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The receptor encoded by the W (c-kit) locus is expressed on the membrane of mouse primordial germ cells, whereas its ligand termed stem cell factor (SCF), encoded by the Sl locus, is expressed on the membrane of somatic cells associated with both the primordial germ cell migratory pathways and homing sites. Using an in vitro short time assay which allows a quantitative measure of adhesion between cells, in the present paper we show that SCF/c-kit interaction can modulate primordial germ cell adhesion to somatic cells. We report that the adhesiveness of 11.5 dpc primordial germ cells to four types of somatic cells in culture (TM4 cells, STO fibroblasts, bone marrow stromal cells and gonadal somatic cells) is significantly reduced by antibodies directed against c-kit receptor or SCF, as well by soluble SCF. This SCF/c-kit mediated adhesion seems independent of SCF-induced tyrosine autophosphorylation of c-kit receptor. Moreover, primordial germ cells showed a poor ability to adhere to a bone marrow stromal cell line carrying the Sl(d) mutation (unable to synthesize membrane-bound SCF). This adhesiveness was not further impaired by anti-c-kit antibody. These results demonstrate that SCF/c-kit interaction contributes to the adhesion of primordial germ cells to somatic cells in culture and suggest that the role played by SCF in promoting survival, proliferation and migration of these cells in vitro and in vivo, demonstrated by several studies, might depend on the ability of the membrane-bound form of this cytokine to directly mediate primordial germ cell adhesion to the surrounding somatic cells.  相似文献   

Dynamic deformation applied to white matter tracts is a common feature of human brain trauma, and may result in diffuse axonal injury (DAI). To produce DAI in an experimental model, we have utilized nonimpact inertial loading to induce brain trauma in miniature swine. This species was chosen due to its large gyrencephalic brain with substantial white matter domains. Twenty anesthetized (2% isoflurane) miniature swine were subjected to pure impulsive centroidal rotation 110 degrees in the coronal plane in 4 to 6 ms; peak accelerations ranged from 0.6 to 1.7 x 10(5) rad/s2. Seven days following injury, the brains were fixed (4% paraformaldehyde). Histopathologic examination was performed on 40 microns sections stained with cresyl violet (Nissl), antibodies targeting neurofilament (axonal damage), GFAP (astrocytes), and pig IgG (protein extravasation). Widespread multifocal axonal injury was observed in combination with gliosis throughout the brain, most commonly in the root of gyri and at the interface of the gray and white matter. Very little vascular disruption was noted in regions of axonal injury. Neuronal damage was primarily found in the CA1 and CA3 subfields of the hippocampus. These results suggest that this model is clinically relevant and useful for evaluating mechanisms of inertial brain trauma.  相似文献   

It has been reported that immature rats subjected to cerebral hypoxia-ischemia sustain less brain damage if they are previously exposed to systemic hypoxia compared with animals not exposed to prior hypoxia. Accordingly, neuropathologic and metabolic experiments were conducted to confirm and extend the observation that hypoxic preconditioning protects the perinatal brain from subsequent hypoxic-ischemic brain damage. Six-day postnatal rats were subjected to systemic hypoxia with 8% oxygen at 37 degrees C for 2.5 h. Twenty-four hours later, they were exposed to unilateral cerebral hypoxia-ischemia for 2.5 h, produced by unilateral common carotid artery ligation and systemic hypoxia with 8% oxygen. Neuropathologic analysis, conducted at 30 days of postnatal age, indicated a substantial reduction in the severity of brain damage in the preconditioned rats, such that only 6 of 14 such animals exhibited cystic infarction, but all 13 animals without prior preconditioning exhibited infarction (p < 0.001). Measurement of cerebral glycolytic and tricarboxylic acid intermediates and high-energy phosphate reserves at the terminus of and at 4 and 24 h following hypoxia-ischemia showed no differences in the extent of alterations in the preconditioned and nonpreconditioned immature rats. A difference was seen in the restitution of high-energy stores during the first 24 h of recovery from hypoxia-ischemia, with a more optimal preservation of these metabolites in the preconditioned animals, reflecting the less severe ultimate brain damage. Accordingly, the neuroprotection afforded to the preconditioned animals was not the result of any differences in the extent of anaerobic glycolysis, tissue acidosis, or depletion in high-energy reserves during hypoxia-ischemia but rather the result of other mechanisms that improved the metabolic status of the immature brain during the early hours of reperfusion following hypoxia-ischemia.  相似文献   

