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Sand dilates with shearing at a rate that increases with increasing relative density (DR) and decreases with increasing effective confining stress (σc′). The peak friction angle of a sand depends on its critical-state friction angle and on dilatancy. In this paper, we develop a simple correlation between peak friction angle, critical-state friction angle, and dilatancy based on triaxial compression and plane-strain compression test data for sand for a range of confining pressures from very low levels to approximately 196 kPa.  相似文献   

The behavior of Hostun RF sand on proportional strain paths at low confining pressures (20 to 100 kPa) is considered in this paper. In such paths, a constant dilation rate is imposed during shear. The usual features of pore pressure increase (contracting material) or decrease (dilating material) are here observed depending upon whether the imposed dilation rate is respectively greater or smaller than the “natural” dilation rate at failure (as measured in a drained test). Particular attention is given to the static liquefaction phenomenon, which is seen to occur for loose as well as dense sand provided the imposed dilation rate is large enough to lead to a continuous pore pressure increase during shear. Instability tests performed at low confining pressures on proportional strain paths show that the instability line is strain path dependent. It does not coincide with the peak deviator stress line in proportional strain paths tests, in general, but does coincide with the line d2W = 0 (nil second increment of total work).  相似文献   

In this study, the effects of cementation on the stress–dilatancy and strength of cemented sand are investigated through experimental characterizations using triaxial tests and numerical simulations using the discrete element method. At small strains, dilatancy is hindered by the intact bonding network that produces a web-patterned force chain. After yielding, the increase in the dilatancy accelerates. Two competing but intimately related processes determine the peak strength: Bond breakages cause a strength reduction but the associated dilatancy leads to a strength increase. This finding and the experimental observation that the dilatancy at the peak state increases with increasing cement content explain why the measured peak-state strength parameters, c′ and ?p′, are relevant to the cement content. With increasing strain, the force-chain distribution gradually changes to a thick columnar shape, which mostly appears inside the shear band. At the ultimate state, the cementing bonds remain to form clusters, even within the shear band. The existence of clusters not only helps maintain the overall volumetric dilation but also prevents force-chain buckling, which in turn increases the associated strength.  相似文献   

Saturation and Preloading Effects on the Cyclic Behavior of Sand   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In order to study pore water pressure response and liquefaction characteristics of sand, which has previously experienced liquefaction, two series of cyclic triaxial tests were run on medium dense sand specimens. In the first test series the influence of the soil saturation under undrained cyclic loading has been studied. It summarizes results of cyclic triaxial tests performed on Hostun-RF sand at various values of the Skempton’s pore-pressure coefficient. Analysis of experimental results gives valuable insights on the effect of soil saturation on sand response to undrained cyclic paths. In the second series of tests, the preloading influence on the resistance to the sands liquefaction has been realized on samples at various histories of loading. It was found that a large preloading induces a reduction of the resistance of sands to liquefaction.  相似文献   

An investigation into the geotechnical properties specific to assessing the stability of weakly and moderately cemented sand cliffs is presented. A case study from eroding coastal cliffs located in central California provides both the data and impetus for this study. Herein, weakly cemented sand is defined as having an unconfined compressive strength (UCS) of less than 100 kPa, and moderately cemented sand is defined as having UCS between 100 and 400 kPa. Testing shows that both materials fail in a brittle fashion and can be modeled effectively using linear Mohr-Coulomb strength parameters, although for weakly cemented sands, curvature of the failure envelope is more evident with decreasing friction and increasing cohesion at higher confinement. Triaxial tests performed to simulate the evolving stress state of an eroding cliff, using a reduction in confinement-type stress path, result in an order of magnitude decrease in strain at failure and a more brittle response. Tests aimed at examining the influence of wetting on steep slopes show that a 60% decrease in UCS, a 50% drop in cohesion, and 80% decrease in the tensile strength occurs in moderately cemented sand upon introduction to water. In weakly cemented sands, all compressive, cohesive, and tensile strength is lost upon wetting and saturation. The results indicate that particular attention must be given to the relative level of cementation, the effects of groundwater or surficial seepage, and the small-scale strain response when performing geotechnical slope stability analyses on these materials.  相似文献   

