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查雁南 《计算机时代》2021,(12):45-47,51
在物联网智能家居设备装配过程中容易因误操作而造成设备损坏,甚至引起电网事故、人身伤亡事故、财产损失惨重等问题.为了解决这个问题,设计了物联网智能家居虚拟装配交互系统.该系统使用Unity3D实时渲染引擎进行三维场景展示,交互端则使用Unity3D的物理引擎模拟事件触发,选用具有行业标准的物联网数据库来控制智能家居的实时场景交互.通过多角度镜头和实时参数调节,用户在三维引擎操作端可实时查看智能家居安装的进度和交互效果.  相似文献   

面向智能家居应用,以Unity 3D为虚拟现实开发平台,给出了用虚拟智能化家庭场景实现虚拟场景家电设备及环境监测设备的模型设计。平台中的虚拟人可以在虚拟场景中自由漫游,并且通过虚拟人手中的终端设备,实时家电控制并获得环境监测设备的实时数据,使得家庭控制更加生动形象,实现虚拟与现实的融合。虚拟场景的设计有助于智能家居的宣传、培训和展示,同时让用户通过远程操作,也可以体验到真实的智能家居系统,零距离展示智能家居实验室的科研成果。  相似文献   

Phantom-based haptic interaction with virtual objects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In 1993, haptic interaction with computers took a significant step forward with the development of the Phantom haptic interface. This simple device has spawned a new field analogous to computer graphics-computer haptics-defined as the discipline concerned with the techniques and processes associated with generating and displaying synthesized haptic stimuli to the human user. Inspired by the authors' previous work in interpreting robot touch sensor information and study of human touch perception, the Phantom interface permits users to feel the forces of interaction they would encounter while touching objects with the end of a stylus or the tip of their finger. The resulting sensations prove startling, and many first-time users are quite surprised at the compelling sense of physical presence they encounter when touching virtual objects. To appreciate why the Phantom system succeeded where others failed, you need to understand the nature and functioning of the human haptic system.  相似文献   

Personal and Ubiquitous Computing - This article presents a study concerning the evaluation of a smart home control system for elderly people with a sample of 10 users in a city in the interior of...  相似文献   

Multimedia Tools and Applications - In this paper, we introduce a personalized home audio system that uses IoT technologies to recommend and play music remotely based on a user’s estimated...  相似文献   

针对智能家居场景中会话智能体的主动交互设计策略,从决策权与沟通方式出发 对主动性的特征进行讨论,并在此基础上构建4 种主动风格(直率的建议者、直率的决策者、委 婉的建议者、委婉的决策者)。通过“绿野仙踪”实验方法探究用户的性别、年龄、使用经验以及 居住状态对主动风格偏好的影响,得出以下结果:①经验用户认为“建议者”风格比“决策者”风 格更满意;家庭用户认为“建议者”风格比“决策者”风格更舒适;②“直率”的沟通方式在满意度 和舒适度方面均优于“委婉”的沟通方式。实验验证了:①用户智能家居产品的使用经验及其居 住状态会显著影响其对会话智能体主动风格的偏好;②智能家居场景下,会话智能体的沟通效 率比礼貌更重要。  相似文献   

沉浸感是虚拟漫游的重要特征,目前体感交互的虚拟漫游存在严重的感知失真问 题,虚拟场景运动的视觉感知与人机交互的体感感知不能相互匹配,破坏了虚拟漫游的沉浸感。 基于Catmull-Rom 曲线的非等距插值算法、等距插值算法和实时插值算法,分别构建3 种不同 的虚拟漫游路径,评价体感交互虚拟漫游的沉浸感。主观评价实验和仿真实验的结果表明: Catmull-Rom 曲线的非等距插值漫游路径,无论是匀速漫游还是变速漫游,均存在明显的感知 失真现象;基于Catmull-Rom 曲线的等距插值漫游路径适用于匀速漫游,但不太适合用于变速 漫游;基于Catmull-Rom 曲线的实时插值漫游路径能实现真实运动速度与场景运动速度的匹配, 较好地解决虚拟漫游时视觉感知与身体运动感知不一致的问题,增强了虚拟漫游的沉浸感。  相似文献   

一种智能家庭嵌入式系统的设计与实现*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对电力线载波技术是实现家庭与个人信息化“最后10米”问题最有效手段之一,提出了一种基于电力线载波通信的家庭智能化解决方案;借助电力线的公共性,采用载波通信处理芯片,设计智能家庭嵌入式软件系统,实现对智能家庭管理的灵活性和便捷性。  相似文献   

为简化传统智能家居系统的复杂结构,并增强其扩展性和易用性,提出了一种智能设备即插即用的智能家居系统。该系统引入智能插座,降低家庭网关与智能设备的依赖性,制定一种自定义即插即用协议,在设备注册阶段将设备的动作和状态提交给网关,并设计与该协议相适应的家庭网关。测试结果表明,该系统允许在不改动家庭网关的情况下连接不同类型的智能设备,虽然增加设备连接数会增加网关的内存消耗,但不影响网关的响应速度和数据包的丢失率,验证了该方法的有效性和可行性。  相似文献   

针对开发基于移动设备的智能家居控制系统的高成本问题。设计了基于Websocket技术实现的通过HTML5客户端控制的智能设备。HTML5客户端可实现跨平台使用,无需考虑智能手机或电脑平台各个操作系统的兼容性。通过Websocket发送指令至服务器,再由服务器转发给智能设备,实现了智能家居的远程控制。此外,Websocket具有很好的实时传输特性,使得程序能够实现低延时。  相似文献   

