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The exceptional activity of carbon anodes for the fluorine evolution reaction (FER) in a KF·2HF melt at 358 K that can be produced, based on a previously reported procedure for reactivation following onset of the anode effect, has been characterized. The activated carbon anodes that have been treated by applying the procedure exhibit unique, exceptionally active, polarization behaviour. This is manifested as a high exchange current-density, a low Tafel slope in the high current-density range, resistance to further anodic effects, facilitation of the detachment of F2 gas bubbles and good electrode-life properties. At polarization current-densities of 0.1 and 0.2 A cm–2, the anode potential is 1.5 and 2.5 V lower, respectively, for the activated that for a normal non-activated carbon electrode. The improvements of the activated carbon anodes are associated with facilitation of the detachment of the F2 bubble/film. The F2 bubble/film adherence effect is the main cause for the abnormally high polarization and anode effect for a normal, unactivated carbon anode, as concluded in our previous studies (Part I). It is shown that the facilitation of F2 bubble/film detachment is due to two physical properties of the activated carbon electrode: a much smaller solid/gas/liquid contact angle and a much smoother surface. As determined by means of ESCA, it is shown that, compared with an unactivated carbon anode, the activated anodes have a smaller extent of surface fluorination corresponding to thinner CF films. This may lead both to a favourable contact angle and a smaller barrier layer for activated electron tunnelling at the activated carbon anodes used for the FER, than at normal non-activated carbon electrodes.  相似文献   

The CF films that are formed on the surface of carbon anodes used for the fluorine evolution reaction (FER) in KF·2HF melts at 358 K have been studied by bothin situ electrochemical current-interruption and a.c. impedance methods, and byex situ surface spectroscopy [ESCA (XPS) and Auger] techniques. The surface analysis measurements indicate that a thin CF (CF2) film, 1.7 nm in thickness is formed on the carbon anodesurface. Results from depth profiling analyses of the film indicate that it is not uniform, higher levels of CF and F components being found towards the carbon anode surface. Thein situ electrochemical measurements demonstrate that an abnormally small interfacial capacitance, (1.6–2.7)×10–7 F cm–2, arises in the course of the FER at carbon anodes; this was attributed to the presence of a passive dielectric CF film on the carbon electrodes. The determined interfacial capacitance does not change significantly with potential in the potential range studied, which implies that the thickness of the CF film on the fluorine-evolving carbon anodes may be independent of potential.  相似文献   

For oxygen and hydrogen evolving transparent nickel electrodes in KOH solutions, parameters characterizing the behaviour of bubbles which are adhered to the electrode surface during gas evolution, have been determined in dependence on current density, i, velocity of solution flow, v, pressure, p, temperature, T, and concentration of KOH. Based on experimental data a new basic bubble parameter, J, has been introduced, which accounts for the bubble behaviour. It has been found that J = a1ih1 and J/(J0?J) = a2vh2 where J0 = J at v = 0 ms?1 and a1,a2h1 and h2 are empirical constants; some of these depend on nature of gas evolved. Moreover, the parameter J is almost proportional to the KOH concentration, increases in a decreasing rate with increasing pressure and increases linearly with the reciprocal of the absolute temperature.  相似文献   

A quantitative investigation of the electrochemical oxidation of 4-methylanisole in methanol solution at carbon electrodes has been performed. The oxidation reaction is shown to be complex, resulting in the formation not only of the corresponding diacetal, but also of several intermediate products and side products. Voltammetric measurements and preparative batch syntheses reveal a substantial influence of the choice of both electrode material and supporting electrolyte. The highest selectivity and the most rapid reaction rates are observed at graphite electrodes with potassium fluoride supporting electrolyte, whereas polished surfaces of glassy carbon are far less reactive and result in substantial formation of side products. The observed oxidation kinetics can be represented with a simple empirical model, consisting of three oxidation steps in series yielding respectively an ether, an acetal and an ester. The experimental voltammetric curves have been used to determine the anisole diffusivity in the electrolyte solution and provide fitted values for the kinetic parameters of the three oxidation steps.  相似文献   

The influence of heat on the measurement of photocurrents at nickel electrodes in a 1 M NaOH solution was investigated by using photocurrent, photothermal and thermal current methods under the irradiation of laser beams with wavelengths of 488, 532 and 632 nm, respectively. It was found that the photocurrent appeared in the potential (vs. Hg/HgO electrode) region lower than −0.1 V was caused by the p-type semiconductor property of Ni(OH)2 anodic film. In the Ni(OH)2/NiOOH redox potential region the appearance of photocurrent was likely caused by the local temperature variation rather than the semiconductor properties of the anodic layer. Similar phenomena was observed for β-Ni(OH)2 electrode. During the light irradiation an increase of temperature at the surface of the working electrode may disturb the measurement of photocurrent.  相似文献   

