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We developed a knowledge-based system GENMAI (Artificial Intelligence Mesh GENerator) to auto-generate two-dimensional structured meshes. GENMAI is easily applicable to various kinds of application domains. Mesh generation is one of the major tasks confronted in computational simulation. The quality of generated meshes affects computational accuracy and computing time. Since various kinds of domain knowledge are needed to generate high quality structured meshes, the knowledge-based approach has been found effective and successful. Before designing GENMAI, we analyzed mesh generation jobs in plastic deformation analysis and computational fluid dynamics. Then, we formulate GENMAI so that it searches feasible plural divided patterns combinatorially and selects the best pattern. The characteristics of GENMAI are as follows: the meta-inference mechanism and its knowledge representation are widely applicable to various kinds of application domains; and plural patterns can be efficiently obtained at the same time by a search technique based on global dependency and local dependency. We applied GENMAI to forging simulation and developed AI-FESTE, which integrated a rigid-plastic deformation analysis program and GENMAI. Forging designers can easily decide shapes of a forging product and dies and also plan the forming sequence using AI-FESTE. AI-FESTE automates a series of forging analysis operations and shortens the execution time from 1 or 2 day(s) to a few hours. As a result, not only can AI-FESTE shorten the turn-around time, but it can improve the quality of product and die design.  相似文献   

本文介绍了面向工程(产品)设计领域的基于知识的分析计算程序生成系统KECPG。提出了公式逻辑相依性概念,并讨论了它的性质以及如何依据这种概念来自动生成公式计算程序设计规格说明。  相似文献   

本文提出一种基于知识的装配序列规划系统。该系统针对装配序列规划所涉及信息的纯几何描述和计算的复杂度等问题,采用领域知识推理,并结合适量几何计算的方法,求解装配序列规划问题。系统包括:任务理解,装配关系模型生成和序列规划三个组成部分。  相似文献   

Office tasks related to the processing of contracts in the insurance business are complex and highly dependent on legal and company-specific regulations. Furthermore, due to increasing competition on the market there is a strong pressure to increase the efficiency and quality of office task performance. The only way to meet these manifold requirements is to provide a computer-based guidance and interactive support for office workers. At Swiss Life, we have developed the EULE system that fulfills these requirements. EULE's functionality is in the triangle of Knowledge Representation, Business Process Modeling, and Knowledge Management — the latter because EULE encodes and stores knowledge which is crucial for the company. The system relies on a knowledge representation language which covers data and process aspects as well as the relevant legislation and company regulations.  相似文献   

并行测试生成原型系统PATGTA基于串行ASIC测试生成和可测性分析系统ATGTA,采用PVM作为并行支撑环境,可方便地移植于各种并行计算环境,采用主从模式开发并集成了多种并行算法。对Benchmark-89电路的实验结果表明,PATGTA性能良好。  相似文献   

Multiple windows, menus,and a mouse help students browse through a complex medical consulting database and view reasoning processes during a consultation.  相似文献   

Artificial intelligence techniques offer one possible avenue toward new CAD tools to handle the complexities of VLSI. Redesign is a Prototype knowledge-based system that uses Al techniques to interactively aid in the functional redesign of digital circuits. Given a desired change in the function of a circuit, Redesign combines rule-based knowledge of design tactics with its ability to analyse signal propagation through circuits, in order to help the user focus on an appropriate portion of the circuit to redesign, suggest local redesign alternatives, and determine side effects of possible redesigns. Using lessons learned from work on Redesign, we are working on systems to aid in designing and debugging VLSI.  相似文献   

一个实用化的测试产生系统COMPA—ATPG   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了一个在康发工作站实现的测试产生系统COMPA-ATPGS。该系统以FAN算法为基础,通过对电路结构分析来产生组合电路的测试码,进而帮助设计者产生整个电路的测试码。实验证明,该系统对组合电路的故障覆盖率可达90%以上。  相似文献   

A Knowledge-Based System for Designing Testable VLSI Chips   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The complexity of VLSI circuits has increased the need for design for testability (DFT). Numerous techniques for designing more easily tested circuits have evolved over the years, with particular emphasis on built-in testing approaches. What has not evolved is a design methodology for evaluating and making choices among the numerous existing approaches. This article describes efforts to build a knowledge-based expert system for designing testable VLSI chips. A framework for a methodology incorporating structural, behavioral, qualitative, and quantitative aspects of known DFT techniques is introduced. This methodology provides a designer with a systematic DFT synthesis approach. The process of partitioning a design into subcircuits for individual processing is described and a new concept?I-path?is used to transfer data from one place in the circult to another. Rules for applying testable design methodologies to circuit partitions and for evaluating the various solutions obtained are also presented. Finally, a case study using a prototype system is described.  相似文献   

介绍了一种基于程序行为切片的测试用例生成系统的实现方案,系统在不扫描全部程序路径的情况下,生成可以覆盖全部程序行为的测试用例集。系统分为静态分析、动态符号执行以及测试用例生成3个模块。在静态分析模块中根据输入的程序代码分析程序的控制流和信息流,提取程序的控制依赖和数据依赖,并计算程序的潜在依赖;动态符号执行模块求解约束条件、生成测试用例和分析代码执行过程;测试用例生成模块根据执行路径和依赖关系计算被路径覆盖的程序行为切片和未被覆盖的程序行为切片,然后根据未被覆盖的程序行为切片,引导符号执行生成能覆盖新的程序行为切片的测试用例。实验证明,本系统生成的测试用例集可以保证覆盖所有的程序行为,同时能显著减少生成的测试用例数量。  相似文献   

