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“据标准普尔S&P预计,全球半导体设备销售额在遭受了2002年下跌60°的惨痛打击后,有望于今年出现5%到10%的增长。这表示该行业将逐渐走出阴影,但整体环境仍不明朗。到目前为止,几乎没有任何一家芯片制造商或设备制造商能够预测出其在未来一段时间的订货前景和销售情况。”  相似文献   

这是信息安全产业内一个充满生机和挑战的传奇领域,不仅让国人自主研发的密码算法大放异彩,也被视为即将迎来5年的高速发展期。这个领域,曾经引无数国内信息安全企业竞折腰,但现如今的这个领域,也让很多领域内的安全人士充满着挫败和无奈感……  相似文献   

由于欧洲宽带服务日渐普及,加上线路租赁价格持续降低,让企业使用VoIP(Voice-Over-InternetProtocol)服务的兴趣大增,根据IDC公布调查报告指出,欧洲企业对VoIP服务的接受度日益增高,目前已有12%的企业采用此服务,未来预计采用此解决方案以降低企业运营成本的企业更是大于以往,达33%以上,可见欧洲在宽带日渐普及的今天,已走向另一个电信产业的时代.  相似文献   

随着大力发展数字经济、建设经济强国战略以及《中国制造2025》提出到2025年芯片自给率达到70%目标,国家对于芯片产业提出了高质量发展的要求。本文通过对我国芯片产业链构成、发展史和现状、当下面临的发展困境、未来的发展前景进行分析,可以发现我国的芯片产业在经历了一段快速发展又滑入低谷期后,再次踏上了快速发展轨道。当前我国在芯片产业链各个领域的发展中均存在不同的技术壁垒、人才匮乏、产能不足等制约因素,虽然发展前景广阔但道阻且长,需要国家进一步优化芯片产业发展环境,从金融、财政、税收、投资融资、企业设立、高新技术研究开发、项目审批及建设进出口、成果转化、人才培养和引进、知识产权保护、进一步开放市场等多个方面加大对芯片产业相关企业和人员给予更大力度的政策扶持,同时需要各地政府出台配套政策和相关措施,为整个芯片产业发展指明方向,以期我国的芯片产业能够在未来5-10年内高速高质量发展起来,快速赶上世界先进水平。  相似文献   

近日,中芯国际宣布Q2财报时,总裁兼首席执行官张汝京同时表示,该公司在2004年第二季度扩大了工艺范围,并签下了15家新客户,其中7家是中国大陆无晶圆厂半导体公司.这是值得庆贺的大事.  相似文献   

如果将中国人欲实现2020年GDP翻两番所做的种种努力,比作一场精彩的舞龙表演。那么,集成电路产业将毫无疑问地成为龙头。它的起伏翻腾、上下游走,决定了整条龙的或穿或跳、腾跃翻转。因此,龙头的掌握,就成为关键。  相似文献   

赵钰 《混合微电子技术》2002,13(4):62-64,58
多芯片组件虽然可以提供极高的互连密度,但其高昂的成本一直限制了它的使用。近年来研究人员又提出了一种和多芯片相对的少数芯片封装概念,它克服了以往设计的不足,能满足目前电子产品在成本和功能上的要求。  相似文献   

尽管作为大唐电信集团旗下TD终端芯片企业联芯科技总裁才两年多时间,但是孙玉望已经是TD产业的老人,面对TD产业发展和一季度以来的喜人增速,孙玉望比谁都高兴,目前占TD芯片产业五成份额的联芯科技,盼望着TD产业做大,甚至可以让出市场份额给产业链更多的新进入者.而对于千元OPhone更是充满期待.  相似文献   

《Spectrum, IEEE》1970,7(11):34-39
The effect of termination of employment on pension benefits has become a matter of grave concern to engineers and scientists in the United States, particularly to those in the professions served by IEEE. In many cases during the postwar years, the decision to transfer from one employer to another has been a voluntary act of the professional worker and he could measure the cost of losing future pension benefits against the advantages of taking a new job. But within the last two years, a major change has occurred in the space and defense industries and their suppliers, which are so largely dependent upon government support of scientific and engineering work. In addition to discussing current pension practices in the United States, this report includes a review of activities by societies in this field, and the limitations imposed by legal and economic forces.  相似文献   

