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在成本法所能估价的实践过程中,主要是以重置成本减损耗的形式修正建筑物功能缺陷和外界因素对建筑物价值产生的负面影响。本文对房屋估价中的无形损耗做进一步探讨,研究成本法在无形因素价值影响处理中的缺陷,尝试建立一种全新的技术思路来弥补传统成本法的不足。  相似文献   

笔者根据对比利时、荷兰五所具有代表性医院的实地参观考察,与当地建筑师进行交流讨论之后,就欧洲医院的发展以及在医院建筑设计中所考虑的灵活性问题提出了可供参考的论述。  相似文献   

随着社会经济的快速发展,人们的生活质量也在不断提高.在人们对于房屋住宅项目有着新要求时,其房屋住宅项目精装修无论是从舒适度还是美观性上都应满足人们的需求.因此,应针对房屋住宅项目精装修进行管理,对质量问题、安全问题、进度问题等进行科学合理的管理,并根据房屋住宅项目精装修具体内容进行分析,进而提出创新发展措施,为体现设计多元化、多功能性的精装修理念,帮助人们在强大的精装修下节省小空间占用度与装修费用等.与此同时,房屋住宅项目精装修管理也为人们解决了房屋工程质量通病、精装修房品质货不对版、未按照约定交付等几大重点问题.  相似文献   

介绍了新型建材集成化房屋的发展经历与现状,及其在发展中的标准化、规范化建设,探讨了集成化房屋发展中所面临的问题及集成化房屋的未来发展模式。  相似文献   

根据北京市房屋基础数据建设项目实践及经验,分析了地理信息数据普查与加工监理的工作重点与难点,介绍了房屋基础数据建设监理的技术流程及具体工作措施,讨论了工程质量控制、工程进度控制、组织协调、质量评价中监理所起的作用。  相似文献   

张领军 《建筑》2021,(12):79-80
本文简述了钢结构模块房屋装配式建筑的特点和实现路线,通过3A级范例项目子牙尚林苑一期工程的介绍,总结了该体系装配式建筑的建设过程和创新点,引申出了该装配式建筑体系的优势.  相似文献   

对城市房屋拆迁补偿价格评估的几点思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
城市房屋拆迁补偿价格评估,具有交易的强制性、估价对象的双重性、利益的兼顾性、交易惯例的延续性及估价原则的不同使用等有别于普通房地产估价业务的评估特点。从分析城市房屋拆迁补偿价格评估的特点入手,对城市房屋拆迁补偿价格的估价思路及估价方法进行了探讨,同时对城市房屋拆迁补偿价格评估中需注意的事项提出了六点建议。  相似文献   

对5.12汶川地震发生后青川县133幢重要房屋进行应急评估,以排除可能在余震中存在倒塌危险的隐患.这些建筑基本为砖砌体房屋,判定其中的66幢为需要立即拆除的危险房屋,属于多数结构受力构件出现严重的结构缺陷、局部已跨塌且相连的结构构件存在坠落可能性的房屋.对本次排查工作中所收集到的房屋震害情况进行了汇总与分析,对震损房屋的修复和加固、提高新建房屋的抗倒塌能力是有价值的.  相似文献   

关于汶川地震中村镇房屋震害的几点思考   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在房屋应急评估的基础上,对村镇房屋的震害情况进行了归纳和总结,并提出了相应加强措施。  相似文献   

This paper examines developments in social housing management, governance and delivery in the Republic of Ireland during the last decade, using evidence from two rounds of research conducted in 1997 and 2007 on seven social rented estates, located in a variety of regions. Among the three most significant developments in this regard, the reconceptualisation of the housing management function has had the most positive impact on the views of tenants. Some aspects of the externalisation of social housing provision, such as the growth of the housing association sector and the use of PPP arrangements for social housing regeneration, have also been positive, but the future of this externalisation agenda is uncertain. The impact of the various reforms to the management of the social housing service, such as advent of strategic policy making and performance monitoring, has been uneven in some cases and uniformly low in others.  相似文献   

当前我国的砖混住宅模式由于开间小、户内空间分隔不灵活,已不适应现代人的生活习惯,通过对其缺点的分析,提出一种新住宅模式,以求满足居住者的不同需求。  相似文献   

Large housing estates in former state-socialist countries had been hardly affected by social erosion before the political changes. However, the emergence of new, capitalist forms of housing after 1990 started to endanger the position of large housing estates on the local housing market. The question was repeatedly raised in the literature about whether large housing estates of post-socialist cities would experience physical decay and social downgrading similar to the West. This paper investigates the socio-economic differentiation of large housing estates in the former state-socialist countries using a case study approach. Housing satisfaction and mobility of residents in four post-socialist housing estates were analysed through a standardised household survey. Empirical data confirm that despite their similar physical appearance, the attitude of people towards large housing estates and their position on the local housing market vary significantly. The authors conclude that even though socialist large housing estates are affected by social downgrading, nevertheless they represent relative social stability and can offer affordable housing to people who are at the start of their housing career.  相似文献   

