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The polyprotein encoded by hepatitis C virus (HCV) genomic RNA is processed into functional polypeptides by both host- and virus-encoded proteases. The HCV-encoded NS3 protease and its cofactor peptide NS4A form a non-covalent complex, which participates in processing the viral polyprotein. This proteolytic activity is believed to be essential for virus proliferation and thus the NS3 protease is a prime target for developing anti-HCV pharmacological agents. Recent X-ray crystallography structural studies have revealed the nature of this non-covalent complex between NS3 protease and the 'active' central segment of NS4A, providing the opportunity to design a single-chain polypeptide. To this end, the DNA sequence encoding for the NS4A peptide (residues 21-34) was genetically fused via a short linker, capable of making a beta-turn, to the N-terminus of the NS3 protease domain. This engineered single-chain NS3-protease (scNS3) is fully active with kinetic parameters virtually identical with those of the NS3/ NS4A non-covalent complex. Moreover, the scNS3 protease can be displayed on filamentous phage and affinity selected using an immobilized specific inhibitor. The scNS3 expressed as a soluble protein and in a phage-display format facilitates enzyme engineering for further structural studies and in vitro selection of potential drug-resistant mutants. These are important steps towards developing effective anti-protease compounds.  相似文献   

Hexapeptide DDIVPC-OH is a competitive inhibitor of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) NS3 protease complexed with NS4A cofactor peptide. This hexapeptide corresponds to the N-terminal cleavage product of an HCV dodecapeptide substrate derived from the NS5A/5B cleavage site. Structure-activity studies on Ac-DDIVPC-OH revealed that side chains of the P4, P3 and P1 residues contribute the most to binding and that the introduction of a D-amino acid at the P5 position improves potency considerably. Furthermore, there is a strong preference for cysteine at the P1 position and conservative replacements, such as serine, are not well tolerated.  相似文献   

The nonstructural protein NS3 of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) harbors a serine protease domain that is responsible for most of the processing events of the nonstructural region of the polyprotein. Its inhibition is presently regarded as a promising strategy for coping with the disease caused by HCV. In this work, we show that the NS3 protease undergoes inhibition by the N-terminal cleavage products of substrate peptides corresponding to the NS4A-NS4B, NS4B-NS5A, and NS5A-NS5B cleavage sites, whereas no inhibition is observed with a cleavage product of the intramolecular NS3-NS4A junction. The Ki values of the hexamer inhibitory products [Ki(NS4A) = 0.6 microM, Ki(NS5A) = 1.4 microM, and Ki(NS4B) = 180 microM] are lower than the Km values of the respective substrate peptides [Km(NS4A-NS4B) = 10 microM, Km(NS5A-NS5B) = 3.8 microM, and Km(NS4B-NS5A) > 1000 microM]. Mutagenesis experiments have identified Lys136 as an important determinant for product binding. The phenomenon of product inhibition can be exploited to optimize peptide inhibitors of NS3 protease activity that may be useful in drug development.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) protease NS3 and its protein activator NS4A participate in the processing of the viral polyprotein into its constituent nonstructural proteins. The NS3/4A complex is thus an attractive target for antiviral therapy against HCV. We expressed the full-length NS3 and NS4A in insect cells as a soluble fusion protein with an N-terminal polyhistidine tag and purified the two proteins to homogeneity. Cleavage at the junction between HisNS3 and NS4A occurs during expression, producing a noncovalent complex between HisNS3 and NS4A with a subnanomolar dissociation constant. We purified the HisNS3/4A complex by detergent extraction of cell lysate and by metal chelate chromatography. We removed the His tag by thrombin cleavage and then further purified the complex by gel filtration. The purified NS3/4A complex is active in a protease assay using a synthetic peptide substrate derived from the NS5A-NS5B junction, with kcat/K(m) of 3700 (+/- 600) M-1 s-1, an order of magnitude above those previously reported for NS3 expressed by other strategies. This high protease activity implies that the full-length sequences of NS3 and NS4A are required for optimal activity of the NS3 protease domain. We examined the dependence of the NS3/4A protease activity on buffer conditions, temperature, and the presence of detergents. We find that, under most conditions, NS3 protease activity is dependent on the aggregation state of the NS3/4A complex. The monodisperse, soluble form of the NS3/4A complex is associated with the highest protease activity.  相似文献   

