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老年食品的发展状况及前景展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,世界人口趋向老年化发展,国外食品工业发达国家都无一例外地把研究开发老年食品作为重要方面,并在研究开发老年滋补食品、老年预防食品和特殊老年功能性食品方面取得了长足的进步和巨大的经济效益。目前我国老年食品的研究开发十分薄弱,相关的老年食品产量低、品种少、质量差,没有形成专门的老年食品工业体系。为填补国内市场的空白,满足国内对老年食品的需求,发扬光大我国传统的“药食同源”理论,开发新一代出口创汇食品,研究开发老年食品是十分紧迫的任务,任务艰巨,但前景乐观。  相似文献   

李双娇  赵静  肖蓉 《食品科学》2019,40(21):350-356
当今全球老龄化趋势下,中国老年食品市场发展潜力巨大,但现有市场满足不了未来老龄化人口激增的需求。植物源性食品在营养和口味等方面都符合老年食品的需求,是老年膳食结构中的重要组成部分。而酶技术的应用为植物源性老年食品的特殊化生产提供了有力手段。本文综述了内源酶对植物源性食品的影响以及国内外利用外源酶制剂对食品原材料的控制,并结合新型食品加工技术在植物源性食品加工领域的应用,以期为植物源性老年食品的开发提供新思路和指导方向。  相似文献   

正国家卫生健康委员会近期发布了我国首个老年食品的国家标准《食品安全国家标准老年食品通则(征求意见稿)》(以下简称新标准),新标准规定了老年食品的术语、定义及适用的标准,对产品标示也作出了规定,如规定产品标签应标注为"老年食品"。根据新标准,老年食品是指经改善食物物理性状和(或)调整膳食(营养)成分的种类及含量,以适应咀嚼和(或)吞咽功能下降、  相似文献   

综述了老年人的生理特点与营养需求,并以此为基础展开了对抗衰老、抗肿瘤、健脑、护肤与护发、控制体重、老年糖尿病患者、心血管病患者专用食品等老年功能食品的研究现状;同时,对老年健康教育与国内老年功能食品的开发做了简单介绍.  相似文献   

目的:基于人口老龄化问题,分析老年专用食品的市场需求及其质构分级和测试方法。方法:通过文献查阅与分析提出老年专用食品的市场需求,综述不同国家与组织对于食品质构相关标准的制定情况以及当前食品质构的测试方法,提出老年专用食品产业化生产在质构调整方面的技术难点。结果:我国社会对老年专用食品具有极大需求,但相关食品质构特征参数与测试方法有待进一步明晰,尚无法指导生产。结论:我国老年专用食品发展空间广阔,但相关基础研究仍待加强,产品质量标准尚待建立。  相似文献   

随着世界范围内人口老龄化趋势的加剧,老年食品受到了极大的重视。本文对老年食品的分类、开发现状以及存在问题做了简要的综述。  相似文献   

我国已成为世界上老年人口总量最多的国家,并且处在快速老龄化的阶段。衰老过程伴随着饮食能力逐渐退化,饮食困难/障碍的问题日益凸显,严重影响老年人群身心健康。为老年人提供柔软、美味、健康且具有正常食品形态的质地改良食品,是食品工业面临的巨大挑战。目前,我国食品工业严重缺乏老年特殊食品的产品体系,存在巨大的供给结构不适应需求结构变化的问题。本文基于全球人口迅速老龄化的发展趋势,对老年特殊食品的研究现状和老年人的饮食需求进行讨论,从营养、质构、包装、标签等方面提出老年特殊食品设计的策略。旨在以食品口腔加工理论为基础,利用现代食品加工新技术,为我国老年特殊食品的研究和设计提供创新思路。  相似文献   

本文从食品制造业的角度提出了老年食品的发展方针、重点及品种结构,对实施措施提出了5点建议。  相似文献   

金宗濂教授现任北京联合大学应用文理学院保健食品功能检测中心主任,兼任中国食品科学技术学会常务理事、中国食品科学技术学会功能食品分会理事长、北京食品学会理事长、中国保健协会健康相关产品监督监测分会理事长、中国老年学会老年营养与食品专业委员会副主任委员等多项职务,是中国生物活性物质构效、量效和作用机理研究及功能食品研发领域享受政府津贴的权威专家。  相似文献   

