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The etiology of hydrocephalus is never established in the majority of clinical cases, while various agents, nutritional deficiencies, and genetic factors have been shown to play a role. Viral infection has been recognized as one of the causative factors in the development of hydrocephalus. The wild-type DA strain of Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus (TMEV), which belongs to the family Picornaviridae, causes a chronic demyelinating disease in mice with viral persistence that resembles multiple sclerosis. We found that a DA virus variant, hydrocephalus 101 virus (H101 virus), caused hydrocephalus in mice, a condition previously never described for TMEV. To clarify the relationship between DA virus infection and hydrocephalus, we compared H101 virus and wild-type DA virus infection in mice. Using immunohistochemistry and terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP-biotin nick-end labeling (TUNEL), we found that during the acute phase of infection, H101 virus caused macrocephaly and meningitis with the presence of apoptosis, while parenchymal involvement was not evident. In contrast, wild-type DA virus caused an acute polioencephalomyelitis with parenchymal infection and apoptosis. During the chronic phase, H101 virus infection caused communicating hydrocephalus without viral persistence. No demyelination and little or no anti-TMEV antibodies were observed in H101 virus-infected mice. Sequence analysis revealed that H101 virus had mutations in the 5'UTR and capsid protein coding region. Characterization of this new hydrocephalus model gives insight into the possible viral involvement in human hydrocephalus cases of obscure etiology.  相似文献   

We examined the phenotype and function of cells infiltrating the central nervous system (CNS) of mice persistently infected with Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus (TMEV) for evidence that viral antigens are presented to T cells within the CNS. Expression of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II in the spinal cords of mice infected with TMEV was found predominantly on macrophages in demyelinating lesions. The distribution of I-As staining overlapped that of the macrophage marker sialoadhesin in frozen sections and coincided with that of another macrophage/microglial cell marker, F4/80, by flow cytometry. In contrast, astrocytes, identified by staining with glial fibrillary acidic protein, rarely expressed detectable MHC class II, although fibrillary gliosis associated with the CNS damage was clearly seen. The costimulatory molecules B7-1 and B7-2 were expressed on the surface of most MHC class II-positive cells in the CNS, at levels exceeding those found in the spleens of the infected mice. Immunohistochemistry revealed that B7-1 and B7-2 colocalized on large F4/80(+) macrophages/microglia in the spinal cord lesions. In contrast, CD4(+) T cells in the lesions expressed mainly B7-2, which was found primarily on blastoid CD4(+) T cells located toward the periphery of the lesions. Most interestingly, plastic-adherent cells freshly isolated from the spinal cords of TMEV-infected mice were able to process and present TMEV and horse myoglobin to antigen-specific T-cell lines. Furthermore, these cells were able to activate a TMEV epitope-specific T-cell line in the absence of added antigen, providing conclusive evidence for the endogenous processing and presentation of virus epitopes within the CNS of persistently infected SJL/J mice.  相似文献   

We examined the role of leukocyte function-associated antigen (LFA)-1 and its counter-receptor intercellular adhesion molecule (ICAM)-1, one of the most important pairs of adhesion molecules, in the development of Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus-induced demyelinating disease (TMEV-IDD). Immunohistochemical study showed hyper-expression of ICAM-1 on vascular endothelial cells and expression of LFA-1 on mononuclear infiltrating cells in the spinal cords of TMEV-infected mice. Treatment with mAb to ICAM-1 and/or LFA-1 molecules resulted in significant suppression of the development of demyelinating disease, both clinically and histologically, with down-regulation in the CNS of the respective adhesion molecules after treatment. In mice treated with these mAb, the specific delayed-type hypersensitivity and T cell proliferative responses for TMEV were decreased. The production of tumor necrosis factor-alpha and IFN-gamma in spleen cells was also decreased, but IL-4 production remained unchanged. These data suggest that ICAM-1/LFA-1 interaction is critically involved in the pathogenesis of TMEV-IDD and that antibodies to these adhesion molecules could be a novel therapeutic approach to the treatment of demyelinating diseases such as human multiple sclerosis.  相似文献   

