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本文旨在分析重型燃机燃用原油、渣油等劣质燃料的适应能力.劣质燃料中的有害元素对燃机的危害机理,以及烧原油、渣油的燃机应采取的特殊措施.  相似文献   

舟丹 《中外能源》2012,(8):45-45
渣油(residual oil)是原油经减压蒸馏所得的残余油,又称减压渣油。有时将从常压蒸馏塔底所得的重油称为常压渣油。渣油色黑黏稠,常温下呈半固体状,其性质与原油性质有关。渣油是石油经蒸馏加工后剩余的残渣,其比率约占加工前石油的50%,由于渣油质量差、杂质和非理想组分含量高、加工难度大,致使渣油曾作为锅炉燃料被烧掉,不仅浪费有限资源,而且对环境造成了污染。  相似文献   

1 我国的工业燃料燃烧现状液体燃料 (如柴油、原油、重油、渣油、沥青油、奥里油、煤水浆等 )作为石油化工工业的一种产品 ,由于其运输和贮存方便 ,燃烧后残留物少以及控制灵活 ,在我国的工业生产中得到了广泛的应用。燃煤火力发电厂广泛使用柴油、重渣油等液体燃料作为锅炉冷炉启动、低负荷稳燃及煤质差时的辅助燃烧用燃料 ,燃油火力发电厂使用柴油作点火助燃燃料 ,重渣油作为发电用燃料 ;在炼油化工行业的各种工艺加热炉广泛使用重渣油作为燃料 ;使用柴油、重渣油作为燃料的还有陶瓷产品烧成、玻璃熔化及玻璃制品烧成、金属材料的熔炼、…  相似文献   

沧州石化为降低原油成本,采用劣质化原油加工方案,渣油金属含量升高不能进催化裂化装置掺渣,渣油利用率降低。为充分利用催化裂化装置富余加工能力,优化原油组合和加工方案,采用分储分炼方式,将低金属含量的华北、蒙古和赛罕等石蜡基原油进特定原油调和罐储存,单独进常减压加工,减压渣油利用指定延迟焦化原料罐单独储存。加工劣质原油时,石蜡基减渣进催化裂化装置掺炼,依靠焦化蜡油线进行输送掺渣。因石蜡基减渣黏度大,混合输送要尽量控制较高温度,以提高两者的混合程度与流动性。此外,由于石蜡基减渣生焦率高,根据催化裂化装置原料库存和外取热产汽量等实际情况,一般控制掺渣比例在10%以内。分储分炼的应用,使石蜡基减渣利用率得到提高,缓解了原油劣质化后催化裂化原料不足的问题,同时增产了高附加值汽油产品,每吨石蜡基减渣进催化裂化装置比进延迟焦化装置增加经济效益240.73元。  相似文献   

白淑媛 《节能》1994,(9):18-19
原油改烧渣油取得成功东北输油管理局白淑媛1前言众所周知,石油是国民经济的命脉,是重要的能源之一。用原油作燃料无疑是极大的浪费。大庆原油通过长输管道在各输油站加压、加热。然后不停顿地输送给各原油用户。各输油站加热原油历来是以原油为燃料。一个输油站平均每...  相似文献   

原油的日趋重质化和劣质化导致炼厂劣质残渣油数量随之增大.目前劣质残渣油主要作为燃料油的调合组分或直接作为重质燃料油使用,经济效益和能量利用效率非常低,寻找高价值的加工和应用途径是目前急需解决的问题.劣质残渣油可通过掺炼延迟焦化、渣油加氢或渣油气化等常规工艺进行加工,但由于重金属、灰分等杂质含量高,应用常规工艺加工时存在装置损坏严重、结焦严重、管道堵塞等问题,而且产品质量差、催化剂更换频繁、成本高.劣质残渣油还可作为化工原料,如用作常减压蒸馏强化剂、道路沥青调合组分以及生产针状焦、生产炭黑、气化制氢等,应用非常广泛,但大多数处于实验阶段,工业应用需进一步研究.劣质残渣油热解气化技术具有原料适应性强、产品质量好等特点,对于解决炼厂劣质残渣油的出路问题极具潜力,应用前景广泛,目前正处于实验研究阶段.  相似文献   

