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Water modeling experiments were designed to observe the deformation of a liquid surface by impinging the gas jet. Video images were taken and processed in a systematic way. The important surface cavity parameters, such as depth, width, and their frequency of oscillation, were obtained. The relation between surface depression depth and the supplied gas momentum were consistent with previous findings and were extended to higher flow rates. The surface instability and the onset of splashing were observed and interpreted with the Blowing number. The wave behaviors were described qualitatively with a combination of photographic evidence and power spectral density analysis to extract the characteristic wave numbers for each gas flow rate. The analysis of the time series of the surface variables showed a connection to the attenuation of turbulence gas pressure fluctuation and the surface deformation by the gas impingement. Bath velocities were measured with a particle image velocimetry (PIV) technique. To quantify the transfer of kinetic energy from the gas to the liquid, an energy transfer index was defined and calculated with the PIV data. The index was insensitive to gas flow rate but increased with cavity width. The momentum transfer across the interface was also analyzed, and a similar cavity width dependence was found. A correlation between the cavity shape and momentum transfer was proposed. 相似文献
This study has focused on numerically exploring the oxygen flow in the convergent‐divergent De Laval nozzle. The De Laval nozzle has been commonly used as oxygen outlet at the lance tip in the vacuum oxygen decarburization (VOD) process. The nozzle geometry used in an active VOD plant was investigated by isentropic nozzle theory as well as by numerical modeling. Since an optimal nozzle design is only valid for a certain ambient pressure, one VOD nozzle will be less efficient for a large part of the pressure cycle. Different ambient pressures were used in the calculations that were based on the De Laval nozzle theory. Flow patterns of the oxygen jet under different ambient pressures were studied and the flow information at different positions from the nozzle was analyzed. In addition, the study compared the effects of different ambient temperatures on jet velocity and dynamic pressure. The predictions revealed that the modeling results obtained with the CFD modeling showed incorrect flow expansion, which agreed well with the results from the De Laval theory. Moreover, a little under‐expansion is somewhat helpful to improve the dynamic pressure. The jet dynamic pressure and its width for the specific nozzle geometry have also been studied. It has been observed that an altering ambient pressure can influence the jet momentum and its width. In addition, a high ambient temperature has a positive effect on the improvement of the jet dynamic pressure. 相似文献
喷流冲击换热是一种高效换热形式,用在冷流体侧可以降低换热壁面温度。本文针对影响喷流冲击的几个主要因素进行了实验研究,其中包括喷流速度、喷流高度、喷孔板的开孔率等,并针对交叉流对换热的影响进行了分析;用90多组实验数据拟合了准则公式,此公式已被用在某化工厂燃油焦炉实验台的设计中。 相似文献
This paper introduces a method for estimating the scour in cohesive soils produced by a submerged vertical circular turbulent impinging jet. Determining scour in cohesive soils is a complex problem, partly because the clay particles within the soil are held together by electrochemical forces that are not easily quantifiable. As well, erosion occurs in many forms, such as the removal of individual particles or as large chunks of soil. Results of a laboratory study of scour by a circular impinging jet of a cohesive soil, consisting of 40% clay, 53% silt, and 7% fine sand, are presented. Analysis based on the mechanics of the impinging jets shows that the dimensions of the scour hole at an equilibrium state of scour are a function of the momentum flux from the jet, the impingement height (for “large” impingement heights), the viscosity and density of the eroding fluid, and the critical shear stress of the soil. Mass erosion was the predominant type of erosion observed. 相似文献
This technical note presents the results of an experimental study of the erosion of loose cohesionless sand beds by impinging circular water jets with a minimum depth of tailwater. Measurements were made of both the maximum dynamic and static scour depths and the radius of the scour hole. It was found that the dynamic scour depth is about three times that of static scour at the asymptotic state. Dimensional arguments and experimental results are used to show that the main dimensions of the scour hole at the asymptotic state are a function of the densimetric Froude number F0′ = U0′/, where U0′ = velocity of the jet at the original level of the sand bed; g = acceleration due to gravity; D = mean diameter of the sand particles; ρ = density of the eroding fluid; and Δρ = difference between particle and fluid densities. Useful correlations have been developed to estimate the size of the scour holes. Also included is a comparison between the erosion caused by submerged and unsubmerged impinging circular jets. 相似文献
