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目的:分析我国9~18岁汉族女生月经初潮年龄及1995年来的变化趋势.方法:利用2005年和1995年全国学生体质健康调研数据,2005年有效人数为92 767人,1995年有效人数为85 433人,用概率单位回归法计算月经初潮年龄(age at menarche,AAM).结果:2005年我国女生的AAM为12.76岁,其中,城市女生为12.60岁,乡村女生为12.92岁,城市比乡村提前约0.32岁.各地区间AAM差异明显,华东、华北地区AAM最早,西南、中南、东北地区次之,西北地区最晚.AAM最早的前5个省级行政单位分别是北京(12.27岁)、上海(12.32岁)、四川(12.48岁)、福建(12.50岁)和天津(12.51岁);AAM最晚的5个省级行政单位分别是青海(14.09岁)、湖北(13.33岁)、黑龙江(13.10岁)、宁夏(13.08岁)和湖南(12.87岁).2005年城、乡女生AAM分别比1995年提前0.22岁和0.34岁.结论:我国9~18岁汉族女生月经初潮发生城市早于乡村,西北地区最晚.女生月经初潮有提前的趋势,乡村较城市更明显;月经初潮在城乡间、地区间差异有缩小趋势.  相似文献   

In Thailand, the epidemiological data on scrub typhus infection represents only "the tip of an iceberg" especially in malaria clinics where patients come to seek attention because of other febrile illnesses that may have initial clinical signs that are indistinguishable from malaria. The objectives of this study were to determine the prevalence of antibody titers to Orientia tsutsugamushi, and its various strains, among patients at some malaria clinics in three western provinces of Thailand. The sample was represented by 200 patients from 6 malaria clinics in Ratchaburi, Petchaburi and Kanchanaburi provinces between June and November, 1994. Blood specimens were collected with their consent. Immunofluorescent antibody assays (IFA) were used for measuring IgM and IgG antibody titers for scrub typhus infection. The results showed that the prevalence rate for scrub typhus infection (IgM and/or IgG titer > or = 50) was 59.50% (119 cases). The immunofluorescent antibody response to various strains of O. tsutsugamushi showed that co-infections with the Karp, the Gilliam and the Kato strains were the most common (found in 68.10% of cases). Geometric mean antibody titers (GMT) were highest for the Karp strain, followed by the Gilliam then Kato strains. In conclusion, this study indicates that the prevalence rate of scrub typhus is not rare in these areas.  相似文献   

This article presents a review of the literature on the use of physical agents in modulating pain associated the hand and upper extremity musculoskeletal conditions. The physical agents presented include superficial heating agents, cryotherapy, ultrasound, and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation. There has been increased interest in modes of transdermal drug delivery, including iontophoresis, phonophoresis, and the application of transdermal patches. Treatment applications, parameters, and integration strategies are suggested. The purposes of this article are to review which physical agents are used to treat pain or inflammation and to discuss their relevant application to hand therapy practice. Today's health care climate requires therapists to select treatment strategies that are efficient, safe, and clinically effective. Although physical agents are widely used to manage pain in hand therapy, there is little scientific evidence to support their efficacy. Most information regarding the rationale for the use of physical agents in pain management is based on tradition, data extrapolated from basic science research, and uncontrolled randomized clinical trials. This paper discusses the need for additional research to establish clinical efficacy and determine optimal treatment parameters for the physical agents used most often to modulate pain in hand therapy.  相似文献   

It was the aim to determine recalled ages at menarche and prevalence of primary amenorrhea in a random sample of 3743 women, aged 15-44 years, in a Danish county. It was a further object to examine agreement between results obtained by the recall and the status quo method. Response rate was 78%. The prevalence of primary amenorrhea (menarche after the 18th birthday) was 0.48%. In the calculations the reported menarcheal ages were treated as age-at-nearest-birthday, i.e. the usual 0.5 year mid-point correction was omitted. The resulting mean ages showed close agreement with Danish menarcheal ages, obtained by the status quo method, covering the same period of time. On the other hand, previously published recall data for this period, including the 0.5 year correction, were almost consistently 0.5 year higher. It is argued that the 0.5 year midpoint correction should be omitted in recalled whole-year data.  相似文献   

The mean age at menarche of girls in Utrecht city, the Netherlands, in 1971 and 1972 was estimated by probit analysis as 13-37 years with a standard deviation of 1-17 years. This result is compared with similar data obtained in the Netherlands in 1955 and 1965.  相似文献   