In the absence of a broadly effective cure for hepatitis caused by hepatitis C virus (HCV), much effort is currently devoted to the search for inhibitors of the virally encoded protease NS3. This chymotrypsin-like serine protease is required for the maturation of the viral polyprotein, cleaving it at the NS3-NS4A, NS4A-NS4B, NS4B-NS5A, and NS5A-NS5B sites. In the course of our studies on the substrate specificity of NS3, we found that the products of cleavage corresponding to the P6-P1 region of the substrates act as competitive inhibitors of the enzyme, with IC50s ranging from 360 to 1 microM. A detailed study of product inhibition by the natural NS3 substrates is described in the preceding paper [Steinkühler, C., et al. (1997) Biochemistry 37, 8899-8905]. Here we report the results of a study of the structure-activity relationship of the NS3 product inhibitors, which suggest that the mode of binding of the P region-derived products is similar to the ground-state binding of the corresponding substrates, with additional binding energy provided by the C-terminal carboxylate. Optimal binding requires a dual anchor: an "acid anchor" at the N terminus and a "P1 anchor" at the C-terminal part of the molecule. We have then optimized the sequence of the product inhibitors by using single mutations and combinatorial peptide libraries based on the most potent natural product, Ac-Asp-Glu-Met-Glu-Glu-Cys-OH (Ki = 0.6 microM), derived from cleavage at the NS4A-NS4B junction. By sequentially optimizing positions P2, P4, P3, and P5, we obtained several nanomolar inhibitors of the enzyme. These compounds are useful both as a starting point for the development of peptidomimetic drugs and as structural probes for investigating the substrate binding site of NS3 by modeling, NMR, and crystallography.  相似文献   

In order to isolate RNA aptamers that bind specifically to NS3 protease domain (delta NS3) of hepatitis C virus, we carried out in vitro selection procedure using RNA pool that had 30 N random core region. After repeating nine cycles of selections and amplifications, a pool of RNAs that bind specifically to the delta NS3 were selected. A comparative analysis of 45 clones that were isolated from 9th cycle revealed three main classes that contain the conserved loop sequences GANUGGGAC. Moreover, the predominant class of aptamer (class I and III) appear to inhibit the protease activity efficiently.  相似文献   

Processing at the C terminus of the NS2 protein of hepatitis C virus (HCV) is mediated by a virus-encoded protease which spans most of the NS2 protein and part of the NS3 polypeptide. In vitro cotranslational cleavage at the 2-3 junction is stimulated by the presence of microsomal membranes and ultimately results in the membrane insertion of the NS2 polypeptide. To characterize the biochemical properties of this viral protease, we have established an in vitro assay whereby the NS2-3 protease of HCV BK can be activated posttranslationally by the addition of detergents. The cleavage proficiency of several deletion and single point mutants was the same as that observed with microsomal membranes, indicating that the overall sequence requirements for proper cleavage at this site are maintained even under these artificial conditions. The processing efficiency of the NS2-3 protease varied according to the type of detergent used and its concentration. Also, the incubation temperature affected the cleavage at the 2-3 junction. The autoproteolytic activity of the NS2-3 protease could be inhibited by alkylating agents such as iodoacetamide and N-ethylmaleimide. Metal chelators such as EDTA and phenanthroline also inhibited the viral enzyme. The EDTA inhibition of NS2-3 cleavage could be reversed, at least in part, by the addition of ZnCl2 and CdCl2. Among the common protease inhibitors tested, tosyl phenylalanyl chloromethyl ketone and soybean trypsin inhibitor inactivated the NS2-3 protease. By means of gel filtration analysis, it was observed that the redox state of the reaction mixture greatly influenced the processing efficiency at the 2-3 site and that factors present in the rabbit reticulocyte lysate, wheat germ extract, and HeLa cell extract were required for efficient processing at this site. Thus, the in vitro assay should allow further characterization of the biochemical properties of the NS2-3 protease of HCV and the identification of host components that contribute to the efficient processing at the 2-3 junction.  相似文献   