蛋白质酶水解物功能特性及其在食品工业应用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
介绍蛋白质酶水解物功能特性,总结蛋白质酶水解物在老年食品,运动员食品、减肥食品、疗效食品和普通食品中应用。  相似文献   

A. Samson 《纺织学会志》2013,104(10):551-572
The effects on the conditions of flow of the surface and configurational properties of the fibres in a compressible porous layer are discussed. The characteristics of a layer of wool are evaluated, and its compressibility is determined. It is shown that, when a liquid of initial uniform pressure flows through a compressible porous medium, the pressure gradient within the medium increases with the distance of flow. The resulting pressure drop is found to depend on a function of the ratio of the downstream to the upstream porosity of the compressible medium. Experimental results are reported for permeable flow through various layers of loose wool; these indicate that, when the flow is disturbed turbulent, the pressure drop through the layers is proportional to the square of the filter velocity. This result is not readily apparent from the graphs of pressure drop against filter velocity because of the compressibility of the fibres.  相似文献   

This paper reports solubility data and measurements of viscosity of the saturated aqueous solutions of sucrose, maltitol, and trehalose. Likewise, the metastable zone width and velocity of nucleation of the three disaccharides are compared. The narrowest metastable zone is observed for maltitol and the largest for trehalose. Such behaviour is due to a higher affinity of trehalose for water. Moreover, the crystallisation of anhydrous disaccharides in aqueous solution necessitates that hydration water be removed and evacuated from crystal integration surface to the bulk of solution to allow the growth of crystals. This step of disassociation and diffusion of hydration water proves to be the controlling step of the crystallisation process. Structural features at the origin of the differences between the three sugars are studied by FTIR spectroscopy. Modifications of frequencies and intensities of the vibrations around the glycosidic bond are interpreted in terms of conformational flexibility. Arguments like H-bond strength or conformational flexibility of the two monomers around the glycosidic oxygen were evoked as possible explanations of the behaviour of disaccharides. Likewise stability of hydration of the disaccharides is derived from the interpretation of FTIR spectra. These structural features help in interpreting the differences in crystallisation conditions and to hypothesize about the cryoprotective ability of the studied molecules.  相似文献   

An account is given of a study of the effect of the amount of activating agent, the temperature, the catalyst, and the diluents used in the acetylation of cotton with perchloric acid as catalyst. Sulphuric acid was compared with perchloric acid as a catalyst. The effects of traces of water, the amount of acetyl chloride, and the rate of acetylation were studied in the acetylation of cotton with acetyl chloride and pyridine. The conditions in all cases were such that the acetylated cotton retained its fibrous form.  相似文献   

王伟荣  丛洪莲 《纺织学报》2021,42(6):140-145
为提升瑜伽裤的功能性和舒适性,研究了纬编无缝瑜伽裤结构设计的方法。首先分析人体下肢围度特征及瑜伽运动中体表皮肤形变,选用氨纶和锦纶编织7种不同组织结构的面料,测量面料的拉伸性能和压力值。最后从围度尺寸和纵向结构进行纬编无缝瑜伽裤分区结构设计,并进行应用举例。结果表明,服装围度尺寸的差异通过调整不同织物的编织针数比例实现;通过织物横向拉伸的压力值,调整服装收缩量;服装纵向设计中,织物拉伸性能与皮肤形变数值的大小呈对应关系;无缝瑜伽裤的结构设计需综合考虑下肢运动特征、织物性能和无缝成形原理。该技术可以应用于其他类型的运动服装设计中,有助于提高服装结构设计的科学性和生产效率。  相似文献   

