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BACKGROUND: Bacterial resistance to aminoglycoside antibiotics occurs primarily through the expression of modifying enzymes that covalently alter the drugs by O-phosphorylation, O-adenylation or N-acetylation. Aminoglycoside phosphotransferases (APHs) catalyze the ATP-dependent phosphorylation of these antibiotics. Two particular enzymes in this class, APH(3')-IIIa and AAC(6')-APH(2"), are produced in gram-positive cocci and have been shown to phosphorylate aminoglycosides on their 3' and 2" hydroxyl groups, respectively. The three-dimensional structure of APH (3')-IIIa is strikingly similar to those of eukaryotic protein kinases (EPKs), and the observation, reported previously, that APH(3')-IIIa and AAC(6')-APH(2") are effectively inhibited by EPK inhibitors suggested the possibility that these aminoglycoside kinases might phosphorylate EPK substrates. RESULTS: Our data demonstrate unequivocally that APHs can phosphorylate several EPK substrates and that this phosphorylation occurs exclusively on serine residues. Phosphorylation of Ser/Thr protein kinase substrates by APHs was considerably slower than phosphorylation of aminoglycosides under identical assay conditions, which is consistent with the primary biological roles of the enzymes. CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate a functional relationship between aminoglycoside and protein kinases, expanding on our previous observations of similarities in protein structure, enzyme mechanism and sensitivity to inhibitors, and suggest an evolutionary link between APHs and EPKs.  相似文献   

The fine specificities of MAbs generated using novel synthetic clustered STn and Tn glycopeptides as immunogens were compared with the anti-TAG-72 antibodies B72.3 and CC49. Hapten inhibition experiments demonstrated the specificity of several of the MAbs for STn and Tn expressed on ovine submaxillary mucin and tumor derived MUC-1 mucin. Amongst the STn specific MAbs only the B195.3 MAb shows absolute dependence on the presence of sialic acid and specificity to the simple disaccharide NANAA alpha2-6-GalNAc. Identification of tumor associated carbohydrate epitopes in cluster and monomer configurations are possible using MAbs detecting the defined structure specificities described herein.  相似文献   

A panel of five mouse monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) to human recombinant steroid 21-hydroxylase (21-OH) were produced, characterized, and used to study the interaction of 21-OH autoantibodies (AAbs) with different epitopes on human 21-OH. AAbs in patients with isolated autoimmune Addison's disease, autoimmune polyglandular syndromes types I and II, and 21-OH antibody-positive patients without overt Addison's disease (25 patients in total) were studied. Four MAbs were IgG1 subclass, one was IgG2a, and all had kappa light chains. The affinities of four of the antibodies were in the range 2.0 x 10(8) M(-1) to 7.0 x 10(8) M(-1), and the affinity of the other was 2.3 x 10(7) M(-1) 21-OH MAbs did not cross-react with 17alpha-hydroxylase (17alpha-OH)) or P450 side chain cleavage enzyme. Studies using a series of 21-OH fragments allowed the identification of short stretches of amino acids (AA) that were involved in forming the MAb binding sites. AA 391-405, defined as epitope region (ER) 1, were found to be important for binding of M21-OH1 and M21-OH2, AA 406-411 (ER2) were important for M21-OH3 and M21-OH4 binding, and AA 335-339 (ER3) for M21-OH5 binding. In addition, MAb Fab or F(ab')2 fragments were used to study 21-OH AAb epitopes in competition experiments. These investigations demonstrated that 21-OH AAbs recognize similar epitopes to the MAbs, with ER2 and ER3 being part of two distinct major epitopes, and ER 1 being part of a minor epitope. Mixtures of M21-OH antibody Fab or F(ab')2 fragments caused almost complete inhibition (80%-95%) of AAb binding in 24 out of 25 sera, and in the case of the remaining serum, the effect was marked but incomplete (67% inhibition). There were no major differences between the binding characteristics of AAbs from patients with different forms of autoimmune adrenal disease. All five 21-OH MAbs reacted with human adrenal tissue in an immunofluorescence test, but only M21-OH1 and M21-OH2 reacted with bovine adrenal tissue in these experiments. None of the MAbs reacted with human ovarian tissue in an immunofluorescence test. Overall, these studies indicate that 21-OH AAbs bind to at least three different epitopes in the C-terminal part of 21-OH, and two of these epitopes appear to be human 21-OH specific.  相似文献   

