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基于颜色直方图的图像检索技术 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
使用颜色空间分布熵来表示图像的颜色空间分布特征,结合图像的颜色直方图特征,采用加权综合法和比例系数法表示图像的综合特征,设计了基于颜色直方图和图像空间分布熵的图像检索算法.利用查全率和查准率对算法进行了评价.通过实验分析比较可知,所设计的方法具有较好的查准率和查全率. 相似文献
基于内容的图像检索技术 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
基于内容的图像数据库检索技术是当今的一个研究热点.本文介绍了基于内容图像检索的基本原理、检索方式和关键技术,并列举了几种较为先进的图像检索系统.最后探讨了当前研究中存在的问题以及今后的研究方向. 相似文献
Aanaes H. Sveinsson J.R. Nielsen A.A. Bovith T. Benediktsson J.A. 《Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Transactions on》2008,46(5):1336-1346
A method is proposed for pixel-level satellite image fusion derived directly from a model of the imaging sensor. By design, the proposed method is spectrally consistent. It is argued that the proposed method needs regularization, as is the case for any method for this problem. A framework for pixel neighborhood regularization is presented. This framework enables the formulation of the regularization in a way that corresponds well with our prior assumptions of the image data. The proposed method is validated and compared with other approaches on several data sets. Lastly, the intensity-hue-saturation method is revisited in order to gain additional insight of what implications the spectral consistency has for an image fusion method. 相似文献
Majid Mirmehdi Radhakrishnan Perissamy 《Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation》2002,13(4):460
We describe a perceptual approach to generating features for use in indexing and retrieving images from an image database. Salient regions that immediately attract the eye are large color regions that usually dominate an image. Features derived from these will allow search for images that are similar perceptually. We compute color features and Gabor color texture features on regions obtained from a multiscale representation of the image, generated by a multiband smoothing algorithm based on human psychophysical measurements of color appearance. The combined feature vector is then used for indexing all salient regions of an image. For retrieval, those images are selected that contain more similar regions to the query image by using a multipass retrieval and ranking mechanism. Matches are found using the L2 metric. The results demonstrate that the proposed method performs very well. 相似文献
基于形状的图像检索技术是基于内容的图像检索技术的一个重要组成部分。现有的形状特征检索技术主要集中在形状特征的提取及相似性度量、形状特征与颜色和纹理特征结合、形状特征与高层的语义特征结合的研究。在分析现有的基于形状的图像检索技术的一些关键技术的基础上,对基于小波-傅里叶特征(WFD)的形状检索方法进行了研究,并提出了一些改进算法。结合Matlab和ACCESS实现了一个基于形状的图像检索实验系统,建立了用户界面,选取与设计了4个图像测试集,使用检索性能评价方法对形状特征的检索结果进行了客观的评价。实验结果表明,利用本文所提出改进的形状特征进行检索取得了较好的检索效果。 相似文献
随着多媒体技术和因特网的发展,基于内容的图像检索已经成为多媒体处理中的关键技术。本文在单一纹理特征检索的基础上提出了利用综合纹理和像素中心两个特征共同进行检索的方法。对真实图像库的检索实验表明.综合特征检索比单一特征检索更符合检索要求,因此能取得更好的检索效果。 相似文献
Wenjin Li 《Wireless Personal Communications》2018,103(2):1153-1160
Traditional image retrieval methods, make use of color, shape and texture features, are based on local image database. But in the condition of which much more images are available on the internet, so big an image database includes various types of image information. In this paper, we introduce an intellectualized image retrieval method based on internet, which can grasp images on Internet automatically using web crawler and build the feature vector in local host. The method involves three parts: the capture-node, the manage-node, and the calculate-node. The calculate-node has two functions: feature extract and similarity measurement. According to the results of our experiments, we found the proposed method is simple to realization and has higher processing speed and accuracy. 相似文献
基于内容的图像检索技术研究 总被引:59,自引:5,他引:54
在对海量的图像数据进行检索时,传统的基于数值/字符的信息检索技术并不能满足要求.因此,基于内容的图像检索技术(CBIR:Content-Based Image Retrieval)的研究应运而生,并引起了广泛关注.本文主要讨论CBIR研究中的一些关键问题:图像的内容特征及其提取、特征之间的相似度计算、查询条件的表达、检索性能的评价、压缩域的图像检索技术等等,并指出了一些可值得深入研究的方向. 相似文献
基于内容的图像检索与MPEG-7 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
随着数字图像信息的高速膨胀与增加,基于内容的图像检索技术已经成为了一个被广泛关注的研究领域.与此同时,国际标准MPEG-7的制定,极大的促进了这一领域的发展.本文将主要对基于内容的图像检索的研究现状以及关键技术进行了分析,介绍了MPEG-7标准的相关内容,并在此基础上提出一种基于MPEG-7标准的图像检索系统模型. 相似文献
当前图像检索算法通常针对整体图像提取特征以完成检索任务.然而,在很多情况下用户只会关注图像的一部分,即他们的兴趣目标.此时,从整体图像提取的特征一部分是有效的,另一部分则是无效的且会对检索过程带来消极影响.为此,本文提出基于兴趣目标的图像检索方案,并借助于现有的显著性检测、图像分割、特征提取等技术实现一款有效的图像检索算法.首先采用HS (Hierarchical Saliency,分层显著性)检测算法分析用户的兴趣目标并应用SC (Saliency-based Image Cut,基于显著性的图像分割)算法将其分割,然后针对兴趣目标提取HSV (Hue、Saturation、Value,色调、饱和度、明度)颜色特征、SIFT (Scale Invariant Feature Transform,尺度不变特征变换)局部特征和CNN (Convolutional Neural Network,卷积神经网络)语义特征,最后计算其与数据库图像的相似度并根据相似度排序返回检索结果.仿真实验结果表明,本文算法在解决"这是什么东西"这类图像检索任务时明显优于现有的图像检索算法. 相似文献