The purposes of this study were (1) to document the histopathological consequences of moderate traumatic brain injury (TBI) in anesthetized Sprague-Dawley rats, and (2) to determine whether post-traumatic brain hypothermia (30 degrees C) would protect histopathologically. Twenty-four hours prior to TBI, the fluid percussion interface was positioned over the right cerebral cortex. On the 2nd day, fasted rats were anesthetized with 70% nitrous oxide, 1% halothane, and 30% oxygen. Under controlled physiological conditions and normothermic brain temperature (37.5 degrees C), rats were injured with a fluid percussion pulse ranging from 1.7 to 2.2 atmospheres. In one group, brain temperature was maintained at normothermic levels for 3 h after injury. In a second group, brain temperature was reduced to 30 degrees C at 5 min post-trauma and maintained for 3 h. Three days after TBI, brains were perfusion-fixed for routine histopathological analysis. In the normothermic group, damage at the site of impact was seen in only one of nine rats. In contrast, all normothermic animals displayed necrotic neurons within ipsilateral cortical regions lateral and remote from the impact site. Intracerebral hemorrhagic contusions were present in all rats at the gray-white interface underlying the injured cortical areas. Selective neuronal necrosis was also present within the CA3 and CA4 hippocampal subsectors and thalamus. Post-traumatic brain hypothermia significantly reduced the overall sum of necrotic cortical neurons (519 +/- 122 vs 952 +/- 130, mean +/- SE, P = 0.03, Kruskal-Wallis test) as well as contusion volume (0.50 +/- 0.14 vs 2.14 +/- 0.71 mm3, P = 0.004).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The Bcl-2 family of proteins consists of both antagonists (e.g. Bcl-2) and agonists (e.g. Bax) that regulate apoptosis and compete through dimerization. In the present study we cloned the cDNA encoding the rat brain BAD, a distant member of the Bcl-2 family that was shown to promote cell death. The cloned cDNA encoded a protein of 205 amino acids, containing three putative Bcl-2 homology domains (BH1, BH2 and BH3) and no C-terminal signal-anchor sequence. The predicted amino acid sequence was identical to the Bad-cDNA recently cloned from the rat ovary with the exception of a stretch of six amino acids, thus indicating the existence of two Bad alternative splice variants or a sequence artifact in the rat ovary Bad-cDNA. Immunohistochemical analysis in the rat brain revealed the exclusive expression of Bad in the epithelial cells of the choroid plexus, a result which is consistent with a very specialized function of Bad in the brain.  相似文献   

AIMS: To evaluate the independent prognostic value of apoptotic versus proliferative fractions in a series of 92 patients with non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (NHL). METHODS AND RESULTS: Apoptotic fractions were quantified by use of the TdT (terminal deoxynucleotidyl-transferase)-mediated in-situ end-labelling technique (TUNEL), the percentage of positive cells constituting the apoptotic index (AI). Proliferative rate was expressed as percentage of Ki67 positive cells (Ki67 LI). Tissues were also stained for p53 protein with the DO-1 antibody. Patients were followed up until death (n = 33) or for an average of 63 months (n = 56). AI increased with malignancy grade and proliferative activity but was not related to location, cell of origin, clinical stage, bone marrow involvement and p53 expression. In multivariate analysis, overall survival was independently influenced by grade, stage, p53 LI and chemotherapy. The independent predictors of disease-free survival were Ki67 LI location and chemotherapy. AI turned out to be the only independent (negative) predictor of post-relapse survival. On the other hand, a low Ki67 LI increased the risk of relapse (logistic regression analysis) whereas a low p53 LI increased the probability of complete response. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that the combined assessment of apoptotic fraction, proliferative rate and p53 expression may provide important prognostic information independent of other clinicopathological parameters in NHL.  相似文献   

It is now well established that in response to genotoxic stresses mammalian cells show an increased p53 protein levels and undergo cell cycle arrest at G1/S and G2/M checkpoints. But, the consequences of these cell cycle arrests on cell survival are not yet elucidated. In this study, we have analysed the relationships between p53 protein induction, cell cycle arrest and cell survival following exposure of normal human fibroblasts (NHFs) to various genotoxic agents such as cisplatin, UV radiation and gamma radiation. p53 protein accumulation and G2/M arrest arose at the same time following exposure to DNA damaging agents, suggesting that p53 is responsible for the G2/M block. However, following inhibition of p53 induction by an antisense oligonucleotide, this G2/M arrest is even more important and correlates with an enhanced sensitivity of NHFs to UV radiation. In addition, there appears to be a threshold in the response of NHFs to DNA damaging agents, p53 induction and cell cycle arrest being observed only with lethal UV doses. We show that: 1) there appears to be a threshold in the cellular response to genotoxic agents, below which neither p53 induction, nor cell cycle arrest, nor cell survival alteration occur and beyond which p53 induction is accompanied by cell cycle arrest and decreased cell survival; 2) although there is a tight temporal relationship, the onset of which depends of the DNA damaging agent used, between the start of p53 induction and the occurrence of G2/M arrest, this latter is independent of p53; 3) p53 inhibition enhances NHFs' sensitivity to DNA damaging agents, the extent of the G2/M arrest correlating with decreased cell survival. Finally, the lack of obligatory correlation between p53 inactivation, apoptosis and radio- or chemoresistance is discussed.  相似文献   