After an acute phase of virus growth in neurons (e.g. anterior horn cells), Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus (TMEV) persists as a chronic productive infection, largely in macrophages in the CNS white matter. TMEV replication in macrophages is highly restricted, probably as the result of host cell factors. The preponderance of evidence indicates that TMEV persistence leads to immunopathologic damage of myelin, mediated by major histocompatibility class II-restricted Th1 lymphocytes directed at a virus epitope(s) rather than host neuroantigens at least early in the infection. Analysis of TMEV recombinant and mutant viruses suggests that persistence requires a specific capsid conformation involving the VP2 puff and VP1 loops, which may influence persistence through virion receptor binding or attachment to host cells, e.g. macrophages.  相似文献   

The demyelinating process in Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus (TMEV) infection in mice requires virus persistence in the central nervous system. Using recombinant TMEV assembled between the virulent GDVII and less virulent BeAn virus cDNAs, we now provide additional evidence supporting the localization of a persistence determinant to the leader P1 (capsid) sequences. Further, recombinant viruses in which BeAn sequences progressively replaced those of GDVII within the capsid starting at the leader NH2 terminus suggest that a conformational determinant requiring homologous sequences in both the VP2 puff and VP1 loop regions, which are in close contact on the virion surface, might underlie persistence.  相似文献   

We examined the role of IL-12, a cytokine critical to the evolution of cellular responses, in the development of Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus-induced demyelinating disease (TMEV-IDD). Treatment with mAbs to IL-12, especially during the effector phase, resulted in significant suppression of the development of this disease both clinically and histologically. In mice treated with these mAbs, the production of inflammatory and Th1-derived cytokines such as TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma in the spleen cells was decreased, and that of Th2-derived cytokines such as IL-4 and IL-10 was increased. The delayed type hypersensitivity and T cell proliferative response specific for TMEV were decreased by this treatment. These data suggest that IL-12 is critically involved in the pathogenesis of TMEV-IDD and that Abs to IL-12 could be a novel therapeutic approach in the clinical treatment of demyelinating diseases such as human multiple sclerosis.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence shows that interleukin-1 (IL-1) contributes to inflammatory processes, such as experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE) and virus-induced demyelination, inside the central nervous system (CNS). Using primary cultures of mouse astrocytes, we show that these glial cells can be induced to produce IL-1 alpha when infected with Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus (TMEV). This was true for astrocytes from SJL/J mice, a strain susceptible to TMEV-induced demyelination. Conversely, BALB/c astrocytes, derived from animals genetically resistant to demyelination, did not produce IL-1 alpha in detectable amounts. Therefore, a differential IL-1 gene expression, which is strain specific, is demonstrated after TMEV infection in astrocytes. The release of IL-1 alpha by SJL astrocytes was studied from kinetic, infectivity, and immunochemical points of view. Since IL-1 plays a critical role in the immune response, its production by astrocytes in some strains of mice may contribute to virus-induced susceptibility and to inflammation associated with this experimental model of multiple sclerosis.  相似文献   

Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus is a neurotropic murine picornavirus which replicates permissively and causes a cytopathic effect in the BHK-21 cell line. We examined the interactions between the GDVII and DA strains of Theiler's virus and BHK-21 host cell proteins in a virus overlay assay. We observed binding of the virions to two proteins of approximately 60 kDa. These proteins were microsequenced and identified as desmin and vimentin, two main components of the intermediate filament network. The association between desmin or vimentin and virions was demonstrated by immunoprecipitation. Anti-desmin and anti-vimentin monoclonal antibodies precipitated GDVII or DA virions from extracts of infected BHK-21 cells. The intracellular distributions of virions and of the desmin and vimentin intermediate filaments of BHK-21 cells were investigated by two-color immunofluorescence confocal microscopy. Following infection, the intermediate filament network was rearranged into a shell-like structure which surrounded a viral inclusion. Finally, close contact between GDVII virus particles and 10-nm intermediate filaments was observed by electron microscopy.  相似文献   

