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2007年,中国互联网迎来了昂首阔步的发展,沉寂了许久的电子商务市场终于在“沉默中爆发”,B2B、B2C和C2C均取得了较大进步;而渐渐在人们视野中淡出的网络游戏也不甘示弱,再度成为“上市”主力;搜索引擎尽管表面竞争格局稳定,却在暗中酝酿着创新和提升;即时通讯移动化步伐加快,已经成为运营商们的必争之地……  相似文献   

1992年中达电通成立,台达正式开拓大陆市场,并一直坚持扎根本土、贴近本土用户使用习惯的发展道路。变频器作为台达工业自动化的主力产品,在台达机电事业群占有举足轻重的位置。在中国大陆发展的20余年间,伴随着节能环保理念的盛行,台达变频器凭借优良的品质,贴近本土的设计以及准确的市场定位在众多欧美日系品牌的激烈竞争中脱颖而出,取得了飞速的发  相似文献   

在刚刚过去的2007年第一季度高速球销售中,虽然受春节的影响,各厂家没“抱”到令人笑逐颜开的销售业绩,但是一些主流厂商仍保持着比去年同期高30%左右的增长。  相似文献   

回首2003,在全球化竞争、技术与产业融合、互联网复苏与新兴市场机会的交替中,新兴IT市场已经开始显露峥嵘。那么,IT业界怎样才能适应产业融合趋势,把握市场拓新先机呢?让我们倾听赛迪顾问的回答——  相似文献   

据国际权威市场调研机构IDC最新发布的报告显示,2006年整个亚太地区IT销售额达到470亿美元,预计2007年将增长到520亿美元,2010年将突破660亿美元,未来几年的年复合增长率平均在9.1%.其中,中国和印度的IT营销将引领亚太市场,预计2007年中国的IT营销额将增长11.9%,而印度将增长16.9%.  相似文献   

中.IT皿务 年成就奖企业:国际商业机器全球服务《中国!有限公司联想集团有限公司天津三星电子显示器有限公司赛贝斯软件(中国,有限公司神州数码控股有限公司中国惠普有限公司投影机汽车,理软件lP通谊产品存储系统存储设备爱普生(中国!有限公司启明信息技术股份有限公司华三通信技术有限公司易安信电脑系统《中国)有限公司中国感普有限公司中.IT.务十年贡傲人钧:联想集团有限公司王晓春国际商业机器全球服务(中国)有限公司张烈生徽软亚太区全球技术支持中心柯文达太阳计算机系统《中国)有限公司冯溢案爱普生《中国》有限公司唐立军三星(…  相似文献   

蒋耀平 《信息网络安全》2007,(5):I0001-I0001,1
近年来,我国互联网蓬勃发展。截至2006年底,上网用户总数达到1.37亿,其中宽带上网用户超过1亿;互联网普及率达到10.5%;CN域名总数超过180万个,上网计算机达到5940万台。网络技术不断推陈出新,网络融合步伐加  相似文献   

2001年是IT市场环境发生重要变化的一年。站在产业变化的十字路口,整个IT产业将何去何从?这是IT业者、投资者以及广大计算机用户都非常关心的话题,也是“2002年中国IT市场年会”准备解答的问题。会上,众多精英人士直面纷繁复杂的市场现状,纷纷发表了真知灼见——  相似文献   

<正>记者从近日召开的2014中国互联网产业年会上获悉,过去一年,"宽带中国"战略的加速推进,网络基础设施服务能力大幅提升,网络接入手段日益丰富。2013年前三季度,我国网民数量达6.08亿,已有1.3亿户家庭具备光纤宽带能力,3G网  相似文献   

《Information & Management》2006,43(2):222-238
The Web is a new market channel that has become a serious alternative to traditional channels. At present, there is little strategy analysis available to guide a company's decision about its involvement in the internet market. In this paper, we differentiate between the internet and traditional market channels and define two fundamental strategies for operating on the internet as: pure and mixed. Based on models of competition in microeconomic theory and resource-based perspectives, we develop a conceptual model for channel selection. We discuss the results and their implications for companies operating on the internet.  相似文献   