费咏丽 《中外能源》2014,(12):79-82
原油评价是在实验室对原油进行一系列分析和馏分切割,分析原油和各段馏分油的性质,确定产品分布及产品收率,为制定原油加工流程提供优化方案,以生产出合适的产品,使原油资源得到合理利用。原油评价认为,俄罗斯原油属于含硫中间基原油,初馏点至180℃石脑油馏分经石脑油加氢精制后,分离出液态烃、轻石脑油及重石脑油;150~230℃喷气燃料馏分进入加氢精制装置,生产3号喷气燃料或柴油调和组分;200~350℃柴油馏分进入柴油加氢精制装置,生产合格的柴油产品;350~560℃混合蜡油馏分进入加氢裂化装置,生产石脑油、高品质航空煤油(3号喷气燃料)及柴油;大于560℃渣油馏分经渣油加氢精制后,可作为催化原料直接进入重油催化裂化装置。俄罗斯原油的盐含量为24.0mg/kg,在加工过程中,容易形成"HCl-H2S-H2O"腐蚀,对设备影响较大,要重视工艺防腐和设备防腐。  相似文献   

我国能源利用现状与对策   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
许红星 《中外能源》2010,15(1):3-14
我国能源工业面临着以下挑战:①应对气候变化和节能减排的形势;②相当长时期内以煤为主的能源结构和石油的不可替代性;③化石能源供应短缺和原油劣质化趋势日趋严重。根据我国能源工业面对的严峻形势,提出了能源利用对策。首先要加快发展可再生能源、新能源。其次要研究我国炼油石化工业发展技术路线,充分利用好宝贵的油气资源。炼化一体化要实行紧密一体化,以提高资源利用率,实现生产更大的灵活性,适应市场油品和石化产品变化的需求。选择合适的渣油加工路线,提高原油加工深度,将有限的石油资源转化为轻质油品,要开发更有效的渣油深度转化工艺,进一步完善劣质渣油加工的组合工艺。石油炼厂开发石油替代能源生产技术路线应利用现有石油加工设备和传统的炼油工艺加工替代能源产品,并使所得产品与炼厂传统的烃类燃料相容。再次要重点研究开发煤的清洁利用技术路线。作为其战略方向,应发展以煤气化为核心的多联产系统。建议抓紧开发CO2零排放的煤气化制甲醇新工艺与风电的集成系统,并加快煤基醇醚燃料的推广应用和尽快实现甲醇制烯烃和乙二醇的工业化生产,加快甲醇应用领域的发展。为迎接"甲醇经济"时代,建议在发展煤制甲醇的同时开发多种原料的甲醇生产路线,主要有天然气不经过合成气途径制甲醇和CO2制甲醇等。  相似文献   

燃油锅炉的节能途径邬英权,韩光军以原油或重油、渣油为燃料的锅炉主要分布在油田。这些锅炉在油田原油生产中发挥重要作用的同时,自身也消耗大量能源。吉林油田现有燃油炉320余台,每年消耗燃料油26万吨左右,约占全年原油产量的8%。如能节油5%以上,那么每年...  相似文献   

周振宇 《中外能源》2023,(12):59-65
为了实现原油最大化利用,原油中重质馏分(特别是渣油)的高效加工利用至关重要。目前渣油加氢路线包括固定床渣油加氢、沸腾床渣油加氢和浆态床渣油加氢。对于更劣质的渣油,浆态床渣油加氢工艺方案的效益是优于其他方案的。浙江石油化工有限公司采用意大利Eni公司的EST浆态床渣油加氢裂化工艺技术。通过从加工负荷、原料油性质、关键运行操作参数、主要产品收率和性质等方面对2套300×104t/a浆态床渣油加氢装置进行了对比分析,2套装置总体运行情况良好,在现有条件下能够满足80%的加工负荷并平稳运行,转化率达到90%以上,液体收率达到75%左右,石脑油、柴油和蜡油等产品质量能够满足下游二次加工装置的要求。同时也重点剖析了在装置运行过程中遇到的减压塔无法长周期运行、螺旋板换热器内漏、浆液系统结焦堵塞、催化剂单耗高、仪表测量偏差大等生产难题,并提出了相应的解决措施和方案。  相似文献   