The neurotoxin 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) induces apoptosis in the rat phaeochromocytoma cell line PC12. 6-OHDA-induced apoptosis is morphologically indistinguishable from serum deprivation-induced apoptosis. Exposure of PC12 cells to a low concentration of 6-OHDA (25 microM) results in apoptosis, whereas an increased concentration (50 microM) results in a mixture of apoptosis and necrosis. We investigated the involvement of caspases in the apoptotic death of PC12 cells induced by 6-OHDA, using a general caspase inhibitor, benzyloxycarbonyl-Val-Ala-Asp-fluoromethyl ketone (zVAD-fmk), and compared this with serum deprivation-induced apoptosis, which is known to involve caspases. We show that zVAD-fmk (100 microM) completely prevented the apoptotic morphology of chromatin condensation induced by exposure to either 6-OHDA (25 and 50 microM) or serum deprivation. Furthermore, cell lysates from 6-OHDA-treated cultures showed cleavage of a fluorogenic substrate for caspase-3-like proteases (caspase-2, 3, and 7), acetyl-Asp-Glu-Val-Asp-aminomethylcoumarin, and this was inhibited by zVAD-fmk. However, although zVAD-fmk restored total cell viability to serum-deprived cells or cells exposed to 25 microM 6-OHDA, the inhibitor did not restore viability to cells exposed to 50 microM 6-OHDA. These data show the involvement of a caspase-3-like protease in 6-OHDA-induced apoptosis and that caspase inhibition is sufficient to rescue PC12 cells from the apoptotic but not the necrotic component of 6-OHDA neurotoxicity.  相似文献   

Attachment sites and biological functions of laminin isolated from murine EHS sarcoma have been well studied. Recently several variants of laminin including human placental laminin have been shown to be distinct from EHS-laminin. This study was undertaken to determine attachment, proliferation, and migration phenomena of human astrocytoma cell lines to human and murine sarcoma EHS-laminin. Using short-term attachment assays human placental laminin was shown to be the better substrate for cell adhesion. EHS-laminin mediated approximately 30-50% of the effect observed on human laminin. The astrocytoma cells expressed beta 1, beta 3, and beta 4 subunit mRNA as determined by RT-PCR. Anti-beta 1 antibodies blocked adhesion to EHS-laminin, but antibodies against beta 1, beta 4, and alpha v subunits were all ineffective in blocking adhesion to human laminin. A migration assay showed that astrocytoma cells on human laminin dispersed from a central seeding area, while cells on EHS-laminin remained where they were seeded. The pattern of dispersion could not be accounted for by changes in growth rates of astrocytoma cells on the different proteins, since both cell lines grew equally well on the two laminins. We conclude that unique epitopes on human laminin are recognized by novel receptors on human astrocytoma cells which confer a migratory phenotype to the cells.  相似文献   

Engagement of the TCR may result in proliferation and cytokine release or programmed cell death. These two outcomes may be the consequence of distinct T cell receptor-coupled signal transduction pathways or may reflect quantitative differences in signaling strength via a single pathway. Here we show that genetic inhibition of MAP kinase kinase (MEK) by a dominant negative mutant or through chemical inhibition by PD98059 inhibits IL-2 secretion but not programmed cell death after TCR ligation by superantigen. This supports the hypothesis that T cell cytokine release and apoptosis result from signaling through distinct pathways and implies that the molecular signaling mechanisms regulating apoptosis of mature T cells and negative selection of thymocytes may be similar.  相似文献   

