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A switch-level test generation system for synchronous and asynchronous circuits has been developed in which a new algorithm for fully automatic switch-level test generation and an existing fault simulator have been integrated. For test generation, a switch-level circuit is modeled as a logic network that correctly models the behavior of the switch-level including bidirectionality, dynamic charge storage, and ratioed logic. The algorithm is able to generate tests for combinational and sequential circuits. BothnMOS and CMOS circuits can be modeled. In addition to the classical line stuck-at faults, the algorithm is able to handle stuck-open and stuck-closed faults on the transistors of the circuit.In synchronous circuits, the time-frame based algorithm uses asynchronous processing within each clock phase to achieve stability in the circuit and synchronous processing between clock phases to model the passage of time. In asynchronous circuits, the algorithm uses asynchronous processing to reach stability within and between modules. Unlike earlier time-frame based test generators for general sequential circuits, the test generator presented uses the monotonicity of the logic network to speed up the search for a solution. Results on benchmark circuits show that the test generator outperforms an existing switch-level test generator both in time and space requirements. The algorithm is adaptable to mixed-level test generation.  相似文献   

In this article, an automatic test pattern generation technique using neural network models for stuck-open faults in CMOS combinational circuits is presented. For a gate level fault model of stuck-open faults in CMOS circuits, SR(slow-rise) and SF(slow-fall) gate transition faults we develop a neural network representation. A neural network computation technique for generating robust test patterns for stuck-open faults is given. The main result is extending previous efforts in stuck-at test pattern generation to stuck-open test pattern generation using neural network models. A second result is an extension of the technique to robust test pattern generation.  相似文献   

A new hierarchical modeling and test generation technique for digital circuits is presented. First, a high-level circuit model and a bus fault model are introduced—these generalize the classical gate-level circuit model and the single-stuck-line (SSL) fault model. Faults are represented by vectors allowing many faults to be implicitly tested in parallel. This is illustrated in detail for the special case of array circuits using a new high-level representation, called the modified pseudo-sequential model, which allows simultaneous test generation for faults on individual lines of a multiline bus. A test generation algorithm called VPODEM is then developed to generate tests for bus faults in high-level models of arbitrary combinational circuits. VPODEM reduces to standard PODEM if gate-level circuit and fault models are used. This method can be used to generate tests for general circuits in a hierarchical fashion, with both high- and low-level fault types, yielding 100 percent SSL fault coverage with significantly fewer test patterns and less test generation effort than conventional one-level approaches. Experimental results are presented for representative circuits to compare VPODEM to standard PODEM and to random test generation techniques, demonstrating the advantages of the proposed hierarchical approach.  相似文献   

The testability of majority voting based fault-tolerant circuits is investigated and sufficient conditions for constructing circuits that are testable for all single and multiple stuck-at faults are established. The testability conditions apply to both combinational and sequential logic circuits and result in testable majority voting based fault-tolerant circuits without additional testability circuitry. Alternatively, the testability conditions facilitate the application of structured design for testability and Built-In Self-Test techniques to fault-tolerant circuits in a systematic manner. The complexity of the fault-tolerant circuit, when compared to the original circuit can significantly increase test pattern generation time when using traditional automatic test pattern generation software. Therefore, two test pattern generation algorithms are developed for detecting all single and multiple stuck-at faults in majority voting based circuits designed to satisfy the testability conditions. The algorithms are based on hierarchical test pattern generation using test patterns for the original, non-fault-tolerant circuit and structural knowledge of the majority voting based design. Efficiency is demonstrated in terms of test pattern generation time and cardinality of the resulting set of test patterns when compared to traditional automatic test pattern generation software.  相似文献   

A robust test set for analog circuits has to detect faults under maximal masking effects due to variations of circuit parameters in their tolerance box. In this paper we propose an optimization based multifrequency test generation method for detecting parametric faults in linear analog circuits. Given a set of performances and a frequency range, our approach selects the test frequencies that maximize the observability on a circuit performance of a parameter deviation under the worst masking effects of normal variations of the other parameters. Experimental results are provided and validated by HSpice simulations to illustrate the proposed approach.  相似文献   

The problem of computing the minimum size of a test set for a combinational circuit is considered. It is known that the minimum test set size of a combinational circuit can be determined in polynomial time for fanout free circuits, while even for circuits with non-reconvergent fanout, the minimum test set size problem is NP-Hard. We extend the class of circuits for which a minimum test set can be constructed in polynomial time to include a class of circuits with fanout, called restricted fanout circuits. Restricted fanout circuits are characterized using an undirected graph describing the structure of the circuit. The graph for these circuits must be free of (undirected) cycles. In addition, the paper demonstrates a novel application of dynamic programming to test generation problems.Formerly with the Electrical Eng. and Computer Science Depts. at the Technion, Haifa 32000, Israel.  相似文献   

