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正日前,多篇控诉罐头食品的文章在微信中流传,这些文章无一例外都提及:"为了能延长保存时间、提升口感,罐头里的防腐剂、盐和糖必定不会少。而罐头在加工中几乎把维生素和蛋白质完全破坏了,让食物原有的营养价值大打折扣。长期食用罐头食物不仅不利于获取充足的营养,还会加速衰老。"罐头食品全是防腐剂吗国家卫计委主管、中华预防医学会主办的《保健时  相似文献   

正问:我特别喜欢吃罐头,可是身边人都说罐头里面的防腐剂特别多,不能吃,是这样吗?专家解答:合格的罐头是不需要使用防腐剂的,要选择正规厂家生产的罐头食品,吃之前要确保没有漏气或者变形。问:我儿子只吃米饭、米粉和米线,很少吃面食和杂粮,吃绿叶蔬菜也不太多。这个饮食结构是不是对骨架大小有影响?会影响孩子的身高吗?我们夫妻双方都比较矮,特别希望孩子能长高、长壮。  相似文献   

<正>针对今年罐头食品多次被检查出含防腐剂并造成了不良影响这一情况,中国罐头工业协会积极向卫生部反映,提出建议,希望对罐头内含防腐剂的问题有科学合理的界定。  相似文献   

罐头食品的质量安全问题 一直是质检部门及消费者关注的热点, 如何在不加防腐剂的条件下延长罐头食 品的保质期,更是罐头食品生产企业在 加工中的难点。中国罐头工业协会顾问、 高级工程师杨邦英教授指出,罐头行业 在管理和封罐工艺两方面的瓶颈需要突 破:在管理方面,一是产品质量抽检的形 式,使得一部分不合格却没有被检出的 产品钻了空子,流入到市场;二是大量的 出口产品,由于国外对于产品卫生质量 的关注而忽略了产品本身的感官质量, 使得一批口感差,感官性能次的产品出 口到国外。在工艺方面,更需要各生产企 业及操作人员的重视。  相似文献   

罐头行业在我国食品工业中是起步早、基础好的行业之一,早在50-60年代,罐头食品就成为国家的主要出口商品,换取十分宝贵的外汇,有力支援了国家经济建设,“中国制造”的罐头食品远销世界100多个国家和地区,以“质优价廉”深受世界各国消费者的欢迎。罐藏技术已有100多年的历史,随着科学技术的发展,罐藏技术日趋完美,可以说是当今人类最安全、可靠的食品保藏手段之一。罐头食品不加任何防腐剂,完全依靠容器的密封和食品的高压灭菌长期不变质,容器内的高真空使食品的风味和营养的到最大限度的保存,罐头食品在常温下储存,携带和食用都十分方便。但是由于罐头经常做为一种耐贮性的食品,所以其生产应该在各各环节对其卫生安全进行严格控制,以确保产品质量。通常在罐头生产中有以下几个因素会影响到罐头的安全。  相似文献   

罐头食品厂杀菌控制装置的选择刘秀芳(福建省食品工业公司)在罐头食品生产过程中,杀菌是最后一道工序,也是关键的一道工序,其目的是使罐头食品达到商业无菌,以利于长期保存。为确保罐头食品安全、卫生、许多国家都制订了杀菌GMP(良好的操作规范)。美国也制订了...  相似文献   

二十多年前,各式各样的罐头是许多人喜爱的美味。玻璃罐里的黄桃,铁皮罐里的午餐肉……让我们想起来就流口水。可近些年,新鲜食品丰富了,又不时出现罐头没营养、有防腐剂的传闻,让罐头渐渐远离了我们的生活。吃罐头安全吗?  相似文献   

与食品其它行业相比 ,罐头行业由于长期出口的原因 ,企业开拓国内市场的力度不够 ,使行业处于相对较为封闭的状况。由于大规模的技术改造和营销水平的提高 ,以往传统出口的中国罐头企业也开始注重内销。为了适应这一变化 ,中国罐头工业协会集合行业佼佼者 ,开展大型宣传活动 ,以纠正消费者偏见。这次活动首先对消费者进行了调查 ,结果显示 ,绝大多数消费者对罐头基本知识的了解非常之少 ,如有6 6 %被调查者认为罐头含有防腐剂 ,对罐头食品与非罐头食品的营养差别比较中 ,4 0 %认为相差很大。本次调查也显示 ,虽然罐头食品尚未成为消费者现期…  相似文献   