The ability to provide explanations has been seen as a key feature of expert systems (ES) typically not offered by other types ofcomputer systems. ES need to offer explanations because ofimprecise domains and the use ofheuristics. Verification is not enough. ES need to justify and be accountable. Explanation is seen as an important activity for knowledge-based systems as it satisfies the user's need to decide whether to accept or reject a recommendation. In this paper we review explanation in first-generation and second-generation ES. An alternative is offered to the main approaches which uses multiple classification ripple-down rules and challenges even the goals of explanation. Instead of trying to give explanations which provide a meaningful line of reasoning and which are tailored to suit the individual it may be just as useful to provide the user with sufficient information and browsing tools to develop their own line of reasoning. The type of information that can assist understanding is the context in which the recommendation applies (which is provided through the display ofrelevant cases and exception rule history) and the ability to explore an abstraction hierarchy of the rules using formal concept analysis. An explanation tool kit aimed at putting the user in control is described and evaluated in this paper. Received 15 January 2001 / Revised 21 June 2001 / Accepted in revised form 1 October 2001  相似文献   

WEAVER, a channel/switchbox knowledge-based routing program, simultaneously considers all the important routing metrics including 100 percent routability, minimum routing area, minimum wire length, and the minimum number of vias. It allows prerouted nets and user interaction throughout the entire routing process, while relaxing the unnecessary contraints of assigning different directions?constraints imposed by all of the current channel and switchbox routers. A grid-based router using two interconnection layers, WEAVER can be easily expanded to route any shape routing area such as T or +. Implemented in OPSS, a production system language, WEAVER routinely produces routings requiring less area than routers that focus on a single routing metric.  相似文献   

This paper presents a knowledge-based system, ‘EFDEX’, the Engineering Functional Design Expert, which was developed using an expert system shell, CLIPS 6.1, to perform intelligent functional design of engineering systems. On the basis of a flexible, causal and hierarchical functional modeling framework, we propose a knowledge-based functional reasoning methodology. By using this intelligent functional reasoning strategy, physical behavior can be reasoned out from a desired function or desired behavior, and inter-connection of these behaviors is possible when there is compatibility between the functional output of one and the corresponding functional requirement (e.g. driving input) of the next one. In addition, a complicated, desired function which cannot be matched with the functional output of any behavior after searching the object-oriented behavior base, will be automatically decomposed into less complex sub-functions by means of relevant function decomposition rules. An intelligent system for the functional design of an automatic assembly system provides an application of this intelligent design environment, and a demonstration of its methodology. In this paper, a knowledge-based functional representation scheme which integrates two popular AI representation techniques (object-oriented representation and rule-based representation) is also proposed as a prelude to a knowledge-based functional design system  相似文献   

A Model-Based Method for an Online Diagnostic Knowledge-Based System   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Fault diagnosis is very important for modern production technology and has received increasing theoretical and practical attention during the last few years. This paper presents a model-based diagnostic method for industrial systems. An online, real-time, deep knowledge based fault detection system has been developed by combining different development environments and tools. The system diagnoses, predicts and compensates faults by coupling symbolic and numerical data in a new environment suitable for the interaction of different sources of knowledge and has been successfully implemented and tested on a real hydraulic system.  相似文献   

Wireless System for Microwave Test Signal Generation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
RF testing involves distribution of an RF source to chips. This article describes an RF embedded-testing technique that distributes RF sources to the unpackaged RF chip via an antenna. The authors demonstrate this technique on a 5-GHz low-noise amplifier, thus eliminating expensive RF probes and test fixtures.  相似文献   

微波综合测试系统中,测试数据和得到的测试结果需要按照预定的格式输出,产生测试报告。本文通过编程实现了测试报告的自动生成,既避免由了人员录入数据产生的误差,又提高了测试数据分析的实时性,为进一步进行处理检验提供了便利。  相似文献   

席琳  周清雷  李平 《计算机科学》2012,39(9):133-137
虽然构件技术在软件开发过程中得到了越来越广泛的应用,但是实时系统是一类设计、实现和验证工作都相当复杂的系统,其构件化远比普通软件复杂,组装仍有许多困难。分析了常见的组装相容性错误,提出了一种实时系统的构件组装行为相容性测试用例产生方法。首先对时间自动机进行扩展,给出了描述实时构件的模型;然后定义了相容性覆盖标准,并把构件行为相容性测试用例生成转化为可被模型检验支持的可达性分析,同时给出了算法;最后用一个实例展示了该方法的具体使用。  相似文献   

用基因段的遗传算法解决自动组卷问题,采用二进制进行编码,生成带有约束条件的初始种群,用自适应的概率对染色体进行选择、交叉和变异.在一个染色体的基因段内完成交叉和变异操作,从而产生新的种群。  相似文献   

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