This paper mainly focuses on the determinants of housing and estate satisfaction in post-Second World War housing estates. Multi-level linear regression models were applied to estimate the impacts of individual, dwelling and estate characteristics on resident satisfaction levels, using a unique dataset from 25 post-Second World War estates in nine European countries. It is concluded that satisfaction with the dwelling is higher for the elderly and residents with higher incomes, and in situations where the dwelling has been renovated and is sufficiently large. The presence of children and a longer duration of stay have negative impacts, and renters are generally more negative than owners. Estate satisfaction is highest among immigrant households or when the dwelling is renovated, and among lower educated inhabitants. Individual characteristics and opinions on the estate are more important than estate characteristics in explaining estate satisfaction. The overall conclusion is that attempts to improve post-Second World War areas may result in new areas, but does not necessarily improve the overall satisfaction.  相似文献   

Housing need in Australia has typically been measured using a normative measure of the percentage of income spent on housing costs. However, this normative measure has tended not to correspond with the level of need as measured by the applications for housing assistance. This article reports on a research project commissioned by the Queensland Department of Housing in 2001, examining how low income private renters view their housing situation, with a particular focus on affordability. The Department wanted to better understand the reasons for why people apply for assistance, and how helpful normative affordability analyses are in describing and finding responses to housing need. The findings challenge the conventional wisdoms, dominant discourses and research standards which are commonly used and applied about affordability and housing need. In particular, the research raises serious questions about relying on quantitative analysis alone to appreciate the complexity of housing needs and the potential demand for assistance.  相似文献   

In 2003 the Atkinson community became the first public housing project to convert into a non-equity co-operative. After providing a brief introduction to the development of non-market housing policy in Canada, this paper discusses the process of creating the Atkinson co-operative. The conversion of Atkinson has produced a new model of social housing, in that Atkinson operates neither as a pure housing co-operative nor as a public housing project, but rather as a synthesis of the two models, referred to as a hybrid, or an incorporated co-operative within the public sector. The features of the hybrid arrangement are grouped within the following categories: land/property; finances; property management and administration; governance and decision-making practices; education and community programs; housing charges/rents; and living in public housing. The final section of this paper locates the Atkinson experiment within the tenant-management literature in public housing and also discusses the conversion as a process in community development. Although it is premature to determine the efficacy of this model, the results are likely to influence the movement for increasing tenant involvement in the management of public housing.  相似文献   

公共租赁住房融资多元化:经验与启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析我国进行公共租赁住房建设的经济环境,指出大规模推行公租房最大的难点在于资金压力。通过分析新加坡、韩国和我国香港地区成功推行公租房的融资实践,提出我国的公租房建设和运营应在财政资金的支持下,大力拓展各种形式的融资渠道。  相似文献   

There have been increasing calls for studies of housing systems that are more integrative and pluralistic in nature. Understanding the relationship of social housing systems to the wider housing market remains a key challenge. The mobility of households and the structural configuration of supply are both of importance, demanding methods able to reconcile both. This paper propounds vacancy chain models as offering significant potential in this regard, allowing policy analysis and options appraisal to be built on more dynamic conceptualisations of housing systems. The theoretical basis for vacancy chain models is developed before an account is given of a model developed of the Bradford (UK) social rented sector. The results suggest that social renting is very closely linked to the wider housing market and consequently the impacts of policy and investment may be felt beyond the sector. Observations on the future development of vacancy chain models are offered.  相似文献   

Transnational housing investment is a pervasive practice among many migrant groups residing in various destination countries; including Ghanaian migrants living in Canada. For many, the need to engage in transnational housing investment is beyond the standard rationale and has two prime significance; symbolic and practical utility. Engagement in this endeavour requires substantial financial commitments over extensive periods of time with potential consequences for various aspects of immigrants’ lives in their destination areas including their housing consumption. This paper examines perceived influence of such long-term commitments on housing consumption decisions among Ghanaian immigrants in the Greater Toronto Area using in-depth interviews and focus group discussions. The findings show that although engagement in transnational housing is associated with constraints on immigrants’ decision to enter homeownership, type of dwelling to rent and the neighbourhood choices, it was also associated with a sense of pride, success and integration into Canadian society. The paper concludes that a broader theoretical discussion of housing integration is necessary. Specifically, it calls for a redefinition of the measures of immigrant housing integration in particular – which narrowly considers destination parameters – to one that includes transnational factors as critical in moving the debate on understanding immigrant integration in general.  相似文献   

首先分析我国公租房制度面临的诸多问题,然后介绍韩国永租房的模式及发展经验。在此基础上,探索适合我国国情的永租房制度,对公租房实行分类管理,完善保障住房体系。  相似文献   

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