The paper deals with an experimental study of the undrained cyclic behavior of a natural coarse sand and gravel deposit located in Gioia Tauro, a town situated on the continental side of the Messina Strait in Italy. The study was conducted through cyclic undrained triaxial tests carried out on both undisturbed and reconstituted samples. Undisturbed samples were recovered by an in situ freezing technique and the sample quality was carefully assessed. Reconstituted samples were prepared by using two different reconstitution methods, namely air pluviation (AP) and water sedimentation (WS), and tested under the same in situ initial relative density and effective overburden stress. Tests were carried out on both isotropically and anisotropically consolidated specimens. The results obtained from this study provide direct evidence that cyclic liquefaction resistance obtained from water sedimented samples closely approximates that exhibited by undisturbed samples in both isotropically and anisotropically consolidated tests. Conversely, AP leads to a marked underestimation. Since the investigated deposit is considered to have been formed by the marine water environment, these results can be regarded as proof that WS closely replicates the in situ fabric of the investigated deposit allowing the substitution of the expensive undisturbed samples with their reconstituted counterparts. Anisotropically consolidated specimens respectively exhibit “cyclic liquefaction” or “cyclic mobility” depending on whether or not they are loaded under the shear stress reversal mode.  相似文献   

A comprehensive understanding of the shear behavior of sand in the context of shear band development has not been achieved yet in spite of many detailed research works on each specified subject. In order to observe the entire drained shear behavior of Toyoura sand from the macromechanical point of view, conventional triaxial tests were performed and analyzed up to an axial strain of 30% for various void ratios, initial confining stresses, and stress paths, paying particular attention to volume changes. The strong correlation was found between “double strain softening” and “diagonally crossing shear bands” as a remarkable result. Finally, a qualitative explanation of relations among the stress–strain curve, the failure shape, the dilatancy index–strain curve and the strain localization, could be clearly made. Also, it is concluded that the dilatancy index is an indicator not only of the ratio of the volumetric strain increment to the axial strain increment but also the condition of the strain localization.  相似文献   

The response of a saturated fine sand (Nevada sand No. 120) with relative density Dr ≈ 70% in drained and undrained conventional triaxial compression and extension tests and undrained cyclic shear tests in a hollow cylinder apparatus with rotation of the stress directions was studied. It was observed that the peak mobilized friction angle for this dilatant material was different in undrained and drained tests; the difference is attributed to the fact that the rate of dilation is smaller in an undrained test than it is in a drained test. Consistent with the findings of others, the material is more resistant to undrained cyclic loading for triaxial compression than for triaxial extension. In rotational shear tests in which the second invariant of the deviatoric stress tensor is held constant, the shear stress path (after being normalized by the mean normal effective stress) approached an envelope that is comparable but not identical in shape to a Mohr-Coulomb failure surface. As the stress path approached the envelope, the shear end deviatoric strains continued to increase in an unsymmetrical smooth spiral path. During the rotational shear tests, the direction of the deviatoric strain-rate vector (deviatoric strain increment divided by the magnitude of change in Lode angle) was observed to be about midway between the deviatoric stress increment vector and the normal to a Mohr-Coulomb failure surface in the deviatoric plane. The stress ratio at the transition from contractive to dilative behavior (i.e., “phase transformation”) was also observed to depend on the direction of the stress path; therefore this stress ratio is not a fundamental property. Results from torsional hollow cylinder tests with rotation of stress directions are presented in new graphical formats to help understand and interpret the fundamental soil behavior.  相似文献   

The role of void redistribution in the liquefaction behavior of saturated sand slopes with and without silt interlayers was investigated using a series of dynamic centrifuge model tests. Twelve centrifuge model tests are described that represent four different simple slope configurations, a range of initial relative densities (DR), and three different input motions with different sequences of application. These experimental results demonstrate that the potential for void redistribution induced shear localizations and slope instability depends on the sand’s initial DR, slope geometry (silt layer shape, sand layer thickness), and shaking characteristics (duration, intensity, and history). The archived experimental data set provides a good basis for assessing the ability of numerical modeling methods to distinguish between conditions leading to localization or not. Apparent residual shear strengths mobilized in the models were backcalculated using techniques common to practice. The experimental and analytical results demonstrate that the apparent residual shear strength is unlikely to correlate closely to pre-earthquake penetration resistance alone, but rather is a function of the initial shear stresses and numerous factors affecting the process of void redistribution and localization.  相似文献   

