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页」9牙228230232263293295327360;;61期75期8﹄吕9 0 0 .1,工,工 曰.二祖‘二己.且山.二曰.二页2 434363866盯.二2 2 23血」,三,曰2几J几」 9813013216216519419622622725826129029232232石3643匕64.知已J.七61‘7 8 89目﹄月O368 9 11 42 46 7生 7G 7810〔107140142171173201〕20423423623726526829830030190︸0,二1.,‘,‘2 ,二,二,皿勺二,二,月,二8 8 00盯,1 00召﹄O污」 3.任6竹‘0 0 nO3 ]11,胜Jl二.且2288993 3 44口舀.勺0 00飞压已.且..二内了9 QO丹0 6Q口1︸1 11 题目无机工业化学 胶态五氧化二锑的制备及阻燃性 极谱法分析丁…  相似文献   

携涵袖赘台湾省历年合成纤维产处(万吨)年份}-蔺一死{。。、},。、}11耳口二乙洲lJ曰,‘l,气常l}一二万了节一.二二万.!长丝l短纤}口卜’}.长丝}坦汁__仁___l一仁n万通飞甲‘,山﹃5 00尸刁尸冲月飞绪山4八U’. OA任7 7 7 7n︺二匕.奋。··…gJn︸.几工门‘几心一廿。O浇0 qo仔‘a11人O目J任︸a卜曰D九七八乃00︸们几 1︸11︸Q甘OJq乙曰O618360密2693蛤弱巧哪280 110自J几OU OJR月.19曰几J35 .959 0 .717 2 J274 4 .031 4 .218 了.228 9 .0了8]0 .9111.59 9 .88010二2工2.义5.13.490 .2971 .2214 .181夕住介乙0 JTOQ︺O八众︺Q自…  相似文献   

普硅月2.5一北京普硅42一呼和浩特普硅42·5一哈尔滨420 4D0 380 3603409 10 11 12一35( 33(31l29(27(25tL10 11 1210】1 12普硅礴2乃一杭州普硅42·5一天津普硅42.5一沈阳一330 320310姗.加一卜止370 360 350340j20310助黝门|lles?卜叫卜叫‘、/卿410 360 3102609 10 11 12-一-一-一-‘~~司~盛~‘‘~.-一‘~~ 4 56一9!0 11 12 1 23!O」I!2卜||..||…普硅42石一宁波期295珊哪280}父9030祀10户Jj兮‘兮︸飞,,10 11 1210 11 12 普硅42.5一大连i份碑布…4 5 6 7 8 9 101112123尸/…卜一~一了万普硅42石一温州l…莽牙于4 5 6 7 8 9 101112123…  相似文献   

1992年第11卷第1~6期页4)L0:引司4)7)引4)了臼刀:l::ll(4(7、卜(4期1 ..1 11,白,‘,-气」(9)(l5)(4)(l0)(l6)(’)(8)(l5)(20)(4)(10)(l5)1︸4 44心J‘J‘J戈以66︸6、生产、刀产,二2(2(225 192219!3)内七了.、‘r卜了.、,‘,‘Zt毛︸IJ专皿论文 PbO一zno一B203玻璃和合成卜锉霞石的复合焊料玻璃性质 ‘”’”””.””’.””’”””””””’二‘…’二’·····,····……王民权樊先平张园园郭定川 磷酸盐玻璃在棍仑硝酸盐中的离子交换·,、·······,,,,·······..····……姚治东朱从善 五磷酸钱(NdPP)品休…  相似文献   

国家或地区 2003年2003年2002年占全球的储采比 份额,%国家或地区2003年 万亿立方米 2003年2002年占全球的储采比 份额,%00 4 RU OJ︸、︸门jZ -……1曰八J-0 0 0065 06 11 56 95 48 30 0905$00 52 66 31 19 68 56 55 4875万76 44 43 36 35 34 23 39 38156 6 3 1 0 0 0 00牡5 4 1 11”2 22-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00”17568 06 11 56 95 48 30 09 05 72 00 52 76 31 19 78 56 55 41 82 85 75 44 43 36 35 34 23 39 47786 6 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 54-1 1 3 2 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 03写l一一一一l,.1 179 .59 .21 1.49 .5沙特阿拉伯阿联酋伊拉克科威特…  相似文献   