To evaluate the hypothesis that self-paced movements are mediated primarily by the supplementary motor area, whereas externally triggered movements are mainly affected by the lateral premotor cortex, different movements in 6 healthy volunteers were studied while changes in regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) were measured using positron emission tomography (PET) and 15O-labeled water. Subjects made a series of finger opposition movements initiated in a self-paced manner every 4 to 6 seconds, and separately, made continuous finger opposition movements at a frequency of 2 Hz paced by a metronome. The primary motor cortex, lateral area 6, cerebellum on both sides, and caudal cingulate motor area, and the putamen and thalamus on the contralateral side were more active during the metronome-paced movements. The increases in rCBF in these areas are likely the result of the larger number of movements per minute made with the externally triggered task. The anterior supplementary motor area and rostral cingulate motor area in the midline, prefrontal cortices bilaterally, and lobus parietalis inferior on the ipsilateral side were more active during the self-paced movements. Increases in rCBF in those areas, which include medial premotor structures, may be related to the increased time devoted to planning the movement in this condition.  相似文献   

A series of monoclonal IgM anti-GM1 ganglioside antibodies has been cloned from peripheral blood lymphocytes of patients with multifocal motor neuropathy and Guillain-Barré syndrome. In solid-phase immunoassay, the antibodies react with GMI, and also in differing degrees to the structurally related glycolipids asialo-GM1 (GA1) and GD1b. Here we describe the binding patterns of six human anti-GM I antibodies to epitopes within the human nervous system. Antibodies were observed to bind to motor neurons and spinal grey matter, dorsal and ventral spinal roots, dorsal root ganglion neurons, nodes of Ranvier, neuromuscular junctions and skeletal muscle. The distribution of immunoreactive epitopes, which included sensory structures, extended beyond those sites conventionally regarded as pathologically affected in anti-GM1 antibody-associated motor nerve syndromes. This undermines a model of disease pathogenesis based solely on antigen distribution. Factors other than the presence or absence of antigen, such as the local ganglioside topography, antibody penetration into, and pathophysiological vulnerability of a particular site may also influence the clinicopathological outcome of anti-GM1 antibody-mediated autoimmune attack.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) were produced against gastric H,K-ATPase using a theoretical and experimental strategy based on prediction of linear epitopes by molecular modelling followed by production of anti-peptide antibodies. By analysing the alpha subunit sequence, we predicted several epitopes corresponding to amino acids K519-L533, E543-Y553 and S786-L798 and produced monoclonal antibodies HK519, HK543 and HK786. All three react against gastric H,K-ATPase in RaLISA, immunohistochemistry and Western blots demonstrating that they recognize the native and the SDS-denatured ionic pump and that the epitopes are located at the surface of the native ATPase. Antibody Kd are in the range 6-10x10(-8) M. Monoclonal antibody HK519 is a competitive inhibitor of ATP, in agreement with ATP binding to K519. Neither mAb 543, nor mAb 786 inhibit the ATPase activity. Monoclonal antibody 95111, whose epitope is mapped between residues C529 and E561, competes with mAb HK543 but not with the other two. We suggest that the 95111 epitope is overlapping or very close to the HK543-553 sequence. Induction of E1 conformer by binding FITC to K519 increases the number of mAb 95111 and mAb HK543 epitopes but not that of mAb 786, supporting the fact that the fragment E543-Y553 changes accessibility, maybe during the E1-E2 transconformation.  相似文献   

Salmonella typhimurium expresses two antigenically distinct flagellins, each containing a different H antigen (i and 1,2), the combination of which is highly specific for this serotype. In this study, overlapping recombinant flagellin fragments were constructed from the fliC (H:i) and fljB (H:1,2) flagellin genes, and the expression products were tested for binding to H antigen-specific monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies. A minimal area, 86 amino acids for H:i and 102 amino acids for H:1,2, located in the central variable domain of each flagellin was required for the binding of serotype-specific antibodies, providing further evidence for the presence of a discontinuous H epitope. Two peptides comprising these areas were shown to be highly suitable for application as antigens in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay detecting S. typhimurium-specific antibody.  相似文献   