This paper records the results of an investigation into potentiation and staircase phenomena in rightventricular guinea-pig papillary muscles with particular reference to the sarcoplasmic Ca(2+)-channel. As a tool to isolate the second ('late', 'tonic') component of isoproterenol-induced biphasic contractions ryanodine was used. On the evidence at present available the monophasic ryanodine-resistant component of the twitch represents that portion of the activator calcium which reaches the troponin C directly, that is, not taking the roundabout way through the intracellular storage structures. In order to avoid functional instabilities of the isolated muscle preparation a short-time double rest stimulation programme was used which combines a number of different tests and gives information on (1) the post-rest potentiation, (2) the post-extrasystolic potentiation, (3) the mechanical post-rest recovery, (4) the interval-strength relationship, and (5) the mechanical restitution. The results of the present work show that under the influence of ryanodine (1) the Bowditch staircase, a typical feature of normodynamic mammalian ventricular preparations as well as of hypodynamic frog heart preparations, does not exist, (2) the post-extrasystolic potentiation disappears, (3) the curve reflecting the mechanical restitution, under normal in vitro conditions a monotonically increasing function, becomes biphasic within the relative refractory period, (4) the conspicuous depression of the isometric post-rest contraction for long lasting pauses interrupting the regular pacing rhythm, a typical feature of isolated guinea-pig ventricular tissue, is clearly diminished, and (5) the characteristic curve, reflecting the potentiation of the post-extrasystolic post-rest contraction as a function of the delay time preceding the extrastimulus, becomes displaced to the premature interstimulus interval. The concept of an 'extended 2-calcium-store model' is supported by this work.  相似文献   

Using glycerinated spasmoneme of giant Zoothamnium sp., the physical properties of spasmoneme before and after Ca2+-induced contraction (pCa 4.5) were investigated. The volume change of spasmoneme contraction was measured under zero tension. The length and diameter decreased by about 50% of their initial value as a result of contraction, which means that contraction is nearly isotropic. Thus the volume of spasmoneme decreased drastically by 86% of its original value. The swollen ratio of extended and contracted spasmoneme were 0.07 and 0.37, respectively. Tension-extension relationships of extended and contracted spasmonemes were measured. By applying the theory of rubber elasticity, the number of segments of a chain in originally extended spasmoneme was only 3.3, i.e., the chain was almost a straight one. On the other hand, the number of segments of a chain in contracted spasmoneme was more than 100, i.e., the chain was essentially a random one. Furthermore, the total number of chains in single spasmoneme was the same in extended and contracted spasmoneme. This means that the interchain cross-links of chains were not influenced by addition or removal of Ca2+. Moreover, the molecular weight of a chain is estimated to be at most about 50 kd. By considering all these results, it is concluded that the contractile mechanism of spasmoneme originates in the intramolecular folding and unfolding induced by Ca2+ binding and detaching.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the mechanism of cell death associated with the preferential killing of multidrug-resistant (MDR) cells by the glycolytic inhibitor 2-deoxy-D-glucose (2DG) in a range of MDR human KB carcinoma cell lines selected in different drugs. The D10 values for KB-V1, KB-C1 and KB-A1 (selected in vinblastine, colchicine and doxorubicin respectively) were 1.74, 1.04 and 0.31 mM, respectively, compared with 4.60 mM for the parental cell line (KB-3-1). The mechanism of cell death was identified as apoptosis, based on nuclear morphology, annexin V binding and poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) cleavage. 2DG induced apoptosis in the three MDR cell lines in a dose- and time-dependent manner and did not induce necrosis. PARP cleavage was detected in KB-C1 cells within 2 h of exposure to 50 mM 2DG and slightly later in KB-A1 and KB-V1 cells. The relative levels of 2DG sensitivity did not correlate with the levels of multidrug resistance or with the reduced levels of the glucose transporter GLUT-1 in these cells. We speculate that a 2DG-stimulated apoptotic pathway in MDR KB cells differs from that in normal KB cells.  相似文献   

Bovine herpesvirus 1 (BHV-1) induces apoptotic cell death in bovine peripheral blood mononuclear cells and B-lymphoma cells. Using a BHV-1 glycoprotein H null mutant, we have demonstrated that although penetration of BHV-1 is not required, attachment of BHV-1 viral particles is essential for the induction of apoptosis.  相似文献   

Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis viruses, which are murine picornaviruses, can cause central nervous system inflammatory disease. To study the role of loop II in capsid protein VP1, two mutant viruses of strain DA in which DA loop II amino acids were replaced with strain GDVII amino acids were constructed. Infection of mice with the two mutant viruses led to dramatically different patterns of disease.  相似文献   