The anodic evolution of sulphur from sodium polysulphide melts has been studied at planar vitreous carbon and pyrolytic graphite electrodes. A reaction mechanism is proposed, in which the primary product of the electrode reaction is a partly-discharged polysulphide anion, which undergoes chemical reactions in the diffusion layer to form sulphur. Phase formation is primarily a homogeneous process which does not proceed to a passivating film of sulphur upon the electrode. At high cd nucleation can occur upon the electrode leading to passivation, but the sulphur formed in this way does not wet the electrode, and depassivation can occur spontaneously.  相似文献   

Ruthenium electrodes subjected to an anodic/cathodic potential cycling regime from 0.06 to 1.4E H develop a changed state of surface oxidation in comparison with that observed in the initial sequence of potentiodynamic sweeps. The cycling effect is analogous to that known at iridium electrodes but here refers to monolayers. The kinetics of Cl2 and O2 evolution of these two types of oxidized surfaces were studied by steady-state polarization experiments. Current densities for Cl2 evolution at the cycled Ru surface oxide areca 30 times greater than those at the original oxidized Ru surface. Oxygen evolution current densities are increased byca 8 times. The effect is a true electrocatalytic one since the real area of the Ru surfaces remains constant withinca 5%. The mechanisms of Cl2 or O2 evolution appear to remain unchanged, so the electrocatalytic effects observed are tentatively attributed to a change of potential range over which Ru(III) and Ru(IV) oxidation states arise in the oxide film causing modification of electron transfer rates or adsorption of ions and intermediates.Based on a report to Hooker Chemicals and Plastics Corp., Research Centre, Niagara Falls, NY, July 1976, on a research project supported by Hooker Research Center at the University of Ottawa, 1974–76.Where part of this work (on O2 evolution electrocatalysis) was carried out by MV.  相似文献   

A comparative study of the electrode kinetics of oxygen reduction of platinum in perchloric, phosphoric, sulfuric, trifluoromethanesulfonic acids (all at pH = 0) and in potassium hydroxide (pH = 14) was made at 25°C using rotatating ring-disc electrode techniques. The platinum electrode was first characterised in these electrolytes using the cyclic voltammetric method. The results showed that in the potential region from 0.8 to 0.6 V/rhe, the kinetics of oxygen reduction in these electrolytes decreases in the order KOH > H2SO4 ~ CF3SO3H > H3PO4 > HClO4. This order of activity is reflected in the effects of the electrolytes, in respect to specific adsorption of anions, on the platinum oxide formation reaction. The role of anion adsorption is also apparent in the dependence of the rate constant for oxygen reduction to water or to hydrogen peroxide and of hydrogen peroxide reduction to water on potential. The superior behavior of oxygen reduction in KOH is due to minimal adsorption of the OH? ion. The more complex adsorption behavior of the oxyanions in the investigated acid electrolytes than that of simple anions like the halide ions presents difficulties in drawing detailed correlations between oxygen reduction kinetics and adsorption behavior of oxyanions of platinum.  相似文献   

Voltammetric and chronopotentiomatic studies have been made to determine the effect of supporting electrolyte, pH, and electrode pre-conditioning upon the oxidation of dissolved hydrogen at platinum electrodes. The results of these investigations lead to the conclusion that hydrogen can be electrolytically oxidized by four different mechanisms; (a) atomic hydrogen adsorbed on the platinum surface (observed with pre-cathodized electrodes), (b) absorbed hydrogen in the platinum electrode (observed after the electrode is exposed for long periods of time to dissolved hydrogen), (c) molecular hydrogen at an activated platinum electrode (accomplished by first forming platinum oxide electrolytically, which, subsequently is reduced by hydrogen to give the activated surface), and (d) cyclic reaction of molecular hydrogen with platinum oxide and the electrolytic re-formation of the platinum oxide (observed with unconditioned electrodes). The third mechanism is the most important, as well as the most reversible, reaction. Only the second mechanism is independent of pH. In acidic solutions a platinum electrode, which has been aged in dissolved hydrogen, exhibits an oscillating potential for the electrolytic oxidation of hydrogen. This behavior appears to be due to a combination of mechanisms (c) and (d). Hydrogen is not oxidized under similar conditions at gold or boron carbide electrodes, which supports the conclusion that platinum is a somewhat unique electrode for the electrolytic oxidation of hydrogen.  相似文献   