Fourty-four primary brain tumors were studied by immunohistochemistry. 29 (67.2%) expressed HLA-Dr. The incidence and number of tumor cells positive for HLA-Dr correlated with the histological type of brain tumor and increased with the degree of malignancy. The mononuclear cells infiltrating in these tumors were mostly CD45ROT cells and macrophages. The former consisted mainly of CD4 and CD8 subsets. The numbers of CD45RO+ and CD8+ T cells in HLA-Dr-group were more than any of the HLA-Dr+, +2, +3 groups. The numbers of CD4 subset and macrophages were not affected by the level of HLA-Dr expression. These results suggest that the HLA-Dr expressed by brain tumor cells selectively inhibit CD8 subset which participates in immunoreaction against brain tumors in situ.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To study the imaging findings in patients with systemic mastocytosis and to correlate the findings with the severity of disease on the basis of an established classification system. Pathologic findings, when available, were correlated with imaging findings. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Computed tomographic (CT) and ultrasound (US) scans and corresponding pathologic findings, when available, were retrospectively reviewed in 27 patients with systemic mastocytosis. RESULTS: Only five (19%) of the patients in our series had normal abdominal CT and/or US examination results. Common abdominal imaging findings associated with systemic mastocytosis were hepatosplenomegaly, retroperitoneal adenopathy, periportal adenopathy, mesenteric adenopathy, thickening of the omentum and the mesentery, and ascites. Less common findings included hepatofugal portal venous flow, Budd-Chiari syndrome, cavernous transformation of the portal vein, ovarian mass, and complications such as chloroma. The findings were more common in patients with category II and those with category III disease. CONCLUSION: Abdominal findings at CT and US are common in patients with systemic mastocytosis. Although the findings in patients with systemic mastocytosis are not specific to the disease, they are useful in directing further studies for diagnostic confirmation and in estimating the extent of systemic involvement.  相似文献   

Six different mouse monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) and a specific rabbit polygonal antibody were raised against listeriolysin. Four of the MAbs also recognized seeligeriolysin, and five cross-reacted with ivanolysin. The hemolytic activity could be neutralized by the polygonal antibody as well as by five of the MAbs. None of the neutralizing antibodies interfered with the binding of listeriolysin to the cellular membrane. The epitopes recognized by the MAbs were localized by using overlapping synthetic peptides between positions 59 and 279, a region hitherto not implicated in mediating hemolytic activity.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To characterize 2 bovine neutrophil monoclonal antibodies (MAB) as to effects on bovine neutrophil function and their binding antigens on the cell surface of bovine neutrophils. ANIMALS: 16 healthy, lactating Holstein cattle, 1 calf with leukocyte adhesion deficiency, and 1 age-matched control calf, 2 healthy ewes, and 2 healthy human beings as neutrophil sources. PROCEDURE: Neutrophil chemotactic and respiratory burst activities and calcium influx, and binding properties of the 2 MAB were determined. Molecular mass of corresponding cell surface antigens also was determined, as was binding of human L-selectin MAB DREG56 to molecules recognized by MAB 11G10 and 2G8 on the surface of bovine neutrophils. RESULTS: MAB 11G10 and 2G8 inhibited chemotactic activity of bovine neutrophils, up-regulated amplitude of native chemiluminescence, and shortened the time to reach maximal chemiluminescence induced by serum-opsonized zymosan. Crosslinking both MAB with a second antibody induced rapid increase in intracellular free calcium concentration. Binding density of MAB 11G10 and 2G8 to bovine neutrophils treated with trypsin was increased (P < 0.05), compared with that of untreated neutrophils. Neutrophils treated with phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C had decreased (P < 0.05) binding density of MAB 11G10 and 2G8. Binding of the various MAB to neutrophils from calves with bovine leukocyte adhesion deficiency was lower (P < 0.05) than binding to neutrophils from healthy calves. Expression of antigens recognized by the aforementioned MAB on the surface of bovine neutrophils was decreased (P < 0.05) within 10 minutes. CONCLUSION: MAB 11G10 and 2G8 recognized L-selectin molecules on bovine neutrophil membrane. L-Selectin (CD62L) is involved in low-affinity adhesion reactions between leukocytes and L-selectin ligand on postcapillary venular endothelial cells.  相似文献   

In order to facilitate the identification of T-cell epitopes as useful components of synthetic vaccines, we investigated the role of MHC molecules as the restriction element for the recognition of epitopes by the alpha beta receptor of T cells. MHC molecules are able to present thousands of different peptides to T cells, with all the peptides presented by one distinct type of MHC sharing common structural features. Our group analyzed these common characteristics concerning peptide length (only MHC I ligands) and anchor positions (MHC I and II ligands) occupied by a small set of closely related amino acids. Until now, for more than fifty MHC proteins allele-specific "peptide motifs" have been defined. The exact knowledge of MHC I peptide motifs allows for a prediction of CTL epitopes, and this kind of prediction has been successful in many cases over the last three years.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) were used to identify and characterise epitopes of type 1 (SEF21) fimbriae of Salmonella enteritidis. The distribution of the epitopes among salmonellas and other enterobacteria was investigated, as well as the influence of growth media and temperatures on their expression. At least four different epitope clusters were identified on SEF21 fimbriae of S. enteritidis. Two of these clusters were associated with fimbrial haemagglutinins that were either common to all salmonellae tested, or restricted only to S. enteritidis and S. dublin. The four epitope clusters were identified on type 1 fimbriae of most Salmonella serotypes, as well as non-haemagglutinating type 2 fimbriae of S. pullorum and S. gallinarum, and on many other enterobacterial species. The expression of the epitopes was affected by growth conditions.  相似文献   