This article presents a new method to generate test patterns for multiple stuck-at faults in combinational circuits. We assume the presence of all multiple faults of all multiplicities and we do not resort to their explicit enumeration: the target fault is a single component of possibly several multiple faults. New line and gate models are introduced to handle multiple fault effect propagation through the circuits. The method tries to generate test conditions that propagate the effect of the target fault to primary outputs. When these conditions are fulfilled, the input vector is a test for the target fault and it is guaranteed that all multiple faults of all multiplicities containing the target fault as component are also detected. The method uses similar techniques to those in FAN and SOCRATES algorithms to guide the search part of the algorithm, and includes several new heuristics to enhance the performance and fault detection capability. Experiments performed on the ISCAS'85 benchmark circuits show that test sets for multiple faults can be generated with high fault coverage and a reasonable increase in cost over test generation for single stuck-at faults.  相似文献   

This work presents a technique to correctly deal with non-stuck-at faults in FCMOS circuits making use of complex macrogates. This method can be applied to any gate-level fault simulator providing, for each line of the circuit, the observability status that is directly related to that of individual devices in the actual macrogate implementation. Conductance conflicts are correctly solved to detect bridgings and transistors stuck-on. Fault coverage results are presented and discussed for two typical FCMOS circuits. Results obtained on all ISCAS benchmarks show that the time required for the fault simulation of CMOS faults is comparable to that of stuck-ats.  相似文献   

This article presents an automatic test pattern generation system based on both algebraic and topological techniques. Circuit partitioning, testability measures, 9-valued functions, pruning heuristics, and interactive fault simulation are employed to increase the performance of a modified version of the sequential D-Algorithm. Test generation results for someIscas'89 circuits are presented.Enrico Macii is also with Politecnico di Torino, Dip. di Automatica e Informatica, Torino, Italy 10129.  相似文献   

This paper presents a method for functional testing of analog circuits, on the basis of circuit sensitivities. The approach selects the minimum number of measurements that allows a precise prediction of a circuit's functional behavior. A criterion is applied to this predicted behavior to determine if the circuit functions according to specifications. The presented method combines a matrix decomposition technique (the singular value decomposition) with an iterative algorithm to select measurements. The number of measurements is determined on the basis of the desired precision of the response prediction and the influence of random measurement errors. Examples demonstrate that the resulting method tests the functional circuit behavior with a high precision, even in the presence of large measurement errors.  相似文献   

Automatic test pattern generation (ATPG) for sequential circuits involves making decisions in the search decision spaces bounded by a sequential circuit. The flip-flops in the sequential circuit determine the circuit state search decision space. The inputs of the circuit define the combinational search decision space. Much work on sequential circuit ATPG acceleration focused on how to make ATPG search decisions. We propose a new technique to improve sequential circuit ATPG efficiency by focusing on not repeating previous searches. This new method is orthogonal to existing deterministic sequential circuit ATPG algorithms.A common search operation in sequential circuit ATPG is justification, which is to find an input assignment to justify a desired output assignment of a component. We have observed that implications in a circuit resulting from prior justification decisions form an unique justification decomposition. Since the connectivity of a circuit does not change during ATPG, test generation for different target faults may share identical justification decision sequences represented by identical decision spaces. Because justification decomposition represents the collective effects of prior justification decisions, it is used to identify previously-explored justification decisions. Preliminary results on the ISCAS 1989 circuits show that our test generator (SEST) using justification decompositions, on average, runs 2.4 and 4.5 times faster than Gentest and Hitec, respectively. We describe the details of justification equivalence and its application in ATPG accompanied with step-by-step examples.  相似文献   