李京 《信息网络》2002,(8):9-13
2002年中国宽带接入市场呈现出相对理性的高速发展态势,跟踪研究表明,宽带接入业务具有如下特征:①整体发展环境有利,业务发展仍面临挑战;②市场趋于理性,竞争格局变化;③市场总量仍小,发展保持高速;④业务收入仍低,ARPU下降过快;⑤市场策略单一,业务整合不够;⑥市场仍需培育,前景依然光明。随着宽带接入业务泡沫的逐步缩减,盈利模式的成熟,价值链的重构,这项“问题”类业务,有望成为新的“明星”。  相似文献   

由于股票市场存在人为扰动性,使得基于情绪的股市预测算法效果不佳。针对股市的诱多诱空问题,提出一种基于理性指标的马尔可夫链股市态势预测算法(RI_MCA)。提取股市的主要理性特征,并对这些理性特征进行量化;通过主成分分析将这些理性特征融合成理性指标,并利用理性指标获取股市的买卖点;将买卖点所对应的股市状态引入到马尔可夫链中,实现股市态势预测。在理性指标和股市状态相背离情况下会降低买卖点的可靠性,因而通过将特征背离引入到RI_MCA算法中提出了RICD_MCA算法,RICD_MCA算法根据特征背离程度对RI_MCA算法的结果进行调整优化。在上证指数上的实验比较与分析结果表明,RICD_MCA算法具有更高的预测精度。  相似文献   

基于Internet的市场分析系统的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该系统是基于Internet的市场调查与数据分析系统,它采用B/S3层技术结构和网络支撑平台,运用JSP组件技术及OMT技术,开发出一个完整的应用系统。本系统通过在线调查而得到市场分析所需的大量数据,然后对这些数据进行数学建模和统计分析,并将结果显示给决策人员,帮助他们做出决策。它具有良好的通用性、实用性、安全性,提供友好的用户界面,具有自学性、自适应性,方便使用。它具有高度模块化、规范化的开发模式,对今后的扩充功能、系统维护提供了良好的基础。  相似文献   

Cyber criminals use the Internet as a major platform to launch malware and social engineering attacks. Employees’ violation of Internet use policy (IUP) elevates a firm’s security risks from cyber-attacks. In the literature, such deviant behavior is generally considered to be the result of a cost-benefit calculus. However, this study shows that dispositional factors such as self-control and procedural justice moderate the cost-benefit calculus. We conclude that self-control and procedural justice need to be integrated with the Rational Choice Theory to better explain Internet abuses at work.  相似文献   

Synthesis is the automated construction of a system from its specification. The system has to satisfy its specification in all possible environments. The environment often consists of agents that have objectives of their own. Thus, it makes sense to soften the universal quantification on the behavior of the environment and take the objectives of its underlying agents into an account. Fisman et al. introduced rational synthesis: the problem of synthesis in the context of rational agents. The input to the problem consists of temporal logic formulas specifying the objectives of the system and the agents that constitute the environment, and a solution concept (e.g., Nash equilibrium). The output is a profile of strategies, for the system and the agents, such that the objective of the system is satisfied in the computation that is the outcome of the strategies, and the profile is stable according to the solution concept; that is, the agents that constitute the environment have no incentive to deviate from the strategies suggested to them. In this paper we continue to study rational synthesis. First, we suggest an alternative definition to rational synthesis, in which the agents are rational but not cooperative. We call such problem strong rational synthesis. In the strong rational synthesis setting, one cannot assume that the agents that constitute the environment take into account the strategies suggested to them. Accordingly, the output is a strategy for the system only, and the objective of the system has to be satisfied in all the compositions that are the outcome of a stable profile in which the system follows this strategy. We show that strong rational synthesis is 2ExpTime-complete, thus it is not more complex than traditional synthesis or rational synthesis. Second, we study a richer specification formalism, where the objectives of the system and the agents are not Boolean but quantitative. In this setting, the objective of the system and the agents is to maximize their outcome. The quantitative setting significantly extends the scope of rational synthesis, making the game-theoretic approach much more relevant. Finally, we enrich the setting to one that allows coalitions of agents that constitute the system or the environment.  相似文献   

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