Noel D. Uri 《Energy》1980,5(11):1155-1162
The objective of this analysis is to develop a model to forecast the consumption of fossil fuels by electric utilities on a month-to-month basis. A scheme is devised and implemented that attributes fossil-fuel generation (exclusive of coal) to the consumption of residual fuel oil, distillate fuel oil, crude oil, and natural gas. A multinomial logit specification is used whereby the share of each of these fuels is a function of relative prices, weather, time, seasonal factors, and extraneous influences (e.g. a coal strike). The results agree well with actual shares.  相似文献   

The objective of the analysis is to develop a model to forecast the consumption of fossil fuels by electric utilities on a month-to-month basis. A scheme is devised and implemented that shares out for fossil fuel generation (net of coal), the consumption of residual fuel oil, distillate fuel oil, crude oil and natural gas. A multinomial logit specification is used whereby the share of each of these fuels is a function of relative prices, weather, time, seasonal factors and extraneous influences (e.g. a coal strike). The results, when compared to actual shares, prove to be most acceptable.  相似文献   

世界炼油工业发展新动向及我国的对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李雪静 《中外能源》2013,(12):18-24
近年来,地处西半球的美国、加拿大、委内瑞拉等美洲国家的石油储产量大幅增长,正逐步成为继中东之后全球油气勘探开发的新兴热点区域,全球石油消费重心和炼油发展中心进一步转移至东半球国家。原油资源供应进一步趋紧,页岩气、页岩油等非常规油气资源开发成热点。与此同时.世界炼油工业发展格局也呈现出一系列新动向:原油重质劣质化趋势明显,重油加工难度增大,重油深加工技术主要在技术优化、催化剂升级等方面取得了进展;清洁燃料标准加速升级,向低硫、超低硫方向发展,清洁燃料生产技术向产品高品质化方向发展;炼厂增产丙烯、芳烃等化工原料技术伴随炼化一体化战略加快发展:替代能源技术受到高度重视,迈入规模工业应用阶段。当前我国炼油工业迎来了战略发展机遇期,但面临原油供应趋紧、原油品质重劣质化、环保要求趋严等严峻挑战,必须借鉴国际先进经验,采取相应对策:扩大原油来源,实现渠道多极化和资源多元化;积极应对原油重质化劣质化的挑战,提高重油深加工能力;加快清洁燃料质量升级换代,多产柴油调整油品结构;加强自主技术创新,支撑和引领业务发展。  相似文献   

This paper has reviewed the background leading up to the development of the catalytic combustor, selected results of experimental studies, developments in modelling techniques, and some aspects of applications to gas turbines and furnaces. The future prospects of the technology are exciting. The design of catalytic combustors for gas turbines is underway. In fact, at least one U.S. manufacturer is believed to have a catalytic gas turbine ready for introduction in the near future. Retrofit designs for stationary gas turbines and for furnaces could be implemented readily. Significant economic benefits could stem from such applications. In addition, the demonstration that the catalytic combustor makes possible the burning of heavy oils for downhole generation of steam to increase oil production, is of importance beyond the merely economic potential. Thus, the catalytic combustor and other igneslytic burners are important developments not only because they permit complete combustion of fuels without significant NOx formation and because they make possible designs yielding reduced fuel consumption, but also because such combustors are serviceable in applications in which conventional combustors cannot be readily employed.  相似文献   


Although there are many similarities between aircraft and industrial gas turbines, the operating environment for the industrial engine has placed different demands on materials development to enable industrial engines to operate continuously at full load on a wide range of gaseous and liquid fuels with high levels of reliability and availability. The demand for improved engine efficiency continues to drive cycle pressures and temperatures higher and this trend is expected to continue. Over the past 15 years, a major development theme for industrial gas turbines (IGTs) has been the reduction of NOx emissions to improve air quality and this is now mandatory in many areas of the world. With a continuing need for fossil fuels and diminishing reserves, applications in power generation and in the oil and gas sectors increasingly require engines to operate in hostile environments and on poorer quality fuels. A new challenge is the requirement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The gas turbine forms an integral part of many of the zero emissions power plant concepts under development for large scale power generation and in smaller sizes is being developed to operate on renewable fuels. Materials and coating selection approaches to meet these diverse and often conflicting requirements are reviewed and the materials developments considered necessary for the next generation of IGTs are outlined.  相似文献   

