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李艳 《可再生能源》2007,25(3):97-100
根据江南大学体育馆工程设计,气候特点,使用要求,冷热负荷,水源条件,地表水源热泵系统对水温、水质和水量的要求等,进行了地表水源热泵系统的应用设计.详细介绍了水源热泵水系统、机房、自动控制等方面设计情况.阐述了系统设计中的技术要点.  相似文献   

在以往的地表水源热泵设计中,忽略了地表水体的温升可能造成的热污染隐患。作者建议制定专门的地表水体温升范围标准,在工程设计时应计算实际水体可能的温升范围,通过提供足够的冷源水体容积来消除热污染隐患。  相似文献   

结合实际工程,阐明了地表水源热泵系统的节能原理,分析了系统在实际运行过程中的节能特性、经济效益和环境效益,表明该系统具有明显的节能效果、经济效益和环境效益,有一定的推广和应用价值。  相似文献   

地表水源热泵在湖南地区的应用分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
本文分析了湖南地区气候特点、水资源状况以及水源热泵系统对水源系统的要求,以湖南省湘潭市某地表水源热泵空调系统为例,对地表水源热泵系统在湖南地区的应用进行了实例分析。在湖南地区应用水源热泵空调方式效率高、节能且经济,符合当今世界可持续发展的要求,可以作为湖南地区冬季供暖夏季制冷的长久良策。  相似文献   

指出在地表水源热泵运行中,会因设计不当导致地表水温的升高而造成热污染危害,破坏地表水体的生态环境。因此在进行可行性研究或方案设计时,应根据地表水的水体条件对水体温升情况进行计算预测,采取相关措施消除热污染隐患。  相似文献   

地表水源热泵系统节能系数及环境影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据供暖空调的能耗过程,给出节能系数与用能系数的定义,基于热泵系统的运行模式,推导了制热或制冷工况的计算公式。还分析了以大气为冷源的空调系统产生城市热岛效应后的能耗附加值。按现有水源热泵运行性能给出了用能与节能系数定量值,计算了单位水量、单位温变的节能与环保效益。研究表明:地表水源热泵系统节能系数在0.37~1.00之间,热岛效应后的能耗附加值达20%,1.0m3地表水温变1℃节能量达1.55~4.18MJ/ (m3·℃),减少二氧化碳排放达(1.4~2.03)×10-3kg/(m3·℃)。  相似文献   

本文介绍了管式换热法的原理及其优点,基于流动与换热准则关联式,分析比较了套管换热装置的换热特性、阻力特性;利用传热单元数ε-NTU法研究探讨了套管顺、逆两种形式的换热效率,并进一步分析了管式换热法的经济性。研究表明,管式换热法适宜长距离水源条件,应用范围广;套管装置换热Re数高,对流换热系数大50%,但流动阻力为普通换热方式的2~3倍;管式换热形式分为逆流与顺流两种,其中逆流较顺流可减少20%的套管换热面积或长度;另外,套管换热装置比普通换热方式需增加60%的换热管耗材量。  相似文献   

水源热泵空调系统与普通的中央空调系统相比,具有节能热回收以及系统简单,安装方便、操作灵活、适应性强等优点。本文简介其系统组成,工作原理设计要点。  相似文献   

地表水源热泵水温模型及水体供冷能力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据热力学第一定律建立地表水源热泵水温模型并采用经典的龙格-库塔数值法对其进行求解,同时以<地表水环境质鼍标准>为依据,利用黄金分割法求解一定负荷的建筑采用地表水源热泵空调系统需要的最小水体.该文可对地表水源热泵设计提供依据,使地表水源热泵在我国更好的推广与应用.  相似文献   

地表水源热泵辅助热源节能效果的分析   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
钱剑峰  孙德兴  吴荣华  张承虎 《节能技术》2006,24(4):330-332,373
介绍了地表水水源热泵工程中两种常用的辅助热源形式,指出辅助热源的布置形式影响着系统运行的经济性。推导出了两种形式下热泵系统单位小时运行费用,结合某实例说明采用后置式辅助热源的地表水源热泵系统运行费用小,具有节能的优越性。  相似文献   

一种基于排取热量平衡的地源热泵系统设计方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地源热泵空调系统作为一种高效节能的空调系统,正得到日益广泛的应用.然而,由于建筑物的冷负荷及其运行时间往往大于供暖负荷及其运行时间,设计过程中往往取最不利情况下的负荷计算结果作为设计依据,排取热量的不平衡导致地温变化,最终影响空调运行性能.针对于此,提出了一种基于排取热量平衡的地源热泵系统设计方法.  相似文献   

In order to predict the long-term performance of large-scale ground-coupled heat pump (GCHP) systems, it is necessary to take into consideration well-to-well interference, especially in the presence of groundwater flow. A mass and heat transport model was developed to simulate the behavior of this type of system in the Akita Plain, northern Japan. The model was used to investigate different operational schemes and to maximize the heat extraction rate from the GCHP system.  相似文献   