The anodic oxidation of a primary aliphatic amine, n-propylamine, has been studied at electrodes of vitreous carbon and pyrolytic graphite. The electrode reaction has been found to differ greatly for the two materials, as evidenced by the voltammetric behaviour at rotating disc electrodes and the results of preparative electrolyses. The observations at the vitreous carbon electrode are in agreement with the mechanism proposed by Mann and Barnes for the oxidation of propylamine at a stationary platinum electrode. A novel mechanism is proposed for the oxidation at a pyrolytic graphite anode.Part 1 M. P. J. Brennan and O. R. Brown,J. Appl. Electrochem.,2 (1972) 43.  相似文献   

《Electrochimica acta》1962,7(1):39-54
The mechanism of the cathodic hydrogen evolution reaction at a number of transition and related metals (e.g. Cu and Ni) is still undecided. Tafel slope (b) criteria are ambiguous since b values, for example, for both of these metals are about 0·11, corresponding either to rate-determining H+ discharge (I) or H+ ion-radical desorption (II). However, with varying metallic properties, e.g. surface affinity for H, the direction of dependence of I on heat of adsorption of H at a series of metals will tend to be opposite from that for II. Studies have therefore been made of the electrochemical exchange currents i0 for hydrogen evolution and corresponding apparent heats of activation ΔH3 at a series of CuNi alloys in order to determine the directions of dependence of i0 and ΔH3 on electronic and adsorptive properties of the metals.It is found that both i0 and the apparent experimental ΔH3 increase from Cu to Ni. This is an unusual and unexpected result. The same trend of heat of activation with composition is found when the “true” ΔH3 values are estimated by non-thermodynamic considerations.The anomaly is resolved by considering the values of i and ΔH3 at the potentials of zero charge φ0 for the alloy series. At φ0, i increases from Ni to Cu but ΔH3 decreases. This trend is consistent with an atom-ion desorption mechanism if the heat of adsorption of H is greater at Ni than at Cu as indicated experimentally. The dependence of the kinetic parameters i0 and ΔH3 on electronic configuration in the alloys is examined.  相似文献   

Potentiostatic and galvanostatic pulse measurements were carried out to investigate the anodic oxygen evolution at platinum electrodes in 1N H2SO4 in dependence on the oxide layer thickness d and the electrode potential ε. The thickness d (1·5–10 Å) was obtained from cathodic charging curves. Further, the temperature dependence (0°–81°C) was evaluated from Bowden's measurements. Summarizing, the current io2 follows the relation, log i = A - (E0a - αFη)/2·3 RT - d/do. The experimental activation energy Eo = Eoa = αFη decreases linearly with increasing overvoltage η. The linear decrease of log i with increasing d, which is given by the term d/do, is correlated to the probability of the quantum mechanical tunnel transition of the electron from adsorbed ions, OH?ad or O2?ad respectively, through the oxide layer to the metal. Similar effects of the oxide layer thickness on the current density were observed in the case of the oxygen evolution at iridium, the CO-oxidation on platinum, and the reduction of Cl? and Ce4+ at platinum. In these cases a rate determining electron transfer through the oxide layer is also assumed.  相似文献   

The anodic evolution of oxygen and chlorine on foreign metal-doped SnO2 film electrodes were studied, in connection with their physical and chemical properties. In general, the anodic characteristics of noble metal-doped electrodes were much better than those of base metal-doped electrodes. The oxygen evolution reaction on noble metal-doped electrodes reflected each characteristic of the doped noble metals and the active center for this reaction was considered to be on the noble metal sites. On the other hand, the chlorine evolution reaction on such electrodes was found to be independent of the kind of doped noble metals and the probable mechanism for this reaction was proposed in which the spillover of Cl radical from noble metal to Sn sites was involved.  相似文献   

We study the thermodynamics and kinetics of the adsorption of a redox couple having quinone nature on glassy carbon electrodes. This couple is produced by the anodic oxidation of mycotoxin ochratoxin A in 10% acetonitrile + 90% 1 M HClO4 aqueous solution. The quasi-reversible redox couple was studied by both cyclic (CV) and square wave (SWV) voltammetric techniques. The Frumkin adsorption isotherm best described the specific interaction of the redox couple with carbon electrodes. By fitting the experimental data, we obtained values of −28.4 kJ mol−1 and 0.70 ± 0.02 for the Gibbs free energy of adsorption and the interaction parameter, respectively. SWV fully characterized the thermodynamics and kinetics of the adsorbed redox couple, using a combination of the “quasi-reversible maximum” and the “splitting of SW peaks” methods. Average values of 0.609 ± 0.003 V and 0.45 ± 0.06 were obtained for the formal potential and the anodic transfer coefficient, respectively. Moreover, a formal rate constant of 10.7 s−1 was obtained. SWV was also employed to generate calibration curves. The lowest concentration of mycotoxin was 1.24 × 10−8 M (5 ppb), measured indirectly with a signal to noise ratio of 3:1.  相似文献   

Multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT)/MnO2 supercapacitor electrodes containing MnO2 nanoflakes in the MWCNT network are fabricated through the oxidation of manganese acetate with poly(4-styrenesulfonic acid) (PSS) dispersed MWCNTs. The structural evolution of the electrodes under charge/discharge (reduction/oxidation) cycles and its impact on the electrodes’ electrochemical properties are evaluated. Structural evolution involves the dissolution of MnO2 upon reduction, the diffusion of the reduced Mn species from the MWCNT network toward the electrolyte solution, and the deposition of MnO2 on the electrode surface upon oxidation. Electrode structural changes, including the electrode dissolution and the growth of the MnO2 crystals, are scan rate dependent and have deteriorating effect on the electrode's electrochemical properties including the specific capacitance and cyclic stability.  相似文献   

Potential step chronocoulometric methods were used to measure kinetic parameters for the oxidation of ferrocene at platinum vitreous carbon electrodes in acetonitrile. The formal rate constants observed, kof ~ 0.02 cm s?1, were independent of electrode material and of the supporting electrolyte chosen (LiClO4, TEAP or TEABF4). After correcting for the effects of double layer structure, the experimental activation energy for electron transfer was found to be ΔG≠ (exp) = 0.03 ±0.01 eV molecule?1 which agreed within 20% with a theoretical value ΔG≠ (theor) = 0.26 eV molecule?1 calculated for activation by solvent repolarization alone from the Born equation.  相似文献   

Carbon materials are often used as catalyst supports, and for catalysts in electrodes of a polymer electrolyte fuel cell, carbon black has been used. Recently, it was found, however, that activated carbon could replace carbon black and besides, significantly improve the activity of the electrode catalyst layer for oxygen reduction. In the present study, to optimize the pore structure of activated carbon for further activity improvement, the influence of the pore structure on the activity was investigated using activated carbon of various specific surface areas and mean pore diameters. A catalyst layer was formed from activated carbon loaded with platinum and a polymer electrolyte. The activity of the layer was measured in an oxygen-saturated perchloric acid solution, supporting the layer on a rotating glassy carbon disk electrode. We found that increases in the specific surface area and mean pore diameter increased the activity and that the latter was more effective than the former mainly due to the enhanced mass-transfer in the pores; the catalyst layer formed from activated carbon with the largest mean pore diameter was the most active. Unless pores excessively develop and lose connections between particles, a large pore diameter is therefore desired for the fuel cell electrodes.  相似文献   

The oxidation of ethanol at Ni/Co spinel coated electrodes in aqueous base has been investigated. It is shown that these electrodes are very stable and have a good catalytic activity for the conversion of ethanol to acetic acid (for example 24 mA cm–2 for the oxidation of 0.1 mol dm–3 ethanol), far superior to the nickel anodes previously used for the reaction in similar conditions. TheI-E curve for the oxidation of ethanol at a spinel shows a well formed wave prior to oxygen evolution at a potential where the spinel surface itself undergoes oxidation. The limiting current is partially mass transport controlled. The influence of the electrolysis conditions, the composition of the spinel coated electrodes and of parameters in their preparation, on the rate of ethanol oxidation is described.  相似文献   

Digital recording of potential relaxation transients, following interruption of current, has been applied to the experimental study of the potential-dependence of the intermediate states, I, involved as the kinetically-significant reaction intermediates in anodic O2 evolution at three Ni---Mo-based glassy metals. I species are to be regarded as not simply chemisorbed OH or O entities in the elementary steps of the O2 evolution process but also involve local high oxidation states of the metal ions of the oxide film on which the O2 evolution process takes place through a mediator mechanism.Analysis of the potential-decay transients shows that two regions of adsorption pseudocapacitance associated with potential-dependence of coverage by I are involved: one arising from the bulk oxide of the film and the second, smaller component, from the surface region of the oxide film where the O2 evolution process takes place.The potential-decay behaviour, coupled with evaluation of the Tafel polarization relations and pH effects in the kinetics, enables some new aspects of electrocatalysis for anodic O2 evolution on oxide films to be suggested.  相似文献   

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