The question was examined whether protracted asphyxiation is associated with a distinct macrophage subtype pattern in lung tissue. Immunohistochemical preparations of lung specimens were tested with the antibodies MRP8, MRP14, 27E10 and 25F9 in cases of protracted asphyxiation (n = 8) and in "control" groups (hanging: n = 6; peracute deaths: n = 9). MRP8 and MRP14 interstitial cell counts showed a doubling in protracted asphyxiation. Furthermore, clear increases of 27E10 and 25F9 cells (intravascular and interstitial) were found in protracted asphyxiation, both in the intravascular and interstitial compartments. At present the results look promising as to an additional diagnostic criterion for the differential diagnosis between acute and protracted asphyxiation.  相似文献   

Ages at thelarche and menarche have been studied by a status quo method in 3,029 Thai schoolgirls in Hat Yai municipality. The median ages at thelarche and menarche estimated by probit analysis are 9 years 11 months, and 12 years 5 months, respectively. Declining in ages of thelarche and menarche is observed and can be explained by improvement in nutritional status and higher living standards.  相似文献   

In Switzerland the longitudinal SENECA study (Survey in Europe on Nutrition and the Elderly, a Concerted Action of the 3rd European Framework Programme) was implemented in the city of Yverdon-les-Bains. The study investigated the nutritional and health status of 70 to 75-year old elderly living at home, in relation with their food habits, life style, social network and physical activity with a follow-up study 4 years later. Results of the follow-up study, with the subjects aged 74 to 79 years, and changes observed over the 4 years are presented here. The participants reported a rather good self-assessed health and were quite independent in their daily activities. Food and nutrient intakes decreased over the 4-year follow-up, as did physical activity, independence in daily activities and height. However, biological markers (haemoglobin, haematocrit, albumin, lipids and vitamins) of nutritional status showed little change and remained mostly in the normal range. Low energy intake was measured in 21% of the men (< 1500 kcal/d) and in 24% of the women (< 1200 kcal). This is a source of concern since such low energy intakes make it difficult to cover micronutrient requirements. It is therefore important to find ways to maintain or increase the quality of the diet and adequate nutrient intakes.  相似文献   

The data on abortions performed in New York City and New York State for each month from July 1970 to July 1976 were examined to determine any seasonality in the abortion rate. Differences in the month of conception were significant and correlated with previous studies of conception leading to illegitimate and legitimate births. Conceptions occurred more frequently in November and December. Thus it is suggested that abortion services can be expected to rise 20-25% between December and March.  相似文献   

This study investigates the seasonal variation pattern of monthly wastewater influent data collected from the active treatment plants in Kuwait from 1999 to 2009. An attempt to examine the relationship with the population connected to the sanitary network is achieved indirectly by correlating monthly totaled influent data with climatological parameters of monthly averaged temperature and totaled rainfall. The periodograms of the influent, temperature, and rainfall data are also determined. The results reveal two significant periods in influent data of 12 and 6?months. The 12-month period is found in the two climatological data but the 6-month period exists only in rainfall data. The source of the 6-month period in the influent data has been related here to the illegal connection of storm sewers into the sanitary networks in many residential houses and to the typical variation of four seasons of the year during which the mode of people for watering activities or travel plans may change on average. The existing connection between residential stormwater and the sanitary networks may constitute a possible rainfall-harvesting system for arid countries as long as the wastewater plants have the capacity to handle the treatment process. The study concludes with the possibility of employing readily available climatological data to analyze the relationship between the seasonal wastewater influent and the population. The study also considers the detected periodicities to develop a time-series model that can be used to set a management plan for securing a nonconventional water supply for the country.  相似文献   

