.6 mg/g、亚甲基蓝吸附值为75 mL/g.采用所制备的活性炭处理城市生活污水,结果表明,其对污水的处理效果较好,对COD和色度的去除率分别为79.94%和95.83%.  相似文献   

刘杨 《建设监理》2002,(1):19-20
当前监理企业在迅速发展的同时也潜伏危机,其原因除监理人员的素质外,就是监理企业内部的基础管理问题。本文介绍本公司近几年开展管理活动的具体做法。  相似文献   

When a flammable liquid with a vapour pressure greater than atmospheric is released from pressurised storage, flash evaporation occurs. The ignition of such a release is likely to create a fireball which creates a short lived, but intense, source of thermal radiation.The influences of the flash evaporation process on the mechanism of flammable cloud formation and the subsequent burning of the cloud are discussed. Published information is reviewed to provide insight into those features of fireball behaviour that are influenced by the initial degree of flash evaporation and those that are not. Correlations are presented that represent consensus views on the influence of mass of flammable substance in the release on fireball diameter, duration, and radiation output.  相似文献   

Phosphorus release from sediments from Lake Carl Blackwell, Oklahoma   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A laboratory study was conducted to determine the effects of anaerobic vs aerobic conditions, sterile vs non-sterile conditions and mixing on the release of soluble ortho-phosphate from sediments obtained from Lake Carl Blackwell, Oklahoma. Eight laboratory systems reflecting various combinations of the three environmental conditions to be studied were investigated for a 30-day experimental period. Phosphate release under non-sterile conditions exceeded the release observed under sterile conditions in all systems regardless of whether they were anaerobic, aerobic, mixed or static. In addition, mixing enhanced phosphorus release under all the conditions investigated.Release of phosphate was observed under both anaerobic and aerobic conditions. Anaerobic release was greater than aerobic release in all cases except for two. The average release obtained in the aerobic mixed non-sterile systems was greater than the average release observed in the anaerobic static sterile systems and was equal to the average release observed in the anaerobic static non-sterile systems. This higher release under aerobic conditions could probably be attributed to mixing.  相似文献   

There is wide concern in developed countries that groundwater resources are deteriorating in the long-term, both in quantity and quality. Some causes of pollution have a largely agricultural origin of which nitrates and pesticides are thought to pose serious risks to human health. This paper briefly reviews the sources of agricultural pollution of groundwater and the extent of the problem. It summarizes the various processes which take place in aquifers to remove, alter or attenuate contaminants.  相似文献   

住宅是专供居住的房屋。随着国民经济的增长,生活水平的提高,现代的居民对住宅的功能也有了更进一步的认识。住宅不仅是居住的地方,更是娱乐、休息、享受的场所。因此,人们越来越倾向于个性的生活方式,对住宅的舒适度、室内设计也就有了一定的要求。  相似文献   

Asigh 《中国厨卫》2006,(5):102-105
龙头小巧玲珑,晶莹剔透,造型多样,犹如首饰中的耳环一般,向来都是卫浴间中的一道亮丽风景线。卫浴龙头的开关方式多种多样,有传统的提压把手,也有经典的双把手,更有前卫的单杆把手,灵活多样的开关方式能够为不同的使用者带来极大的乐趣和方便。  相似文献   

人们常说,三个女人一台戏。要是再多一个,四个女人会是什么样呢?在这里,来自瑞典的Sofia Lagerkvist、Charlotte von der Lancken、Anna Lindgren和Katja Snvstrom将告诉你,当美丽与智慧并存的四个女人碰到一起时,她们所创造的便不仅仅是神奇,更是男人们无法想像和触及的美妙新世界。  相似文献   

当国人沉浸在奥运盛宴、为中华健儿摘金夺银欢呼雀跃之时,我们正不分昼夜地编辑着这一期<地震特刊>,并将计划中的"长沙话题"延后,在向各位读者表示歉意时,我们的确也有些落寞和孤寂.  相似文献   

哲理故事 1900年7月,一位叫林德曼的精神病学专家独自一人架着一叶小舟驶进了波涛汹涌的大西洋,他在进行一项历史上从未有过的心理学试验,准备付出的代价是自己的生命!林德曼博士认为,一个人只要对自己抱有信心,就能保持精神和机体的健康.之前已经有1 00多位勇士相继驾舟横渡大西洋,结果均遭失败,无人生还.林德曼博士认为,这些死难者首先不是从身体上失败的,而是死于精神上的崩溃,死于恐怖和绝望.在航行中,林德曼博士遇到了难以想象的困难,多次濒临死亡,他的眼前出现幻觉,运动感也处于麻木状态,有时真有绝望之感.但只要这个念头一升起,他马上就大声自责:"懦夫,你想重蹈覆辙,葬身此地吗?不,我一定能够成功!"这个目标支持着林德曼,最后,他终于成功抵达了彼岸.  相似文献   

有一位哲人曾经说过,如果在圣彼得堡住上两天,你会觉得自己知道了很多东西,如果住上两个星期,你会觉得自己知道的并不多,若是住上两年,你会发现,原来你什么也不知道……圣彼得堡(SaintPetersburg)是俄罗斯联邦第二大城市,位于波罗的海芬兰湾东端的涅瓦河三角洲。整座城市由40多  相似文献   

Current research into the peri-urbanisation associated with the rapid population growth of preferred Australian metropolitan regions has shown that their landscape values are put at risk and the region's quality of life (QoL) and the community's standards of liveability are consequently threatened. Whilst the concept of a landscape framework as an analytical, policy and management tool has general acceptance, there appears to be few if any working examples where this concept has been operationalised. To date, the conventional approaches utilised by regional planning agencies and local government have not been able to deliver the necessary tools to incorporate the essential landscape planning principles let alone planning processes to address the regional landscape values at risk in the peri-urban areas of rapidly growing regions. However, promising initiatives have emerged from allied planning fields such as landscape planning. Despite shortcomings in the theoretical development of this conceptual framework, a regional landscape framework has been incorporated into the recently released SEQ Regional Plan 2005–2026, a statutory planning instrument for the South East Queensland (SEQ) region, Australia's fastest growing metropolitan region. Whilst it is conceivable that in the SEQ case, practice may be ahead of theory, there is now an imperative to develop this framework in a manner that it can be utilised as a regional policy framework and as an integrating instrument to address the values of regional landscapes including the range of existing and emerging rural values of the critical urban–rural interface.  相似文献   

Finding an alternative fuel for our built environment as a substitute for fossil fuels is the Holy Grail of a sustainable future. Ken Yeang discusses the potential of mass algae production as a source of biofuel. Could we be powering our buildings and cars with algae in years to come? Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We describe a role-playing game which is used as a vehicle for architecture students to learn about the options for and implications of computing in architecture offices.  相似文献   

联合国人居署执行主任安娜·蒂拜朱卡夫人被确定为2009哥德堡奖——最高“环境诺贝尔奖”三名获奖者之一。  相似文献   

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