Replacement of the C-terminal carboxylic acid functionality of peptide inhibitors of hepatitis C virus (HCV) NS3 protease (complexed with NS4A peptide cofactor) by activated carbonyl groups does not produce any substantial increase in potency. These latter inhibitors also inhibit a variety of other serine and cysteine proteases whereas the carboxylic acids are specific. Norvaline was identified as a chemically stable replacement for the P1 residue of Ac-DDIVPC-OH which was also compatible with activated carbonyl functionalities.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is the major etiologic agent of non-A, non-B hepatitis. One of the difficulties in developing anti-HCV drugs is the lack of an efficient HCV cultivation system. We have generated an artificial surrogate virus suitable for testing the antiviral effects of drugs affecting HCV protease NS3, an enzyme believed to be essential for HCV proliferation. The surrogate virus genome is composed of most of the poliovirus genome and HCV protease NS3 and an NS3-specific cleavage site. The activity of HCV protease NS3 is required for proliferation of this chimeric virus. The antiviral efficacy of HCV protease inhibitors can, therefore, be evaluated by examining the effects of the drugs on the surrogate virus proliferation.  相似文献   

The NS3-NS4A serine protease of hepatitis C virus (HCV) mediates four specific cleavages of the viral polyprotein and its activity is considered essential for the biogenesis of the HCV replication machinery. Despite extensive biochemical and structural characterization, the analysis of natural variants of this enzyme has been limited by the lack of an efficient replication system for HCV in cultured cells. We have recently described the generation of chimeric HCV-Sindbis viruses whose propagation depends on the NS3-NS4A catalytic activity. NS3-NS4A gene sequences were fused to the gene coding for the Sindbis virus structural polyprotein in such a way that processing of the chimeric polyprotein, nucleocapsid assembly, and production of infectious viruses required NS3-NS4A-mediated proteolysis (G. Filocamo, L. Pacini, and G. Migliaccio, J. Virol. 71:1417-1427, 1997). Here we report the use of these chimeric viruses to select and characterize active variants of the NS3-NS4A protease. Our original chimeric viruses displayed a temperature-sensitive phenotype and formed lysis plaques much smaller than those formed by wild-type (wt) Sindbis virus. By serially passaging these chimeric viruses on BHK cells, we have selected virus variants which formed lysis plaques larger than those produced by their progenitors and produced NS3-NS4A proteins different in size and/or sequence from those of the original viruses. Characterization of the selected protease variants revealed that all of the mutated proteases still efficiently processed the chimeric polyprotein in infected cells and also cleaved an HCV substrate in vitro. One of the selected proteases was expressed in a bacterial system and showed a catalytic efficiency comparable to that of the wt recombinant protease.  相似文献   

Recurrent miscarriage is a heterogeneous condition which has many possible underlying causes. Ideally, couples with the problem should be managed in a dedicated miscarriage clinic, with thorough investigations according to a protocol, with structured history and investigation sheets. Counselling is an important feature and may be provided by a specially trained counsellor, or specialized nurse appropriately trained in counselling. Counselling should include an explanation of the possible underlying causes of the condition, and of the prognosis of each of the conditions. There is no definite cause of miscarriage in approximately half of the patients. No treatment is needed in this group, apart from reassurance and tender loving care. Treatment of unproven value, for example progesterone support in early pregnancy, should not be offered. Treatment offered empirically or as part of a research project should have a sound scientific and statistical basis, and should include careful counselling with informed consent of the patient. There are many controversial issues in the management of recurrent miscarriage; consequently, there is a need for locally agreed guidelines for management. Women who conceive again should be offered regular monitoring, including serial ultrasonography in the first trimester of pregnancy. An active audit programme to review regularly the various outcome measures set against defined targets should be established in the clinic.  相似文献   

The HCV genome encodes, within the NS3 gene, a serine protease whose activity specifically cleaves the viral polyprotein precursor. Proteolytic processing of HCV polyprotein precursor by the viral NS3 proteinase is essential for virion maturation and designing specific inhibitors of this protease as possible anti-viral agents is a desirable and practical objective. With a view to studying both the function of HCV NS3 protease and to designing inhibitors of this enzyme, we directed our interest towards engineering macromolecular inhibitors of the viral protease catalytic activity. We describe here the affinity-selection and biochemical characterization of one inhibitor, cV(H)E2, a 'camelized' variable domain antibody fragment, isolated from a phage displayed synthetic repertoire, which is a potent and selective inhibitor of proteolysis by the NS3 enzyme. In addition to being useful as a biological probe to study the function of HCV protease, this inhibitor can serve as a potential pharmacophore model to design antivirals. Moreover, the results suggest a way of engineering improved human-derived small recognition units tailored for enzyme inhibition.  相似文献   