Data presented during the 1996 CINP President's Workshop supported the conclusion that unipolar major depressive disorder (MDD) is a pleomorphic mood disorder consisting of a cluster of depressive subtypes existing in a relatively homogeneous symptomatic clinical continuum, extending from subsyndromal depressive symptomatology (SSD) through minor depressive episode, dysthymic disorder, major depressive episode and double depression. This indicates that common unipolar depressive subtypes can be conceptualized as alternate forms or different symptomatic phases of the same parent illness. Although there appears to be great overlap across time in the symptomatological expressions of these clinical depressive subtypes, they may be derived from different etiological and genetic factors. The one exception may be major depressive episode with psychotic features, which exists on a severity continuum with other subtypes of unipolar MDD, but does not appear to be on a symptomatic continuum with dysthymic, subsyndromal or minor depressions. By contrast, SSD and minor depressive disorder represent clinically significant depressive subtypes, which are commonly observed during the course of illness of patients with unipolar major depressive illness. Compared to no depressive symptoms, SSD is associated with harmful dysfunction, as evidenced by significant increases in psychosocial impairment, signifying that SSD is an active, inter-episode disease state of unipolar major depressive disorder. Finally, SSD, possibly jointly with subthreshold anxiety symptoms, may also represent potent risk factors for rapid depressive episode relapse. In the aggregate, these findings and conclusions have broad and important implications for diagnostic and treatment strategies of unipolar MDD.  相似文献   

Pilomatrixoma is a benign tumour of the cutaneous adnexa. Histologically, pilomatrixoma comprises masses of immature basophilic cells, small numbers of polygonal squamoid cells, few transitional cells, and clusters of 'shadow cells'. The mechanism leading to the formation of shadow cells is still unknown. Skin biopsy specimens of pilomatrixoma (n = 15) were studied histologically, immunohistologically, and by applying the in situ end-labelling technique. The basal layer of the basophilic cells induced most of the proliferating cells with high expression of bcl-2 and cytokeratin 19. The overlying basophilic cells showed a negligible mitotic activity, a high significant accumulation of p53 protein, and a heterogeneous, but progressive loss of bcl-2 and cytokeratin 19. They developed either into squamoid cells or into transitional cells. The squamoid cells were characterized as differentiated cells resembling mature keratinocytes of stratified mucosa. The transitional cells could be shown to represent apoptotic cells proceeding to shadow cells. The data suggest that apoptosis is the main mechanism leading to the development of the dead shadow cells and is most probably responsible for the banal biological behaviour of pilomatrixoma. Apart from that, pilomatrixoma represents a suitable biological model to study apoptosis in humans.  相似文献   

We have recently shown that fasting before initiation markedly stimulated the growth of aberrant crypt foci (ACF) induced by azoxymethane (AOM) in the rat medial colon. Here we investigated the mechanisms by which fasting enhanced the growth of ACF. Rats were exposed to 4 day-starvation, then they were given AOM (20 mg/kg) on the first day of refeeding. 4 day-fasting depressed cell proliferation as shown by the decreased mitotic index and enhanced cell death by apoptosis. On the first day of refeeding, apoptotic index remained higher than control values, while mitotic index markedly increased in the colonic epithelium of fasted/ refed rats. The administration of AOM induced an apoptotic wave, that was higher in controls, and a transient drop in the mitotic index that recovered quickly in the fasted/refed group. These data suggest that starvation-induced apoptosis represents the mitogenic stimulus to increase the rates of cell proliferation responsible for the enhanced growth of ACF in fasted/refed rats.  相似文献   

