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针对熔剂系统运送粉尘物料,导致转运站下料点处粉尘浓度严重超标的状况,通过不断对设备的密封进行改进、试用,使岗位粉尘浓度由过去的22.2 mg/m3降至现在的4.7 mg/m3以下.  相似文献   

八钢 1# 、2 # 高炉槽上和 1# 、1# A、2 # 转运站粉尘污染严重 ,产尘点达 5 1个 ,在全国同行业尚无成功治理经验借鉴下 ,首次提出了以电除尘器、液压阀门控制等先进技术进行集中除尘设计并付诸实践 ,成功地解决了高炉槽上及其上料系统粉尘治理的难题  相似文献   

吴启瑞  王学军  吕枭 《包钢科技》2018,44(2):9-10,36
通过进行系统优化设计,提高了老区1 000 m3高炉供料系统除尘运行效率,使得在除尘管道工艺分布上更为科学,风量合理分配,除尘能力与生产工艺相匹配。将岗位粉尘浓度降低到国家标准规定的接触极限以内。  相似文献   

安钢集团水冶钢铁公司于2 0 0 3年在新建的380m3 卷扬上料小车自动控制系统中采用了PLC控制,由于其具有可靠性高、操作简便、易于维护等特点,使该公司新高炉自投用后运行正常,在极短时间里便达产创效。上料小车自动控制系统主要由西门子S7 30 0PLC、研华IPC 6 10工控机、XNLK4 1/2 0型智能主令器、施耐德公司的ATV型变频器构成。该公司高炉料车轨道长5 2m ,采用了双车上料方式。两部料车(分别为1# 、2 # )通过钢丝绳连接到同一个卷扬滚筒上。料车工作时重车上升与轻车下降同时进行,有效提高上料速度。根据高炉生产工艺要求,料车在上…  相似文献   

根据高炉风机配置的具体情况 ,为充分发挥大风机生产优势 ,建立了适宜的送风制度及装料制度 ,对利旧风机采取了自动防喘振控制、高压水阻软启动的措施 ,风机仪表采用集散控制 ,并优化上料系统 ,提高了高炉上料能力。一系列优化方案保证了高炉稳定、安全、顺行 ,1号、2号高炉利用系数分别由 3 .3 64、3 .43 2t/m3.d提高到 3 .917和 3 .767t/m3.d。  相似文献   

梅山冶金公司高炉出铁场除尘工程由马鞍山钢铁设计研究院设计,于1986年1月建成.经一年多的生产实践证明,除尘效果显著,铁水罐子台周围没有粉尘外溢现象,炉前操作室的岗位粉尘浓度由原来的40mg/m~3降到平均7.32mg/m~3,低于国家的规定标准. 该系统与国内外的同类型高炉的出铁场除尘系统相比,具有投资省(约省240余万万元)、占地少(少占800m~2)、电耗低  相似文献   

本文简述了某铝厂石灰上料系统的扬尘情况,采用大开口联合抽风柜、水浴除尘器除系统除尘,岗位粉尘浓度达到国家标准要求。  相似文献   

摘要:建立了高炉或氧气高炉喷吹烧结烟气的数学模型,实现对烧结烟气利用与处理的目的。模拟结果显示:当烧结烟气喷吹温度为1250℃,全氧高炉的炉缸与炉身处各循环200m3/t炉顶煤气时,烧结烟气喷吹量每增加100m3/t,高炉理论燃烧温度降低约134℃,直接还原度增大0.02。随着烧结烟气喷吹量的增加,煤比逐渐增大,炉顶煤气中氮气含量逐渐增大,SO2浓度逐渐降低。当烧结烟气喷吹量达到894m3/t时,炉顶煤气中的SO2质量浓度为214.28mg/m3,与普通高炉相比,降低约1.48mg/m3;氮氧化物质量浓度为45.42mg/m3,低于普通高炉约6.36mg/m3。  相似文献   

钟章格 《炼铁》2002,21(5):41-42
1 引言 高炉矿槽主要包括高炉原料的运输、转运、卸料、给料、称量及入炉上料工序。国内中小型高炉基本上采用料车上料,韶钢3号高炉也采用这种上料方式。高炉矿槽设置除尘系统的主要目的是为了控制高炉烧结矿、焦炭、杂矿等原料在运输、转运、卸料、给料、称量及上料时产生的有害粉尘,消除粉尘对人体的危害。目前,国内高炉矿槽除尘系统主体设备基本上以布袋除尘器为主,韶钢3号高炉矿槽除尘系统在改造前也是采用布袋除尘,这种方式在使用中暴露出很多缺点。为了  相似文献   