Current testing of dynamic CMOS integrated circuits with single phase clock is investigated. The analysis is performed on a single phase stage dynamic module in the presence of internal bridging defects of low resistance. These defects produce intermediate voltage levels which cause difficulties to the logic testing methods based on voltage level comparison. It is shown that current testing may be an effective complement to the usual logic methods. Theoretical bounds on the coverage of single internal bridges obtainable by current testing are given.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new automated test generation methodology for specification testing of analog circuits using test point selection and efficient analog test response waveform capture methods for enhancing the test accuracy is proposed. The proposed approach co-optimizes the construction of a multi-tone sinusoidal test stimulus and the selection of the best set of test response observation points. For embedded analog circuits, it uses a subsampling-based digitization method compatible with IEEE 1149.1 to accurately digitize the analog test response waveforms. The proposed specification approach uses ‘alternate test’ framework, in which the specifications of the analog circuit-under-test are computed (predicted) using statistical regression models that are constructed based on process variations and corresponding variations of test responses captured from different test observation points. The test generation process and the test point selection process aim to maximize the accuracy of specification prediction. Experimental results validating the proposed specification test approach are presented.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new approach to test pattern generation for sequential circuits modeled as finite state machines. This approach is well suited for controller synthesis, because such devices are usually represented as explicit finite state machines. Based on a functional fault model, only a restricted set of transitions of the finite state machine (FSM) is considered for the purpose of testing. A new state discriminating sequence, referred to as EUIO is proposed. Overlapping is accomplished to reduce the test length. In most cases, test length and CPU time requirements are substantially lower compared with gate-level ATPGs. Techniques are also introduced to preserve a high fault coverage. Evaluation on MCNC benchmarks has shown the effectiveness of the test algorithm both at functional and gate levels, while achieving in most cases 100% coverage of single stuck-at faults.  相似文献   

Functional versus random test generation for sequential circuits   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article presents a test generation method for sequential circuits based on their synthesis specifications as finite state machines (FSM) and provides comparison with random test generation. The finite state machines are represented by their state transition graph (STG). The test generation method is performed in two phases. The first phase is functional. It generates a test sequence which is one of the shortest input sequences going through all the transitions of the state transition graph machine. This sequence provides a high fault coverage of stuck-at faults on the synthesized circuit compared to a randomly generated test sequence. This fault coverage is very close to the ones of other sequences derived by fault-oriented test generation approaches [9], [10], although these latter sequences are much longer.The trend of the fault coverage curve for different test sequences including progressively the transitions of the test sequence defined in the first phase is similar to the one of the fault coverage curve of a random sequence but for same lengths the first curve gives larger fault coverage. Both curves grow rapidly until a given ratio of faults is detected then continue to grow very slowly exhibiting low efficiency.The second phase of the test generation method is fault-oriented. It uses a fault simulation based approach in order to compute the test sequence for the remaining faults not detected by the first phase. At the end of this phase the test sequence for all the nonredundant faults is derived and, the combinationally redundant faults and the sequentially redundant faults are distinguished.  相似文献   

CMOS异或电路的设计与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
设计了四种CMOS异或单元电路,通过模拟仿真分析了它们各自的性能特点,并讨论了它们在奇偶检测电路、微处理器系统加法器电路以及单片机全加电路等设计中的不同应用.  相似文献   

In this paper we analyze fault behaviors of internal feedback bridging faults. To investigate their behaviors, we use a simple circuit model consisting of 2-input NAND gate and NOT gate. From analysis results, we find that behaviors of internal feedback bridging faults are more complex than those of external feedback bridging faults. We expose that they cause IDDQ-only failure, internal latch and internal oscillation as well as latch and oscillation behavior. These phenomena are caused by the following facts: formation of an electrically conducting feedback loop and connection of the feedback loop with the circuit output depend on input values of the circuit, and the feedback loop is often alive only within the circuit. We also discuss methods for detecting this kind of fault.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a method for testing CMOS domino circuits using the transient power supply current. The method is based on monitoring and processing the transient current. We evaluate the effectiveness of this testing method through simulations of various domino circuits of different sizes. Moreover, we propose a normalising technique to mask the process variations effect associated with current testing. Furthermore, we present a test vector generation algorithm for testing large domino circuits, and develop and implement a clustering technique to improve the fault coverage of the test method when used with large circuits. The clustering algorithm divides the circuit into different clusters where each cluster is fed by a different power supply branch.  相似文献   

一种新的低功耗CMOS三值电路设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出一种新的静态电压型CMOS三值电路设计方案.该方案具有电路结构规则,输入信号负载对称等特点,是一种具有互补输入-输出的双轨三值逻辑电路.由于电路中同时采用pMOS和nMOS两种传输管,从而保证了输出信号具有完整的逻辑摆幅和高噪声容限.尤为重要的是该设计方案是基于标准CMOS工艺而无需修改阈值电压,且结构较简单.采用0.25μm CMOS工艺参数及3V电源的计算机模拟结果同时表明所提出的电路设计具有高速及低功耗的特点.  相似文献   

最大功耗估计问题是一个NP难题。提出的方法利用遗传模拟退火算法(GSAA)在整个解空间快速搜索问题的最优解,实现组合电路最大功耗的快速、精确估计。仿真结果表明,提出的方法比基于遗传算法(GA)的估计方法在估算精度和收敛速度上都有提高,适合于大规模组合电路最大功耗的估计。  相似文献   

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