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It has long been assumed that the shortages in inventory systems are either completely backlogged or totally lost. However, it is more reasonable to characterize that the longer the waiting time for the next replenishment, the smaller the backlogging rate would be. Moreover, the opportunity cost due to lost sales should be considered since some customers would not like to wait for backlogging during the shortage periods. Without considering these two realistic conditions, study on the inventory modeling for deteriorating items with shortages and partial backlogging cannot be complete and general. In the present article we define an appropriate time-dependent partial backlogging rate and introduce the opportunity cost due to lost sales. Numerical examples are also presented to illustrate the effects of changes in backlogging parameter and unit opportunity cost on total cost and the optimal number of replenishments.Scope and purposeIn a recent article published in this Journal, Giri et al. (Comput. Oper. Res. 27 (2000) 495–505) implemented an existing procedure to the inventory problem of Hariga and Al-Alyan (Comput. Oper. Res. 24 (1997) 1075–83) which concerns with lot-sizing heuristic for deteriorating items with shortages allowed in all cycles except the last one. Giri et al. deviated from the traditional practice and suggested a new policy allowing shortages in all cycles over a finite planning horizon. Their numerical results indicated the proposed policy is cheaper to operate with a cost reduction up to 15%. However, they did not consider the opportunity cost due to lost sales that happen because customers would not like to wait for backlogging. Moreover, for many products with growing sales, the length of the waiting time for the next replenishment is the main factor for determining whether the backlogging will be accepted or not, and the backlogging rate is expected to be time-dependent. Thus the assumption made in Giri et al. that the backlogging rate is a fixed fraction of the total amount of shortages is not reasonable.The purpose of this paper is to present a more realistic discussion of the inventory problem for deteriorating items with time-varying demands and shortages over a finite planning horizon. In contrast to the model by Giri et al., we define an appropriate partial backlogging rate and introduce the opportunity cost due to lost sales. We attempt to complement their model as a practical and general solution for inventory replenishment problems. With these extensions, the scope of applications of the present results is expanded.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the inventory model for deteriorating items with trapezoidal type demand rate, that is, the demand rate is a piecewise linearly function. We proposed an inventory replenishment policy for this type of inventory model. The numerical solution of the model is obtained and also examined.  相似文献   

In today’s competitive market, in order to obtain a competition advantage, the supplier often offers the purchaser a longer permissible delay in payments or a price discount if the order quantity is greater than or equal to a predetermined quantity. As a result, in this paper, we establish an inventory model for the purchaser in which the supplier provides different trade credits. We then solve the inventory problem by using a discounted cash-flow (DCF) approach, characterize the optimal solution, and obtain some theoretical results to find the optimal order quantity and the optimal replenishment time. Finally, we provide several numerical examples to illustrate the results.  相似文献   

In this study, an appropriate inventory model for non-instantaneous deteriorating items with permissible delay in payments is considered. The purpose of this study is to find an optimal replenishment policy for minimizing the total relevant inventory cost. This mathematical model is a general framework that comprises numerous previous models such as in Ghare and Schrader [Ghare, P. M., & Schrader, G. H. (1963). A model for exponentially decaying inventory system. International Journal of Production Research, 21, 449–460], Goyal [Goyal, S. K. (1985). Economic order quantity under conditions of permissible delay in payments. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 36, 335–338], and Teng [Teng, J. T. (2002). On the economic order quantity under conditions of permissible delay in payments. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 53, 915–918] as special cases. We have developed some useful theorems to characterize the optimal solutions and provide an easy-to-use method to find the optimal replenishment cycle time and order quantity under various circumstances. Several numerical examples are given to test and verify the theoretical results. Finally, a sensitivity analysis of the optimal solution with respect to major parameters is also included. According to the results of numerical analysis, we provided several ways for the retailer to effectively reduce total annual relevant inventory cost.  相似文献   

The study explores the inventory replenishment policies for the cases with time-varying demand, linearly increasing deterioration rate, partial back-ordering, constant service level and equal replenishment intervals over a fixed planning horizon. Since it is difficult to solve the problem directly, we derive the upper bound of replenishment number for a specific planning horizon and find the solution of service level under a given number of replenishment. The optimal solutions of replenishment number and service level are then determined. Numerical examples and sensitivity analyses are also provided to illustrate the solution procedure.  相似文献   