Granulocyte-macrophage (GM)-CSF is an important hematopoietic cytokine that regulates proliferation and differentiation of macrophages, neutrophils, and eosinophils. In this study, we generated mAb to five synthetic peptides that correspond to regions along the murine GM-CSF molecule. The ability of anti-peptide mAb to bind to and inhibit biologic activity of murine (m) GM-CSF was determined. mAb with the highest neutralization titers were derived from mice immunized with peptide II, which correspond to amino acids 27 to 38 of mGM-CSF. Immunochemical studies showed that peptide II specifically blocked binding of anti-peptide II mAb to GM-CSF. mAb to two other peptides in the N-terminal half corresponding to residues 7 to 17 and 47 to 58, respectively, of mGM-CSF also inhibited GM-CSF-dependent proliferation and differentiation of murine bone marrow precursors for macrophages and granulocytes. Anti-peptide mAb also inhibited growth of a murine hematopoietic cell line FDCP1 and a murine T cell line HT-2, which was shown to be dependent on GM-CSF for growth in vitro. Biologic activity of both natural and recombinant mGM-CSF was neutralized by anti-peptide mAb. These findings indicate that epitopes in the N-terminal region of mGM-CSF are important for biologic activity, and the epitope defined by peptide II (residues 27 to 38) lies within a particularly important functional domain of the mGM-CSF molecule.  相似文献   

The tumor-associated mucin-glycoprotein TAG-12 is strongly expressed in approximately 96% of all breast cancer patients and nearly 68% of all ovarian cancers. The experimental results of this work indicated that humoral immune response against TAG-12 is possible. Immunization with anti-idiotypic monoclonal antibodies produces this response. In this experiment, anti-idiotypic monoclonal antibodies represent the internal image of a specific epitope on TAG-12. Monoclonal antibody (MAb) 12H12 was selected to produce anti-idiotypic antibodies (anti-Ids) because of its high reactivity with TAG-12. Syngeneic murine anti-Ids were developed by immunization of BALB/c mice with the 12H12-Fab-KLH conjugate. A competitive assay with purified TAG-12 was utilized to identify anti-Ids with mirror image function. Two MAbs with "internal image" specificity were selected, 5H8 and 5H2. Two New Zealand White rabbits were immunized with 5H8. Serum samples tested 6 weeks after the initial immunization showed comparable titers against TAG-12. The binding capacities of the rabbit sera to different human breast as well as nonbreast cancer cell lines demonstrated strong binding with TAG-12-positive breast cancer cell lines. Competitive inhibition assays demonstrate that Ab3 and purified TAG-12 totally inhibit the binding of 12H12 antibody to TAG-12-positive cells. No inhibition was detectable with unrelated MAbs or normal mouse immunoglobulin. Binding assays with polyclonal Ab3 serum and several human cancer cell lines showed reactivity to nearly every tested cell line. Soluble TAG-12 showed no inhibition, indicating that this binding is due to a different set of idiotypes. Anti-Id 5H8 elicited an immune response to TAG-12. Utilization of anti-Id as a vaccine against the breast cancer-associated tumor antigen TAG-12 was successfully demonstrated in a xenogeneic animal model.  相似文献   

Six monoclonal antibodies were produced to whole cells of Shewanella colwelliana (Aco1 to Aco6) and two (Aco22 to Aco23) to purified exopolysaccharide (EPS). Aco1, -4 to -6, -22, and -23 bound to both the cell surface and the purified EPS, while Aco2 and -3 bound to cells only. The EPS of S. colwelliana was antigenically unique from those of nine other species of marine bacteria that were tested. Mapping studies revealed that all of the EPS-specific monoclonal antibodies bound to the same epitope. This EPS epitope was sensitive to cleavage of ester bonds, but neither pyruvate, acetate, nor terminal nonreducing sugars were required for antigenicity. When S. colwelliana was grown on rich media, most of its EPS was loosely associated with the cell surface.  相似文献   