为了测试和评价纺织品的防紫外线性能,详细介绍了基于 GB/T18830—2002《纺织品防紫外线性能的评定》研制的织物防紫外线性能测试系统的组成、基本功能,并对其功能的实现、考核及应用做了分析.该测试系统以紫外分光光度计为基础,通过专用的织物样品夹持架便于测试样品不同部位,通过 RS232通讯口将测试数据传送到计算机中,由专门研制的软件系统进行处理;测试系统给出织物的 UVA、UVB紫外线透过率、紫外线防护系数 UPF 值,以及不同波长下紫外线透过率曲线图;具有操作简单、测试速度快、精度高、仪器稳定性好的优点;但织物均匀性较差时,不同测试部位得到的测试结果可能会相差比较大,应通过增加测试部位和次数来改善测试结果  相似文献   

Antioxidants are believed to be important in the prevention of diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular disease. Lycopene is one of the main antioxidants to be found in fresh tomatoes and processed tomato products. The lycopene content also accounts for the redness of the fruit, which is one of the main qualities for which industry and consumers now look. Other carotenes (such as β‐carotene), vitamin C, vitamin E and various phenolic compounds are also thought to be health‐promoting factors with antioxidant properties. Since the antioxidant content of tomatoes may depend on genetic factors, the choice of variety cultivated may affect the results at harvest. To be able to control the antioxidant content of tomatoes at the field level when growing a given variety, it is necessary to know the effects of both environmental factors and the agricultural techniques used. Temperatures below 12 °C strongly inhibit lycopene biosynthesis and temperatures above 32 °C stop this process altogether. The effects of the temperature on the synthesis of other antioxidants have not yet been properly assessed. The effects of light have been studied more thoroughly, apart from those on vitamin E. The effects of water availability, mineral nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and calcium) and plant growth regulators have been studied, but results are sometimes contradictory and the data often incomplete. During the ripening period, lycopene content of tomatoes increases sharply from the pink stage onwards, but no sufficient attempts have been made so far to assess the changes in the other antioxidants present in the fruit. This paper reviews the present state of the art. Copyright © 2003 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The techniques of accelerated wine aging imply the addition of wood pieces of oak to the wine and the use of small doses of oxygen (micro-oxygenation). The dosage of extremely small amounts needs the knowledge of the dissolved oxygen (DO) at every moment in order to assure its correct assimilation. This work presents the first results of a study about the evolution of the dissolved oxygen content in red wines during alternative accelerated aging. Samples were treated in stainless steel vessels with wood pieces and low micro-oxygenation levels. French oak was applied with different toasting levels: light, medium, and high. Quality parameters of the wine were monitored. The knowledge of wine DO levels allowed developing a controlled micro-dosage in the different phases during the accelerated aging. The wine was able to use the whole amount of oxygen provided throughout the process.  相似文献   

工商交接备货烟叶等级质量分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文根据全国烟叶工商交接等级质量监督检查资料对商业备货烟叶等级质量问题进行了分析。结果表明,不同备货单位间等级质量有很大差异,而且商业企业备货的烟叶等级质量决定工商交接烟叶等级合格率的高低。等级质量问题分析表明,备货烟叶等级合格率不高的主要原因是存在混部位、混颜色、混等级等现象。在原等级中混低的比例远远高于混高的比例,调拨量大、价格较高的烟叶等级合格率较低,中部烟叶等级合格率显著低于上部和下部。本文对提高烟叶等级质量也提出了有关建议。  相似文献   

Using a non‐equilibrated solid‐phase microextraction/gas chromatography/mass spectrometry technique, differentiation between a wide variety of types and examples of artificial flavors has been demonstrated. Addition of an internal standard to the samples, as received, allowed for the calculation of yields on a µg g?1 basis for the majority of headspace volatiles. The relative standard deviation values expressed as percentages were between 3 and 5%. The precise nature of the approach coupled with the compound identification capacity of the mass spectrometer afforded the capability to easily differentiate between multiple sources of artificial flavors. With a total analysis time of approximately 30 min and the absence of solvent, this approach has the capability of detecting and quantifying the presence of the low‐molecular‐weight solvents often used in the preparation of artificial flavors. Such a capability represents a distinct advantage over more conventional methods of solvent dilution. Results from conventional gas chromatography/mass selective detector analyses are contrasted and compared with the results obtained from the headspace SPME approach. Copyright © 2005 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

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