单位:万吨 }一长丝,{、,.一短纤维 国家及地区}一-一一一一目一一-,二认二二二二二二孟二;,二二目卜一一一一一一一一一一一一‘气一 {,n,e北;二斗d匕食匕书{比1份了勺月二增仁,年、{,n。。众二斗;亡二公匕击l比l日了勺牛增仁三朴 l二口口U..1一二J二I月匕/JI一10/、l上口,。气碑二1二户日匕/J 1 10/、 !l、/O,【l,、/U,,曰亡J几J OU 09﹄“ ..…才住丹00口O甘八石了几n‘n乙内On舀106.120 .7 3。711。528。922。0 0107。6︹吕nOO‘O甘八O ..…n匕,上Otl OU厅I内匕0口1上6J,自﹄七叮‘11几JO口月任n︸n丹︸IU9口︸01几n乙八JO乙…  相似文献   

一称一名名称规格规格价格(元/kg) 朋.00.02…00加.70.80…00朋…00朋.00加:…00朋.68…35朋弘 夕心,‘O产,,︶月呼︸、甘产‘U八U︸60八︸月峥︸、︺八“︸n“︸n月了.,J了0 11︺月片﹃、J Lol月峙nU﹃、JO八八“月峙Q了﹃nn, ‘U︸O了月峙4‘UQ产,,矛99月,乡6 6 41、︶9,、︶5,山‘J月峙吕︸卜二1.卜1,,︸ -,山,二,且活性黄X一R活性黄K一RN活性黄KM一7G活性金黄X一G活性橙K一GN活性橙K一7R活性红X一3B活性红M一ZB活性红KM一ZB活性翠蓝KN叫G活性灰K一B一Rp活性黑KN一B活性黑KN刃ZR活性艳蓝X一BR活性艳蓝K一3R活性艳…  相似文献   

期页期页l0l3l7 l5913l0l0l0l011lllll1ll 4 811l3 l 4 8lll44 44O入︸门乙6n,14 ,1,.工11 22 4 8lll5 1 5 811门J︸气︼﹃20,︸只︶11八乙2内乙八、︶八j 12‘题目 研究与开发 高固含量无皂丙烯酸醋乳液的制备 火箭炮用防红外线耐热伪装涂料的研制 聚四氟乙烯改性环氧阴极电泳涂料的研究 低成本硅溶胶型内墙涂料的研制 环保型无溶剂环氧涂料耐候性的探索研究 丙烯酸醋聚合物乳液的合成 四元纯丙无皂共聚物乳液的研制 纳米A1203透明耐磨复合涂料的研制 原位聚合法制备纳米Ti02/硅丙复合乳液 含纳米A叨透明抗静电涂料的研究 直接还原法制备…  相似文献   

(单位:万吨)世界总计美国日本}法国!西德{英国{意大利巴西…“兰座到塑37.620。1295.00﹃b,J .1八U ..孟J吸IJ60 .037 .8 7056.336.3 7 .08。06 .52_51 .553.口36.3 4 .5 3 .0 5_07。57 .05‘55 .09 .03 .53_72 .55 .1D .73 .0】2.5川川川川川川川引00冉“11知一03‘.二,J.勺l几....,.,...........F...eeleell........l,!......‘l nU 68,产户勺n︸.合O口0.几乙‘,月︸八j IJO﹄,J J.几5凡乙IJ灯13 5 6 65总计丁苯顺丁异戊乙丙丁羞抓丁丁脯1,288.0 736.1315.3186.6 42 .7 6 .0 23.924.0 21.3 10.8151.84.25. ,. 6. 6. 8. 9_①为估计…  相似文献   

1995年1(创刊号)一z期,1996年1一4期页10期1年95泌1 60了‘11‘.1‘11一、︶︸、︸O产9有1 nU42,‘2︸‘U︸6︸hgC,9﹃勺州3一I以6 20O了Q了O户O了n,‘曰n曰04︸勺O西6 94月片0八j4八j内、︺今︸2勺︸,︸八汽︺2内」2 2 ..1 11 2 22八j八j‘U‘UO户n,O八22一‘︶﹃勺气︺气口︸、︸/n‘U‘U‘U︸6‘U‘U 66OZQ了n,︸9八,︸Q了q︸QQ︸n萝020了Q了 题目碘甲烷对煤中有机硫的脱除作用煤的超临界醇萃取脱硫煤细磨过程中化学分散剂作用的研究黄铁矿的电化学性质及可浮性调控一种干法深度筛分的有效设备—2zKQ1230型置线振动琴弦筛细…  相似文献   