罐头制品腐败变质的原因及检测方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
罐头食品以其方便、卫生、易储存的特点,日益受到人们的欢迎。文章介绍了罐头制品污染茵的分类、腐败变质的原因以及罐头制品微生物检测方法和发展趋势。  相似文献   

食品经过加工调味后装入罐头,经排气、密封、杀菌、冷却处理.使罐内食品不受外界微 生物污染而引起败坏,以达到一定期保藏的目的。罐头食品是经过科学加工的高档食 品,质好、味美、形正、卫生和富有营养。选择罐头食品要注重三点:(一)实用性 所谓实用性,系指罐头的营养价值和实用价值 一般来说水产和肉类禽类罐头,供热量大,易于吸收。要请亲朋好友时,可选择诸如茄汁五香鱼、凤尾鱼、红烧扣肉、咖  相似文献   

<正> 山雨欲来风满楼。这是记者近日采访中国罐头工业协会梁仲康理事长之后,对目前我国罐头工业发展态势的感受。 尽管是创汇大户,但一个缺少龙头企业,基本上没有品牌,只靠定向加工卖原料的行业,如何面对21世纪经济全球化的国际、国内两个市场?外企进入国内罐头市场是大势所趋,中国罐头难道不正面临着“既走不出国门,又丢失国内市场”的危机?靠别人吃饭,不行。靠别人吃饭,还自得其乐,更是糊涂观念。百分之二十的年增长速度确实娇人,但这  相似文献   

<正>肉类罐头是以畜禽为原料,调制后装入罐装容器或软包装,经排气、密封、杀菌、冷却等工艺加工而成的耐贮藏食品。在肉制罐头食品市场上,常见的包装形式主要有金属罐包装、玻璃罐包装、塑料复合罐包装、蒸煮袋包装(又称为软罐头)。目前,玻璃罐包装肉制品的包装形式正在逐渐减少,而主要用于水果罐头、酱菜等的包装;金属罐包装仍占有很重要的地位,在市场中较为常见。  相似文献   

欣闻 《中国食品工业》2004,(12):14-14,16
<正>"我们还不是十分成熟的协会,不是好协会,与真正的协会相比较,仍有较大的差距"。中国罐头工业协会梁仲康理事长在中国罐头工业2004青岛会议上,首先把自己摆进去,再以这样的忧患意识,深刻地剖析我国罐头工业的现状。  相似文献   

<正> 据海外媒体报道,欧委会在2003年11月10日欧盟的《官方公报》上颁布了一项法规,决定对原产于中国等国家的橘子罐头采取关税配额的方式,中方在154天临保措施期间的配额为11397吨(按年配额约27000吨计算得出),该配额在传统进口商和其他进口商之间按85%和15%的比率分配,超过此配额的橘子罐头将被征收155欧元/吨的从量税。  相似文献   

目的 通过对国内外罐头食品安全标准中的安全指标进行对比分析,为我国罐头行业的发展及管理提供参考。方法 收集中国、国际食品法典委员会(CAC)、欧盟和美国四个国家和组织制定的有关罐头食品安全指标的相关标准及法规,从组胺、污染物、生物毒素、食品添加剂以及其他指标分别进行综述与对比分析。结果 在组胺的安全限量要求方面,美国相关的法规中并未规定,而中国和CAC在鱼类罐头相关标准中规定了其限量;在污染物安全限量要求方面,中国的规定较为完善,对各类罐头食品及食品接触材料中污染物限量规定比其他国家或组织更为全面;在生物毒素安全限量要求方面,仅中国、美国有明确要求;在罐头食品种类、可使用的食品添加剂品种及其功能和使用要求方面,中国、CAC、欧盟类似,美国的规定完全不同。结论 过程控制是罐头食品安全控制的本质,为今后我国食品领域的标准制修订工作提供思考,值得我国罐头食品生产行业学习和借鉴。我国应从原辅料、生产加工设备及食品接触材料等方面加强罐头食品中污染物的防控,进一步建立和健全食品安全风险控制及追溯体系。  相似文献   