This work presents an inventory model for optimizing the replenishment cycle time for a single deteriorating item under a permissible delay in payments and constraints on warehouse capacity (owned warehouse capacity, with excess inventory stored in rental warehouses). Rented warehouses are assumed to charge higher unit holding costs than owned warehouses. Furthermore, item deterioration rates are assumed to differ between warehouses. This study has two main purposes: First, the mathematical models of the inventory system are established under the above conditions. Second, this study demonstrates that the optimal solution not only exists but is unique, and two theorems are devised for determining the optimal replenishment cycle time. Finally, numerical examples are presented to illustrate the resulting theorems.  相似文献   

In recent years, many researches on economic production quantity (EPQ) models with machine breakdown and preventive maintenance have been developed, but few of them have developed integrated models for deteriorating items. In this study, we develop EPQ models for deteriorating items with preventive maintenance, random machine breakdown and immediate corrective action. Corrective and preventive maintenance times are assumed to be stochastic and the unfulfilled demands are lost sales. Two EPQ models of uniform distribution and exponential distribution of corrective and maintenance times are developed. An example and sensitivity analysis is given to illustrate the models. For the exponential distribution model, it is shown that the corrective time parameter is one of the most sensitive parameters to the optimal total cost.  相似文献   

In practice, installment of cost of lots is very common between manufacturers and distributors, and many distributors pay the purchasing cost in equal installments (i.e., an upstream partial prepayment). In a similar fashion, distributors allow retailers to pay the cost of purchased goods after such goods are received (i.e., a downstream partial delay payment). In this research we apply a model of economic order quantity (EOQ) in supply chains with partial downstream delayed payment and partial upstream advance payment for a deteriorating item under three conditions: 1) shortage is not allowed, 2) full back ordering is allowed, and 3) partial back ordering is allowed. We prove the convexity of the cost functions and derive closed form global optimal solutions for the decision variables of all models. Eventually, to demonstrate the theoretical results and managerial options, we perform some computational examples.  相似文献   

The paper presents an EOQ inventory model that is depleted not only by time-varying demand but also by Weibull distribution deterioration, in which shortages are allowed and partially backordered. The backlogging rate is variable and dependent on the waiting time for the next replenishment. Further, the optimal procedure was independent of the form of the demand rate. It is then illustrated with the help of four numerical examples. The sensitivity analysis is also studied.  相似文献   

In this paper, we formulate a deteriorating inventory model with stock-dependent demand by allowing preservation technology cost as a decision variable in conjunction with replacement policy. Moreover, it is assumed that the shortages are allowed and partially backlogged, depending on the length of the waiting time for the next replenishment. The objective is to find the optimal replenishment and preservation technology investment strategies while maximizing the total profit per unit time. For any given preservation technology cost, we first prove that the optimal replenishment schedule not only exists but is unique. Next, we show that the total profit per unit time is a concave function of preservation technology cost when the replenishment schedule is given. We then provide a simple algorithm to find the optimal preservation technology cost and replenishment schedule for the proposed model. Finally, we use some numerical examples to illustrate the model.  相似文献   

The ordering policy for the retailers and the suppliers is a function of deterioration, product expiration date, the supplier’s uncertain lead time, available capital constraint and the retailer’s seasonal pattern demand. We develop a deteriorating inventory replenishment model of the system and present an algorithm to derive the retailer’s optimal replenishment cycle, shortage period, order quantity and the supplier’s managing cost. Numerical example and sensitivity analysis are given to illustrate the model.  相似文献   

In this paper, two economic production quantity (EPQ) models are proposed for deteriorating/imperfect items with rework process. The production process is imperfect, and imperfect quality items are reworked to become serviceable. At the same time, the remaining good quality items may deteriorate. The inspection of deteriorated items is also imperfect, so that deteriorated items may be sold to customers, which will create negative impact on corporate image. In the first model, a single production-rework plant system is considered. The optimal production times and the economic production quantities are obtained analytically. In the second model, a system that consists of n production plants and one rework plant is considered. A solution procedure is developed in order to obtain the optimal operating cost. Numerical examples are provided to compare the performance of the two systems.  相似文献   

We consider in this paper an Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) problem involving a single supplier that offers quantity discounts and allows retailers to delay payments. The retailers are tempted to form coalitions in order to minimize their costs. We propose a solution approach that generates stable coalition structures for the retailers taking into account the delay in payments and the discount quantity offered by the supplier. The proposed approach includes a decision rule that generates preferred coalitions for each retailer. Our decision rule reduces considerably the number of explored coalition structures in order to determine solutions in the core.  相似文献   