The requirements for lidar observations of the Earth's atmosphere and the characteristics of the systems to provide these observations are discussed. The planned Earth Observing System (Eos) will offer platforms with adequate mass and power capabilities from which to make these lidar observations. Planned Eos lidar applications include the laser atmospheric wind sounder (LAWS), and the global backscatter experiment planned for it; the lidar atmospheric sounder and altimeter (LASA); and the ESA research facility instrument ATLID (atmospheric lidar). The laser requirements of all of the Eos laser instruments are presented  相似文献   

安富利公司电子元件部最近正在积极策划增加中国市场现场应用工程师和销售及市场营销人员队伍,并扩充其设施和业务模式,藉以进一步扩大在中国市场的占有率和巩固其作为元器件市场领先增值分销商的地位.为此,本刊记者采访了安富利公司电子元件部中国大陆及香港地区区域董事梁永耀.  相似文献   

肖卓 《中国无线电》2010,(2):46-47,67
作为我国信息基础设施建设和服务的”国家队”.多年来.中国电信倾力构筑贯通世界的基础网络,建立遍及城乡的服务网点,积极服务社会各行各业、大力推动工业化和信息化融合.为我国经济发展和社会进步作出了巨大贡献。  相似文献   

“西门子移动期望成为中国运营商发展3G业务的首选合作伙伴”,西门子信息通讯移动集团网络部总裁Karl-Christoph Caselitz 先生在8月6日上海西门子移动通信有限公司(SSMC)成立十周年庆典上的致词中强调了这点。他认为,从长远看来,中国运营商的成功,要依赖于尽早准备以及与最好的3G提供商建立巩固的合作伙伴关系。“西门子移动在全球3G领域具有广泛经验,现在正在致力于支持中国的原有运营商和新兴运营商,帮助它们应对即将到来的3G时代的挑战。在亚洲和欧洲我们已经反复证明了这一点。”作为支持运营商并为运营商提供咨询的第一步,西门子…  相似文献   

Canos  J.H. Alonso  G. Jaen  J. 《Multimedia, IEEE》2004,11(3):106-110
Because of the complexity of emergency procedures, the stressful situations during which they're executed, the emergency plan must be meticulously designed so that safety managers can quickly find needed information. Regardless of the complex procedures it describes and the trying situations where it would be used, the plan's success is always measured by how effective the evacuation is. Thus, safety-conscious organizations continually try to improve their emergency procedures and the way they present them in the emergency plan. Integrating incoming information during an emergency and correlating this information with the plan's procedures is a manual task for many safety managers. The danger is that the emergency plan can quickly become a bottleneck during the very emergency for which it describes procedures to resolve it. We've faced this problem in the context of improving and optimizing the plain-text emergency plan for the subway system of Valencia, Spain, a mid-sized city. In 1998, the Metro Valencia Safety Office began developing a system to improve its emergency plan. The Hypermedia Emergency Plan has been operational since June 2000 at the Metro Valencia's Traffic Control Office. Our solution was to turn the emergency plan into a multimedia software system that integrates text, audio, video, 3D models, and animations for handling emergencies in underground metropolitan transportation. From our experience with the Hypermedia Emergency Plan, and with the advent of many new technologies (such as mobile computing, wireless networks, Web services, and digital libraries), we're convinced that the time has come to tackle this challenge.  相似文献   

大多数企业网络由园区网和边缘两个功能区域组成,这两个区域可进一步划分成模块,具体定义每个区域的各种功能.不同的模块有着不同的安全需要,因此应设计相关的安全策略.  相似文献   

穆强 《电子设计技术》2004,11(11):112-112,114
UWB(Ultra Wideband,超宽带)技术进入民用市场的视野不过两年多的时间,但业界争夺该技术主导权的竞争已经是火药味十足.尽管以TI和Intel为首的多频带OFDM联盟(MBOA)步步为营,而飞思卡尔半导体(Freescale)还是不停顿地以比竞争者更快的商用开发速度使其基于DS-CDMA(直接序列码分多址)技术的DS-UWB产品在市场上形成了相当的冲击力.特别是2004年8月Freescale的XtremeSpectrumUWB芯片获得FCC(美国联邦通信委员会)的认证后,他们更是发起了新一轮的市场攻势.  相似文献   

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