The aim of this research work is to investigate the use of straight vegetable sunflower oil (SFO), a liquid biofuel, in a Micro-Gas Turbine (MGT). Compared to conventional diesel engines, micro-gas turbines represent a very reliable, clean and performing small scale cogeneration technology. Commercial gas turbines have already been tested with unconventional fuels, such as biomass derived fuels; however, research work on using Straight Vegetable Oil (SVO) as fuel in MGTs are really scarce.The chemical and physical characteristics of SVO are different from fossil diesel oil and rather far from the common technical specifications for gas turbine liquid fuels, not only in terms of kinematic viscosity and Lower Heating Value, but also as regards other issues as contaminant levels and composition, fuel cold properties, ignition properties, etc. Therefore, particular attention has to be given to the atomization and evaporation phases, as these are the most critical steps to achieve stable and efficient long term operation.An analysis based on numerical correlations available from literature was initially adopted for the analysis of the atomization process, supported by CFD modeling to qualitatively investigate the flow pattern. Control parameters were revised and set so to produce a sunflower oil spray having evaporation time comparable to diesel, and minor adaptations to the fuel line were designed and installed on the MGT.Tests with blends and straight vegetable oil were carried out to assess the difference between the standard and the modified machine, fed by diesel, in terms of exhaust emissions, power output and performances, that were similar to the standard diesel-fed MGT. Measured exhaust emissions were as expected well below those typical of diesel engines of the same size fed with VO. The experimental campaign confirmed that it is possible to operate a MGT fed with SVO through the adoption of minor modifications and by adjusting control parameters.  相似文献   

In an attempt to reduce photochemical ozone from the atmosphere, various regulatory agencies have encouraged the use of alternative fuels, which produce exhaust emissions that are believed to have less ozone-forming potential. Another potential advantage of alternative fuels is that they could reduce dependence on crude oil.

Although the potential reduction in crude oil dependence may be significant, a critical review of the available data regarding the potential air quality advantages of alternative fuels indicate that they are less significant. Continuing progress in reducing emissions from gasoline-fueled vehicles has reduced the advantages offered by electricity and gaseous fuels. In addition, data from an extensive study jointly sponsored by 14 automobile and oil companies indicates that methanol-fueled vehicles may lead to greater ozone formation than state-of-the-art gasoline-fueled vehicles. This finding is consistent with the very recent report by the National Research Council on “Rethinking the Ozone Problem in Urban and Rural Air Pollution”, which cautions that it is “premature” to use any alternative fuel, except for electricity, on a large scale. Because they are non-sooting, methanol and natural gas may be more effectively used in heavy-duty applications (such as buses) where the fuel being replaced is Diesel.  相似文献   

在一变形的里克(Rijke)管中进行了柴油、渣油和沥青的脉动燃烧对比试验。试验发现容易燃烧的 燃料容易激起脉动,难燃燃料由于着火推迟,较难激起脉动,而必须加长尾管长度才能解决问题。当进风面积与燃烧腔截面积之比减小到一定程度时,对于渣油等难燃燃料,其脉动特性会向1/4波长管的脉动特性过渡;而对于柴油等易燃燃料,脉动特性不变。 试验表明,这种无阀脉动燃烧技术可使渣油、沥青等难燃物高效清洁地燃烧,这对于渣油等难燃燃料的利用有重要意义。  相似文献   

分析了燃气轮机在GPU(天然气泵送装置)中的应用情况,指出燃气轮机是实现长距离输气和输油技术应用的关键设备.围绕燃气轮机在GPU装置中的应用,对在我国开发并应用燃气轮机,建立本国的燃气轮机工业提出一些设想和建议,指出开发工业/船用燃气轮机应紧紧围绕我国的需求,并遵循高起点、一机多用、一机广用的原则,仔细精心地选好开发应...  相似文献   

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