A part of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) nonstructural protein 5A (NS5A) amino acid sequence, designated as an interferon (IFN)-sensitive determining region (ISDR), has been shown to be correlated with a response to IFN in Japanese patients. We have shown previously that the presence of NS5A antibodies (Abs) detected by the INNOLIA test (IL-NS5A Ab) is also correlated with a response to IFN. The aim of this study was to investigate, in a wide range of patients, the possible relationship within the NS5A protein between the sequence of ISDR and that used in the INNOLIA test designated as IL3R. Serum samples from 52 patients infected by HCV genotypes 1, 2, and 3 were analyzed before and after treatment. The patients were classified as nonresponders (NRs), responder-relapsers (RRs), or long-term responders (LTRs). We amplified the NS5A region for 42 patients using polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and these amplicons were sequenced directly. The 10 remaining patients were analyzed using PCR with mutation-specific primers. No correlation was found between the IL3R sequence of the HCV strains and the presence of the IL-NS5A Ab for all genotypes. However, for the subtype 1b, only 2 of 11 NR patients tested had an arginin in position 2218 within the ISDR versus 3 of 3 LTR and 10 of 13 RR patients. All patients with R-2218 had IL-NS5A Ab. For the genotype 1a, 2 of 2 LTR and 1 of 3 RR were mutated in position 2216-2218 in comparison to three NR sequences. For the genotype 3, no mutations were found in the region homologous to 1b-ISDR, but 4 of 5 LTR and RR patients had a mutation T-2161 to A or V versus 0 of 3 NR patients. A close correlation was found between arginin in position 2218 in ISDR, the presence of IL-NS5A Ab, and the response to IFN therapy for genotype 1b, but this association did not predict a long-term response. For genotype 3, a potential ISD mutation could be located at the codon 2161.  相似文献   

Protein kinase C (PKC) is implicated in the regulation of a variety of important functions in small cell lung cancer (SCLC) cell lines, but the downstream signaling targets stimulated by PKCs in these cells remain poorly characterized. Here we report that treatment of the SCLC cell lines H 69, H 345, and H 510 with phorbol-12,13-dibutyrate (PDB) led to a rapid and striking activation of protein kinase D (PKD), a novel serine/threonine protein kinase distinct from all PKC isoforms. PKD activation induced by PDB in these SCLC cell lines was completely abrogated by treatment of the cells with the PKC inhibitor GF 109203X (GF I) at concentrations (0.5-2.5 microM) that did not inhibit PKD activity when added directly to the in vitro kinase assays. Treatment with the biologically active phorbol ester 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate or with membrane-permeable diacylglycerols also stimulated PKD activation, which was also completely prevented by prior exposure of the cells to GF I. The PKC inhibitors Ro 31-8220 and Go 7874 also blocked PKD activation in response to PDB. Addition of the autocrine growth factor bombesin to cultures of H 345 cells induced significant PKD activation that also was prevented by GF I. Our results demonstrate, for the first time, the existence of a PKC/PKD pathway in SCLC cells and raise the possibility that PKD may be an important mediator of some of the biological responses elicited by PKC activation in SCLC cells.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Prevalence of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected subjects is around 9%, varying according to the mode of contamination. Reciprocal interactions between the two viruses have to be evaluated. CURRENT KNOWLEDGE AND KEY POINTS: HCV infection is usually associated with chronic hepatitis and detectable viremia in HIV-infected patients. HIV infection enhances HCV replication, leading to more severe liver lesions and to a more rapid occurrence of cirrhosis. This underlines the need for both early diagnosis and therapy in order to avoid severe evolution of the liver disease. FUTURE PROSPECTS AND PROJECTS: Even though the rate of long-term responses to interferon alpha is low, improvement may be expected from combined therapies, especially with combination including ribavirin. The impact of both antiretroviral triple therapy and accompanying immune restoration on natural history and treatment of HCV infection has to be assessed, as the above mentioned consensual conclusions may be modified in a near future.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Length of survival of females with cystic fibrosis is worse than it is in males. Results of current research have shown an important correlation among dietary intake, nutritional status, lung function, and survival. The purpose of this study was to explore gender differences in dietary intake and pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy in males and females with cystic fibrosis. METHODS: The study was a cross-sectional measurement of clinical characteristics, energy, and fat intakes in males and females attending the cystic fibrosis outpatients clinics of the John Hunter Hospital, Newcastle, Australia. Twenty-nine subjects, (17 females and 12 males), completed 4-day weighed food records to measure total energy intake and the contribution of macronutrients and to document use of pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy. Energy intake was assessed as the percentage of the recommended energy intake for age and sex. RESULTS: Females with cystic fibrosis had significantly lower energy and fat intakes than males, whereas the females used significantly more pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy. There were no significant differences in clinical characteristics between groups. CONCLUSION: The results support the possibility that gender differences in the energy and fat intakes of older patients may contribute to differential median survival time of males and females with cystic fibrosis.  相似文献   