Severe immune thrombocytopenia is an idiosyncratic complication of quinine therapy. Although in most cases the responsible antibody is directed against platelet membrane glycoprotein (GP) Ib-IX, specificity for GPIIb-IIIa or both epitopes has also been reported. The objective of this study was to characterize the binding site of GPIb-IX-specific quinine-dependent antibodies. Antibody binding to Chinese hamster ovary cells or mouse L cells stably transfected with various combinations of the three genes (Ibalpha, Ibbeta, or IX) that encode this complex was detected using flow cytometry, monoclonal antibody-specific immobilization of platelet antigens assay, and differential adsorption studies. IgG in sera from 15 patients with quinine-induced thrombocytopenia binding to the cells, in the presence of quinine, showed three distinct patterns. Group 1 sera contained at least two antibody populations, one which binds to GPIbalpha and another which recognizes GPIX. Group 2 sera contained an antibody which binds drug dependently to GPIX, and Group 3 sera contained an antibody which recognizes a quinine-dependent epitope on GPIbalpha. Thus, the quinine-dependent antibodies fall into two distinct populations that bind to GPIbalpha and GPIX independently. Using proteases which cleave GPIbalpha at specific sites, we have shown that the GPIbalpha-specific antibody binds to an 11-amino acid (283 to 293) region. Peptide inhibition studies provide confirmatory evidence that this region contains the epitope for the GPIbalpha-specific quinine-dependent antibody.  相似文献   

Two neutralizing, fusion-inhibiting bovine monoclonal antibodies (MAbs; B4 and B13) directed at different epitopes on the fusion protein of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) protected the lungs of gnotobiotic calves from RSV infection. The MAbs were administered intratracheally 24 h before the calves were challenged with bovine RSV. A third, nonneutralizing, non-fusion-inhibiting but complement-fixing MAb, B1, provided no significant protection against infection, and the disease was not exacerbated. Pneumonic consolidation and mean virus titer in lung 7 days after challenge were significantly lower in calves given the fusion-inhibiting MAbs than in either control calves or those given MAb B1. The proliferative bronchiolitis with syncytial formation and widespread distribution of RSV antigen in the lower respiratory tract of the B1-treated and control calves were indistinguishable and typical of experimental bovine RSV infection. Syncytia were markedly absent, and little or no viral antigen was detected in either the B4- or B13-treated calves.  相似文献   

Recombinant DNA fragments from Leishmania aethiopica that code for epitopes which react with human antibodies have been characterized by cross-hybridization studies and DNA sequence analysis. Twenty clones could be grouped into seven different groups (I-VII), probably representing seven different L. aethiopica antigens. The DNA sequences of representative clones from the seven groups have been obtained and the amino acid sequence of the respective recombinant antigens established. The recombinant antigens have been analysed by epitope scanning with patient sera, and octapeptides that contain potential B-cell epitopes have been identified in all seven recombinant antigens. These octapeptides have further been tested with additional patient sera and control sera, and three octapeptides (HAFCHEEG, YHSSVVHD and SYAPCSLK) were found to contain major epitopes recognizing specific antibodies in nine, seven and four, respectively, of the twenty sera tested. Fifteen of the twenty sera reacted with one or more of these three octapeptides.  相似文献   

We examined interspecies reactivities of eight anti-human monocyte/macrophage monoclonal antibodies (MAbs), Am-3K, PM-2K, X4, X14, Ber-MAC3, GHI/61, EBM/11, and KP1, with various animal tissues including rats, guinea pigs, rabbits, cats, dogs, goats, pigs, bovines, horses, and monkeys. All MAbs recognized monkey macrophages. Pig macrophages were detected by most MAbs except for EBM/11 and KP1. Of the eight antibodies, AM-3K showed the widest interspecies reactivity. It reacted with macrophages of all animal species examined, except for rats. Western blot analysis revealed a similarity in the antigens recognized by AM-3K among guinea pigs, rabbits, and humans. Other anti-human MAbs demonstrated distinct reactive patterns against macrophages in animals. The immunostaining patterns of all of these MAbs in animal tissues were similar to those found in humans, although some MAbs, such as AM-3K, EBM/11, and X4, displayed more restricted reactivity in animals than in humans. These results indicate that some anti-human monocyte/macrophage MAbs are also available for immunohistochemical detection of monocyte/macrophages in animal tissues. Among them, AM-3K is considered to be the most useful MAb for identifying macrophages in various tissues of animals.  相似文献   

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