为掌握佛山市顺德新城区降水中污染物的情况,2015年7月至8月,文章作者分别在雨天进行了降水取样,对降水中的pH、电导率、常见阴离子(F-、Cl~-、NO_3~(2-)、SO_4~(2-))及部分重金属(铅和镉)进行监测分析。选择有相关数据的珠江三角洲和石家庄、厦门等地的降水中污染物的情况进行对比。结果表明,顺德新城区降水中的p H和部分阴离子浓度优于珠江三角洲平均值,酸雨类型属于硫酸和硝酸混合型;其水体洁净程度略差于石家庄;铅和镉的浓度也高于厦门,甚至部分超出了人体能直接接触的安全范围。  相似文献   

Saturated very long chain fatty acids (fatty acids with greater than 22 carbon atoms; VLCFA) accumulate in peroxisomal disorders, but there is little information on their turnover in patients. To determine the suitability of using stable isotope-labeled VLCFA in patients with these disorders, the metabolism of 22-methyl[23,23,23-2H3]tricosanoic (iso-lignoceric) acid was studied in rats in vivo and in human skin fibroblasts in culture. The deuterated iso-VLCFA was degraded to the corresponding 16- and 18-carbon iso-fatty acids by rats in vivo and by normal human skin fibroblasts in culture, but there was little or no degradation in peroxisome-deficient (Zellweger’s syndrome) fibroblasts, indicating that its oxidation was peroxisomal. Neither the 14-, 20-, and 22-carbon iso-fatty acids nor the corresponding odd-chain metabolites could be detected. In the rat, the organ containing most of the iso-lignoceric acid, and its breakdown products, was the liver, whereas negligible amounts were detected in the brain, suggesting that little of the fatty acid crossed the blood-brain barrier. Our data indicate that VLCFA labeled with deuterium at the ω-position of the carbon chain are suitable derivatives for the in vivo investigation of patients with defects in peroxisomal β-oxidation because they are metabolized by the same pathways as the corresponding n-VLCFA. Moreover, as iso-VLCFA and their β-oxidation products are readily separated from the corresponding n-fatty acids by normal chromatographic procedures, the turnover of VLCFA can be more precisely measured. A preliminary report of part of this work (Reference 18) was presented at the 5th International Symposium on the Synthesis and Applications of Isotopes and Isotopically Labelled Compounds, Strasbourg, France, June 20–24, 1994.  相似文献   

高效液相色谱法分析化妆品中微量成分的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高尚芬 《日用化学工业》2006,36(6):379-383,400
综述了高效液相色谱法在化妆品中防腐剂、防晒剂中紫外线吸收剂以及性激素的检测等几个方面的应用;同时,介绍了分析所用的色谱柱、流动相、使用的检测手段以及样品的提取方法;最后针对目前存在的问题,提出了高效液相色谱用于化妆品中微量成分分析的研究方向和发展前景。  相似文献   

In a coastal agricultural area in the central part of Japan (Shizuoka), we found decreasing nitrate concentration with depth in a shallow groundwater, where the depth to water table varied between 0.6 and 1.2 m below ground surface. High nitrate concentrations (5–29 mg N L–1) were often observed in the upper layer (0–2 m) of the groundwater, but the concentration decreased to less than 1 mg N L–1 in the deeper layer. Ammonium was scarcely detected, and the concentration of dissolved oxygen was usually low (< 1 mgO2 L–1) in the groundwater. Nitrate in the groundwater often had very heavy nitrogen stable isotope ratios (>20{}). There was a negative relationship between nitrogen stable isotope ratio of nitrate and its concentration. When nitrate was injected into the groundwater with acetylene and bromide (a conservative tracer), nitrate concentration decreased to 20% of the initial level within 5 days, accompanied by the increase in nitrite and nitrous oxide concentration and a little change in bromide concentration. These results indicate that microbial denitrification plays a potential role in the decrease of nitrate in shallow groundwater at the study site.  相似文献   

我国硝酸工业生产技术新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
系统叙述了我国硝酸工业2000-2007年生产现状及主要技术成果,尤其指出了国产"四合一"机组的成功投运,使我国硝酸国产化装置取得较大的进步,表现在吨酸的铂耗、氨耗和能耗等方面接近国外引进装置水平,同时介绍了国外双加压法硝酸生产技术的进展.我国已成为硝酸生产大国,仍需以先进的技术改造和发展我国硝酸工业,确保我国硝酸工业健康有序地发展,加快从硝酸生产大国向强国迈进的步伐.  相似文献   

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