The modulation of the luteinizing hormone (LH) induction of cholesterol side chain cleavage (CSCC) enzyme in immature rat Leydig cells was studied using rat Sertoli cell-conditioned medium (SCCM), which stimulates short-term endogenous steroid production. Luteinizing hormone increased the CSCC enzyme activity 10-fold in cells cultured for 7 days in the absence of hormones. This enzyme induction was abolished almost completely in the presence of SCCM. The inhibition was dose dependent (half-maximal effect at 5 mg protein/l) and paralleled by a decrease in the amount of cytochrome P-450scc (P-450scc) enzyme. There were no indications for loss of cell viability. The inhibitory action of SCCM could be localized at the level of adenylate cyclase activation and at steps beyond cyclic adenosine monophosphate production. The inhibition was not specific for Sertoli cell products because conditioned media from different cell lines and media from isolated rat hepatocytes displayed similar effects. Trypsin treatment of SCCM destroyed the activity whereas the bioactivity could resist heating for 5 min at 100 degrees C. Generally occurring (growth) factors, such as epidermal growth factor or tumor necrosis factor alpha, may have contributed to the observed inhibitory effects of SCCM. These inhibitory effects of Sertoli cell products in vitro are in contrast to stimulatory effects of Sertoli cells on Leydig cell steroidogenesis in vivo after FSH administration.  相似文献   

CHO cells were pulse-labeled with 125I-iododeoxyuridine, harvested 30 min or 5 h after labeling, and stored at -196 degrees C for accumulation of 125I decays. The 30- min groups yielded low-LET survival curves (large shoulder, D0 136 decays/cell); 5-h groups showed a high-LET pattern of cell killing (no shoulder, D0 45 decay/cell). Surprisingly, the shift in 125I action was abolished in cells exposed to HAT medium; both 30-min and 5-h cell groups exhibited high-LET-type killing (no shoulder, D0 52 decays/cell). The striking difference in cell death was not accompanied by any change in induction or repair of DNA DSBs, but the pattern of micronucleus formation (and by implication chromosome damage) did parallel 125I-induced cell death. These findings suggest that cell killing may not be directly linked to the absolute number of DNA DSBs and that damage to higher-order genome structures may be an important factor in radiation-induced cell death.  相似文献   

The effects of cell toxicity are known to be inherent in carcinogenesis induced by radiation or chemical carcinogens. The event of cell death precludes tumor induction from occurring. A long standing problem is to estimate the proportion of initiated cells that die before tumor induction. No experimental techniques are currently available for directly gauging the rate of cell death over extended periods of time. The obstacle can be surmounted by newly developed theoretical methods of carcinogenesis modeling. In this paper, we apply such methods to published data on multiple lung tumors in mice receiving different schedules of urethane. Bioassays of this type play an important role in testing environmental chemicals for carcinogenic activity. Our estimates for urethane-induced carcinogenesis show that, unexpectedly, many initiated cells die early in the course of tumor promotion. We present numerical estimates for the probability of initiated cell death for different schedules (and doses) of urethane administration.  相似文献   

Vaginocervical stimulation received either during mating or by artificial mechanical means has been shown to induce FOS expression in medial amygdala, preoptic area, hypothalamus, and midbrain of female rats. While mating-induced increases in FOS-like immunoreactivity (FOS-IR) have been shown to require intromissive stimulation from males, the pattern of FOS-IR in animals receiving numbers of intromissions across a range relevant to the induction of the prolactin surges of early pregnancy has not been explored. Experiment 1 examined brain FOS-IR following 15 mounts without intromission or 5, 10, or 15 intromissions in ovariectomized females treated with estrogen and progesterone; these treatments are known to be less than or more than sufficient to trigger prolactin surges in cycling females. FOS was expressed in a graded fashion in the medial amygdala with respect to the numbers of intromissions received and in an all-or-nothing manner in preoptic area, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, and ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus. In experiment 2, 15 intromissions induced expression of another immediate-early gene, egr-1, in each of these same areas as well as in a second division of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus. These studies demonstrate that mating is differentially effective in inducing FOS expression in responsive brain areas and point to the medial amygdala as a site in which summation of intromissive stimulation may occur. Furthermore, the induction of EGR-1 may be a more sensitive marker for mating-induced neural activation in these areas than is FOS.  相似文献   