The results of the creating canned ground goods of a new kind are described in this article. The main character references of food value of hake and the canned ground foods based on it. It has been established that the new products of safety. Clinical tests have been showed the efficiency of including these canned goods in the menu of fat patients, also with heavy obesity. Dietetic canned ground foods on the base of oceanic fishes with plant additives.  相似文献   

Bisphenol A (BPA) concentrations were surveyed in 100 domestic and 60 imported canned foods purchased from the Japanese market in 2011–12. BPA was extracted from the canned foods, derivatised by ethylation and analysed using GC-MS. In the domestic canned foods, the maximum and average BPA concentrations were 30 and 3.4 ng g?1, respectively, while in the imported canned foods they were 390 and 57 ng g?1, respectively. The BPA level in the domestic canned foods was significantly lower than that in the imported canned foods. Based on these results, the intakes of BPA from the domestic and imported canned foods in Japan were estimated as 644 ng person?1 day?1. The Japanese BPA intake was the second lowest following New Zealand, although imported canned foods increased. It was sufficiently lower than the tolerable daily intake of EFSA and the USEPA. The drastic reduction of BPA in the domestic canned foods should be due to the ‘BPA reduced cans’ that Japanese can manufacturers had developed in the late 1990s and became widely used in Japan.  相似文献   

2,2-Bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)propane bis(2,3-epoxypropyl) ether (BADGE) is used in the manufacture of lacquers for coating the inside of food and beverage cans. In June 1996 the EC Scientific Committee for Food temporarily increased the specific migration limit applying to BADGE to 1 mg/kg pending consideration of additional toxicological data. In order to find out if there is migration of BADGE from can coatings into foods, a 'worst case' sampling exercise has been conducted to survey those canned foods where the propensity for migration of BADGE was judged to be highest. The foods surveyed include canned fish in oil, meat and milk and, altogether, BADGE was determined in 181 retail samples. Analysis for BADGE was conducted, in duplicate, by HPLC with fluorescence detection with confirmation of BADGE identity by GC/MS analysis using selected ion monitoring. BADGE was found at levels exceeding 1 mg/kg in seven of the 15 canned anchovy samples and five of the 22 sardine samples purchased during the period September 1995-July 1996. Infrared analysis of the can coatings provided strong evidence that the higher BADGE levels found were associated with use of PVC organosol lacquers, although in some cases cans coated with organosols gave low BADGE results. For canned sardine samples found to contain greater than 0.5 mg/kg BADGE in the total contents, a replicate can was opened and separate analyses performed on the drained fish and the oil. The results clearly showed that BADGE concentrations in the oil were about 20 times higher than in the drained fish. Further samples of canned sardines and anchovies were purchased in June/July 1997 and, in all cases, BADGE levels were found to be below 1 mg/kg. In the other retail canned foods, BADGE was not detectable (DL = 0.02 mg/kg) or detected at concentrations well below the temporary SML of 1 mg/kg.  相似文献   

Storage of canned foods may enrich the concentration of some metals. Because their toxic and other properties the presence of which in foods over certain limits is undesirable. Therefore we have determined the contents of Fe, Cu, Zn, Pb, Sn, Al, Cd and Ni over a 2 years' time of bovine, pork and veal meat. The results show a gradual increase in the concentration of Fe, Cu, Sn and Zn with time in the order pork greater than bovine greater than veal.  相似文献   

The tin and iron content of 14 different types of canned foods and of 5 different types of bottled foods were determined. No tin was detected in most bottled foods, but tin was detected in all canned foods. Storage of foods on the shelf for 4 months or in open cans in the refrigerator for 1 wk resulted in increased amounts of tin and iron in some of the canned foods. Those foods which were packed in totally lacquered cans accumulated little tin or iron during storage; those foods which were packed in unlacquered or partially lacquered cans generally accumulated significant amounts of iron and tin during storage. The tin content of the canned foods was not statistically correlated to the pH of the foods.  相似文献   

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