Increased socioeconomic differences in mortality in eight Spanish provinces   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In Spain, the study of socioeconomic differences in mortality has been limited by the fact that death certificates often do not include complete information on occupation. In this study, we chose those geographic areas with the highest quality information on occupation of the deceased in order to study socioeconomic differences in mortality from various causes of death. We used information from the death certificates of males who died between 30 and 64 years of age in eight Spanish provinces to compare mortality from the leading causes of death in professionals and managers (group I) and in manual laborers (group II) in 1980-82 and 1988-90. In each period the standardized mortality ratios (SMRs) were higher in group II, except for ischaemic heart disease during the first period, and cancer of the colon and rectum in both, although in the latter case the differences were not statistically significant. The ratio between the SMR from all causes in group II and group I was 1.27 in 1980-82, and 1.72 in 1988-90; for cancer of the colon and rectum the ratio went from 0.98 to 0.84, and for ischaemic heart disease, from 0.80 to 1.31. Except for cancer of the colon and rectum, which resulted in higher mortality in occupational group I, the excess mortality in occupational group II increased between the first and second period. The relation between socioeconomic level and mortality for ischaemic heart disease was reversed, a phenomenon similar to that which took place in the 1960s and 1970s in the developed countries.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The effects of growth, menstrual status, and calcium supplementation on iron status were studied over 4 y in 354 girls in pubertal stage 2 who were premenarcheal at baseline (x+/-SD age: 10.8+/-0.8 y). Girls were randomly assigned to placebo or treatment with 1000 mg Ca/d as calcium citrate malate. Anthropometric characteristics, bone mass, and nutritional status were measured biannually; ferritin was measured annually; and red blood cell indexes were determined at 4 y. The simultaneous effects of iron intake and menstrual status on serum ferritin, after change in lean body mass (LBM) was controlled for, were evaluated in subjects in the upper and lower quartiles of cumulative iron intake. The average maximal accumulation of LBM (386 g/mo; 95% CI: 372, 399) occurred 0.5 y before the onset of menarche. Change in LBM was a significant predictor of serum ferritin (P < 0.0001), with a negative influence on iron status (t ratio=-4.12). The 2 fitted mathematical models representing ferritin concentrations of subjects in the upper and lower quartiles of cumulative iron intake were significantly different (P < 0.018). The regression line of the ferritin concentration in menstruating girls with high iron intakes had a less negative slope than the line fit to serum ferritin concentrations in girls with low iron intakes (NS). Serum ferritin concentrations at 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 y were not significantly different between groups. In addition, there was no significant difference between groups in any of the red blood cell indexes. In summary, growth spurt and menstrual status had adverse effects on iron stores in adolescent girls with low iron intakes (<9 mg/d), whereas long-term supplementation with calcium (total intake: approximately 1500 mg/d) did not affect iron status.  相似文献   

STUDY OBJECTIVES: Define the incidence of obstructive atelectasis in patients presenting with small cell lung cancer and their response to treatment. DESIGN: Retrospective review of clinical records and radiographic studies. SETTING: Single federal government institution-the National Cancer Institute-Naval Medical Oncology Branch. PATIENTS: One hundred seventy-two consecutive patients treated between 1983 and 1993. INTERVENTIONS: Patients presenting with obstructive atelectasis were identified. The incidence of dyspnea, cough, and sputum production before starting treatment and 1, 3, and 6 months later was determined. Fiberoptic bronchoscopy and chest radiographs performed before starting treatment were compared with those obtained later in the patients' clinical course. MEASUREMENTS AND RESULTS: Thirty-seven of 172 (22%) patients had obstructive atelectasis. Initial symptoms included cough in 25 (68%), dyspnea in 24 (65%), and productive cough in 10 (27%). The patients' symptoms of cough, dyspnea, and sputum production decreased to one third of the initial prevalence 1 month after the start of treatment. Fiberoptic bronchoscopy and chest radiographs performed 3 months after starting treatment demonstrated bronchial patency in 90%. CONCLUSIONS: Obstructive atelectasis occurs in approximately one fifth of patients presenting with small cell lung cancer. Chemotherapy and chemotherapy plus chest radiotherapy lead to symptomatic, bronchoscopic, and radiographic resolution in similar proportions of patients with obstructive atelectasis.  相似文献   

Recognizing the high incidence of paranasal sinus mycoses in north India, we analysed retrospectively the clinical, mycological and management aspects of 178 patients with proven disease attending our institute. On the basis of clinical, radiological, histopathological and mycological findings, the patients could be categorized into those with allergic (8), non-invasive (92) and invasive (78) disease types. Bony erosion without mucosal invasion by fungi was seen in 16 patients with non-invasive disease. Young men from rural areas were the most commonly affected. Rhinorrhoea with nasal polyposis (45.8%) and proptosis (46.4%) was the most common presentation. Concurrent involvement of the maxillary and ethmoid sinuses was common in these patients, whereas isolated sphenoid and frontal sinuses were involved in the invasive variety only. Orbital and intracranial extensions were detected in 100% and 13.2%, respectively, of patients with the invasive type of disease. Aspergillus flavus (79.7%) was the most common isolate. Surgical debridement and sinus ventilation were adequate for the effective management of the non-invasive disease. However, adjuvant medical therapy was included in treatment of the semi-invasive and invasive varieties of the disease. Itraconazole was found to be most useful in prevention of recurrence in the invasive type. Mortality was highest (33.3%) among patients with zygomycotic infection. Invasive fungal granuloma with orbital and intra-cranial invasion is a distinct entity in terms of its clinical course and treatment compared with non-invasive fungal sinusitis, and it needs to be treated aggressively with surgical excision and postoperative itraconazole.  相似文献   

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