烧结机尾除尘改造   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李兴义  卢静  包文琦  赵军 《山东冶金》2011,33(3):54-55,60
莱钢1#105m2烧结机通过增加1级121m2电除尘器,设计选用滤料和袋笼,改善供气系统,控制除尘清灰,改造集气罩、除尘管道等措施,将机尾电除尘器改造为电袋复合除尘器。改造后,实现了粉尘达标排放,粉尘排放浓度30mg/m3以下,布袋的完好率保持在99%以上,年节约运行费用47.5万元。  相似文献   

The anisotropic elastic response of body centered cubic (b.c.c.) and face centered cubic (f.c.c.) crystals is reviewed within the framework of general elasticity and particular model dependent relations. It is found that important trends in the observed behavior of specific groups of crystals can be reproduced by models that include only structural contributions to crystal binding. In fact, a very simple model, consisting of only nearest and next nearest neighbor interactions, reproduces the salient behavior, including the algebraic signs of Poisson's ratio and the orderings of the shear moduli, Young's moduli, and Poisson's ratios associated with major crystallographic symmetries. The analysis provides insight into the differences between the b.c.c. transition metals and the b.c.c. alkali metals.  相似文献   

The US South, and western regions of the US initially settled by Southerners, are more violent than the rest of the country. Homicide rates for White Southern males are substantially higher than those for White Northern males, especially in rural areas. But only for argument-related homicides are Southern rates higher. Southerners do not endorse violence more than do Northerners when survey questions are expressed in general terms, but they are more inclined to endorse violence for protection and in response to insults. Southern Ss responded with more apparent anger to insults than did Northerners and were more likely to propose violent solutions to conflicts presented in scenarios after being insulted. The social matrix that produced this pattern may be the culture of honor characteristic of particular economic circumstances, including the herding society of the early South. Consistent with this possibility, the herding regions of the South are still the most violent. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Responds to comments by D. D. Dorfman (see record 1982-25821-001), D. Gersh (see record 1982-25825-001), R. J. Herrnstein (1981), and L. J. Kamin (see record 1982-25833-001) on the source of data cited in H. H. Goddard's (1917) article on mental tests with immigrants. An attempt is made to clarify what the cited data about the immigrants represent. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Contends that although US psychology at present occupies a major position in world psychology, the field is growing more rapidly in many other countries. An example of international cooperation in an endeavor that could not be achieved by the psychological community of any single nation (i.e., securing the admission of the International Union of Psychological Science to the International Council of Scientific Unions) is given. A list of suggestions is presented outlining ways in which individual psychologists can take part in international psychological activities. (17 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The rolling and shear textures of aluminium (f.c.c.) and Fe-16% Cr (b.c.c.) have been compared. First a 90° rotation relationship about the transverse direction was found experimentally between the stable orientations of the rolling textures and the shear textures. This was explained with the symmetry of the glide systems and the orientation relationship between both coordinate systems. Second for both kinds of deformation namely rolling and shear a 90° rotation relationship about the transverse direction was also found between the stable b.c.c. and f.c.c. orientations. This was explained with the Taylor theory and the Sachs model making use of the orientation relationship between f.c.c. and b.c.c. glide systems.  相似文献   

Discusses the theory that asserts that the residual reading abilities seen in deep dyslexia entirely reflect the operation of an intact right hemisphere reading system rather than a partially disabled left hemisphere reading system. Evidence from an experiment with normal Ss in a report by the present author and colleagues (1983) is presented, which suggests that the right hemisphere contains no lexical entries for abbreviations that can be accessed by visual presentation. Data are presented from studies by K. E. Patterson (1980; see also PA, Vols 63:12203 and 64:10691) on 2 male deep dyslexic's understanding of printed abbreviations, along with observations of a young female deep dyslexic who was tested on understanding of abbreviations and on letter-naming abilities. Considerable sparing of the ability to obtain semantic information from printed abbreviations was evidenced in all 3 Ss. This contrast suggests that the current right hemisphere account of the residual reading abilities seen in deep dyslexia is not a sufficient one and should be modified. (French abstract) (29 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A review of the life and contributions of one of the foremost psychologists of our time. The review covers the contributions of Guilford to experimental psychology—experimental esthetics, sensory processes, perception, and learning; statistical psychology—psychophysics, analysis, test theory and evaluation; measurement of mental abilities—aptitudes of high level personnel, structure of the intellect, and creativity; and personality—tests, questionnaires, and inventories by Guilford and his associates. A complete bibliography shows that Guilford published either as sole author or as co-author 21 books; 29 monographs; 158 articles; and 21 tests, manuals, and profile sheets. A portrait of Guilford is included. (7-p. bibliogr.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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