The NS3 protein of hepatitis C virus is a multifunctional protein that is indispensable for virus replication. Little is known, however, about the possible effects of the NS3 on host cell function(s). In the present study, we demonstrated that NIH3T3 cells constitutively expressing a carboxy-terminally truncated NS3 (NS3DeltaC) were more resistant to actinomycin D-induced apoptosis than the control cells. We also observed that induction of p53 expression by actinomycin D treatment was weaker in the NS3DeltaC-expressing cells than in the control cells. However, induction of WAF1 expression by the same treatment was not different between the two groups. Taken together, our results suggest the possibility that expression of NS3DeltaC suppressed actinomycin D-induced apoptosis of NIH3T3 cells through at least partly, if not solely, a p53-dependent, WAF1-independent pathway.  相似文献   

The effect of pre- and postnatal maternal dietary fatty acid composition on neurodevelopment in rat pups was studied. Timed pregnant dams were fed, beginning on d 2 of gestation and throughout lactation, either nonpurified diet (reference) or a purified diet whose fat source (22% of energy) was either corn oil or menhaden fish oil. On postnatal d 3, pups were randomly cross-fostered among dams of the same diet group and culled to 10 pups per dam. Milk was removed from stomachs of culled pups for fatty acid analyses. From postnatal d 4 to 30, pups were assessed daily for the appearance of neurodevelopmental reflexes. Auditory brainstem conduction times were measured on postnatal d 23 and 29. Pups were killed on postnatal d 30, and cerebrums were removed for fatty acid analyses. The fatty acid composition of maternal milk and pup cerebrums reflected maternal diet with higher levels of (n-3) and (n-6) fatty acids in the fish oil and corn oil groups, respectively. The time of appearance of auditory startle was significantly delayed (P = 0.004), and auditory brainstem conduction times on postnatal d 23 and 29 were significantly longer in pups of the fish oil- than corn oil-fed dams (P 相似文献   

The NS3 protein of hepatitis C virus contains a bipartite structure consisting of an N-terminal serine protease and a C-terminal DEAD box helicase. We show that the C-terminal domain has ATPase and panhelicase activities. The integrity of the helicase function is dependent on the conserved DEAD motif and can be abolished by a His-Ala point mutation, leaving a fully functional nucleoside triphosphatase.  相似文献   

Efficient proteolytic processing of essential junctions of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) polyprotein requires a heterodimeric complex of the NS3 bifunctional protease/helicase and the NS4A accessory protein. A single-chain recombinant form of the protease has been constructed in which NS4A residues 21-32 (GSVVIVGRIILS) were fused in frame to the amino terminus of the NS3 protease domain (residues 3-181) through a tetrapeptide linker. The single-chain recombinant protease has been overexpressed as a soluble protein in E. coli and purified to homogeneity by a combination of metal chelate and size-exclusion chromatography. The single-chain recombinant protease domain shows full proteolytic activity cleaving the NS5A-5B synthetic peptide substrate, DTEDVVCCSMSYTWTGK with a Km and k(cat) of 20.0 +/- 2.0 microM and 9.6 +/- 2.0 min(-1), respectively; parameters identical to those of the authentic NS3(1-631)/NS4A(1-54) protein complex generated in eukaryotic cells (Sali DL et al., 1998, Biochemistry 37:3392-3401).  相似文献   

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