Immersive visualisation is increasingly being used for comprehensive and rapid analysis of objects in 3D and object dynamic behaviour in 4D. Challenges are therefore presented to provide natural user interaction to enable effortless virtual object manipulation. Presented in this paper is the development and evaluation of an immersive human?Ccomputer interaction system based on stereoscopic viewing and natural hand gestures. For the development, it is based on the integration of a back-projection stereoscopic system for object and hand display, a hybrid inertial and ultrasonic tracking system to provide the absolute positions and orientations of the user??s head and hands, as well as a pair of high degrees-of-freedom data gloves to provide the relative positions and orientations of digit joints and tips on both hands. For the evaluation, it is based on a two-object scene with a virtual cube and a CT (computed tomography) volume created for demonstration of real-time immersive object manipulation. The system is shown to provide a correct user view of objects and hands in 3D with depth, as well as to enable a user to use a number of simple hand gestures to perform basic object manipulation tasks involving selection, release, translation, rotation and scaling. Also included in the evaluation are some quantitative tests of the system performance in terms of speed and latency.  相似文献   

Multimedia Tools and Applications - Advances in electronics and connectivity have enabled a wide range of applications that can harness data collection for better decision making and an improved...  相似文献   

传统智能家居系统多以ZigBee无线技术组网,家庭网关做为控制中心接入家庭网络,以网页来控制网关,通过网关转发命令给设备进行控制,所有家电设备无法独立工作。针对此不足,提出一种连接简单、易扩展、适用于家庭应用的家居系统。该系统以手机为控制终端,以WiFi为通信手段,去除家庭网关,直接对家中设备进行远程控制。实验测试表明,该系统使用灵活方便,稳定性强,易于扩展升级,用户体验较好。  相似文献   

介绍了智能家居的背景、功能和研究现状,通过对比传统有线组网方式和无线传感网络技术,提出了基于无线传感网络的智能家居系统设计方案,包括总体结构、家庭网关、小区服务器、无线传感节点的设计,从而解决了有线施工布线带来的困扰;文中同时研究了一套通用的WSN智能家居平台,该平台具有推动相关技术验证及实现的价值。  相似文献   

为了实现家居生活智能、方便等目的,提出一种基于Android平台的智能家居系统。采用内外网通信方式,使得当家庭宽带不可用时仍能通过内网实现对家居设备的控制。将用户配置信息、设备信息存在网关使得不同客户端能信息共享,实现动态添加、删除动作。采用推送而不是轮询,实时性好。客户端APP功能齐全,云计算的使用实现了外网控制,同时便于未来的系统扩展。  相似文献   

智能家居环境中的虚拟人,目前在智能性和行为规划的研究中还存在许多不足,针对这2方面问题,提出了认知过滤层的概念,并建立了虚拟人行为模型.在此基础上,对模型中的认知行为部分进行了深入研究,并利用现有情感模型将情感智能与虚拟人行为规划相结合.由于路径规划是一种基本且重要的行为,针对智能家居环境中多环形障碍物的特点,对路径规划算法进行了改进.通过三维仿真对上述模型和算法加以实现.仿真结果表明,虚拟人的行为具有一定的智能性,情感的加入也使得虚拟人更加人性化.  相似文献   

对传统增强现实系统中虚拟物体与真实物体难以进行碰撞交互的问题,提出一种对深度图像中的场景进行分割,并基于分割结果构建代理几何体的方法来实现虚、实物体的碰撞交互。采用Kinect等深度获取设备获取当前真实场景的彩色图像信息和深度图像信息;通过深度图像的法向聚类及平面拟合技术来识别出场景中的主平面区域;对除去主平面区域的其他聚类点云区域进行融合处理,得到场景中的其他主要物体区域;为识别出的主平面构建虚拟平面作为该平面的代理几何体,为分割出的物体构建包围盒来作为其代理几何体。将这些代理几何体叠加到真实物体上,并对之赋予物理属性,即可模拟实现虚拟物体与真实物体的碰撞交互。实验结果表明,该方法可有效分割简单场景,从而实现虚实交互。  相似文献   

Smart homes equipped with ambient intelligence technology constitute a promising direction to enable the growing number of elderly to continue to live in their own home as long as possible. However, this calls for technological solutions that suit their specific needs and capabilities. The Sweet-Home project aims at developing a new user friendly technology for home automation based on voice command. This paper reports a user evaluation assessing the acceptance and fear of this new technology. Eight healthy persons between 71 and 88 years old, 7 relatives (child, grandchild or friend) and 3 professional carers participated in a user evaluation. During about 45 min, the persons were questioned in co-discovery in the Domus smart home alternating between interview and wizard of Oz periods followed by a debriefing. The experience aimed at testing four important aspects of the project: voice command, communication with the outside world, domotics system interrupting a person’s activity, and electronic agenda. Voice interface appeared to have a great potential to ease daily living for elderly and frail persons and would be better accepted than more intrusive solutions. By considering still healthy and independent elderly people in the user evaluation, an interesting finding that came up is their overall acceptance provided the system does not drive them to a lazy lifestyle by taking control of everything. This particular fear must be addressed for the development of smart homes that support daily living by giving them more ability to control rather than putting them away from the daily routine.  相似文献   

Assistive technologies for elderly often use ambient sensor systems to infer activities of daily living (ADL). In general such systems assume that only a single person (the resident) is present in the home. However, in real world environments, it is common to have visits and it is crucial to know when the resident is alone or not. We deal with this challenge by presenting a novel method that models regular activity patterns and detects visits. Our method is based on the Markov modulated Poisson process (MMPP), but is extended to allow the incorporation of multiple feature streams. The results from the experiments on nine months of sensor data collected in two apartments show that our model significantly outperforms the standard MMPP. We validate the generalisation of the model using two new data sets collected from an other sensor network.  相似文献   

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