The development of Schwann cells, the myelin-forming glial cells of the vertebrate peripheral nervous system, involves a neonatal phase of proliferation in which cells migrate along and segregate newly formed axons. Withdrawal from the cell cycle, around postnatal days 2-4 in rodents, initiates terminal differentiation to the myelinating state. During this time, Schwann cell number is subject to stringent regulation such that within the first postnatal week, axons and myelinating Schwann cells attain the one-to-one relationship characteristic of the mature nerve. The mechanisms that underly this developmental control remain largely undefined. In this report, we examine the role of apoptosis in the determination of postnatal Schwann cell number. We find that Schwann cells isolated from postnatal day 3 rat sciatic nerve undergo apoptosis in vitro upon serum withdrawal and that Schwann cell death can be prevented by beta forms of neuregulin (NRG-beta) but not by fibroblast growth factor 2 or platelet-derived growth factors AA and BB. This NRG-beta-mediated Schwann cell survival is apparently transduced through an ErbB2/ErbB3 receptor heterodimer. We also provide evidence that postnatal Schwann cells undergo developmentally regulated apoptosis in vivo. Together with other recent findings, these results suggest that Schwann cell apoptosis may play an important role in peripheral nerve development and that Schwann cell survival may be regulated by access to axonally derived NRG.  相似文献   

Spontaneous and experimental changes in arterial blood flow rates affect tissue accumulation in developing arteries. To examine whether cell proliferation and/or cell death are affected by alterations in blood flow, we ligated the left external carotid artery of 3-week-old rabbits, which reduces left common carotid blood flow by 71%. In control arteries and after 2 days of flow reduction, agarose gel electrophoresis of DNA extracted from all carotid arteries resolved multiple low molecular weight bands characteristic of apoptosis; however, DNA fragmentation in arteries carrying reduced blood flow was 2.5-fold higher than that of control arteries. The effect of reduced blood flow on cell death subsequently waned but remained significant at 7 days. Cell death in carotid arteries was also detected by in vivo uptake of propidium iodide, a DNA-binding fluorescent dye that labels the nuclei of nonviable cells. Both smooth muscle and endothelial cells exhibited large and statistically significant increases in labeling index in the flow-reduced artery. Propidium iodide-labeled cells were cleared from the vessel wall within 1 to 4 hours of labeling, and nuclear staining displayed condensation (clumping) of chromatin in all labeled cells at later time points. This time course and nuclear morphology and the rapid clearance of labeled cells are consistent with death via apoptosis. Many propidium iodide-positive cells did not display chromatin condensation immediately after labeling; however, this was also true of cultured endothelial cells that were driven into apoptosis with sphingomyelinase treatment and then double-labeled with propidium iodide and the apoptosis marker annexin V. We infer that propidium iodide can label apoptotic vascular cells before these cells display chromatin condensation that is detectable with fluorescence labeling of DNA. Replication rates of smooth muscle and endothelial cells, determined by 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine uptake, were inhibited by >75% with decreased blood flow. The inhibition of proliferation was unabated after 7 days of reduced flow. These findings indicate that the coordinated regulation of cell death and cell proliferation, in response to changes in arterial blood flow rates, contributes to arterial remodeling during development.  相似文献   

Platelet-activating factor (PAF) is overproduced in ischemic brain. Although postischemic PAF antagonist administration protects the mature brain in some models, little is known about the effects of PAF antagonists in the immature brain. We hypothesized that the PAF antagonist BN 52021 would attenuate perinatal cerebral hypoxic-ischemic injury. To elicit focal hypoxic-ischemic brain injury, 7-d-old (P7) rats (n = 111) underwent right carotid ligation, followed by 2.5-3.25 h of hypoxia (fractional concentration of inspired O2 = 0.08). BN 52021 neuroprotection was evaluated in three groups of experiments: 1) 25 mg/kg/dose, 0 and 2 h posthypoxia; 2), 25 mg/kg/dose immediately before and 1 h after hypoxia; and 3) posthypoxia-ischemia treatment with BN 52021 12.5, 25, or 50 mg/kg/dose in 2 doses 0 and 2 h after hypoxia. All experiments included concurrent vehicle-injected controls. To quantitate severity of injury, bilateral regional cross-sectional areas (groups 1 and 2) or hemisphere weights (group 3) were evaluated on P12. Both pre- and posthypoxic treatment with BN 52021 (25 mg/kg/dose, two serial doses) decreased the incidence of cerebral infarction from 90% to about 30% (p < 0.02, Fisher's exact test). Measurement of cross-sectional areas confirmed neuroprotection and indicated some benefit of pre- over posthypoxic-ischemic treatment in hippocampus and cortex. Over the dose range tested, the neuroprotective effect of BN 52021 administration was not dose-dependent. In contrast, BN 52021 did not attenuate N-methyl-D-aspartate-induced hippocampal excitotoxic injury in P7 rats. Either prophylactic or "rescue" administration of PAF antagonists decreases the incidence and severity of brain injury associated with an episode of perinatal cerebral hypoxia-ischemia.  相似文献   

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