A submerged, vertical, turbulent plane jet impinging onto a free water surface will be self-excited into a flapping oscillation when the jet velocity, exiting the jet orifice, exceeds a critical value. The dependence of the critical velocity W0c and the flapping frequency f0 on the water depth H and the jet orifice width d was investigated in detail in this study. The jet flapping motion was visualized by a laser induced fluorescence technique and measured with a laser Doppler velocimeter; a supplemental measurement of the displacement of water surface by a surface wave gauge was made. The jet flapping characteristics are interpreted in terms of the effective water depth given by He = H-z0, where z0 is the virtual origin of the jet. The critical jet exit velocity was found to increase linearly with the effective water depth and to decrease with the square root of the jet orifice width. The flapping frequency decreased with the root square of the effective water depth and independent of the jet orifice width. These results led to a critical condition for the onset of instability as St = 0.929[(H ? z0)/d]?3∕2, where St is the critical Strouhal number defined by St = f0d∕W0c. 相似文献
Porous Surfaces Via Impinging and Solidifying Molten Hollow Melt Droplets on Substrates 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
We numerically study impingement and solidification of a molten hollow droplet onto a surface during thermal spray coating process. In the impingement model transient flow during the hollow droplet impact, subsequent spreading and solidification, and air entrapment are considered using the volume of fluid surface tracking method coupled with the solidification model within a one-domain continuum formulation. A phenomenon of counter liquid jetting is observed which causes large air entrapment and porous deposited layer. This will have potential prospects in improving the thermal insulation properties of surfaces in turbine blades, engine components applications. 相似文献
Morales Rodolfo D. Calderón-Hurtado Fabián Andrés Chattopadhyay Kinnor Guarneros Sergio Javier Guarneros 《Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B》2020,51(2):628-648
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B - Flow structures of liquid steel during stirring operations with argon injection in a ladle are studied using physical and mathematical models. Emphasis... 相似文献
Blast furnace operation with natural gas (NG) injection is one of the effective measures to save energy, reduce CO2 emission, and decrease environmental load for iron and steel industry. Numerical simulations on blast furnace operation with NG injection through tuyeres are performed in this paper by raceway mathematical model, multi‐fluid blast furnace model, and exergy analytical model. With increasing NG injection volume, the simulation results are shown as follows: (1) the theoretical flame temperature and bosh gas volume can be constant by decreasing blast volume and increasing oxygen enrichment. (2) The utilization rate of CO enhances while that of H2 decreases. The proportion of H2 in indirect reduction tends to be increased, which accelerates the reduction of burdens. The pressure drop shows that the permeability of blast furnace gets better. The blast furnace productivity is increased from 2.07 to 3.08 t · m?3 · day?1. The silicon content in hot metal is decreased from 0.26% to 0.05%. When BF operation with 125.4 kg · tHM?1 NG injection, coke rate and carbon emission rate are decreased by 27.2% and 32.2%, respectively. (3) The thermodynamic perfection degree is increased from 88.40% to 90.50%, the exergy efficiency is decreased from 51.94% to 49.02% and the chemical exergy of top gas is increased from 4.69 to 6.22 GJ · tHM?1. It is important to strengthen the recycling of top gas. 相似文献
Randall J. Charbeneau Jaehak Jeong Michael E. Barrett 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2009,135(6):487-494
This paper presents results from an extensive experimental study of sheet flow on rough impervious surfaces that are used to represent highway pavement. Experiments were performed on three surfaces under no-rainfall and simulated rainfall conditions, and with slopes of 1, 2, and 3%. Measurements include flow depth and unit discharge. Turbulent boundary layer theory for a rough surface is used to describe the depth-discharge relationship, resulting in a model with a single parameter directly related to the surface roughness. Comparisons are made with Manning’s equation, and the variability of the Manning coefficient is assessed. Hydraulic effects of rainfall are generally found to be small compared to other factors. 相似文献