In this study heat pump systems having different heat sources were investigated experimentally. Solar‐assisted heat pump (SAHP), ground source heat pump (GSHP) and air source heat pump (ASHP) systems for domestic heating were tested. Additionally, their combination systems, such as solar‐assisted‐ground source heat pump (SAGSHP), solar‐assisted‐air source heat pump (SAASHP) and ground–air source heat pump (GSASHP) were tested. All the heat pump systems were designed and constructed in a test room with 60 m2 floor area in Firat University, Elazig (38.41°N, 39.14°E), Turkey. In evaluating the efficiency of heat pump systems, the most commonly used measure is the energy or the first law efficiency, which is modified to a coefficient of performance for heat pump systems. However, for indicating the possibilities for thermodynamic improvement, inadequate energy analysis and exergy analysis are needed. This study presents an exergetic evaluation of SAHP, GSHP and ASHP and their combination systems. The exergy losses in each of the components of the heat pump systems are determined for average values of experimentally measured parameters. Exergy efficiency in each of the components of the heat pump systems is also determined to assess their performances. The coefficient of performance (COP) of the SAHP, GSHP and ASHP were obtained as 2.95, 2.44 and 2.33, whereas the exergy losses of the refrigerant subsystems were found to be 1.342, 1.705 and 1.942 kW, respectively. The COP of SAGSHP, SAASHP and GSASHP as multiple source heat pump systems were also determined to be 3.36, 2.90 and 2.14, whereas the exergy losses of the refrigerant subsystems were approximately 2.13, 2.996 and 3.113 kW, respectively. In addition, multiple source heat pump systems were compared with single source heat pump systems on the basis of the COP. Exergetic performance coefficient (EPC) is introduced and is applied to the heat pump systems having various heat sources. The results imply that the functional forms of the EPC and first law efficiency are different. Results show that Exloss,total becomes a minimum value when EPC has a maximum value. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

三种商业常用地源热泵系统经济性评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
桂江波  徐玉党  黎栩 《节能》2003,(1):14-16
本文将商业上常用的三种地源热泵系统进行经济性评价 ,并得出它们在一定条件下所需费用 ,最后对这三种系统所需费用进行比较  相似文献   

C.K. Lee  H.N. Lam 《Renewable Energy》2008,33(6):1286-1296
Computer simulation of borehole ground heat exchangers used in geothermal heat pump systems was conducted using three-dimensional implicit finite difference method with rectangular coordinate system. Each borehole was approximated by a square column circumscribed by the borehole radius. Borehole loading profile calculated numerically based on the prescribed borehole temperature profile under quasi-steady state conditions was used to determine the ground temperature and the borehole temperature profile. The two coupled solutions were solved iteratively at each time step. The simulated ground temperature was calibrated using a cylindrical source model by adjusting the grid spacing and adopting a load factor of 1.047 in the difference equation. With constant load applied to a single borehole, neither the borehole temperature nor the borehole loading was constant along the borehole. The ground temperature profiles were not similar at different distances from the borehole. This meant that a single finite difference scheme was not sufficient to estimate the performance of a borefield by superposition. The entire borefield should be discretized simultaneously. Comparison was made between the present method and the finite line source model with superposition. The discrepancies between the results from the two methods increased with the scale of borefield. The introduction of time schedule revealed a discrepancy between the load applied to the ground heat exchanger and that transferred from the borehole to the ground, which was usually assumed to be the same when using analytical models. Hence, in designing a large borefield, the present method should give more precise results in dynamic simulation.  相似文献   

结合现有产品的技术水平,分析比较了燃气热泵与电动热泵的一次能源利用率.针对不同电价、不同燃气价的情况计算了两种热泵的运行成本.由计算结果绘制的图表为空调方案的选择提供了有益的参考.  相似文献   

Among the gas-solid adsorption processes the zeolite water adsorption seems to be very interesting for use in thermodynamic systems such as chemical heat pump, heat transformer and cooling systems. This work evaluates theoretically the best type of zeolite for use in each system on the basis of the adsorption data of zeolites using prefixed operative conditions. Results obtained indicate that thermodynamically a given zeolite type achieves better results than the others for each of the abovementioned systems. Methodology and criterion of comparison used can be applied to other gas-solid processes aiming at realizing chemical heat pump, heat transformer and cooling systems.  相似文献   

设计了一套复合式土壤源热泵性能实验台,采用冷却塔作辅助冷源、太阳能热水器作辅助热源,能够实现冬季供暖、夏季供冷、一年四季提供60~80℃生活热水的功能。给出了系统中热泵机组、空调末端设备、冷却塔、水泵、太阳能热水器等主要部件的选型计算方法,经搭建好的土壤源热泵性能实验台运行测试,制冷和制热效果良好,同时也解决了土壤热平衡问题。  相似文献   

浴室余热回收热泵系统设计方案研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
吴勇  王凯  曹锋  邢子文 《节能》2007,26(4):40-41
以某大学浴室排放废热水余热回收为例,提出温泉浴室热泵系统的组成和流程,并从浴室水源热泵系统的运行方式进行了论述与计算,最后从经济性方面对4种不同加热方式作了对比,表明热泵技术是解决此类问题的理想方法。  相似文献   

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