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Reviews the book, Relational theory and the practice of psychotherapy by P. L. Wachtel (see record 2008-01938-000). Having produced important texts involving the integration of a psychoanalytic perspective with cognitive–behavioral and family systems perspectives, in the current book he turns his attention to seemingly divergent lines of thought within psychoanalysis itself. Psychoanalysis—that variegated, continually branching and diversifying body of theory and practice that started with Sigmund Freud but which has moved so far beyond its origins so as to be almost unrecognizable in some respects—is certainly Wachtel’s primary home. In this book, Wachtel sets out to try and get the house in greater order, both for psychoanalytic inhabitants themselves and for visitors from other theoretical homes. The collection of psychoanalytic perspectives that have gradually taken context into account as being equally important to those factors that are internal are referred to as relational. And it is to these perspectives, which sometimes diverge in significant ways from each other and also from “one-person,” internally focused perspectives, that Wachtel devotes his attention in this book. With Relational theory and the practice of psychotherapy, Paul Wachtel has written an important book, one that will be particularly stimulating and useful to graduate-level-and-above students of psychotherapy. It will also be accessible, thought provoking and clarifying to open-minded psychotherapy practitioners of all stripes, particularly those who do not identify themselves as relational, psychoanalytic, or even psychodynamic. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, Psychobiographic approach to psychotherapy: A study of the power structure of psychotherapy by Herzel Yerushalmi (see record 1998-07924-000). The author of this book critically examines history, philosophy, theory, and current practice of mainstream psychotherapy, with an eye toward exposing a power differential that he thinks disaffirms and can even revictimize those who seek help. Yerushalmi's psychobiographic approach is based on the premise that the client is the only one in possession of unique knowledge of the individual reality. The reviewer states that readers of this book who seek to learn specific techniques to apply to psychotherapy are likely to be disappointed. In addition, the material is often abstract and philosophical and its intended audience is clearly the practicing clinician. He recommends this book for therapists who seek to improve their effectiveness as helpers. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, The psychotherapy of the self by Hyman L. Muslin and Eduardo R. Val (see record 1987-98090-000). This book is written for mental health professionals. Its intention is to present criteria for psychopathology from a self-psychological viewpoint. Based on a differential diagnosis, a psychoanalytic treatment modality is suggested that is judged to be most suitable to the assessed psychopathology. This book offers excellent clinical material, presented in detail, with an ongoing commentary which illuminates the interviewer's interpretation of the data presented. The problems with the book do not lie in the clinical material presented. Its problems result from the way in which the material is organized and the theoretical claims that are stated or implied. A more controversial but equally important criticism of the book is the manner in which data collection and the relationship between therapist and client are conceptualized. The reviewer found the book to contain some major shortcomings. It is theoretically lacking, though clinically stimulating. A reader will find the book valuable for its clinical material and the manner in which this is presented. In addition, there are insights to be gained relating to the functioning of the therapist as he or she experientially participates in the process of psychotherapy. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, Self-Relations in the Psychotherapy Process by J. Christopher Muran (see record 2000-16556-000). The self is alive and well and living in psychology, at least if the contributors to J. Christopher Muran's stimulating volume, Self-Relations in the Psychotherapy Process, are to be taken seriously. The self is a central construct in psychoanalytic, humanistic, and cognitive-behavioral theories, but nowadays even some radical behaviorists find the self to be an important concept. Thus, the present is a propitious time for a book that presents the major theoretical approaches to the self in psychotherapy and, fortunately for us, Muran, by gathering the views of leading psychodynamic, humanistic, cognitive-behavioral, and radical behavioral thinkers, has assembled a volume of almost uniformly high quality. Inspired by postmodernism, especially by the growing popularity of dialogic and perspectival epistemologies, Muran has a constructed this book as a set of six dialogues among contributors of varying theoretical persuasions, and although I doubt that dialogic and perspectival epistemologies are necessarily postmodern, I nevertheless find that this volume's dialogic structure makes for interesting reading and adds to its intellectual contributions. Because Muran's contention, with which I agree, is that the self is not an isolated entity but rather part of a relational matrix, it is perhaps necessary for this book to be structured dialogically. Whether postmodern or not, this book is an important one, one that conveys a great deal about what it means to be human as we enter the 21st century. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, Recent developments in psychoanalysis: A critical evaluation by Morris N. Eagle (see record 1987-98252-000). This is, I believe, one of the most important books of psychoanalytic scholarship to emerge in the last few years. Morris Eagle has written a book that reviews and attempts to bring clarity to some of these newer speculations, while simultaneously seeking to maintain those aspects of historical scholarship that can withstand the test of time and prove relevant today. Eagle critically assesses the contributions of object relations theory, instinct theory, the psychoanalytic theory of therapy, problems of metapsychology and psychoanalytic epistemology, self psychology, the role of evidence in the formulation of clinical theory, the structural model of the mind, and the psychoanalytic theory of anxiety; that he is able to do so succinctly and coherently is a testimony to the focused intensity of much of the thinking in this provocative book. In conclusion, whether one agrees or not with Eagle's points, this book may be profitably read by students, psychologists, and psychoanalysts interested in the contemporary psychoanalytic scene. It joins a growing body of recent critical scholarship seeking to render psychoanalysis as a more humane, tough, and thoughtful discipline. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, The anatomy of psychotherapy by Lawrence Friedman (see record 1988-97848-000). The authors' aim is to clarify the various theories of psychoanalysis from Freud to the current and to examine in depth the personal features of the analyst in the context of his/her work. With a knowledge of the entire range of psychoanalytic literature rare with most theorists or practitioners, the author reviews the philosophical developments of Freudian theory. He includes in this review some of the frictions, disputes and subtle disagreements within the classical analytic tradition. He then proceeds to describe the most significant of the contemporary deviations from classical theory (e.g., object relations, interpersonal theory, self psychology, action language) and compares and contrasts them with each other. Friedman has long been a commentator on contemporary psychoanalytic developments and he has adapted his many articles into this work. The book itself is organized into six sections, focusing on the personal and theoretical. It is well written but quite dense. Much concentration is needed. I believe that one must have an interest in psychoanalytic theory as well as a rather sophisticated appreciation of it to truly enjoy this book. It is long and detailed and I imagine difficult to get through without an intrinsic interest in the "anatomy" of psychoanalysis. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, The playground of psychoanalytic therapy by Jean Sanville (see record 1991-98946-000). Sanville studies psychoanalytic therapy and uses play and playing as the focal point, the pivotal organizing concept. She reviews the theory of psychoanalytic development and the dynamics of clinical intervention, and she attempts to integrate the contribution of her favorite authors, such as Winnicott, Stern, Kohut, and as always, Freud. Thus, the book is a textbook of Sanville's vast theoretical clinical experiences with the motive to document that play is the essential organizing and integrating mental activity. A book rich in considering the fabric of psychoanalytic psychotherapy with its broad frame of reference must greatly limit the ideas of the author, and I wish that there could be a more complete integration of her propositions. It is a pleasure to follow Sanville's case vignettes and to observe her gift and sensitivity with which she tunes into the inner life of her patients. Sanville's book explores a new metapsychological dimension embedded in object relation propositions. The reader will find unexpected rewards. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, Middle-class waifs. The psychodynamic treatment of affectively disturbed children by Elaine V. Siegel (see record 1991-98014-000). Most of this book is devoted to case histories of children and their parents who have relatively severe emotional problems yet can be sufficiently responsive to psychotherapy so that positive changes occur. Particularly impressive are the ways in which the author, in her therapeutic role, overcomes the resistances presented by both children and parents. She is clearly an excellent therapist, who would probably be effective regardless of orientation, and her manner of working with people has applicability for all psychotherapists. Her appreciation of the necessary balance in understanding the needs of children and their parents is an exemplary model of what it really means to respect the personhood of patients. One of the intriguing possibilities in this book is the case that is made for the broad applicability of psychoanalytic theory and treatment. During a time in which psychodynamic work is being criticized as taking too long, costing too much, and producing too little, the author offers quite a convincing demonstration of its value. The negative consequences of increased disparagement of this approach are also made apparent, so that a definite step is taken to restore the worth of treatment options. Any limitations of this book are minor, relative to the excellent portrayal of the process of psychotherapy with difficult patients that too often frighten or overwhelm people who could help them if the helpers would let themselves discover how. This work by a master clinician definitely points the way. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, Clinical interaction and the analysis of meaning: A new psychoanalytic theory by T. Dorpat and M. Miller (see record 1992-98407-000). This text views psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic psychotherapy from the perspective of the newly proposed concept of "Meaning Analysis." The authors purport to advance psychoanalytic theory and technique by taking a fresh perspective on two important aspects of analytic encounter: the interaction between the analyst and analysand (therapist and patient) and how interactions in this relationship affect transference and countertransference. This book also examines the analysis of meaning and how treatment can assist in the understanding and reconstruction of client beliefs. The authors present a reanalysis of Freud's theory and the goal of the book is to elucidate the "flaws" in his work. The reviewer believes that many readers will be intrigued by the criticisms of Freud and the blending of more recent research into analytic models. This book is recommended for both analytically oriented therapists and interested readers who want to learn more about analytic treatment. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, The theory and practice of self psychology by M. T. White and M. B. Weiner (see record 1986-97572-000). White and Weiner provide a clear and concise overview of the central concepts of Kohut's self psychology in this clinically useful volume. Readers uninitiated in the self psychological literature are likely to gain an appreciation for the clinical utility of self psychological concepts. Readers who have previously explored Kohut's work may find (as did this reviewer) that a close reading of White and Weiner's book promotes a greater grasp of the evolution of Kohut's thought and a renewed appreciation for the profundity of his clinical observations. White and Weiner's book does have some minor shortcomings. The authors make little effort to place Kohut's self psychology within the historical context of psychoanalytic thought (keeping alive a tradition that some have said began with Kohut himself). As a result, useful and related efforts by others (e.g., Winnicott, Rogers, Binswanger, Sullivan, and others) at explicating the concept of the self go essentially ignored. Shortcomings notwithstanding, White and Weiner succeed in providing a highly accessible and lucid overview of self psychological concepts and in offering the reader a demonstration of how these concepts apply to the clinical situation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, Personality styles and brief psychotherapy by Mardi Horowitz, Charles Marmar, Janice Krupnick, Nancy Wilner, Nancy Kaltreider, and Robert Wallerstein (1984). This book by Horowitz and his colleagues falls in the category of psychodynamic psychotherapy, and in fact lies very close to the heart of traditional, but updated, forms of psychoanalytic psychotherapy. Clinicians who have attempted to master ego-analytic psychotherapy will recognize key concepts in this book that are germane to traditional therapy. These include: stressful events that precipitate psychopathology in specific personality types; the concept of wish, defense, and the dynamic compromise behavior/attitude; patterns of defensive organization and cognitive style typical of personality types; therapeutic tactics related to those personality patterns; and the triad of insight-transference relationship, current relationships, and parental relationships. Horowitz's book has value for a number of overlapping purposes. It should be included in a course on short-term therapy, it is an up-to-date and sophisticated review of personality theory, it is important in the empirical refining of psychodynamic technique, short- or long-term, and it is essential for an understanding of how psychotherapy research is indeed beginning to have a significant impact on psychotherapy theory and technique. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, Psychoanalytic participation: Action, interaction, and integration by Kenneth A. Frank (see record 1999-04095-000). Frank's book is an extremely timely, well-written, and scholarly book that integrates the recent developments within the two-person, relational perspective in contemporary psychoanalysis with an active, pragmatic approach that includes many cognitive and behavioral technical innovations. This book initially appears to be directed toward a psychoanalytic audience that is on the cusp of appreciating an expanding repertoire of active, cognitive, and behavioral approaches. However, Frank's presentation is so comprehensive and thoughtful that the book is also an excellent text for nonpsychoanalytic therapists (and students) to develop an understanding of the contemporary two-person, relational approaches to psychotherapy. Frank presents a deeply integrative approach that appears to be guided by a particular set of values that emphasize both a commitment to a pragmatic approach of helping patients reach their life goals and the therapist's self-understanding of the complexity, the interpersonal impact, and the meaning of all therapeutic events and interventions on both participants. This is an excellent book either for the psychoanalytic therapist who is ready to be more active and engaged with patients or for the cognitive and behavioral therapist who is ready to integrate a more dynamic, two-person approach to the transference-countertransference relationship. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, Ego defenses: Theory and measurement by H. R. Conte and R. Plutchik (see record 1994-98641-000). This book comprehensively examines one of the most influential concepts in psychotherapy and counseling, that of defenses and their role in the therapeutic process. It is very well-written and exhaustive in the sense that covers a wide range of issues related to defenses from conceptual and theoretical to issues of clinical application and measurement. Stemming out of a psychoanalytic/psychodynamic perspective the authors revisit the area of defenses and provide an all encompassing presentation of the major issues surrounding the importance, function and usefulness of defenses in psychotherapy and counseling. The book is divided in two parts. The first examines theoretical and conceptual issues surrounding ego defenses and provides several theories and models for comprehending ego defenses. The second concentrates on the methods used to measure, evaluate and objectify ego defenses. The editors' effort to include a wide spectrum of authors who present different conceptualizations, theoretical approaches, and a variety of measurement methodologies is successful and should be commended. The only reservation the reviewer holds about this book is related to the fact that the concept of ego defenses is closely related to insight oriented therapies and approaches and to a constructivist epistemology of human nature. As such, it would prove useless to these clinicians who adhere to behavioral or existential epistemological perspectives to explain and comprehend human nature. All in all, this book is a necessary addition to all those—academics, clinicians and researchers—who in one way or another deal with emotions, human functioning, and psychotherapeutic change. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In "Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic therapy: Is There a Meaningful Distinction in the Process?" J. L. Fosshage (see record 1997-38544-006) reassessed, on the basis of theory, research, and practice, the extrinsic and intrinsic criteria for psychoanalysis and concluded, from today's perspective, that a meaningful distinction with psychoanalytic psychotherapy cannot be made. J. H. Golland (see record 1999-00333-007) coming from a classical psychoanalytic perspective, decried these conclusions about psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic psychotherapy. This article is a reply to Golland. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, Family therapy concepts and methods by Michael P. Nichols (1984). The wealth of information presented in this book about the field of psychotherapy is one of its major strengths. Eight separate schools of therapy are described, including their historic roots. Substantial reading lists are included with each chapter. The presentations include a developmental perspective and normal functioning by which the contrast of disordered behavior may be highlighted. Major figures, main concepts, and methods are presented in a well-written, easy-to-follow format. This text lends itself most usefully to the integration of individual psychodynamic psychotherapy as it contributes to an understanding of systems practice. The presentation of psychoanalytic developmental theory is the best and most useful I have seen. It is well suited to teaching clinicians. The total impression is that the book offers a presentation of psychotherapy as integrated into systemic practice. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, Retelling a life: Narration and dialogue in psychoanalysis by Roy Schafer (see record 1992-97655-000). Although most of the chapters in Retelling a life have been printed previously, they have been edited so that the work reads seamlessly, even as it covers an extraordinary range of topics of interest to analysts: self-interest; female psychology; training analysis; theories of the "self; projective identification and enactment; Freud's legacy; the differences between psychoanalysis and psychotherapy; the desirability of talking directly to patients; and the larger issues of metapsychology, epistemology, and narration that give the book its title and backbone. It is always clearly written with useful clinical illustrations so that it may prove accessible to a lay reader looking to sample the work of a sophisticated, contemporary psychoanalyst. For the experienced therapist or analyst, the advantage of reading this book all the way through is that one ends up knowing pretty well how Schafer would approach a particular problem; he becomes a familiar voice in one's mind. Schafer's discussion of "the self" is well worth reading. Summarizing greatly, he thinks we do best to consider one "person" who narrates multiple self narratives. Order is brought to bear by reducing the narrative data to "storylines" so that particular narrations can be recognized as "versions of the same basic story" (e.g., of imprisonment, rebirth, odyssey, or oedipal rivalry). What Schafer is attempting to do--as before in A new language for psychoanalysis (1976)--is to provide a modern, philosophically correct basis for psychoanalytic practice. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, Supportive therapy for borderline patients—A psychodynamic approach by Lawrence H. Rockland (see record 1992-97952-000). In this book, the author addresses the supportive psychotherapy of clients with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). While there is an abundant literature on expressive and psychoanalytic treatments for the borderline client there is very little on supportive approaches in the psychotherapy literature. Rockland offers a guide to the therapist who, after careful assessment and treatment planning, decides that a primarily supportive psychotherapy is most appropriate for his/her client, either initially or throughout the treatment. Using a practical, how-to format, Rockland applies the principles of Psychodynamically Oriented Supportive Therapy (POST)—an approach that he formulated (Rockland, 1989)—to clients with BPD. This text will assist clinicians in conceptualizing interventions that are often already part of their "supportive" repertoire but are applied in an unorganized and unsystematic fashion. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, Psychotherapy with older adults by Bob Knight (see record 1987-97045-000). The techniques of providing psychotherapy to older adults are the main topics of this trenchant text. There are several case examples throughout the book that illustrate the process of psychotherapy with the elderly. Knight has provided a much-needed, readable introduction and how-to instructions on psychotherapeutic service provision to this burgeoning segment of the population. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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