A transient three-dimensional mathematical model has been developed to analyze the three-phase flow in a 150 t EAF (electric arc furnace) using oxygen. VOF (multiphase volume of fluid) method is used to simulate the behaviors of molten steel and slag. Numerical simulation was conducted to clarify the transient phenomena of oxygen impingement on molten bath. When oxygen jet impinges on the surface of molten bath, the slag layer is broken and the penetrated cavity in molten steel is created. Simultaneously, the wave is formed at the surface of uncovered steel on which the slag layer is pushed away by jet. The result of numerical simulations shows that the area and velocity of uncovered steel created by impingement, jet penetration depth change from 0.10 m2, 0.0125 m/s, 3.58 cm to 0.72 m2, 0.1445 m/s, 11.21 cm, when the flow rate of an oxygen lance varies from 500 to 2000 m3/h. The results have been validated against water model experiments. More specially, the relation between the penetration depth and oxygen flow rate predicted by numerical simulation has been found to agree well with that concluded by water model. 相似文献
Aniruddha Mukhopadhyay Eric W. Grald Kumar Dhanasekharan Supriya Sarkar Jayanta Sanyal 《国际钢铁研究》2005,76(1):22-32
Although the role of gas purging in liquid steel systems is well recognized, it has yet to be adequately analyzed. One key aspect of this process is the prediction of gas voidage in the bath, which has been studied in great detail beginning with water modeling in the early days and using advanced multiphase models more recently. Still, there are significant unresolved issues with gas purging systems. When gas is introduced through a nozzle at high flow rate, a jet may form which is undesirable. The break‐up of this jet into bubbles is a separate topic of research. The more common practice in the steel industry is to use porous plugs for gas injection. Gas entry through a porous plug can be characterized by the stretched bubble regime, and the laws of coalescence and fragmentation used to analyze bubble column reactors are generally applicable. Calculation of the bubble size distribution is important for two reasons. First, the voidage distribution in the bath is significantly modified by the injection system and flow rates used, primarily due to changes in flow regime and bubble dynamics (collision, break‐up, coalescence). Second, the voidage distribution directly determines the buoyancy, that influences the physical mixing process, and the specific‐area‐density, that influences surface reactions (for example, decarburization, desulfurization and nitrogen pick‐up). In this paper, a numerical study is presented that combines a bubble dynamics model with an Eulerian multiphase model. The results of the simulation are compared with the experimental data from Anagbo and Brimacombe (1990). Relevant discussion and reviews will be presented to distinguish the differences of this detailed bubble dynamics model with the uniform bubble diameter approximations reported in various recent studies. 相似文献
Nazmul Huda J. Naser G. Brooks M.A. Reuter R.W. Matusewicz 《Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B》2010,41(1):35-50
Fluid flow phenomena in a cylindrical bath stirred by a top submerged lance (TSL) gas injection was investigated by using the computational fluid dynamic (CFD) modeling technique for an isothermal air–water system. The multiphase flow simulation, based on the Euler–Euler approach, elucidated the effect of swirl and nonswirl flow inside the bath. The effects of the lance submergence level and the air flow rate also were investigated. The simulation results for the velocity fields and the generation of turbulence in the bath were validated against existing experimental data from the previous water model experimental study by Morsi et al.[1] The model was extended to measure the degree of the splash generation for different liquid densities at certain heights above the free surface. The simulation results showed that the two-thirds lance submergence level provided better mixing and high liquid velocities for the generation of turbulence inside the water bath. However, it is also responsible for generating more splashes in the bath compared with the one-third lance submergence level. An approach generally used by heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system simulations was applied to predict the convective mixing phenomena. The simulation results for the air–water system showed that mean convective mixing for swirl flow is more than twice than that of nonswirl in close proximity to the lance. A semiempirical equation was proposed from the results of the present simulation to measure the vertical penetration distance of the air jet injected through the annulus of the lance in the cylindrical vessel of the model, which can be expressed as Lva = 0.275( do - di )Frm0.4745 . L_{va} = 0.275left( {d_{o} - d_{i} } right)Fr_{m}^{0.4745} . More work still needs to be done to predict the detail process kinetics in a real furnace by considering nonisothermal high-temperature systems with chemical reactions. 相似文献
采用时域有限差分法和近场-远场变换对两种不同材料的一维微尺度高斯粗糙表面辐射特性进行了数值模拟,并将计算结果与其他方法进行了对比分析.研究结果表明,对于理想导电材料表面,随着均方根粗糙度的增加,其双向反射率的尖峰值逐步减小并最终消失;随着均方根粗糙度与表面关联距离之比的增加,向后反射变得愈加明显;相同表面轮廓特征条件下,理想导电材料与硅粗糙表面的双向反射率的总体趋势相同但后者要远小于前者;随着入射角度的增大,理想导电材料粗糙表面的双向反射变得趋于像镜面反射. 相似文献