Apoptotic cells in rat thymus were labeled in situ in paraffin-embedded and frozen tissue sections by ligation of double-stranded DNA fragments containing digoxigenin or Texas red. Two forms of double-stranded DNA fragments were prepared using the polymerase chain reaction: one was synthesized using Taq polymerase, which yields products with single-base 3' overhangs, and one using Pfu polymerase, which produces blunt-ended products. Both types of fragment could be ligated to apoptotic nuclei in thymus, indicating the presence in such nuclei of DNA double-strand breaks with single-base 3' overhangs as well as blunt ends. However, in nuclei with DNA damage resulting from a variety of nonapoptotic processes (necrosis, in vitro autolysis, peroxide damage, and heating) single-base 3' overhangs were either nondetectable or present at much lower concentrations than in apoptotic cells. Blunt DNA ends were present in such tissues, but at lower concentrations than in apoptotic cells. In contrast, in all of these forms of DNA damage, nuclei contained abundant 3'-hydroxyls accessible to labeling with terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase. Thus, although single-base 3' overhangs and blunt ends are present in apoptotic nuclei, the specificity of the in situ ligation of 3'-overhang fragments to apoptotic nuclei indicates that apoptotic cells labeled in this way can readily be distinguished from cells with nonapoptotic DNA damage. These data are consistent with the involvement of an endonuclease similar to DNase I in apoptosis, which is predicted to leave short 3' overhangs as well as blunt ends in digestion of chromatin.  相似文献   

To determine whether cytokines could have a role in the development of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM), we measured serum levels of cytokines derived from T helper 1 (interleukin-2 and interferon-gamma), T helper 2 (interleukin-4 and interleukin-10) lymphocytes and macrophages (tumour necrosis factor-alpha, interleukin-1 alpha and interleukin-1 beta) in patients before and after the onset of IDDM. Recently diagnosed IDDM patients had significantly higher levels of interleukin-2, interferon-gamma, tumour necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin-1 alpha than patients with either long-standing IDDM, non-insulin-dependent diabetes (NIDDM), Graves' disease, or control subjects (p < 0.05 for all). Compared with control subjects, patients with long-standing IDDM and those with NIDDM had higher interleukin-2 and tumour necrosis factor-alpha levels (p < 0.01 for all). Interleukin-4 and interleukin-10 were detectable in sera of patients with Graves' disease only, while interleukin-1 beta was not detectable in the serum of any control or test subject. To investigate whether high cytokine levels precede the onset of IDDM, we studied 28 non-diabetic identical co-twins of patients with IDDM, followed-up prospectively for up to 6 years after the diagnosis of the index. Levels of tumour necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin-1 alpha were elevated above the normal range more frequently in the eight twins who developed diabetes than in those 20 who did not (p < 0.005). Analysis of T helper 1 and T helper 2 profiles of the twin groups did not reveal a clear difference between prediabetic twins and twins remaining non-diabetic. These results support the notion that T helper 1 lymphocytes may play a role in the development of IDDM. This is associated with release of macrophage-derived cytokines, which is also a feature of the prediabetic period. The lack of evidence of a dominant T helper 1 profile of cytokine release before diabetes onset suggests that additional events, activating this arm of the cellular immune response, are required in the immediate prediabetic period.  相似文献   

The CD5 molecule is expressed by a B cell subset. We have demonstrated that resting B cells do not proliferate in response to CD5 ligation, whereas cells preactivated with anti-IgM and IL-2 do so. Here, we specifically studied the effects of anti-CD5 and anti-IgM on apoptosis of CD5+ B cells. Both ligation of CD5 or of surface IgM (sIgM) resulted in apoptosis. This started earlier following ligation of CD5 than with sIgM, and both responses were time dependent. CD5-induced apoptosis was independent of the epitope recognized or the way the antibody was presented to the B cells. CD5+ B cells were more sensitive to IgM-induced apoptosis than CD5 B cells. Engagement of CD5 or CD3 expressed by T cells failed to induce apoptosis. Our data indicate differences in the function of CD5 molecules on tonsillar B cells, compared with blood T cells and suggest that cross-linking CD5 on B cell activates specific pathways responsible for apoptosis.  相似文献   

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