When a supplier announces an impending price increase due to take effect at a certain time in the future, it is important for each retailer to decide whether to purchase additional stock to take advantage of the present lower price. This study explores the possible effects of price increases on a retailer's replenishment policy when the special order quantity is limited and the rate of deterioration of the goods is assumed to be constant. The two situations discussed in this study are as follows: (1) when the special order time coincides with the retailer's replenishment time and (2) when the special order time occurs during the retailer's sales period. By analysing the total cost savings between special and regular orders during the depletion time of the special order quantity, the optimal order policy for each situation can be determined. We provide several numerical examples to illustrate the theories in practice. Additionally, we conduct a sensitivity analysis on the optimal solution with respect to the main parameters.  相似文献   

In this paper, we establish an economic production quantity model for a manufacturer (or wholesaler) with defective items when its supplier offers an up-stream trade credit M while it in turn provides its buyers (or retailers) a down-stream trade credit N. The proposed model is in a general framework that includes numerous previous models as special cases. In contrast to the traditional differential calculus approach, we use a simple-to-understand and easy-to-apply arithmetic–geometric inequality method to find the optimal solution. Furthermore, we provide some theoretical results to characterize the optimal solution. Finally, several numerical examples are presented to illustrate the proposed model and the optimal solution.  相似文献   

In the real world, the purchasing cost would normally decrease as the replenishment lot-size becomes larger. In other words, the quantity discount effect applies. The purchasing cost may also decrease with the passage of time, for example if the supplier has made effective improvements in their production efficiency, in other words due to the effect of the learning curve. In this article we discuss a purchasing cost pattern which considers these phenomena: i.e., lot-size and time-dependence. The objective of the model is to make decisions related to the pricing and replenishment of deteriorating items over a finite time horizon, given variable purchasing cost and credit period. We provide the properties and develop algorithms for solving the problems described. Also, we discuss the influence of the variable purchasing cost, the length of the credit period, the rate of deterioration, etc., on the retailer behavior.  相似文献   

In most papers and textbooks, the economic order quantity (EOQ) models and their variants, and the economic production quantity (EPQ) models and their variants are commonly solved using differential calculus. This study proposes an alternative approach that transform the problem into a suitable form and a procedure using the completing the squares method is employed to obtain the optimal solution. The applicability of the method is demonstrated for some selected single and multi-variable problems given in the literature.  相似文献   

Under a business trading environment, it is common for the trade credit to depend on the order size. Therefore, it is important to discuss the single-supplier and single-buyer supply chain problem which includes order-size dependent trade credit. In this study, an integrated inventory model with a price sensitive demand rate, determining jointly economic lot size of the buyer’s ordering and the supplier’s production batch, are developed to maximize the total profit per unit time. An efficient algorithm is provided to obtain the optimal solution, and then numerical examples are presented to illustrate the theoretical results. Finally, the comparison between whether an optimal solution is jointly or independently determined is also provided.  相似文献   

This article considers a two-stage assembly system with imperfect processes. The former is an automatic stage in which the required components are manufactured. The latter is a manual stage which deals with taking the components to assemble the end product. In addition, the component processes are independent of each other, and the assembly rate is variable. Shortage is allowed, and the unsatisfied demand is completely backlogged. Then, we formulate the proposed problem as a cost minimization model where the assembly rate and the production run time of each component process are decision variables. An algorithm for the computations of the optimal solutions under the constraint of assembly rate is also provided. Finally, a numerical example and sensitivity analysis are carried out to illustrate the model.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a unified general inventory model for integrated production of new items and remanufacturing of returned items for an infinite planning horizon. Our model considers a production environment that consists of three shops. The first shop is for remanufacturing returned items, the second shop is for manufacturing new items, while the third shop is for collecting returned items to be remanufactured in the first shop. The system is subject to joint production and remanufacturing options, the first one is to produce new items while the second one is to reproduce/recycle the returned items “as-good-as new”. Items deteriorate while they are in storage, and production, remanufacturing, demand, return, and deterioration rates are arbitrary functions of time. A closed form for the total relevant costs as well as a rigorous mathematical proof, which shows the global optimality of the solution to the underlying inventory system are introduced. Illustrative examples, which explain the application of the theoretical results as well as their numerical verifications, are also given.  相似文献   

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