Probability and Risk of Slope Failure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper aims to demystify the use of risk assessment as a decision management tool and present a methodology that places quantitative risk assessment within reach of every geotechnical engineer, even for routine engineering assignments. In particular, we propose using quantification of expert judgment (i.e., subjective probabilities) as a practical alternative for determining probability of slope failure. The writers present a semiempirical relationship between factor of safety and annual probability of failure that permits estimation of slope failure probabilities with relatively modest effort. The case study for a tailings dam shows that risk assessment based on quantification of expert judgment provides a framework to arrive at rational management and engineering decisions related to dam safety and other geotechnical problems. Using the semiempirical relationship presented here, practicing engineers can use this helpful tool by applying their current skills.  相似文献   

Rainfall, hydrological condition, and geological formation of slope are important contributing factors to slope failures. Parametric studies were carried out to study the effect of groundwater table position, rainfall intensities, and soil properties in affecting slope stability. Three different groundwater table positions corresponding to the wettest, typical, and driest periods in Singapore and four different rainfall intensities (9, 22, 36, and 80 mm/h) were used in the numerical analyses. Typical soil properties of two main residual soils from the Bukit Timah Granite and the sedimentary Jurong Formation in Singapore were incorporated into the numerical analyses. The changes in factor of safety during rainfall were not affected significantly by the groundwater table near the ground surface due to the relatively small changes in matric suction during rainfall. A delay in response of the minimum factor of safety due to rainfall and a slower recovery rate after rainfall were observed in slopes from the sedimentary Jurong Formation as compared to those slopes from the Bukit Timah Granite. Numerical analyses of an actual residual soil slope from the Bukit Timah Granite at Marsiling Road and a residual soil slope from the sedimentary Jurong Formation at Jalan Kukoh show good agreement with the trends observed in the parametric studies.  相似文献   

The dynamic tensile test of 0.11C-0.62Si-1.65Mn TRIP steel was carried out at different strain rates and test temperatures. The results show that both temperature and strain rate affect the retained austenite transformation. At high strain rates, the uniform elongation decreases, whereas the total elongation and energy absorption increase. The tensile strength is less strain rate sensitive. With raising test temperature, the tensile strength is reduced and the mechanical properties generally deteriorate, especially at 110℃,However, excellent mechanical properties were obtained at 50℃ and 75℃.  相似文献   

周兰花  王能为 《天津冶金》2011,(1):26-28,49
为提高低碳铸钢的力学、焊接性能,试验设计在钢中添加微量V、Nb及RE元素,并对熔炼后的铸钢液进行铸造与热处理。结果发现,添加V0.08%~0.12%,Nb0.03~0.05%、RE微量的铸钢,经1000℃-1100℃均匀化处理,然后再进行正火与时效处理后,铸钢件具有较高的强度、良好的冲击韧性、较低的碳当量与焊接裂纹敏感系数。  相似文献   

夏爱林  胡国光  尹萍 《稀有金属》2003,27(5):521-524
用传统氧化物法制备化学式为Y3-a-2bGda-xCm2b xFe5-b-c-d-0.5xV6 0.5xIncMndO12的复合石榴石铁氧体,研究了不同Gd含量对其温度稳定性的影响。结果发现,在考察的60—100℃温度范围内,x=O.1的样品稳定性最好。实验还表明,球磨弥散剂对样品的性能也有较大影响。  相似文献   

A three-dimensional (3D) rock slope toppling occurred in a discontinuous rock mass. To simulate the failure process and study the mechanism of this rock failure with contact and large displacement in 3D, a new discrete numerical method has been developed called the 3D discontinuous deformation analysis (DDA). This article first introduces the basic principles and then derives the formulas in detail. Finally, the slope failure simulation is applied as an example to investigate the applicability of this new method to rock slope failure research. The simulation results indicate the advantages of using this new method to study the mechanism of a rock slope failure with 3D behavior.  相似文献   

唐钢FTSR连铸薄板坯热连轧低碳钢板的组织和性能   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
试验了唐钢FTSR(FlexibleThinSlabRolling)薄板坯连铸连轧生产线从70mm薄板坯生产3.5mm SS330低碳钢带(0.04%~0.07%C)的组织和性能。结果表明,FTSR热轧3.5mm板带SS330钢组织均匀,平均晶粒尺寸为6.2~7.0μm,其屈服强度为284~293MPa,抗拉强度369~375MPa,延伸率38%~42%。  相似文献   

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